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New Trend in Outdoor Tourism: Modern Camping

Year 2024, Volume: 23 Issue: 4, 1677 - 1696, 24.10.2024


Spending time in nature has become an activity used for many purposes. Nature offers unlimited opportunities for reasons such as personal development, excitement seeking, rehabilitation, training and relaxation. This feature of outdoor activities has led to the diversification of outdoor tourism in recent years. Campers have begun to make great efforts to see these unique beauties offered by nature and have gradually begun to increase their equipment. The difficulty and distance in reaching isolated areas has led to a certain increase in the number of campers wanting to drive. Thus camping, which is among outdoor tourism, has been developing rapidly recently and has entered different trends. Especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, people's desire to leave closed and crowded environments has increased and accordingly they have started to spend time in outdoor. This has added mobility to camping, which is a part of outdoor tourism. The widespread use of caravans and camping vehicles has made vehicle camping, which can be called a new trend, become quite evident. However, tent, caravan and recreational vehicle camping has also started to cause environmental problems. In this study, we tried to compile the types of camping that have gained momentum in recent years and the problems they cause. The results formed the basis of the study, which will be effective in protecting nature and preventing environmental pollution in camping, caravans and recreational vehicles. It is thought that it will be a guide for private and public enterprises and the camping areas they will build in the future. According to available data uneducated and unconscious camping is a serious cause of pollution. The responsibilities of local governments for the protection of nature are very important.


  • Atalay, A., Perkumiene, D., Svagzdiene, B., Aleinikovas, M., Skema, M. (2024). The threat to clean environment: The carbon footprint of forest camping activities as social tourism in Turkey and Lithuania. Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development, 8(1). 2315
  • Bell, S., Tyrvainen, L., Sievanen, T., Pröbstl, U., Simpson, M. (2007). Outdoor recreation and nature tourism: A European perspective. Living Reviews in Landscape Research, 1(2), 1-46.
  • Blichfeldt, B. S., Mikkelsen, M. V. (2015). Camping tourism. In J. Jafari, & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of tourism. Springer., 1-1, 01669-6
  • Brooker, E. (2012). In search of entrepreneurial innovation in the Australian outdoor hospitality parks sector. European Journal of Tourism Research, 5(1), 68-71.
  • Brooker, E., Joppe, M. (2013). Trends in camping and outdoor hospitality - an international review. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 3, 1–6.
  • Brooker, E., Joppe, M. (2014). A critical review of camping research and direction for future studies. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20 (4), 335-351.
  • Bunds, K., Casper, J. (2018). Sport, physical culture, and the environment: An introduction. Sociology of Sport Journal, 35(1), 1-7.
  • Caldicott, R. W., Scherrer, P., Harris, A. (2022). The RV camping framework for understanding modern camping practices. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43, 100990.
  • Capaldi, C. A., Dopko, R. L., Zelenski, J. M. (2014). The relationship between nature connectedness and happiness: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in psychology, 5, Article 976, 1-15.
  • Cerovic, Z. (2014). Innovative management of camping accommodation. Horizons: International Scientific Journal Series A, 13, 55-68.
  • Cole, D. N. (2004). Impacts of hiking and camping on soils and vegetation: A review. Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism, 41-60.
  • Coleman Company, Inc, Outdoor Foundation. (2014). 2014 American camper report. Golden, CO, USA: Coleman.
  • Collins, D., Kearns, R. (2010). Pulling up the tent pegs? The significance and changing status of coastal campgrounds in New Zealand. Tourism Geographies, 12(1), 53-76.
  • Cordell, H. K., Betz, C. J., Bowker, J. M., English, D. B. K., Mou, S. H., Bergstrom, J. (1999). Outdoor recreation in American life: A national assessment of demand and supply trends. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
  • Cordell, H. K., Tarrant, M. A. (2002). Forest-based outdoor recreation. Southern Forest Resource Assessment, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS, 53, 269-282.
  • Dellora, G., Martin, B., Saunders, R. (1984). Motorised recreational vehicles perception and recreational conflict, Environmental Report, Graduate School of Environmental Science, (17), 72.
  • Dinç, A., Öztürk, R. (2013). Beyşehir Gölü Milli Parkı’nın ekoloji ve turizm bakımından araştırılması. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 6 (1), 118-123.
  • Eagleston, H. A., Marion, J. L. (2018). “Naturalness” in designated wilderness: long-term changes in non-native plant dynamics on campsites, Boundary Waters, Minnesota. Forest Science, 64(1), 50-56.
  • Eigenschenk, B., Thomann, A., McClure, M., Davies, L., Gregory, M., Dettweiler, U., Inglés, E. (2019). Benefits of outdoor sports for society. A systematic literature review and reflections on evidence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(6), 937.
  • Forsyth, T. (2003). Critical political ecology: The politics of environmental science. New York, NY: Routledge
  • Garst, B. A., Williams, D. R., Roggenbuck, J. W. (2010). Exploring early twenty-first century developed forest camping experiences and meanings. Leisure Sciences, 32(1), 90-107. https://doi: 10.1080/01490400903430905.
  • Grande, K. (2021). An exploratory analysis of the camping industry as a provider of lodging and recreational resources. The case of outdoor hospitality parks (OHPs) in unattractive regions. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 33.
  • Grant Jr, T. J. (2014). Green monsters: Examining the environmental impact of sport stadiums. The Villanova Environmental Law Journal, 25(1), 148–176.
  • Green, F. B. (1978). Recreation vehicles: A perspective. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(4), 429-439.
  • Gunn, A.S. (1994). "Environmental Ethics and Tropical Rain forests: Should Greens Have Standing?" Environmental Ethics 16, 21-40.
  • Gürer, B., Arslaner, G.K., Gençer, D., Abakay, U. (2016). Doğa sporları kapsamında çevrenin korunması. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 4(29), 156-166.
  • Gürer, B., Caymaz, E. (2019). Investigation of leisure perceptions of ındividuals in outdoor sports. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 2(3), 255-265.
  • Gürer, B. (2021). Leisure assessment during pandemic restrictions process in Turkey. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(3), 520-522.
  • Gürer, B., Biçer, M. (2022). Physical activity, outdoor and adventure sports during the Covid-19 Pandemic process. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 1(124), 13-22.
  • Gürer B., Çelebi Atalay M., Fındık T. (2022). Dağcılık, doğa ve macera sporlarında liderlik (Dağ - doğa - macera liderliği). Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu Yayınları, Editör: Burak Gürer, 1. Basım, Sayfa Sayısı 223.
  • Harding, M. (2013). The VW campervan - a biography. London, UK: Aurum Press.
  • Hassan, A., Juahir, H., Jamaludin, N. S. (2009). The level of environmental awareness among students to fulfill the aspiration of national philosophy of education. American Journal of Scientific Research, 5, 50-58.
  • Hogue, M. (2011). A short history of the campsite. Places Journal. campsite/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI wPu5t4qs3AIVAQAAAB0BAAAAEAAYACAAEgJVzfD_BwE&cn-reloaded=1
  • Iannacone, J. I. (2021). Negotiating crises interpretations: The global rhetorical arena of the 2018 migrant caravan “crisis”. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 102034.
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  • Kolesnikova, Y. V. (2016). Influence of transport infrastructure on migration routes and mortality of representatives of the animal world. Protection of animals during the operation of vehicles. Development of the transport system of Russia: problems and prospects. Collection of scientific papers based on the 1st Int. Scientific-practical conference of the NOO "Professional Science" 5-24
  • Lashley, C. (2015). Researching snails on holiday: An agenda for caravanning and caravanners? Research in Hospitality Management, 5 (2), 115-122.
  • Lawrence K. (2018). Camper perceptions of wilderness vs measured biophysical impacts: Comparisons on Wunambal Gaambera Country in the Northern Kimberley. Undergraduate diss., School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University.
  • Lin, C. H., Chuang, Y. W. (2021). A study of participation motivation, experience and satisfaction in camping tourists. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(2), 190-201. https://doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2021.112013
  • Loney, G. (2021). Free caravan rest stops in Bunbury to stay, despite holiday park owners’ anger. Australian Broadcasting Commission. Viewed 13 May au/news/2021-05-19/free-caravan-sites-to-stay-on-ocean-drive-at-bunbury/100148984
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  • İnternet Kaynakları Erişim Tarihi: 19.02.2024
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  • Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2024

Doğa Turizminde Yeni Eğilim: Modern Kampçılık

Year 2024, Volume: 23 Issue: 4, 1677 - 1696, 24.10.2024


Doğada zaman geçirmek birçok amaçla kullanılan bir etkinlik hâline dönüşmüştür. Kişisel gelişim, heyecan arama, rehabilitasyon, eğitim yapmak ve dinlenmek gibi nedenler sebebi ile doğa sınırsız imkânlar sunmaktadır. Açık alan etkinliklerinin bu özelliği son yıllarda doğa turizminin çeşitlenmesine neden olmuştur. Kampçılık yapanlar doğanın sunduğu bu eşsiz güzellikleri görmek adına büyük çabalar harcamaya başlamış ve giderek donanımlarını arttırmaya başlamışlardır. İzole bölgelere ulaşmadaki zorluk ve mesafe araç kullanmak isteyen kampçı sayısında belirli bir artışa neden olmuştur. Böylelikle, doğa turizmi içinde yer alan kampçılık, son zamanlarda hızlı bir gelişim içinde olmakla birlikte farklı eğilimler içine girmiştir. Özellikle Covid-19 pandemisi sonrası insanların kapalı ve kalabalık ortamlardan ayrılma isteği artmış ve bunun sonucunda doğada zaman geçirmeye başlamışlardır. Bu da doğa turizminin bir parçası olan kampçılığa hareketlilik kazandırmıştır. Karavan ve kamp araçlarının yaygınlaşması sonucunda yeni bir eğilim olarak adlandırabilen araçlı kampçılık oldukça belirgin bir hâle gelmiştir. Bununla beraber çadır, karavan ve araç üstü çadır kampçılığı aynı zamanda çevresel sorunlara da yol açmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada, son yıllarda büyük ivme kazanan kampçılık çeşitleri ve ortaya çıkardığı sorunlar derlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuçların kamp, karavan ve kamp aracı ile yapılan kampçılıkta doğanın korunması ve çevre kirliliğinin engellenmesi adına etkili olacağı çalışmaya temel oluşturmuştur. Özel ve kamu işletmelerine ve gelecekte yapacakları kamp alanları için bir rehber olacağı düşünülmüştür. Elde verilere göre, eğitimsiz ve bilinçsiz şekilde yapılan kampçılık ciddi şekilde kirlilik sebebidir. Doğanın korunması için yerel yönetimlere düşen sorumluluklar oldukça önemlidir.


  • Atalay, A., Perkumiene, D., Svagzdiene, B., Aleinikovas, M., Skema, M. (2024). The threat to clean environment: The carbon footprint of forest camping activities as social tourism in Turkey and Lithuania. Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development, 8(1). 2315
  • Bell, S., Tyrvainen, L., Sievanen, T., Pröbstl, U., Simpson, M. (2007). Outdoor recreation and nature tourism: A European perspective. Living Reviews in Landscape Research, 1(2), 1-46.
  • Blichfeldt, B. S., Mikkelsen, M. V. (2015). Camping tourism. In J. Jafari, & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of tourism. Springer., 1-1, 01669-6
  • Brooker, E. (2012). In search of entrepreneurial innovation in the Australian outdoor hospitality parks sector. European Journal of Tourism Research, 5(1), 68-71.
  • Brooker, E., Joppe, M. (2013). Trends in camping and outdoor hospitality - an international review. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 3, 1–6.
  • Brooker, E., Joppe, M. (2014). A critical review of camping research and direction for future studies. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20 (4), 335-351.
  • Bunds, K., Casper, J. (2018). Sport, physical culture, and the environment: An introduction. Sociology of Sport Journal, 35(1), 1-7.
  • Caldicott, R. W., Scherrer, P., Harris, A. (2022). The RV camping framework for understanding modern camping practices. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43, 100990.
  • Capaldi, C. A., Dopko, R. L., Zelenski, J. M. (2014). The relationship between nature connectedness and happiness: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in psychology, 5, Article 976, 1-15.
  • Cerovic, Z. (2014). Innovative management of camping accommodation. Horizons: International Scientific Journal Series A, 13, 55-68.
  • Cole, D. N. (2004). Impacts of hiking and camping on soils and vegetation: A review. Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism, 41-60.
  • Coleman Company, Inc, Outdoor Foundation. (2014). 2014 American camper report. Golden, CO, USA: Coleman.
  • Collins, D., Kearns, R. (2010). Pulling up the tent pegs? The significance and changing status of coastal campgrounds in New Zealand. Tourism Geographies, 12(1), 53-76.
  • Cordell, H. K., Betz, C. J., Bowker, J. M., English, D. B. K., Mou, S. H., Bergstrom, J. (1999). Outdoor recreation in American life: A national assessment of demand and supply trends. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
  • Cordell, H. K., Tarrant, M. A. (2002). Forest-based outdoor recreation. Southern Forest Resource Assessment, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS, 53, 269-282.
  • Dellora, G., Martin, B., Saunders, R. (1984). Motorised recreational vehicles perception and recreational conflict, Environmental Report, Graduate School of Environmental Science, (17), 72.
  • Dinç, A., Öztürk, R. (2013). Beyşehir Gölü Milli Parkı’nın ekoloji ve turizm bakımından araştırılması. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 6 (1), 118-123.
  • Eagleston, H. A., Marion, J. L. (2018). “Naturalness” in designated wilderness: long-term changes in non-native plant dynamics on campsites, Boundary Waters, Minnesota. Forest Science, 64(1), 50-56.
  • Eigenschenk, B., Thomann, A., McClure, M., Davies, L., Gregory, M., Dettweiler, U., Inglés, E. (2019). Benefits of outdoor sports for society. A systematic literature review and reflections on evidence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(6), 937.
  • Forsyth, T. (2003). Critical political ecology: The politics of environmental science. New York, NY: Routledge
  • Garst, B. A., Williams, D. R., Roggenbuck, J. W. (2010). Exploring early twenty-first century developed forest camping experiences and meanings. Leisure Sciences, 32(1), 90-107. https://doi: 10.1080/01490400903430905.
  • Grande, K. (2021). An exploratory analysis of the camping industry as a provider of lodging and recreational resources. The case of outdoor hospitality parks (OHPs) in unattractive regions. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 33.
  • Grant Jr, T. J. (2014). Green monsters: Examining the environmental impact of sport stadiums. The Villanova Environmental Law Journal, 25(1), 148–176.
  • Green, F. B. (1978). Recreation vehicles: A perspective. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(4), 429-439.
  • Gunn, A.S. (1994). "Environmental Ethics and Tropical Rain forests: Should Greens Have Standing?" Environmental Ethics 16, 21-40.
  • Gürer, B., Arslaner, G.K., Gençer, D., Abakay, U. (2016). Doğa sporları kapsamında çevrenin korunması. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 4(29), 156-166.
  • Gürer, B., Caymaz, E. (2019). Investigation of leisure perceptions of ındividuals in outdoor sports. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 2(3), 255-265.
  • Gürer, B. (2021). Leisure assessment during pandemic restrictions process in Turkey. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(3), 520-522.
  • Gürer, B., Biçer, M. (2022). Physical activity, outdoor and adventure sports during the Covid-19 Pandemic process. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 1(124), 13-22.
  • Gürer B., Çelebi Atalay M., Fındık T. (2022). Dağcılık, doğa ve macera sporlarında liderlik (Dağ - doğa - macera liderliği). Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu Yayınları, Editör: Burak Gürer, 1. Basım, Sayfa Sayısı 223.
  • Harding, M. (2013). The VW campervan - a biography. London, UK: Aurum Press.
  • Hassan, A., Juahir, H., Jamaludin, N. S. (2009). The level of environmental awareness among students to fulfill the aspiration of national philosophy of education. American Journal of Scientific Research, 5, 50-58.
  • Hogue, M. (2011). A short history of the campsite. Places Journal. campsite/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI wPu5t4qs3AIVAQAAAB0BAAAAEAAYACAAEgJVzfD_BwE&cn-reloaded=1
  • Iannacone, J. I. (2021). Negotiating crises interpretations: The global rhetorical arena of the 2018 migrant caravan “crisis”. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 102034.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2013). Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Erişim Tarihi: 21.02.2024
  • Kenar, G. (2023). Karavan turistlerinin motivasyonuna etki eden unsurların belirlenmesi. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 445-466.
  • Kolesnikova, Y. V. (2016). Influence of transport infrastructure on migration routes and mortality of representatives of the animal world. Protection of animals during the operation of vehicles. Development of the transport system of Russia: problems and prospects. Collection of scientific papers based on the 1st Int. Scientific-practical conference of the NOO "Professional Science" 5-24
  • Lashley, C. (2015). Researching snails on holiday: An agenda for caravanning and caravanners? Research in Hospitality Management, 5 (2), 115-122.
  • Lawrence K. (2018). Camper perceptions of wilderness vs measured biophysical impacts: Comparisons on Wunambal Gaambera Country in the Northern Kimberley. Undergraduate diss., School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University.
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  • İnternet Kaynakları Erişim Tarihi: 19.02.2024
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography
Journal Section Tourism, Hospitality and Sports

Burak Gürer 0000-0002-0605-3272

Publication Date October 24, 2024
Submission Date May 15, 2024
Acceptance Date October 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 23 Issue: 4


APA Gürer, B. (2024). Doğa Turizminde Yeni Eğilim: Modern Kampçılık. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(4), 1677-1696.