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Etkin Nitelik Güvencesi Aracılığıyla Online Öğrenmede Başarı ve Okula Devam: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Kırsalında Bir Devlet Üniversites- inde Yapılan Boylamsal Bir Çalışma

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 225 - 248, 01.12.2013


Dünyanın her yerinde, üniversiteler online derslerin ve ders malzemelerin çoğalmasının çeşitli faydalarını fark etmektedirler. Öğrencilerden akademisyenlere, mütevelli heyeti üyelerinden yatırımcılara kadar bütün paydaşların artan taleplerini karşılayarak öğrenci kayıtlarının arttırılması ve online ders veren kurumların diğer üniversitelerin önüne geçebilmesinin cazibesi oldukça büyüktür. Ancak online eğitim vermek iki ucu keskin bir bıçak olabilir. Eğer dikkatli ve düzenli denetlenmezse, online eğitim geri tepebilir, başarı ve okula devam oranlarında düşüşe ve hatta maddi zarara sebebiyet verebilir. Bu çalışma, başarı ve okula devamı temel ölçüt alarak online eğitim programlarının faydalılığını değerlendirmek için bir çerçeve sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevenin uygulaması, ABD’de bir devlet yükseköğretim kurumundaki okula devamı sağlama çalışmaları üzerine bir vaka çalışmasıyla gösterilecektir


  • Allen, I. & Seaman, J. (2013) Changing Course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Wellesley MA: Babson Survey Research Group.http://www. (accessed June, 2013).
  • Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., & Tahan, K. (2011). The Condition of Education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). U.S. Department of Educa- tion, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Boston, W.E.&Ice, P. (2011). Assessing retention in online learning: an administrative perspective. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 14:2. Retrieved from
  • Brophy, N. (2010, August). The impact of e-learning on student engagement. bright hub education. Retrieved from learning/articles/85303.aspx(accessed May, 2013)
  • Brown, J.L. (2012). Online learning: a comparison of web-based and land-based courses. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13:1. 39-42
  • Capra, T. (June, 2011). Online education: promise and problems. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(2), 288-293. Retrieved from http://jolt.merlot. org/vol7no2/capra_0611.htm(accessed June 2013)
  • CHEA. (2002). Accreditation and Assuring Quality in Distance Learning. CHEA Monograph Series 2002, Number 1. Retrieved from mono_1_accred_distance_02.pdf (Accessed June 2013).
  • Creswell, J. N. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Denzin, N. K.&Y. S. Lincoln. (Eds.) (1998). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ekstrand, B. (2012). Prerequisities for persistence in distance education. Online Jour- nal of Distance Learning Administration, 14:2. Retrieved from http://www.west-
  • Hirner, L.&Kochtanek, T. (2012). Quality indicators of online programs. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 36:2, 122-130.
  • Huertas, E. et al. (2011). How to assess an e-learning institution: Methodology, design and implementation. In, Grifoll, J., Huertas, E., Prades, A., Rodriquez, S., Rubin, Y., Mulder, F., & Ossiannilsson, E. (Eds.) Quality Assurance of e-Learning. Eu- ropean Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Helsinki. http:// (Accessed July, 2012).
  • Ice, P. (2012). Assessing student retention and progression: a multimodal approach. Conference proceedings of “eLearning and Software for Education” (eLSE), Is- sue: 02/2012, 170-176. (Accessed October, 2013).
  • Instructional Technology Council. (2010). 2009 distance education survey results: Tracking the impact of e-learning at community colleges. Washington, D.C. Re- trieved from 2010Final.pdf
  • Khoury, S., Jenab, K., Staub, D .&Rajai, M. (2011). Using database technology to improve STEM student retention: A total quality management approach to early alert and intervention.Management Science Letters. 2:2.
  • Koçdar, S.&Aydin, C.H. (2012). Accreditation of open and distance learning: A frame- work for Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE. July 2012; 13(3). ISSN 1302-6488.
  • Özkul A.E., &Latchem C.; Progress towards assuring quality in Turkish distance ed- ucation, AAOU: Asian Association of Open Universities), 25th Annual Confer- ence, Wawasan Açık Üniversitesi Penang Maleysia, 28-30 Eylül, 2011
  • Prineas, M.&Cini, M. (2011). Assessing learning in online education: the role of tech- nology in improving student outcomes. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. October 2011. (Accessed October, 2013).
  • Stake, R.E. (1998). Case Studies, in Denzin, N. K. and Y. S. Lincoln. (Eds.) Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • SNAHE. Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (2008). E-learning quality Aspects and criteria for evaluation of e-learning in higher education. Retrieved from (accessed June, 2013)

Success and Retention in Online Learning Through Effective Quality Assurance: An Institution-Wide Longitudinal Study at a Rural Public College in The United States

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 225 - 248, 01.12.2013


Universities around the world are realizing the numerous benefits to increased online instructional offerings. The temptation is great to move rapidly ahead in order to increase enrolments by meeting the increased demands of all stakeholders, from students to faculty to board members and investors. However, providing online learning can be a doubleedged sword. If it is not monitored carefully and continuously, the repercussions may be significant, potentially resulting in decreased success and retention rates and ultimately lost revenue. This paper will present a framework for assessing the effectiveness of online learning programs, with success and retention as the two central metrics. The implementation of the framework will be illustrated through a case study of retention efforts at a public higher education institution in the United States


  • Allen, I. & Seaman, J. (2013) Changing Course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Wellesley MA: Babson Survey Research Group.http://www. (accessed June, 2013).
  • Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., & Tahan, K. (2011). The Condition of Education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). U.S. Department of Educa- tion, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Boston, W.E.&Ice, P. (2011). Assessing retention in online learning: an administrative perspective. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 14:2. Retrieved from
  • Brophy, N. (2010, August). The impact of e-learning on student engagement. bright hub education. Retrieved from learning/articles/85303.aspx(accessed May, 2013)
  • Brown, J.L. (2012). Online learning: a comparison of web-based and land-based courses. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13:1. 39-42
  • Capra, T. (June, 2011). Online education: promise and problems. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(2), 288-293. Retrieved from http://jolt.merlot. org/vol7no2/capra_0611.htm(accessed June 2013)
  • CHEA. (2002). Accreditation and Assuring Quality in Distance Learning. CHEA Monograph Series 2002, Number 1. Retrieved from mono_1_accred_distance_02.pdf (Accessed June 2013).
  • Creswell, J. N. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Denzin, N. K.&Y. S. Lincoln. (Eds.) (1998). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ekstrand, B. (2012). Prerequisities for persistence in distance education. Online Jour- nal of Distance Learning Administration, 14:2. Retrieved from http://www.west-
  • Hirner, L.&Kochtanek, T. (2012). Quality indicators of online programs. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 36:2, 122-130.
  • Huertas, E. et al. (2011). How to assess an e-learning institution: Methodology, design and implementation. In, Grifoll, J., Huertas, E., Prades, A., Rodriquez, S., Rubin, Y., Mulder, F., & Ossiannilsson, E. (Eds.) Quality Assurance of e-Learning. Eu- ropean Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Helsinki. http:// (Accessed July, 2012).
  • Ice, P. (2012). Assessing student retention and progression: a multimodal approach. Conference proceedings of “eLearning and Software for Education” (eLSE), Is- sue: 02/2012, 170-176. (Accessed October, 2013).
  • Instructional Technology Council. (2010). 2009 distance education survey results: Tracking the impact of e-learning at community colleges. Washington, D.C. Re- trieved from 2010Final.pdf
  • Khoury, S., Jenab, K., Staub, D .&Rajai, M. (2011). Using database technology to improve STEM student retention: A total quality management approach to early alert and intervention.Management Science Letters. 2:2.
  • Koçdar, S.&Aydin, C.H. (2012). Accreditation of open and distance learning: A frame- work for Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE. July 2012; 13(3). ISSN 1302-6488.
  • Özkul A.E., &Latchem C.; Progress towards assuring quality in Turkish distance ed- ucation, AAOU: Asian Association of Open Universities), 25th Annual Confer- ence, Wawasan Açık Üniversitesi Penang Maleysia, 28-30 Eylül, 2011
  • Prineas, M.&Cini, M. (2011). Assessing learning in online education: the role of tech- nology in improving student outcomes. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. October 2011. (Accessed October, 2013).
  • Stake, R.E. (1998). Case Studies, in Denzin, N. K. and Y. S. Lincoln. (Eds.) Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • SNAHE. Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (2008). E-learning quality Aspects and criteria for evaluation of e-learning in higher education. Retrieved from (accessed June, 2013)
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA98FV33DU
Journal Section Research Article

Donald Staub

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Staub, D. (2013). Success and Retention in Online Learning Through Effective Quality Assurance: An Institution-Wide Longitudinal Study at a Rural Public College in The United States. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 2(2), 225-248.