Research Article
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Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis

Year 2022, , 37 - 54, 31.05.2022


This study aims to determine the efficiency of urban public transport lines and to offer solutions for inefficient lines. In order to determine the efficiency of urban bus lines, a model was created using the data envelopment analysis method. In this model, the input variables were vehicle capacities, distances traveled and number of trips on weekdays and weekend lines. The output variables were the number of passengers carried in each line at peak hour, morning and evening. In addition, taking into account the number of passengers carried and the capacities of the line, capacity utilization rates (CURs) were determined for each line on weekdays and at weekends. CURs were used for the first time in the efficiency analysis of public transportation lines. As the study area, the bus lines used in urban public transportation in Erzurum were examined. As a result of the study, the efficiency and super efficiency degrees of the bus lines were determined. Analysis of the results determined that the highest limit is the K9 line and the lowest is the B4 line. The activity limit are the B2A, B7, G3, G7/A, G9, K3 and K8 lines closest to 100%.

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Project Number



We would like to thank Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department for sharing the smart card data used in this study with us.


  • Adler. N.. & Berechman. J. (2001). “Measuring airport quality from the airlines’ viewpoint: an application of data envelopment analysis”. Transport Policy.8. 171-181. DOI: 10.1016/S0967-070X(01)00011-7. google scholar
  • Anderson. D.. Sweeney. D. and Williams. T. (1991). “An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approach to Decision Making”. USA. West Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Banker. R. D.. Charnes. A. and Cooper. W.W. (1984). “Some models for estimating technical and scale inefficiencies”. Management Science. 39. 1261-1264. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078. google scholar
  • Bektaş. B. (2007). “A study on the determination of the classification and activity of banks operating in Turkey in different ways”. Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Science. Department of Statistics. Ankara. google scholar
  • Bhagavath. V. (2006). “Technical Efficiency Measurement by Data Envelopment Analysis: An Application in Transportation”. Alliance Journal of Business Research. s. 60-72 google scholar
  • Bircik Ö. (2019). “Investigation of Erzurum Urban Main Public Transport System by Cluster Analysis Method”. Master Thesis. Atatürk University. google scholar
  • Boame. A.K. (2004). “The technical efficiency of Canadian urban transit systems”. Transportation Research Part E. 40. pp. 401-416.DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2003.09.002 google scholar
  • Boile. M. (2001). “Estimating technical and scale inefficiencies of public transit systems”. Journal of Transportation Engineering 127(3) 187-193. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 947X(2001)127:3(187) google scholar
  • Brian C.. Diarmuid B.. Shane M. (2013). “Using data envelopment analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool”. Transport Policy. Volume 29. Pages 74-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.04.006 google scholar
  • Budak. H. (2010). “An application in data envelopment analysis and stock selection”. Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Science. Department of Statistics. Ankara. google scholar
  • Buzzo Margari. B.. Erbetta. F.. Petraglia. C.. & Piacenza. M. (2007). “Regulatory and environmental effects on public transit efficiency: a mixed DEA-SFA approach”. Journal of Regulatory Economics. vol. 32. pp.131-151 google scholar
  • Çağlar. A. (2003). “Efficiency Measurement of Municipalities with Data Envelopment Analysis”. Phd. Thesis. Hacettepe University. Ankara. Turkey. google scholar
  • Caulfield. B.. Bailey. D.. Mullarkey. S. (2013). “Using data envelopment analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool”. Transport Policy. 29. 74-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.04.006 google scholar
  • Chang K.P.. Kao. P.H. (1992). “The Relative Efficiency of Public versus Private Municipal Bus Firms: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis”. The Journal of Productivity Analysis. Cilt 3. 67-84. DOI: 10.1007/BF00158769 google scholar
  • Charnes. A.. Cooper. W. W.. Huang. Z. M.. Sun. D.B. (1990). “Polyhedral Cone-Ratio DEA Models With An Illustrative Application To Large Commercial Banks”. Journal Of Econometrics. 46. 73-91. DOI: 10.1016/0304-4076(90) 90048-X google scholar
  • Charnes. A.. Cooper. W. W.. Rhodes. E. (1978). “Measuring The Efficiency Of Decision Making Units”. European Journal Of Operational Research. Volume 2. Issue 6. 429-444. DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(78)90138-8 google scholar
  • Chu. X.. Fielding. G. J.. & Lamar. B. (1992). “Measuring transit performance using data envelopment analysis”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 26(3): 223-230. DOI: 10.1016/0965-8564(92)90033-4 google scholar
  • Cooper. W.W.. Seiford. LM. and Tone. K. (2007). “Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comprehensive Text with Models. Applications. References and DEA-Solver Software”. Second Edition. New York: Springer Science+Business Media LLC. google scholar
  • Cullinane. S.. Ping J.. & Teng- Fei W. (2004). “An Application of DEA Windows Analysis to Container Port Production Efficiency”. Review of Network Economies. google scholar
  • Curi C.. Gitto S.. & Mancuso P. (2008). “Un’applicazione della Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) per la misurazione dell’efficienza degli aeroporti italiani dopo la privatizzazione del settore”. L’Industria. 4. 689-712. DOI: 10.1430 / 28372 google scholar
  • Fancello. G.. Uccheddu. B.. & Fadda. P. (2013). “The performance of an urban road system”. Urban Transport 2013. WIT Transactions on the Built Environments (ISSN: 1746-4498. Digital ISSN: 1743-3509). google scholar
  • Farrell. M. J. (1957). “The measurement of productive efficiency”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. 120 (III). 253-281. DOI: 10.2307/2343100 google scholar
  • Gagnepain. P.. & Ivaldi. M. (2002) “Incentive Regulatory Policies: The Case of Public Transit Systems in France”; RAND Journal of Economics. 33(4). pp. 605-629. DOI: 10.2307/3087477 google scholar
  • Golany B and Tamir.E. (1995). “Evaluating Efficiency-Effectiveness-Equality Trade-Offs - a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”. Management Science 4: 1172-1184. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.41.7.1172 google scholar
  • Gülcü. A.. Coşkun. A.. Yeşilyurt. C.. Coşkun. S. and Esener. T. (2004). “Relative effectiveness analysis of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry with data envelopment analysis method”. CU Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 5. (2). 87-104. google scholar
  • Güner. S. (2014). “Managing Interrelated Goals with Relational Efficiency Measurement Approach (R-DEA) in Multipurpose Environments: Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Bus Operations Application”. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Institute of Social Sciences. Sakarya University. google scholar
  • Güner. S. and Coşkun. E. (2016). “Determining the Best Performing Benchmarks for Transit Routes with A Multi-Objective Model: The Implementation and a Critique of the Two-Model Approach”. Public Transport. Cilt 8. Sayı 2. s. 205-224. DOI: 10.1007/s12469-016-0125-z google scholar
  • Hahn. J.S.. Kım. H.R. and Kho. S.Y. (2009). “A DEA Approach for Evaluating the Efficiency of Exclusive Bus Routes” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. Cilt 7. DOI: 10.11175/ eastpro.2009.0.227.0 google scholar
  • Hawas. Y.E.. Khan. M.B. and Basu. N. (2012). “Evaluating and Enhancing the Operational Performance of Public Bus Systems Using GIS-Based Data Envelopment Analysis”. Journal of Public Transportation. Cilt 15. No. 2. s. 19-44. DOI: 10.5038/2375-0901.15.2.2 google scholar
  • Hermans. E.. Brijs. T.. Wets. G.. & Vanhoof. K. (2009). “Benchmarking road safety: lessons to learn from a data envelopment analysis Hasselt University”. Transportation Research Institute. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2008.10.010 google scholar
  • Karlaftis. M.G. (2004). “DEA Approach for Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Urban Transit Systems”. European Journal of Operational Research. Cilt 152. s. 354-364. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(03)00029-8 google scholar
  • Karlaftıs. MG. and Tsamboulas. D. (2012). “Efficiency Measurement in Public Transport: Are Findings Specification Sensitive?”. Transportation Research Part A. Cilt 46. s. 392-402. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2011.10.005 google scholar
  • Lao. Y. and Lıu. L. (2009). “Performance Evaluation of Bus Lines with Data Envelopment Analysis and Geographic Information Systems”. Computers. Environment and Urban Systems. Cilt 33 s. 247-255. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2009.01.005 google scholar
  • Levaggi R. (1994). “Parametric and non-parametric approach to efficiency: the case of urban transport in Italy”. Studi Economici. vol. 49. no. 53. pp. 67-88. google scholar
  • Marchese U.. Ferrari C.. & Benacchio M. (2000). “L’efficienza tecnica delle imprese terminaliste dedicate alla movimentazione di container: un approccio DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)”. Transportation. 81. google scholar
  • Martinez-Budria. E. Diaz-Armas. R. Navarro-Ibanez. M and Ravelo-Mesa. T. (1999). “A study of the efficiency of Spanish port authorities using data envelopment analysis”. International Journal of Transport Economics 2: 263-281. google scholar
  • Nolan JF. (1996). “Determinants of Productive Efficiency in Urban Transit”. Logistics and Transportation Review 32(3): 319-342. google scholar
  • Piacenza. M. (2006). “Regulatory Contracts and Cost Efficiency: Stochastic Frontier Evidence from the Italian Local Public Transport”. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 25(3). pp.257- 277. DOI: s11123-006-7643-7 google scholar
  • Roll Y.. & Hayuth Y. (1993). “Port performance comparison applying data envelopment analysis (DEA)”. Maritime Policy and Management. google scholar
  • Sanchez. T. W. (1999). “The connection between public transit and employment: The cases of Portland and Atlanta”. Journal of American Planning Association. 65. 284-296. google scholar
  • Sarı. N.B. (2010). “Measurement and Improvement of the effectiveness of municipal public transport services with data envelopment analysis”. Master Thesis. Çukurova University. google scholar
  • Shen. Y.. Hermans. E.. Brijs. T.. Wets. G.. & Vanhoof. K. (2012). “Road safety risk evaluation and target setting using data envelopment analysis and its extensions”. Transportation Research Institute (IMOB). Hasselt University. google scholar
  • Tongzon. J. (2001). “Efficiency measurement of selected Australian and other international ports using data envelopment analysis”. Transportation Research. Part A 107-122. DOI: 10.1016/S0965-8564(99)00049-X google scholar
  • Viton. P.A. (1997). “Technical Efficiency in Multi-Mode Bus Transit: A Production Frontier Analysis”. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. Cilt 31. No. 1. s. 23-39.DOI: 10.1016/S0191-2615(96)00019-7 google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt. C. (2003). “Efficiency Measurement in Secondary Education with Data Envelopment Analysis from Mathematics Programming Based Activity Measurement Methods”. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute of Social Sciences. Cumhuriyet University google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt. C. and Alan. M. A. (2003). “Measuring Relative Effectiveness of Science High Schools in 2002 by Data Envelopment Analysis Method”. C.Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 4 (2): 91-104. google scholar
  • Yolalan. R. (1993). “Inter-enterprise Relative Efficiency Measurement”. Ankara: National Productivity Center-MPM Publications. Publication No: 483. google scholar
  • Zhang. C.. Juan. Z.. Luo. Q.. Xiao. G. (2016). “Performance evaluation of public transit systems using a combined evaluation method”. Transport Policy. 45. 156-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.001 google scholar
Year 2022, , 37 - 54, 31.05.2022


Project Number



  • Adler. N.. & Berechman. J. (2001). “Measuring airport quality from the airlines’ viewpoint: an application of data envelopment analysis”. Transport Policy.8. 171-181. DOI: 10.1016/S0967-070X(01)00011-7. google scholar
  • Anderson. D.. Sweeney. D. and Williams. T. (1991). “An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approach to Decision Making”. USA. West Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Banker. R. D.. Charnes. A. and Cooper. W.W. (1984). “Some models for estimating technical and scale inefficiencies”. Management Science. 39. 1261-1264. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078. google scholar
  • Bektaş. B. (2007). “A study on the determination of the classification and activity of banks operating in Turkey in different ways”. Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Science. Department of Statistics. Ankara. google scholar
  • Bhagavath. V. (2006). “Technical Efficiency Measurement by Data Envelopment Analysis: An Application in Transportation”. Alliance Journal of Business Research. s. 60-72 google scholar
  • Bircik Ö. (2019). “Investigation of Erzurum Urban Main Public Transport System by Cluster Analysis Method”. Master Thesis. Atatürk University. google scholar
  • Boame. A.K. (2004). “The technical efficiency of Canadian urban transit systems”. Transportation Research Part E. 40. pp. 401-416.DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2003.09.002 google scholar
  • Boile. M. (2001). “Estimating technical and scale inefficiencies of public transit systems”. Journal of Transportation Engineering 127(3) 187-193. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 947X(2001)127:3(187) google scholar
  • Brian C.. Diarmuid B.. Shane M. (2013). “Using data envelopment analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool”. Transport Policy. Volume 29. Pages 74-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.04.006 google scholar
  • Budak. H. (2010). “An application in data envelopment analysis and stock selection”. Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Science. Department of Statistics. Ankara. google scholar
  • Buzzo Margari. B.. Erbetta. F.. Petraglia. C.. & Piacenza. M. (2007). “Regulatory and environmental effects on public transit efficiency: a mixed DEA-SFA approach”. Journal of Regulatory Economics. vol. 32. pp.131-151 google scholar
  • Çağlar. A. (2003). “Efficiency Measurement of Municipalities with Data Envelopment Analysis”. Phd. Thesis. Hacettepe University. Ankara. Turkey. google scholar
  • Caulfield. B.. Bailey. D.. Mullarkey. S. (2013). “Using data envelopment analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool”. Transport Policy. 29. 74-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.04.006 google scholar
  • Chang K.P.. Kao. P.H. (1992). “The Relative Efficiency of Public versus Private Municipal Bus Firms: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis”. The Journal of Productivity Analysis. Cilt 3. 67-84. DOI: 10.1007/BF00158769 google scholar
  • Charnes. A.. Cooper. W. W.. Huang. Z. M.. Sun. D.B. (1990). “Polyhedral Cone-Ratio DEA Models With An Illustrative Application To Large Commercial Banks”. Journal Of Econometrics. 46. 73-91. DOI: 10.1016/0304-4076(90) 90048-X google scholar
  • Charnes. A.. Cooper. W. W.. Rhodes. E. (1978). “Measuring The Efficiency Of Decision Making Units”. European Journal Of Operational Research. Volume 2. Issue 6. 429-444. DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(78)90138-8 google scholar
  • Chu. X.. Fielding. G. J.. & Lamar. B. (1992). “Measuring transit performance using data envelopment analysis”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 26(3): 223-230. DOI: 10.1016/0965-8564(92)90033-4 google scholar
  • Cooper. W.W.. Seiford. LM. and Tone. K. (2007). “Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comprehensive Text with Models. Applications. References and DEA-Solver Software”. Second Edition. New York: Springer Science+Business Media LLC. google scholar
  • Cullinane. S.. Ping J.. & Teng- Fei W. (2004). “An Application of DEA Windows Analysis to Container Port Production Efficiency”. Review of Network Economies. google scholar
  • Curi C.. Gitto S.. & Mancuso P. (2008). “Un’applicazione della Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) per la misurazione dell’efficienza degli aeroporti italiani dopo la privatizzazione del settore”. L’Industria. 4. 689-712. DOI: 10.1430 / 28372 google scholar
  • Fancello. G.. Uccheddu. B.. & Fadda. P. (2013). “The performance of an urban road system”. Urban Transport 2013. WIT Transactions on the Built Environments (ISSN: 1746-4498. Digital ISSN: 1743-3509). google scholar
  • Farrell. M. J. (1957). “The measurement of productive efficiency”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. 120 (III). 253-281. DOI: 10.2307/2343100 google scholar
  • Gagnepain. P.. & Ivaldi. M. (2002) “Incentive Regulatory Policies: The Case of Public Transit Systems in France”; RAND Journal of Economics. 33(4). pp. 605-629. DOI: 10.2307/3087477 google scholar
  • Golany B and Tamir.E. (1995). “Evaluating Efficiency-Effectiveness-Equality Trade-Offs - a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”. Management Science 4: 1172-1184. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.41.7.1172 google scholar
  • Gülcü. A.. Coşkun. A.. Yeşilyurt. C.. Coşkun. S. and Esener. T. (2004). “Relative effectiveness analysis of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry with data envelopment analysis method”. CU Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 5. (2). 87-104. google scholar
  • Güner. S. (2014). “Managing Interrelated Goals with Relational Efficiency Measurement Approach (R-DEA) in Multipurpose Environments: Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Bus Operations Application”. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Institute of Social Sciences. Sakarya University. google scholar
  • Güner. S. and Coşkun. E. (2016). “Determining the Best Performing Benchmarks for Transit Routes with A Multi-Objective Model: The Implementation and a Critique of the Two-Model Approach”. Public Transport. Cilt 8. Sayı 2. s. 205-224. DOI: 10.1007/s12469-016-0125-z google scholar
  • Hahn. J.S.. Kım. H.R. and Kho. S.Y. (2009). “A DEA Approach for Evaluating the Efficiency of Exclusive Bus Routes” Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. Cilt 7. DOI: 10.11175/ eastpro.2009.0.227.0 google scholar
  • Hawas. Y.E.. Khan. M.B. and Basu. N. (2012). “Evaluating and Enhancing the Operational Performance of Public Bus Systems Using GIS-Based Data Envelopment Analysis”. Journal of Public Transportation. Cilt 15. No. 2. s. 19-44. DOI: 10.5038/2375-0901.15.2.2 google scholar
  • Hermans. E.. Brijs. T.. Wets. G.. & Vanhoof. K. (2009). “Benchmarking road safety: lessons to learn from a data envelopment analysis Hasselt University”. Transportation Research Institute. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2008.10.010 google scholar
  • Karlaftis. M.G. (2004). “DEA Approach for Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Urban Transit Systems”. European Journal of Operational Research. Cilt 152. s. 354-364. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-2217(03)00029-8 google scholar
  • Karlaftıs. MG. and Tsamboulas. D. (2012). “Efficiency Measurement in Public Transport: Are Findings Specification Sensitive?”. Transportation Research Part A. Cilt 46. s. 392-402. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2011.10.005 google scholar
  • Lao. Y. and Lıu. L. (2009). “Performance Evaluation of Bus Lines with Data Envelopment Analysis and Geographic Information Systems”. Computers. Environment and Urban Systems. Cilt 33 s. 247-255. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2009.01.005 google scholar
  • Levaggi R. (1994). “Parametric and non-parametric approach to efficiency: the case of urban transport in Italy”. Studi Economici. vol. 49. no. 53. pp. 67-88. google scholar
  • Marchese U.. Ferrari C.. & Benacchio M. (2000). “L’efficienza tecnica delle imprese terminaliste dedicate alla movimentazione di container: un approccio DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)”. Transportation. 81. google scholar
  • Martinez-Budria. E. Diaz-Armas. R. Navarro-Ibanez. M and Ravelo-Mesa. T. (1999). “A study of the efficiency of Spanish port authorities using data envelopment analysis”. International Journal of Transport Economics 2: 263-281. google scholar
  • Nolan JF. (1996). “Determinants of Productive Efficiency in Urban Transit”. Logistics and Transportation Review 32(3): 319-342. google scholar
  • Piacenza. M. (2006). “Regulatory Contracts and Cost Efficiency: Stochastic Frontier Evidence from the Italian Local Public Transport”. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 25(3). pp.257- 277. DOI: s11123-006-7643-7 google scholar
  • Roll Y.. & Hayuth Y. (1993). “Port performance comparison applying data envelopment analysis (DEA)”. Maritime Policy and Management. google scholar
  • Sanchez. T. W. (1999). “The connection between public transit and employment: The cases of Portland and Atlanta”. Journal of American Planning Association. 65. 284-296. google scholar
  • Sarı. N.B. (2010). “Measurement and Improvement of the effectiveness of municipal public transport services with data envelopment analysis”. Master Thesis. Çukurova University. google scholar
  • Shen. Y.. Hermans. E.. Brijs. T.. Wets. G.. & Vanhoof. K. (2012). “Road safety risk evaluation and target setting using data envelopment analysis and its extensions”. Transportation Research Institute (IMOB). Hasselt University. google scholar
  • Tongzon. J. (2001). “Efficiency measurement of selected Australian and other international ports using data envelopment analysis”. Transportation Research. Part A 107-122. DOI: 10.1016/S0965-8564(99)00049-X google scholar
  • Viton. P.A. (1997). “Technical Efficiency in Multi-Mode Bus Transit: A Production Frontier Analysis”. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. Cilt 31. No. 1. s. 23-39.DOI: 10.1016/S0191-2615(96)00019-7 google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt. C. (2003). “Efficiency Measurement in Secondary Education with Data Envelopment Analysis from Mathematics Programming Based Activity Measurement Methods”. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute of Social Sciences. Cumhuriyet University google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt. C. and Alan. M. A. (2003). “Measuring Relative Effectiveness of Science High Schools in 2002 by Data Envelopment Analysis Method”. C.Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 4 (2): 91-104. google scholar
  • Yolalan. R. (1993). “Inter-enterprise Relative Efficiency Measurement”. Ankara: National Productivity Center-MPM Publications. Publication No: 483. google scholar
  • Zhang. C.. Juan. Z.. Luo. Q.. Xiao. G. (2016). “Performance evaluation of public transit systems using a combined evaluation method”. Transport Policy. 45. 156-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.001 google scholar
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Atalay 0000-0002-8476-8900

Ömer Faruk Bircik This is me 0000-0002-5892-6901

Project Number yok
Publication Date May 31, 2022
Submission Date October 18, 2021
Acceptance Date December 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Atalay, A., & Bircik, Ö. F. (2022). Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 7(1), 37-54.
AMA Atalay A, Bircik ÖF. Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis. JTL. May 2022;7(1):37-54. doi:10.26650/JTL.2022.1011652
Chicago Atalay, Ahmet, and Ömer Faruk Bircik. “Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation Using Data Envelopment Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 7, no. 1 (May 2022): 37-54.
EndNote Atalay A, Bircik ÖF (May 1, 2022) Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 7 1 37–54.
IEEE A. Atalay and Ö. F. Bircik, “Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis”, JTL, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 37–54, 2022, doi: 10.26650/JTL.2022.1011652.
ISNAD Atalay, Ahmet - Bircik, Ömer Faruk. “Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation Using Data Envelopment Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 7/1 (May 2022), 37-54.
JAMA Atalay A, Bircik ÖF. Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis. JTL. 2022;7:37–54.
MLA Atalay, Ahmet and Ömer Faruk Bircik. “Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation Using Data Envelopment Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2022, pp. 37-54, doi:10.26650/JTL.2022.1011652.
Vancouver Atalay A, Bircik ÖF. Determining the Effectiveness of the Bus Lines in Urban Transportation using Data Envelopment Analysis. JTL. 2022;7(1):37-54.

The JTL is being published twice (in April and October of) a year, as an official international peer-reviewed journal of the School of Transportation and Logistics at Istanbul University.