Research Article
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The Weight of Conformity: Unpacking the Model Minority in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker

Year 2025, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 152 - 165, 28.01.2025


Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker centers on Henry Park, a Korean American who works as a spy for a private intelligence firm, and offers an in-depth exploration of the effects of immigration, cultural identity, and assimilation on the individual. Henry is tasked with infiltrating the political campaign of John Kwang, a rising Korean American politician who represents hope for the Korean American community. As Henry navigates his dual role, the novel interrogates the pressures of the “model minority” stereotype, strained personal relationships, and cultural belonging. Through his internal conflict, Native Speaker critically examines the immigrant experience, underscoring how social expectations and assimilation impact personal identity and the complexities of living across cultural boundaries. This article examines the aspirations of three central characters in Native Speaker—Korean immigrant Mr. Park, his son Henry Park, and the politician John Kwang. By analyzing their respective dreams, this study reveals that these Korean American ambitions, while diverse in their personal goals, are unified by their entanglement with the Asian American model minority stereotype. Despite generational differences, Mr. Park, Henry Park, and John Kwang represent distinct facets of this stereotype: the self-made immigrant, the self-effacing and dutiful subordinate, and the overachieving public figure, respectively. These characters’ ambitions not only reflect their individual struggles but also underscore the broader socio-cultural pressures that shape and constrain the Korean American experience, highlighting the hidden costs associated with their pursuit of success and the model minority myth.


  • Baiada, C. (2013). Ash imagery in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 71(1), 65-68.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1988). Selected writings (M. Poster, Ed.). Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity. New York: Routledge.
  • Chin, F., Chan, J., Inada, L., Wong, S. (1983). Aiiieeeee! An anthology of Asian-American writers. Washington: Howard University Press.
  • Chow, R. (2023). Hiding and speaking in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. Asian Pacific American Law Journal, 27(1), 1-24.
  • Coolidge, M. R. (1920). Out of the melting pot. New York: The Century Co.
  • Huang, B. (2006). Citizen Kwang: Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker and the politics of consent. Journal of Asian American Studies, 9 (3), 243-269.
  • Kessel, T. (2012). Like someone listening to himself: observing who we are in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 70 (3), 201-204.
  • Koo, Y. (1909). My life in China and America. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Kuo, J. (1926). The making of a Chinaman. New York: Macmillan.
  • Lee, C. (1995). Native Speaker. New York: Riverhead Books.
  • Naimon, D., Lee, C. (2014). A conversation with Chang-rae Lee. The Missouri Review, 37(1), 120-134.
  • Page, A. M. (2017). Understanding Chang-rae Lee. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.
  • Palumbo-Liu, D. (2019). Asian/American: Historical crossings at a racial frontier. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Pettersen, W. (1966, January 9). Success story, Japanese-American style. The New York Times. -style-success-story-japaneseamerican.html.
  • Oh, S. A. (2023). Crossing the Queensboro bridge: Gatsby, automobiles, and immigrant mobility in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 81(2), 41-45.
  • Wong, S. (1996). American knees. New York: Simon and Schuster.

The Weight of Conformity: Unpacking the Model Minority in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker

Year 2025, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 152 - 165, 28.01.2025


Chang-rae Lee’nin Native Speaker adlı romanı, özel bir istihbarat firmasında casus olarak çalışan Koreli Amerikalı Henry Park’ı merkeze alarak göçmenlik, kültürel kimlik ve asimilasyonun birey üzerindeki etkilerini derinlemesine incelemektedir. Henry, göçmen toplumu için bir umut simgesi olan, kariyer basamaklarını hızla yükselmiş Koreli Amerikalı politikacı John Kwang’ın siyasi kampanyasına sızmakla görevlendirilmiştir. Casusluk görevini sürdürürken kendi kimliğiyle de mücadele eden Henry aracılığıyla roman, “örnek azınlık” mitinin getirdiği baskılar, zorlayıcı kişisel ilişkiler ve kültürel aidiyet meseleleri üzerine derinlemesine bir sorgulama yapmaktadır. Henry’nin içsel çatışmaları aracılığıyla Native Speaker, göçmen deneyimini eleştirel bir bakışla inceleyip toplumsal beklentiler ve asimilasyon süreçlerinin kişisel kimlik üzerindeki etkisini ve kültürel sınırların ötesinde yaşamanın getirdiği karmaşıklıkları vurgulamaktadır. Bu makale, Native Speaker’daki üç ana karakterin -Koreli göçmen Bay Park’ın, baş kahraman Henry Park’ın ve politikacı John Kwang’ın- hayallerini incelemektedir. Çalışma, Koreli Amerikalı karakterlerin farklı bireysel hedeflerine rağmen, ortak noktalarının Asyalı Amerikalılar için kalıplaşmış örnek azınlık miti ile olan bağlantıları olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Henry Park, babası ve John Kwang, nesiller arası farklılıklara rağmen, bu stereotipin farklı yönlerini temsil etmektedir: Henry’nin babası kendi çabasıyla yükselen Koreli göçmeni, Henry kendini geri plana atan ve sadık bir astı, John Kwang ise kendini gerçekleştirmiş, başarılı bir kamu figürünü simgeler. Bu karakterlerin hayalleri, bireysel mücadelelerini yansıttığı kadar, Koreli Amerikalıların deneyimlerini şekillendiren ve kısıtlayan daha geniş sosyokültürel baskıları da gözler önüne sermektedir. Makale, başarıya ulaşmanın ve örnek azınlık miti peşinde koşmanın beraberinde getirdiği ağır bedellere dikkat çekmektedir.


  • Baiada, C. (2013). Ash imagery in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 71(1), 65-68.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1988). Selected writings (M. Poster, Ed.). Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity. New York: Routledge.
  • Chin, F., Chan, J., Inada, L., Wong, S. (1983). Aiiieeeee! An anthology of Asian-American writers. Washington: Howard University Press.
  • Chow, R. (2023). Hiding and speaking in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. Asian Pacific American Law Journal, 27(1), 1-24.
  • Coolidge, M. R. (1920). Out of the melting pot. New York: The Century Co.
  • Huang, B. (2006). Citizen Kwang: Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker and the politics of consent. Journal of Asian American Studies, 9 (3), 243-269.
  • Kessel, T. (2012). Like someone listening to himself: observing who we are in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 70 (3), 201-204.
  • Koo, Y. (1909). My life in China and America. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Kuo, J. (1926). The making of a Chinaman. New York: Macmillan.
  • Lee, C. (1995). Native Speaker. New York: Riverhead Books.
  • Naimon, D., Lee, C. (2014). A conversation with Chang-rae Lee. The Missouri Review, 37(1), 120-134.
  • Page, A. M. (2017). Understanding Chang-rae Lee. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.
  • Palumbo-Liu, D. (2019). Asian/American: Historical crossings at a racial frontier. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Pettersen, W. (1966, January 9). Success story, Japanese-American style. The New York Times. -style-success-story-japaneseamerican.html.
  • Oh, S. A. (2023). Crossing the Queensboro bridge: Gatsby, automobiles, and immigrant mobility in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. The Explicator, 81(2), 41-45.
  • Wong, S. (1996). American knees. New York: Simon and Schuster.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section English Language and Literature

Vahit Yaşayan 0000-0001-7484-6998

Publication Date January 28, 2025
Submission Date September 16, 2024
Acceptance Date January 3, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Yaşayan, V. (2025). The Weight of Conformity: Unpacking the Model Minority in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 152-165.