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Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 353 - 364, 19.11.2024


Micromobility, including shared e-scooters, has become a convenient mode of transportation for short-distance trips globally. Türkiye introduced shared e-scooters in 2019, quickly expanding their presence. This study analyses and identifies the crash characteristics and health outcomes of e-scooter crashes in Türkiye. It also seeks to provide recommendations for enhancing safety.
This review focused on e-scooter crashes in Türkiye, a country with a population of 85,279,553. Our narrative analysis examined eight studies and eight media reports on e-scooter incidents in Türkiye, evaluating patient demographics, crash characteristics (user type, fall/collision, speed, time, location), injury types, interventions, hospitalizations, and modifiable risk factors like helmet use and alcohol consumption.
Accidental involvement was slightly higher in men than in women. The rate of helmet usage is quite low. Upper extremity injuries are the most common type, followed by lower extremity injuries. Fatalities have occurred, underscoring public health concerns. E-scooter crashes often involve collisions with pedestrians and vehicles, highlighting the need for adherence to traffic rules and safe riding practices.
E-scooters are a practical transportation solution but pose safety risks. Protective measures such as helmet and other protective equipment use, compliance with traffic rules, and public awareness campaigns are crucial to mitigate these risks. We conclude that e-scooter safety regulations in Türkiye should be enhanced to protect riders and pedestrians and promote a safer micromobility ecosystem.

Ethical Statement

Not applicable

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The authors would like to thank the EU and TUBITAK for their support.


  • Arıkan Öztürk, E., Karaçor, F., & Bayırtepe, H. (2024). Characteristics of e-scooter accidents reported by police in Türkiye. Traffic injury prevention, 1-9. google scholar
  • Avınca, Ö., & Taş, M. (2024). Prospectıve Analysıs Of E-Scooter Accıdents In Dıyarbakır Cıty, Located In Southeastern Türkiye. Ankara Medical Journal, 24(1). google scholar
  • Baca, E., Kaya, M. G., & Yalın, M. (2024). Unconventional mobility and conventional trauma: a comparative analysis of e-scooter-related fractures. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, 1-7. google scholar
  • 61Medya. (2022). ‘Trabzon’da ilk scooter kazası’. Last Access: 3.04.2023. google scholar
  • Brauner, T., Heumann, M., Kraschewski, T., Prahlow, O., Rehse, J., Kiehne, C., & Breitner, M. H. (2022). Web content mining analysis of e-scooter crash causes and implications in Germany. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 178, 106833. google scholar
  • Büyükceran, İ., Ersoy, A., Şay, C. Ş., Coşkun, H. S., and Tomak, Y. (2023). Epidemiology and treatment of fractures caused by electric scooter use: a comparison of pediatric and adult age groups. Cureus, 15. google scholar
  • Cakar, M., Karslioglu, B., Bayraktar, M. K., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y. and Keskin, A. (2023). A new etiological cause of anterior cruciate ligament injury: e-scooter. acta orthopaedica belgica, 89(1), 112-116. google scholar
  • Cumhuriyet. (2022a). ‘Scooter kazaları can alıyor, uzmanından ’ters çizgi’ önerisi’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. google scholar
  • Cumhuriyet. (2022b). ‘Uzmanlar uyardı: Elektrikli scooter kazalarına dikkat!’. Last Access: 1.04.2023. google scholar
  • Demir, N., Dokur, M., Agdoğan, Ö., Koc, S., Karadağ, M., and Dokur, İ. F. (2023). Electric scooters as a silent source of danger for young people: a single-center in-depth accident analysis. Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 29(5), 596. google scholar
  • Deveci, S. (2023). Mikromobilite Sistemlerinin Yasal Durumu, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 197-238. Diken. (2021). ‘İstanbul’a 75 bin elektrikli scooter’. Last Access: 1.04.2023. google scholar
  • Dündar, S. (2023a). Giriş, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-4. google scholar
  • Dündar, S. (2023b). Mikromobilite ve Trafik, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara 81-104. google scholar
  • Dündar, S., Günay, G., Karlikanovaite Balıkçı, A., Şentürk Berktaş, A., Ulu, İ.M. (2022). Mikromobilite - Ulaşıma Mucizevi Bir Çözüm Mü, Yoksa Bir Hayal Kırıklığı Mı? İdealkent, 36(13), 576-598. google scholar
  • Farley, K. X., Aizpuru, M., Wilson, J. M., Daly, C. A., Xerogeanes, J., Gottschalk, M. B., & Wagner, E. R. (2020). Estimated incidence of electric scooter injuries in the United States from 2014 to 2019. JAMA network open, 3(8), e2014500-e2014500. google scholar
  • Haber61. (2022). ‘Trabzon’da foci kaza! Kiralık Scooter can alıyordu.’. Last Access: 3.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Habertürk. (2022). ‘E-Scooter kazası can aldı‘. Last Access: 4.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Hürriyet. (2023). ‘Scooter’da acı bilanço’. Last access: 6.09.2024. google scholar
  • İğrek, S., & Ulusoy, İ. (2023). E-scooter-related orthopedic injuries and the treatments applied: are these scooters a new means of transportation or a new source of trauma?. BMC emergency medicine, 23(1), 110. google scholar
  • İnaç, H. (2023). Micro-Mobility Sharing System Accident Case Analysis by Statistical Machine Learning Algorithms. Sustainability, 15(3), 2097. google scholar
  • Kazemzadeh, K., Haghani, M., & Sprei, F. (2022). Electric scooter safety: An integrative review of evidence from the transport and medical research domains. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104313. google scholar
  • Kleinertz, H., Ntalos, D., Hennes, F., Nüchtern, J. V., Frosch, K. H., & Thiesen, D. M. (2021). Accident mechanisms and injury patterns among E-scooter users: a retrospective analysis and comparison with cyclists. Deutsches Ârzteblatt International, 118(8), 117. google scholar
  • Kültür, Y., Tütüncü, M. N. Tütüncü, and S. Ulutaş (2023). Using e-scooters: An easy way to get home or a nightmare? An orthopedic perspective on e-scooter accidents. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 29(10), 1158. google scholar
  • Masilkova, M. (2017). Health and social consequences of road traffic accidents. Kontakt, 19(1), e43-e47. google scholar
  • Ministry of Justice. “Traffic Accidents”. Erişim Adresi: Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Mitropoulos, L., Stavropoulou, E., Tzouras, P., Karolemeas, C., & Kepaptsoglou, K. (2023). E-scooter micromobility systems: Review of attributes and impacts. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21, 100888. google scholar
  • Pobudzei, M., Tiessler, M., Sellaouti, A. ve Hoffmann, S. (2023). E-Scooter and Bicycle Accidents: Spatial, Temporal, and Demographic Characteristics in Munich, Germany 2. google scholar
  • Resmi Gazete. (2021). ‘Elektrikli Skuter Yönetmeliği’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Sabah (2022a). ‘Antalya’da elektrikli skuter kazası’ Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Sabah (2022b). ‘Scooter’da kask ornl olacad mı?’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. google scholar
  • Schofield, H., (2023). ‘Paris says au revoir to rental e-scooters’. Last Access: 26.08.2024. Available at: google scholar
  • Scquizzato, T., Gamberini, L., Stella, F., Paoli, A., Gazzato, A., Forti, A., and Semeraro, F. (2022). Analysis of road traffic accidents involving standing electric scooters reported in Italian newspapers. Clinical and experimental emergency medicine, 9(1), 36. google scholar
  • Serra, G. F., Fernandes, F. A., Noronha, E., & de Sousa, R. J. A. (2021). Head protection in electric micromobility: A critical review, recommendations, and future trends. Accident Analysis and Prevention 163, 106430. google scholar
  • Singh, P., Jami, M., Geller, J., Granger, C., Geaney, L., & Aiyer, A. (2022). Impact of e-scooter injuries: a systematic review of 34 studies. Bone and Joint Open, 3(9), 674-683. google scholar
  • Sözcü. (2020). ‘İlk ölümlü kaza. . . ’. Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Sözcü. (2022). ‘Elektrikli scooter kazası: Ters yöne giren araç öldürüyordu’. Last Access: 2.04.2023. google scholar
  • Haber, T. (2022). ‘Adana’da scooter kazası geçiren psikolog hayatını kaybetti.’. Last Access: 4.04.2023. google scholar
  • Webrazzi teknolojik haber sitesi. (22 Nisan 2022). ‘Elektrikli scooter girişimlerinin Türkiye’deki ziyaretçi sayıları’. Erişim Adresi: Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Wei, W., Petit, Y., Arnoux, P. J., & Bailly, N. (2023). Head-ground impact conditions and helmet performance in E-scooter falls. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106935. google scholar
  • Wong, M. H. (2024). “‘End the havoc’: Another major city has banned e-scooter rentals from its streets”. Last Access: 26.08.2024. google scholar
  • Yakar, M. N, & Hancı, V. (2022). Şiddetli travmatik beyin hasarı ve kötü nörolojik kondisyonla taburculuk: elektrikli skuter kazası. 9. Uluslararası Hipokrat Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, pp.400, 2022. google scholar
  • Yang, H., Ma, Q., Wang, Z., Cai, Q., Xie, K., & Yang, D. (2020). Safety of micro-mobility: Analysis of E-Scooter crashes based on mining news reports. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 143, 105608. google scholar
  • Yavuz, B., Temel, T., Satilmis, D., Güven, R., Çolak, Ş. (2022). Analysis of electric scooter injuries admitted to the emergency service. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-), 191(2), 915-918. google scholar
  • Yılmaz, S., Akman, G., Ustaalioğlu, İ., Kılıç, M., & Emem, M. K. (2022). Examination of Emergency Department Patients Involved in E-Scooter Related Accidents. Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 33(3). google scholar
  • Zhao, Y., Cao, J., Ma, Y., Mubarik, S., Bai, J., Yang D, et al. & Yu, C. (2022). Demographics of road and micromobility injuries among China, India, Japan, and the United States: evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 760. google scholar
Year 2024, , 353 - 364, 19.11.2024


Project Number



  • Arıkan Öztürk, E., Karaçor, F., & Bayırtepe, H. (2024). Characteristics of e-scooter accidents reported by police in Türkiye. Traffic injury prevention, 1-9. google scholar
  • Avınca, Ö., & Taş, M. (2024). Prospectıve Analysıs Of E-Scooter Accıdents In Dıyarbakır Cıty, Located In Southeastern Türkiye. Ankara Medical Journal, 24(1). google scholar
  • Baca, E., Kaya, M. G., & Yalın, M. (2024). Unconventional mobility and conventional trauma: a comparative analysis of e-scooter-related fractures. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, 1-7. google scholar
  • 61Medya. (2022). ‘Trabzon’da ilk scooter kazası’. Last Access: 3.04.2023. google scholar
  • Brauner, T., Heumann, M., Kraschewski, T., Prahlow, O., Rehse, J., Kiehne, C., & Breitner, M. H. (2022). Web content mining analysis of e-scooter crash causes and implications in Germany. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 178, 106833. google scholar
  • Büyükceran, İ., Ersoy, A., Şay, C. Ş., Coşkun, H. S., and Tomak, Y. (2023). Epidemiology and treatment of fractures caused by electric scooter use: a comparison of pediatric and adult age groups. Cureus, 15. google scholar
  • Cakar, M., Karslioglu, B., Bayraktar, M. K., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y. and Keskin, A. (2023). A new etiological cause of anterior cruciate ligament injury: e-scooter. acta orthopaedica belgica, 89(1), 112-116. google scholar
  • Cumhuriyet. (2022a). ‘Scooter kazaları can alıyor, uzmanından ’ters çizgi’ önerisi’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. google scholar
  • Cumhuriyet. (2022b). ‘Uzmanlar uyardı: Elektrikli scooter kazalarına dikkat!’. Last Access: 1.04.2023. google scholar
  • Demir, N., Dokur, M., Agdoğan, Ö., Koc, S., Karadağ, M., and Dokur, İ. F. (2023). Electric scooters as a silent source of danger for young people: a single-center in-depth accident analysis. Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 29(5), 596. google scholar
  • Deveci, S. (2023). Mikromobilite Sistemlerinin Yasal Durumu, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 197-238. Diken. (2021). ‘İstanbul’a 75 bin elektrikli scooter’. Last Access: 1.04.2023. google scholar
  • Dündar, S. (2023a). Giriş, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-4. google scholar
  • Dündar, S. (2023b). Mikromobilite ve Trafik, Mikromobilite, ed: Dündar, S., Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara 81-104. google scholar
  • Dündar, S., Günay, G., Karlikanovaite Balıkçı, A., Şentürk Berktaş, A., Ulu, İ.M. (2022). Mikromobilite - Ulaşıma Mucizevi Bir Çözüm Mü, Yoksa Bir Hayal Kırıklığı Mı? İdealkent, 36(13), 576-598. google scholar
  • Farley, K. X., Aizpuru, M., Wilson, J. M., Daly, C. A., Xerogeanes, J., Gottschalk, M. B., & Wagner, E. R. (2020). Estimated incidence of electric scooter injuries in the United States from 2014 to 2019. JAMA network open, 3(8), e2014500-e2014500. google scholar
  • Haber61. (2022). ‘Trabzon’da foci kaza! Kiralık Scooter can alıyordu.’. Last Access: 3.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Habertürk. (2022). ‘E-Scooter kazası can aldı‘. Last Access: 4.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Hürriyet. (2023). ‘Scooter’da acı bilanço’. Last access: 6.09.2024. google scholar
  • İğrek, S., & Ulusoy, İ. (2023). E-scooter-related orthopedic injuries and the treatments applied: are these scooters a new means of transportation or a new source of trauma?. BMC emergency medicine, 23(1), 110. google scholar
  • İnaç, H. (2023). Micro-Mobility Sharing System Accident Case Analysis by Statistical Machine Learning Algorithms. Sustainability, 15(3), 2097. google scholar
  • Kazemzadeh, K., Haghani, M., & Sprei, F. (2022). Electric scooter safety: An integrative review of evidence from the transport and medical research domains. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104313. google scholar
  • Kleinertz, H., Ntalos, D., Hennes, F., Nüchtern, J. V., Frosch, K. H., & Thiesen, D. M. (2021). Accident mechanisms and injury patterns among E-scooter users: a retrospective analysis and comparison with cyclists. Deutsches Ârzteblatt International, 118(8), 117. google scholar
  • Kültür, Y., Tütüncü, M. N. Tütüncü, and S. Ulutaş (2023). Using e-scooters: An easy way to get home or a nightmare? An orthopedic perspective on e-scooter accidents. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 29(10), 1158. google scholar
  • Masilkova, M. (2017). Health and social consequences of road traffic accidents. Kontakt, 19(1), e43-e47. google scholar
  • Ministry of Justice. “Traffic Accidents”. Erişim Adresi: Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Mitropoulos, L., Stavropoulou, E., Tzouras, P., Karolemeas, C., & Kepaptsoglou, K. (2023). E-scooter micromobility systems: Review of attributes and impacts. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21, 100888. google scholar
  • Pobudzei, M., Tiessler, M., Sellaouti, A. ve Hoffmann, S. (2023). E-Scooter and Bicycle Accidents: Spatial, Temporal, and Demographic Characteristics in Munich, Germany 2. google scholar
  • Resmi Gazete. (2021). ‘Elektrikli Skuter Yönetmeliği’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. Available at: google scholar
  • Sabah (2022a). ‘Antalya’da elektrikli skuter kazası’ Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Sabah (2022b). ‘Scooter’da kask ornl olacad mı?’. Last Access: 5.04.2023. google scholar
  • Schofield, H., (2023). ‘Paris says au revoir to rental e-scooters’. Last Access: 26.08.2024. Available at: google scholar
  • Scquizzato, T., Gamberini, L., Stella, F., Paoli, A., Gazzato, A., Forti, A., and Semeraro, F. (2022). Analysis of road traffic accidents involving standing electric scooters reported in Italian newspapers. Clinical and experimental emergency medicine, 9(1), 36. google scholar
  • Serra, G. F., Fernandes, F. A., Noronha, E., & de Sousa, R. J. A. (2021). Head protection in electric micromobility: A critical review, recommendations, and future trends. Accident Analysis and Prevention 163, 106430. google scholar
  • Singh, P., Jami, M., Geller, J., Granger, C., Geaney, L., & Aiyer, A. (2022). Impact of e-scooter injuries: a systematic review of 34 studies. Bone and Joint Open, 3(9), 674-683. google scholar
  • Sözcü. (2020). ‘İlk ölümlü kaza. . . ’. Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Sözcü. (2022). ‘Elektrikli scooter kazası: Ters yöne giren araç öldürüyordu’. Last Access: 2.04.2023. google scholar
  • Haber, T. (2022). ‘Adana’da scooter kazası geçiren psikolog hayatını kaybetti.’. Last Access: 4.04.2023. google scholar
  • Webrazzi teknolojik haber sitesi. (22 Nisan 2022). ‘Elektrikli scooter girişimlerinin Türkiye’deki ziyaretçi sayıları’. Erişim Adresi: Last Access: 10.04.2023. google scholar
  • Wei, W., Petit, Y., Arnoux, P. J., & Bailly, N. (2023). Head-ground impact conditions and helmet performance in E-scooter falls. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106935. google scholar
  • Wong, M. H. (2024). “‘End the havoc’: Another major city has banned e-scooter rentals from its streets”. Last Access: 26.08.2024. google scholar
  • Yakar, M. N, & Hancı, V. (2022). Şiddetli travmatik beyin hasarı ve kötü nörolojik kondisyonla taburculuk: elektrikli skuter kazası. 9. Uluslararası Hipokrat Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, pp.400, 2022. google scholar
  • Yang, H., Ma, Q., Wang, Z., Cai, Q., Xie, K., & Yang, D. (2020). Safety of micro-mobility: Analysis of E-Scooter crashes based on mining news reports. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 143, 105608. google scholar
  • Yavuz, B., Temel, T., Satilmis, D., Güven, R., Çolak, Ş. (2022). Analysis of electric scooter injuries admitted to the emergency service. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-), 191(2), 915-918. google scholar
  • Yılmaz, S., Akman, G., Ustaalioğlu, İ., Kılıç, M., & Emem, M. K. (2022). Examination of Emergency Department Patients Involved in E-Scooter Related Accidents. Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 33(3). google scholar
  • Zhao, Y., Cao, J., Ma, Y., Mubarik, S., Bai, J., Yang D, et al. & Yu, C. (2022). Demographics of road and micromobility injuries among China, India, Japan, and the United States: evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 760. google scholar
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains (Other)
Journal Section Review

Begüm Okudan 0000-0002-8226-7387

Selim Dündar 0000-0003-4433-1998

Project Number 101006576
Publication Date November 19, 2024
Submission Date November 2, 2023
Acceptance Date October 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Okudan, B., & Dündar, S. (2024). Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(2), 353-364.
AMA Okudan B, Dündar S. Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye. JTL. November 2024;9(2):353-364. doi:10.26650/JTL.2024.1385128
Chicago Okudan, Begüm, and Selim Dündar. “Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9, no. 2 (November 2024): 353-64.
EndNote Okudan B, Dündar S (November 1, 2024) Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9 2 353–364.
IEEE B. Okudan and S. Dündar, “Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye”, JTL, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 353–364, 2024, doi: 10.26650/JTL.2024.1385128.
ISNAD Okudan, Begüm - Dündar, Selim. “Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9/2 (November 2024), 353-364.
JAMA Okudan B, Dündar S. Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye. JTL. 2024;9:353–364.
MLA Okudan, Begüm and Selim Dündar. “Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 353-64, doi:10.26650/JTL.2024.1385128.
Vancouver Okudan B, Dündar S. Analysis and Comparison of Electric Scooter Crashes: A Review of Crash Characteristics and Health Outcomes in Türkiye. JTL. 2024;9(2):353-64.

The JTL is being published twice (in April and October of) a year, as an official international peer-reviewed journal of the School of Transportation and Logistics at Istanbul University.