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İlkokul Çağındaki Down Sendromlu Çocukların Kaba Motor ve Manipülatif Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesinde Uyarlanmış Oyunlar

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 163 - 180, 30.06.2024


Tek denekli araştırma modellerinden tekli başlangıç, davranışlar arası çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Isparta ilinde yaşayan, altı (6) ile on (10) yaş aralığındaki down sendromlu çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi ise, evreni oluşturan ve araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul eden ailelerin arasından basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen iki (2) çocuk ile oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma toplamda on yedi (17) hafta sürmüştür. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların, belirlenen hedefe tempoya uygun yürüme, belirlenen hedefe tempoya uygun koşma, engellerin arasından yürüme, engellerin arasından koşma, denge tahtası üzerinde yürüme, çift ayak ile step tahtasının üzerinden yere sıçrama, çift ayak ile yerden step tahtasının üzerine sıçrama, hedefe çift elle top atma, hedefe sağ el ile top atma, hedefe sol el ile top atma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında davranış gözlem formu kullanılmıştır. Uygulama sonunda elde edilen veriler, grafik üzerinde gösterilerek analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler çizgi grafiğe dönüştürülmüştür. Çocukların yaşı basit hareketleri karmaşık hareketlere göre daha çabuk öğrendikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. Uyarlanmış oyun temelli hareket eğitim programının down sendromlu çocukların psikomotor becerilerinin gelişiminde etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Bardak, M., Topaç, N., & Çelik, S. (2022). A bibliographic essay on traditional children's games and educational play in early childhood. International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences, 17, 44-77.
  • Barr, M., & Shields, N. (2011). Identifying the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity for children with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 1020–1033.
  • Boer, P.H. (2023). Functional fitness of adults with Down syndrome: a longitudinal study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(3), 237-247.
  • Breckenridge, E.M., & Vincet, E.L. (1955). Child development. Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie, 17 (3), 563-564.
  • Cai, W., & Baek, S.S. (2022). Effects of 24‐week basketball programme on body composition and functional fitness on adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66(12), 939-951.
  • Davis W.E. (1984). Motor ability assessment of populations with handicapping conditions: Challenging basic assumptions. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1, 125-140.
  • Davis, W.E., & Burton, A.W. (1991). Ecological task analysis: Translating movement behavior theory into practice. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 8(2), 154-177.
  • Çoban, M. (2019). Life kinetics: Effects of integrated multimodal cognitive and whole-body motor coordination training on some motor and psychological parameters. Akdeniz University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Movement and Training, Master's Thesis, Antalya.
  • Demir, Ş. (2021). Evaluation of balance and gait in children with Down syndrome. Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Program, Master's Thesis, Ankara.
  • Gallahue, D.L. (1996). Developmental Physical Education for Today’s Children (3nd ed.). Brown and Benchmark Publishers.
  • Gözün-Kahraman, Ö., & Kılınç, N. (2022). Examining the play behaviours of a child with down syndrome educated inclusively in a kindergarten school. International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 8(55), 198-205.
  • Gutiérrez-Vilahú, L., Massó-Ortigosa, N., Costa-Tutusaus, L., Guerra-Balic, M., & Rey- Abella, F. (2016). Effects of a dance program on static balance on a platform in young adults with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 33(3), 233-252.
  • Horvat, M., Croce, R., Tomporowski, P., & Barna, M. C. (2013). The influence of dual-task conditions on movement in young adults with and without Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(10), 3517-3525.
  • Ilkım, M., Kalaycı, M. C., Güleroğlu, F., & Gündoğdu, C. (2018). Examination of social adaptation and skill levels in children with Down syndrome according to their participation in sports activities. The 10th International Conference in Physical Education Sports and Physical Therapy, 136-137.
  • Karabürk, S. (2019). The effect of applied sports training programs using traditional and virtual methods on gross motor skills in children with Down syndrome. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education Teaching, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Karasar, N. (2022). Scientific research method: Concepts, principles, techniques. Nobel.
  • Kulak, A., Kerkez, F.İ., & Aktaş, Y. (2011). The Effects of a mental training program on motor parameters in 10–12 aged soccer players. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 22(3),104-114.
  • Mirze, F. (2020). The effect of adapted physical education and play exercises on the physical fitness levels of individuals with Down syndrome. Muş Alparslan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Education, Master's Thesis, Muş.
  • Nalbant, S. (2011). Examining the effect of a 14-week physical activity program on the motor development and daily living activities of children with Down syndrome. Akdeniz University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Sports Sciences. Doctoral Thesis, Antalya.
  • Özata, A. (2023). Comparison of anthropometric measurements and motor functions of children with Down syndrome and normal children. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Anatomy, Master's Thesis, Samsun.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern scientific research methods. Kaan Bookstore.
  • Pitteti, K., Baynard, T., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2013). Children and adolescents with down syndrome, physical fitness and physical activity. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2(1), 47-57.
  • Popa, C. E., & Galeru, O. (2012). Study regarding the improwement of postural control in children who have down syndrome trough swimming. Gymnasium Scientific Journal of Education, Sports, and Health, 2(13), 85-99.
  • Covain, S., Baillieul, S., Nguyen, T. D., Guinot, M., Doutreleau, S., & Bricout, V. A. (2023). Gender differences, motor skills and physical fitness heterogeneity in adults with down's syndrome. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(4), 1367.
  • Sugimoto, D., Bowen, S. L., Meehan, W. P. 3rd., & Stracciolini, A. (2016). Effects of neuromuscular training on children and young adults with down syndrome: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 55, 197–206.
  • Şata, M. (2020). Quantitative research approaches. In E. Oğuz (Ed.), Research methods in education (pp.77-97). The Book That Educates.
  • Şenlik, Z. A. (2017). The effect of physical education and sports lessons on the psychological adaptation levels of children with Down syndrome. Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Master's Thesis, Bartın.
  • Uğur-Mutlu, S., & Haşıl-Korkmaz, N. (2021). Effects of exercise and sport on children with down syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Global Sport and Education Research, IV (2), 36-51.
  • Uzuner, S. (2016). Motor skills, functional status and respiratory functions in children with Down syndrome: a comparative study. Eastern Mediterranean University, Graduate Education, Training and Research Institute, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Master's Thesis, Cyprus.
  • Vuran, S. (2017). Measuring and recording target behavior. Applied behavior analysis (Editor: Sezgin VURAN). Eğiten Kitap Publishing.
  • Wickstrom, L.R. (1977). Fundamental motor patterns. Lea Febiger.
  • Yana, M. (2021). The effect of sensory integration training on attention and motor skills in children with Down syndrome. Pamukkale University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Doctoral Thesis, Denizli.

Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 163 - 180, 30.06.2024


Among the single-subject research models, the single-start, multiple-probe across-behavior model was used. The population of the research consists of children with down syndrome between the ages of six (6) and ten (10) living in Isparta. The sample of the research was created with two (2) children determined by simple random sampling method from among the families that constitute the population and agreed to participate in the research voluntarily. The research lasted seventeen (17) weeks in total. The children participating in the research were able to walk to the determined target in accordance with the tempo, to run to the determined target in accordance with the tempo, to walk between obstacles, to run through obstacles, to walk on a balance board, to jump from the step board to the ground with two feet, to jump from the ground to the step board with two feet, to reach the target with both hands. It is aimed to develop the skills of throwing the ball, throwing the ball to the target with the right hand, and throwing the ball to the target with the left hand. A behavior observation form was used to collect data. The data obtained at the end of the application was analyzed by showing it on a graph. The data obtained in the research were converted into line graphs. It was concluded that children learn simple movements faster than complex movements. It was concluded that the adapted game-based movement training program was effective in the development of psychomotor skills of children with Down syndrome.


  • Bardak, M., Topaç, N., & Çelik, S. (2022). A bibliographic essay on traditional children's games and educational play in early childhood. International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences, 17, 44-77.
  • Barr, M., & Shields, N. (2011). Identifying the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity for children with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 1020–1033.
  • Boer, P.H. (2023). Functional fitness of adults with Down syndrome: a longitudinal study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(3), 237-247.
  • Breckenridge, E.M., & Vincet, E.L. (1955). Child development. Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie, 17 (3), 563-564.
  • Cai, W., & Baek, S.S. (2022). Effects of 24‐week basketball programme on body composition and functional fitness on adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66(12), 939-951.
  • Davis W.E. (1984). Motor ability assessment of populations with handicapping conditions: Challenging basic assumptions. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1, 125-140.
  • Davis, W.E., & Burton, A.W. (1991). Ecological task analysis: Translating movement behavior theory into practice. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 8(2), 154-177.
  • Çoban, M. (2019). Life kinetics: Effects of integrated multimodal cognitive and whole-body motor coordination training on some motor and psychological parameters. Akdeniz University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Movement and Training, Master's Thesis, Antalya.
  • Demir, Ş. (2021). Evaluation of balance and gait in children with Down syndrome. Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Program, Master's Thesis, Ankara.
  • Gallahue, D.L. (1996). Developmental Physical Education for Today’s Children (3nd ed.). Brown and Benchmark Publishers.
  • Gözün-Kahraman, Ö., & Kılınç, N. (2022). Examining the play behaviours of a child with down syndrome educated inclusively in a kindergarten school. International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 8(55), 198-205.
  • Gutiérrez-Vilahú, L., Massó-Ortigosa, N., Costa-Tutusaus, L., Guerra-Balic, M., & Rey- Abella, F. (2016). Effects of a dance program on static balance on a platform in young adults with Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 33(3), 233-252.
  • Horvat, M., Croce, R., Tomporowski, P., & Barna, M. C. (2013). The influence of dual-task conditions on movement in young adults with and without Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(10), 3517-3525.
  • Ilkım, M., Kalaycı, M. C., Güleroğlu, F., & Gündoğdu, C. (2018). Examination of social adaptation and skill levels in children with Down syndrome according to their participation in sports activities. The 10th International Conference in Physical Education Sports and Physical Therapy, 136-137.
  • Karabürk, S. (2019). The effect of applied sports training programs using traditional and virtual methods on gross motor skills in children with Down syndrome. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education Teaching, Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Karasar, N. (2022). Scientific research method: Concepts, principles, techniques. Nobel.
  • Kulak, A., Kerkez, F.İ., & Aktaş, Y. (2011). The Effects of a mental training program on motor parameters in 10–12 aged soccer players. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 22(3),104-114.
  • Mirze, F. (2020). The effect of adapted physical education and play exercises on the physical fitness levels of individuals with Down syndrome. Muş Alparslan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Education, Master's Thesis, Muş.
  • Nalbant, S. (2011). Examining the effect of a 14-week physical activity program on the motor development and daily living activities of children with Down syndrome. Akdeniz University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Sports Sciences. Doctoral Thesis, Antalya.
  • Özata, A. (2023). Comparison of anthropometric measurements and motor functions of children with Down syndrome and normal children. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Anatomy, Master's Thesis, Samsun.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern scientific research methods. Kaan Bookstore.
  • Pitteti, K., Baynard, T., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2013). Children and adolescents with down syndrome, physical fitness and physical activity. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2(1), 47-57.
  • Popa, C. E., & Galeru, O. (2012). Study regarding the improwement of postural control in children who have down syndrome trough swimming. Gymnasium Scientific Journal of Education, Sports, and Health, 2(13), 85-99.
  • Covain, S., Baillieul, S., Nguyen, T. D., Guinot, M., Doutreleau, S., & Bricout, V. A. (2023). Gender differences, motor skills and physical fitness heterogeneity in adults with down's syndrome. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(4), 1367.
  • Sugimoto, D., Bowen, S. L., Meehan, W. P. 3rd., & Stracciolini, A. (2016). Effects of neuromuscular training on children and young adults with down syndrome: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 55, 197–206.
  • Şata, M. (2020). Quantitative research approaches. In E. Oğuz (Ed.), Research methods in education (pp.77-97). The Book That Educates.
  • Şenlik, Z. A. (2017). The effect of physical education and sports lessons on the psychological adaptation levels of children with Down syndrome. Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Master's Thesis, Bartın.
  • Uğur-Mutlu, S., & Haşıl-Korkmaz, N. (2021). Effects of exercise and sport on children with down syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Global Sport and Education Research, IV (2), 36-51.
  • Uzuner, S. (2016). Motor skills, functional status and respiratory functions in children with Down syndrome: a comparative study. Eastern Mediterranean University, Graduate Education, Training and Research Institute, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Master's Thesis, Cyprus.
  • Vuran, S. (2017). Measuring and recording target behavior. Applied behavior analysis (Editor: Sezgin VURAN). Eğiten Kitap Publishing.
  • Wickstrom, L.R. (1977). Fundamental motor patterns. Lea Febiger.
  • Yana, M. (2021). The effect of sensory integration training on attention and motor skills in children with Down syndrome. Pamukkale University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Doctoral Thesis, Denizli.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy
Journal Section Original Article

Erkan Çimen 0000-0002-0043-0110

Hulusi Alp 0000-0001-9301-453X

Early Pub Date June 4, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date January 10, 2024
Acceptance Date April 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Çimen, E., & Alp, H. (2024). Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, 9(2), 163-180.
AMA Çimen E, Alp H. Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome. JSSR. June 2024;9(2):163-180. doi:10.25307/jssr.1417849
Chicago Çimen, Erkan, and Hulusi Alp. “Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children With Down Syndrome”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 9, no. 2 (June 2024): 163-80.
EndNote Çimen E, Alp H (June 1, 2024) Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 9 2 163–180.
IEEE E. Çimen and H. Alp, “Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome”, JSSR, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 163–180, 2024, doi: 10.25307/jssr.1417849.
ISNAD Çimen, Erkan - Alp, Hulusi. “Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children With Down Syndrome”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 9/2 (June 2024), 163-180.
JAMA Çimen E, Alp H. Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome. JSSR. 2024;9:163–180.
MLA Çimen, Erkan and Hulusi Alp. “Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children With Down Syndrome”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 163-80, doi:10.25307/jssr.1417849.
Vancouver Çimen E, Alp H. Adapted Games for the Development of Gross Motor and Manipulative Skills of Primary School Children with Down Syndrome. JSSR. 2024;9(2):163-80.

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