Research Article
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The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 15 - 28


Soccer is a complex sport that requires the utilization of multiple motor skills. The effective use of these skills enables players to make accurate and quick decisions. The kinetic chain in sports is a mechanism that activates neuromuscular coordination of the body segments to perform sport-specific tasks. In this context, this study aims to examine the role of lower extremity neuromuscular control and stability in predicting biomotor skills in soccer players. This study was designed with descriptive and relational survey models from quantitative research methods. A total of 53 male soccer players voluntarily participated in the study. The data collection tools included the “Personal Information Form,” “20 Meter Sprint Test,” “Standing Long Jump,” “505 Agility Test,” and the “Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Stability Test (CKCLEST).” The data were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation Test and regression analysis. According to the analysis, no significant relationship was found between the biomotor skills of the athletes and the CKCLEST points (for all variables; p>0.212; r<0.130). However, a significant positive correlation was found between agility and sprint performance (r = 0.349, p = 0.010), and a significant negative correlation was identified between agility and long jump performance (r = -0.575, p < 0.001). Regression analysis showed that the long jump explained 0.0002% of the CKCLEST variance (R² = 0.000002, β = -0.019), agility explained 1.7% (R² = 0.017, β = 1.54), and sprint explained 3.0% (R² = 0.030, β = -2.87). The findings showed no significant correlation between biomotor performance and the neuromuscular control and stability test points. However, significant positive relationships were observed between agility and sprint, and a significant negative relationship between long jump and agility. In conclusion, the findings suggest that multiple tests should be used simultaneously to differentiate athletes with similar biomotor performance levels.

Project Number

2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Programme" TÜBİTAK BİDEB, 1919B012322157


  • Abbas, C., and Daher, J. (2017). Pilot study: post-operative rehabilitation pathway changes and implementation of functional closed kinetic chain exercise in total hip and total knee replacement patient. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 21(4), 823-829. [CrossRef]
  • Arslan, E., Kıyak, G., Özbek, H., Yıldız, Z., Erdaş, R. K., Küçük, F., ... & Ercan, S. (2022). Sağlıklı genç yetişkinlerde halat ve kürek egzersizlerinin fiziksel performans üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University, 29(4), 629-641. [CrossRef]
  • Almansoof, H. S., Nuhmani, S., & Muaidi, Q. (2023). Role of kinetic chain in sports performance and injury risk: A narrative review. Journal of Medicine and Life, 16(11), 1591-1600. [CrossRef]
  • Arikan, H., Maras, G., Akaras, E., Citaker, S., & Kafa, N. (2022). Development, reliability and validity of the Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Stability Test (CKCLEST): A new clinical performance test. Research in Sports Medicine, 30(5), 475-490. [CrossRef]
  • Asan, S. (2023). Investigation of the relationship between upper extremity neuromuscular control and grip strength with shooting accuracy in elite handball players. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3), 522-534. [CrossRef]
  • Bayazıt, B. (2007). Spor bilimlerine giriş. Akademi Basım ve Yayımcılık.
  • Behm, D. G., & Colado, J. C. (2012). The effectiveness of resistance training using unstable surfaces and devices for rehabilitation. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 7(2), 226–241
  • Castro-Piñero, J., Ortega, F. B., Artero, E. G., Girela-Rejón, M. J., Mora, J., Sjöström, M., & Ruiz, J. R. (2010). Assessing muscular strength in youth: usefulness of standing long jump as a general index of muscular fitness. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(7), 1810-1817. [CrossRef]
  • Chelly, M. S., Ghenem, M. A., Abid, K., Hermassi, S., Tabka, Z., & Shephard, R. J. (2010). Effects of in-season short-term plyometric training program on leg power, jump-and sprint performance of soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2670–2676. [CrossRef]
  • Chu, S. K., Jayabalan, P., Kibler, W. B., & Press, J. (2016). The kinetic chain revisited: New concepts on throwing mechanics and injury. PM&R Journal, 8(3), 69-77. [CrossRef]
  • Fu, F. H., Woo, S. L., & Irrgang, J. J. (1992). Current concepts for rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 15(6), 270-278. [CrossRef]
  • Gençoğlu, C., Ulupınar, S., Özbay, S., Turan, M., Savaş, B. Ç., Asan, S., & İnce, İ. (2023). Validity and reliability of “My Jump app” to assess vertical jump performance: a meta-analytic review. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20137. [CrossRef]
  • Girgin, N., Atıcı, A., Akpınar, P., Aktaş, İ., & Yüksek, F. (2020). Diz osteoartriti olan hastalarda açık ve kapalı kinetik zincir egzersizlerinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, 23(3), 167-173. [CrossRef]
  • Gisladottir, T., Petrovic, M., Sinkovic, F., & Novak, D. (2024). The relationship between agility, linear sprinting, and vertical jumping performance in U-14 and professional senior team sports players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, Article 1385721. [CrossRef]
  • Günay, M., & Yüce, G. A. (2008). Futbol antrenmanının bilimsel temelleri, 3. Baskı. Öz Baran Ofset.
  • Hewett, T. E., Ford, K. R., & Myer, G. D. (2006). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: Part 2, a meta-analysis of neuromuscular interventions aimed at injury prevention. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(3), 490-498. [CrossRef]
  • Hoshikawa, Y., Iida, T., Muramatsu, M., Nakajima, Y., Fukunaga, T., & Kanehisa, H. (2009). Differences in tight muscularity and dynmic torgue between junior and senior soccer players. Journal of Sports Medicine, 27(2), 129-138. [CrossRef]
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi, (26. Baskı). Nobel Yayınevi
  • Kızılet, A., Atılan, O., & Erdemir, İ. (2010). 12-14 yaş grubu basketbol oyuncularının çabukluk ve sıçrama yetilerine farklı kuvvet antrenmanlarının etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 44-57.
  • Köklü, Y., Alemdaroğlu, U., Özkan, A., Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2015). The relationship between sprint ability, agility, and vertical jump performance in young soccer players. Science & Sports, 30, Article e1-e5. [CrossRef]
  • Lee, H. J., Hwang, U. J., Jung, S. H., Ahn, S. H., & Kwon, O. Y. (2020). Relationship between strength of hip muscles and performance of close kinetic chain dynamic lower extremity stability test. Physical Therapy Korea, 27(4), 257-263. [CrossRef]
  • Lutz, G. E., Palmitier, R. A., An, K. N., & Chao, E. Y. (1993). Comparison of tibiofemoral joint forces during open-kinetic-chain and closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 75(5), 732-739. [CrossRef]
  • Martin, C., Bideau, B., Bideau, N., Nicolas, G., Delamarche, P., & Kulpay, R. (2014). Energy flow analysis during the tennis serve: Comparison between injured and noninjured tennis players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(9), 2113–2119. [CrossRef]
  • Myer, G. D., Ford, K. R., & Hewett, T. E. (2010). The effects of plyometric versus dynamic stabilization and balance training on power, balance, and landing force in female athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2), 345-353. [CrossRef]
  • Nimphius, S., Callaghan, S. J., Spiteri, T. & Lockie, R. G. (2016). Change of direction deficit: A more isolated measure of change of direction performance than total 505 time. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(11), 3024-3032. [CrossRef]
  • Özbay, S., Ulupınar, S., & Özkara, A. B. (2018). Sporda çeviklik performansı. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 97-112. [CrossRef]
  • Özer Kaya, D. (2017). Lower extremity rehabilitation: Neuromuscular training in athletes. Turkiye Klinikleri J Physiother Rehabil-Special Topic, 3(2), 69-79.
  • Pamboris, G. M., Pavlou, K., Paraskevopoulos, E., & Mohagheghi, A. A. (2024). Effect of open vs. closed kinetic chain exercises in ACL rehabilitation on knee joint pain, laxity, extensor muscles strength, and function: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, Article 1416690. [CrossRef]
  • Paul, D. J., Gabbett, T. J., & Nassis, G. P. (2016). Agility in team sports: Testing, training and factors affecting performance. Sports Medicine, 46, 421-442. [CrossRef]
  • Sayın, M. (2011). Hareket ve beceri öğretimi. 7. Basım. Spor Yayınevi ve Kitapevi.
  • Sciascia, A. D., & Cromwell, R. L. (2012). Kinetic chain rehabilitation: A theoretical framework. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2012(1), Article 853037. [CrossRef]
  • Silfies, S. P., Ebaugh, D., Pontillo, M., & Butowicz, C. M. (2015). Critical review of the impact of core stability on upper extremity athletic injury and performance. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 19(5), 360-368. [CrossRef]
  • Stapleton, D. T., Boergers, R. J., Rodriguez, J., Green, G., Johnson, K., Williams, P., Leelum, N., Jackson, L., & Vallorosi, J. (2021). The relationship between functional movement, dynamic stability, and athletic performance assessments in baseball and softball athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35, 42-50. [CrossRef]
  • Tortu, E., Ouergui, I., Ulupinar, S., Özbay, S., Gençoğlu, C., & Ardigò, L. P. (2024). The contribution of energy systems during 30-second lower body Wingate anaerobic test in combat sports athletes: Intermittent versus single forms and gender comparison. PLoS ONE, 19(5), Article e0303888. [CrossRef]
  • Ubinger, M. E., Prentice, W. E., & Guskiewicz, K. M. (1999). Effect of closed kinetic chain training on neuromuscular control in the upper extremity. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 8(3), 184-194. [CrossRef]
  • Ulupinar, S., Özbay, S., & Gençoğlu, C. (2021). Counter movement jump and sport specific frequency speed of kick test to discriminate between elite and sub-elite kickboxers. Acta Gymnica, 50(4), 141-146. [CrossRef]
  • Ulupınar, S., Özbay, S., Gençoğlu, C., Franchini, E., Kishalı, N. F., & Ince, I. (2021). Effects of sprint distance and repetition number on energy system contributions in soccer players. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 19(3), 182-188. [CrossRef]
  • Yanci, J., Calleja-Gonzalez, J., Cámara, J., Mejuto, G., San-Román, J. & Los-Arcos, A. (2017). Validity and reliability of a global positioning system to assess 20 m sprint performance in soccer players. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 231(1), 68-71. [CrossRef]

Futbolcularda Biyomotorik Becerilerin Öngörülmesinde Alt Ekstremite Nöromüsküler Kontrol ve Stabilitenin Rolü

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 15 - 28


Futbol birçok motor becerinin kullanılmasını gerektiren karmaşık bir spordur. Bu becerilerin doğru kullanımı oyuncuların doğru ve hızlı kararlar alabilmesi anlamına gelir. Sporda kinetik zincir, sporcunun spora özgü görevleri yerine getirebilmesi için vücut bölümlerinin nöromüsküler koordinasyonunu devreye sokan bir mekanizmadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı, futbolcularda alt ekstremite nöromüsküler kontrol ve stabilitenin, biyomotorik becerilerin öngörülmesindeki rolünü incelemektir. Araştırmaya 53 erkek futbolcu (yaş: 16,49±1,13 yıl; boy: 1,75±0,06 m; vücut ağırlığı: 64,94±9,58 kg; spor deneyimi: 5,11±1,78 yıl; Vücut kitle indeksi [VKİ]: 20,99±2,28 kg/m2) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak “Kişisel Bilgi Formu,” “20 Metre Sürat Testi,” “Durarak Uzun Atlama,” “505 Çeviklik testi,” ve “Kapalı Kinetik Zincir Alt Ekstremite Stabilite Testi (KKZAEST)” kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri Pearson Korelasyon Testi ve regresyon analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, futbolcuların biyomotorik becerileri ile KKZAEST puanları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır (tüm değişkenler için; p>0,212; r<0,130). Ancak, çeviklik ile sürat arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir korelasyon (r = 0,349, p = 0,010) bulunmuş, çeviklik ile uzun atlama arasında ise negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (r = -0,575, p < 0,001). Regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre ise, uzun atlama KKZAEST varyansının %0,0002’sini (R² = 0,000002, β = -0,019), çeviklik %1,7’sini (R² = 0,017, β = 1,54) ve sürat %3,0’ını (R² = 0,030, β = -2,87) açıklamaktadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, biyomotor performans ile nöromüsküler kontrol ve stabilite testi puanları arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon saptanmamıştır. Bununla birlikte, sürat ve çeviklik arasında pozitif yönlü, uzun atlama ile çeviklik arasında ise negatif yönlü anlamlı ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, biyomotorsal performans düzeyi birbirine yakın sporcuların ayrımını yapabilmek adına birden fazla testin eşzamanlı kullanılması gerektiği ortaya konmuştur.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Programme" TÜBİTAK BİDEB, 1919B012322157


  • Abbas, C., and Daher, J. (2017). Pilot study: post-operative rehabilitation pathway changes and implementation of functional closed kinetic chain exercise in total hip and total knee replacement patient. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 21(4), 823-829. [CrossRef]
  • Arslan, E., Kıyak, G., Özbek, H., Yıldız, Z., Erdaş, R. K., Küçük, F., ... & Ercan, S. (2022). Sağlıklı genç yetişkinlerde halat ve kürek egzersizlerinin fiziksel performans üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University, 29(4), 629-641. [CrossRef]
  • Almansoof, H. S., Nuhmani, S., & Muaidi, Q. (2023). Role of kinetic chain in sports performance and injury risk: A narrative review. Journal of Medicine and Life, 16(11), 1591-1600. [CrossRef]
  • Arikan, H., Maras, G., Akaras, E., Citaker, S., & Kafa, N. (2022). Development, reliability and validity of the Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Stability Test (CKCLEST): A new clinical performance test. Research in Sports Medicine, 30(5), 475-490. [CrossRef]
  • Asan, S. (2023). Investigation of the relationship between upper extremity neuromuscular control and grip strength with shooting accuracy in elite handball players. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3), 522-534. [CrossRef]
  • Bayazıt, B. (2007). Spor bilimlerine giriş. Akademi Basım ve Yayımcılık.
  • Behm, D. G., & Colado, J. C. (2012). The effectiveness of resistance training using unstable surfaces and devices for rehabilitation. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 7(2), 226–241
  • Castro-Piñero, J., Ortega, F. B., Artero, E. G., Girela-Rejón, M. J., Mora, J., Sjöström, M., & Ruiz, J. R. (2010). Assessing muscular strength in youth: usefulness of standing long jump as a general index of muscular fitness. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(7), 1810-1817. [CrossRef]
  • Chelly, M. S., Ghenem, M. A., Abid, K., Hermassi, S., Tabka, Z., & Shephard, R. J. (2010). Effects of in-season short-term plyometric training program on leg power, jump-and sprint performance of soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2670–2676. [CrossRef]
  • Chu, S. K., Jayabalan, P., Kibler, W. B., & Press, J. (2016). The kinetic chain revisited: New concepts on throwing mechanics and injury. PM&R Journal, 8(3), 69-77. [CrossRef]
  • Fu, F. H., Woo, S. L., & Irrgang, J. J. (1992). Current concepts for rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 15(6), 270-278. [CrossRef]
  • Gençoğlu, C., Ulupınar, S., Özbay, S., Turan, M., Savaş, B. Ç., Asan, S., & İnce, İ. (2023). Validity and reliability of “My Jump app” to assess vertical jump performance: a meta-analytic review. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20137. [CrossRef]
  • Girgin, N., Atıcı, A., Akpınar, P., Aktaş, İ., & Yüksek, F. (2020). Diz osteoartriti olan hastalarda açık ve kapalı kinetik zincir egzersizlerinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, 23(3), 167-173. [CrossRef]
  • Gisladottir, T., Petrovic, M., Sinkovic, F., & Novak, D. (2024). The relationship between agility, linear sprinting, and vertical jumping performance in U-14 and professional senior team sports players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, Article 1385721. [CrossRef]
  • Günay, M., & Yüce, G. A. (2008). Futbol antrenmanının bilimsel temelleri, 3. Baskı. Öz Baran Ofset.
  • Hewett, T. E., Ford, K. R., & Myer, G. D. (2006). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: Part 2, a meta-analysis of neuromuscular interventions aimed at injury prevention. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(3), 490-498. [CrossRef]
  • Hoshikawa, Y., Iida, T., Muramatsu, M., Nakajima, Y., Fukunaga, T., & Kanehisa, H. (2009). Differences in tight muscularity and dynmic torgue between junior and senior soccer players. Journal of Sports Medicine, 27(2), 129-138. [CrossRef]
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi, (26. Baskı). Nobel Yayınevi
  • Kızılet, A., Atılan, O., & Erdemir, İ. (2010). 12-14 yaş grubu basketbol oyuncularının çabukluk ve sıçrama yetilerine farklı kuvvet antrenmanlarının etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 44-57.
  • Köklü, Y., Alemdaroğlu, U., Özkan, A., Koz, M., & Ersöz, G. (2015). The relationship between sprint ability, agility, and vertical jump performance in young soccer players. Science & Sports, 30, Article e1-e5. [CrossRef]
  • Lee, H. J., Hwang, U. J., Jung, S. H., Ahn, S. H., & Kwon, O. Y. (2020). Relationship between strength of hip muscles and performance of close kinetic chain dynamic lower extremity stability test. Physical Therapy Korea, 27(4), 257-263. [CrossRef]
  • Lutz, G. E., Palmitier, R. A., An, K. N., & Chao, E. Y. (1993). Comparison of tibiofemoral joint forces during open-kinetic-chain and closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 75(5), 732-739. [CrossRef]
  • Martin, C., Bideau, B., Bideau, N., Nicolas, G., Delamarche, P., & Kulpay, R. (2014). Energy flow analysis during the tennis serve: Comparison between injured and noninjured tennis players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(9), 2113–2119. [CrossRef]
  • Myer, G. D., Ford, K. R., & Hewett, T. E. (2010). The effects of plyometric versus dynamic stabilization and balance training on power, balance, and landing force in female athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2), 345-353. [CrossRef]
  • Nimphius, S., Callaghan, S. J., Spiteri, T. & Lockie, R. G. (2016). Change of direction deficit: A more isolated measure of change of direction performance than total 505 time. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(11), 3024-3032. [CrossRef]
  • Özbay, S., Ulupınar, S., & Özkara, A. B. (2018). Sporda çeviklik performansı. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 97-112. [CrossRef]
  • Özer Kaya, D. (2017). Lower extremity rehabilitation: Neuromuscular training in athletes. Turkiye Klinikleri J Physiother Rehabil-Special Topic, 3(2), 69-79.
  • Pamboris, G. M., Pavlou, K., Paraskevopoulos, E., & Mohagheghi, A. A. (2024). Effect of open vs. closed kinetic chain exercises in ACL rehabilitation on knee joint pain, laxity, extensor muscles strength, and function: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, Article 1416690. [CrossRef]
  • Paul, D. J., Gabbett, T. J., & Nassis, G. P. (2016). Agility in team sports: Testing, training and factors affecting performance. Sports Medicine, 46, 421-442. [CrossRef]
  • Sayın, M. (2011). Hareket ve beceri öğretimi. 7. Basım. Spor Yayınevi ve Kitapevi.
  • Sciascia, A. D., & Cromwell, R. L. (2012). Kinetic chain rehabilitation: A theoretical framework. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2012(1), Article 853037. [CrossRef]
  • Silfies, S. P., Ebaugh, D., Pontillo, M., & Butowicz, C. M. (2015). Critical review of the impact of core stability on upper extremity athletic injury and performance. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 19(5), 360-368. [CrossRef]
  • Stapleton, D. T., Boergers, R. J., Rodriguez, J., Green, G., Johnson, K., Williams, P., Leelum, N., Jackson, L., & Vallorosi, J. (2021). The relationship between functional movement, dynamic stability, and athletic performance assessments in baseball and softball athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35, 42-50. [CrossRef]
  • Tortu, E., Ouergui, I., Ulupinar, S., Özbay, S., Gençoğlu, C., & Ardigò, L. P. (2024). The contribution of energy systems during 30-second lower body Wingate anaerobic test in combat sports athletes: Intermittent versus single forms and gender comparison. PLoS ONE, 19(5), Article e0303888. [CrossRef]
  • Ubinger, M. E., Prentice, W. E., & Guskiewicz, K. M. (1999). Effect of closed kinetic chain training on neuromuscular control in the upper extremity. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 8(3), 184-194. [CrossRef]
  • Ulupinar, S., Özbay, S., & Gençoğlu, C. (2021). Counter movement jump and sport specific frequency speed of kick test to discriminate between elite and sub-elite kickboxers. Acta Gymnica, 50(4), 141-146. [CrossRef]
  • Ulupınar, S., Özbay, S., Gençoğlu, C., Franchini, E., Kishalı, N. F., & Ince, I. (2021). Effects of sprint distance and repetition number on energy system contributions in soccer players. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 19(3), 182-188. [CrossRef]
  • Yanci, J., Calleja-Gonzalez, J., Cámara, J., Mejuto, G., San-Román, J. & Los-Arcos, A. (2017). Validity and reliability of a global positioning system to assess 20 m sprint performance in soccer players. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 231(1), 68-71. [CrossRef]
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Training
Journal Section Original Article

Selim Asan 0000-0001-6264-1071

Elanur Özdemir 0009-0002-2665-2253

Cebrail Gençoğlu 0000-0002-0990-9224

Project Number 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Programme" TÜBİTAK BİDEB, 1919B012322157
Early Pub Date February 9, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date October 18, 2024
Acceptance Date January 12, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Asan, S., Özdemir, E., & Gençoğlu, C. (2025). The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, 10(1), 15-28.
AMA Asan S, Özdemir E, Gençoğlu C. The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players. JSSR. February 2025;10(1):15-28. doi:10.25307/jssr.1570091
Chicago Asan, Selim, Elanur Özdemir, and Cebrail Gençoğlu. “The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 10, no. 1 (February 2025): 15-28.
EndNote Asan S, Özdemir E, Gençoğlu C (February 1, 2025) The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 10 1 15–28.
IEEE S. Asan, E. Özdemir, and C. Gençoğlu, “The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players”, JSSR, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15–28, 2025, doi: 10.25307/jssr.1570091.
ISNAD Asan, Selim et al. “The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 10/1 (February 2025), 15-28.
JAMA Asan S, Özdemir E, Gençoğlu C. The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players. JSSR. 2025;10:15–28.
MLA Asan, Selim et al. “The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, vol. 10, no. 1, 2025, pp. 15-28, doi:10.25307/jssr.1570091.
Vancouver Asan S, Özdemir E, Gençoğlu C. The Role of Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control and Stability in Predicting Biomotor Skills in Soccer Players. JSSR. 2025;10(1):15-28.

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