Research Article
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Bibliyometrik Analiz Yoluyla Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Araştırma Alanının Görselleştirilmesi

Year 2021, , 125 - 136, 23.06.2021



  • Al, U., Sezen, U., and Soydal, İ. (2012). “Türkiye’nin bilimsel yayınlarının sosyal ağ analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi,” Ankara: (110K044).
  • Carter, C. R., and Rogers, D. S. (2008). “A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), 360-387.
  • Chen, C., Ibekwe‐SanJuan, F., and Hou, J. (2010). “The structure and dynamics of cocitation clusters: A multiple‐perspective cocitation analysis,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.
  • Chen, C., and Leydesdorff, L. (2014). “Patterns of connections and movements in dual‐map overlays: A new method of publication portfolio analysis,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 334-351.
  • Chen, C., Song, I.-Y., Yuan, X., and Zhang, J. (2008). “The thematic and citation landscape of data and knowledge engineering (1985–2007),” Data & Knowledge Engineering, 67(2), 234-259.
  • Colepicolo, E. (2015). “Information reliability for academic research: review and recommendations,” New Library World, 116(11/12), 646-660.
  • Craighead, C. W., Blackhurst, J., Rungtusanatham, M. J., and Handfield, R. B. (2007). “The severity of supply chain disruptions: design characteristics and mitigation capabilities,” Decision Sciences, 38(1), 131-156.
  • Crane, D. (1969). “Social structure in a group of scientists: A test of the” invisible college” hypothesis,” American Sociological Review, 335-352.
  • Davis, S. J., and Caldeira, K. (2010). “Consumption-based accounting of CO2 emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(12), 5687-5692.
  • Davis, S. J., Peters, G. P., and Caldeira, K. (2011). “The supply chain of CO2 emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(45), 18554-18559.
  • Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer, R., Timmer, M., and De Vries, G. (2013). “The construction of world input–output tables in the WIOD project,” Economic Systems Research, 25(1), 71-98.
  • Ding, Y. (2011). “Scientific collaboration and endorsement: Network analysis of coauthorship and citation networks,” Journal of Informetrics, 5(1), 187-203.
  • Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J., and Sturgeon, T. (2005). “The governance of global value chains,” Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), 78-104.
  • Goetschalckx, M., Vidal, C. J., and Dogan, K. (2002). “Modeling and design of global logistics systems: A review of integrated strategic and tactical models and design algorithms,” European Journal of Operational Research, 143(1), 1-18.
  • Goh, M., Lim, J. Y., and Meng, F. (2007). “A stochastic model for risk management in global supply chain networks,” European Journal of Operational Research, 182(1), 164-173.
  • Gunasekaran, A., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T. E. (2008). “Responsive supply chain: a competitive strategy in a networked economy,” Omega, 36(4), 549-564.
  • Halldórsson, Á., Kovács, G., Mollenkopf, D., Stolze, H., Tate, W. L., and Ueltschy, M. (2010). “Green, lean, and global supply chains,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(1/2), 14-41.
  • Harland, C., Brenchley, R., and Walker, H. (2003). “Risk in supply networks,” Journal of Purchasing and Supply management, 9(2), 51-62.
  • Hertwich, E. G., and Peters, G. P. (2009). “Carbon footprint of nations: A global, trade-linked analysis,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43(16), 6414-6420.
  • Kaufman, L., and Rousseeuw, P. J. (2009). Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis (Vol. 344): John Wiley & Sons.
  • Klavans, R., and Boyack, K. W. (2011). “Using global mapping to create more accurate document‐level maps of research fields,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(1), 1-18.
  • Kleindorfer, P. R., and Saad, G. H. (2005). “Managing disruption risks in supply chains,” Production and Operations Management, 14(1), 53-68.
  • Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Kanemoto, K., Foran, B., Lobefaro, L., and Geschke, A. (2012). “International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations,” Nature, 486(7401), 109-112.
  • Meixell, M. J., and Gargeya, V. B. (2005). “Global supply chain design: A literature review and critique,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 41(6), 531-550.
  • Perron, S., Hansen, P., Le Digabel, S., and Mladenović, N. (2010). “Exact and heuristic solutions of the global supply chain problem with transfer pricing,” European Journal of Operational Research, 202(3), 864-879.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). “Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics,” Journal of Documentation, 25, 348.
  • Rorissa, A., and Yuan, X. (2012). “Visualizing and mapping the intellectual structure of information retrieval,” Information Processing & Management, 48(1), 120-135.
  • Roth, A. V., Tsay, A. A., Pullman, M. E., and Gray, J. V. (2008). “Unraveling the food supply chain: strategic insights from China and the 2007 recalls,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44(1), 22-39.
  • Seuring, S., and Müller, M. (2008). “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(15), 1699-1710.
  • Simovici, D. (2007). “Data Mining Algorithms I: Clustering,” Handbook of Applied Algorithms, 177-218.
  • Small, H. (1973). “Co‐citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 24(4), 265-269.
  • Tomlin, B. (2006). “On the value of mitigation and contingency strategies for managing supply chain disruption risks,” Management Science, 52(5), 639-657.
  • Vidal, C. J., and Goetschalckx, M. (1997). “Strategic production-distribution models: A critical review with emphasis on global supply chain models,” European Journal of Operational Research, 98(1), 1-18.
  • Yalçin, H., and Yayla, K. (2016). “Scientometric Analysis of the Researches About Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Scholarly Communication,” Egitim ve Bilim, 41(188).
  • Yeung, A. C. (2008). “Strategic supply management, quality initiatives, and organizational performance,” Journal of Operations Management, 26(4), 490-502.
  • Zhang, Q., Wang, Q., Hao, J. X., and Yu, Y. (2016, 2016 / 08 / 09 /). “Mapping smart tourism research in China: A semantic and social network analysis using CiteSpace”. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management.
  • Zuccala, A. (2006). “Modeling the invisible college,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(2), 152-168.

Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis

Year 2021, , 125 - 136, 23.06.2021


Over the past three decades, it has become clear that supply chain networks have surpassed borders and expanded significantly in the international arena. The effects of this transformation have been the subject of many academic studies . The aim of this study is to understand how the domain knowledge of global supply chain literature has grown and evolved over time. Through co-citation analysis using CiteSpace software, a literature cognitive map has been extracted and hotspot topics, emerging trends and burst cited articles have been discovered in this map. The secondary data (including 653 research papers and 18,197 references) used in the analysis was retrieved from the Web of Science database. The results indicate that the sub-topics “greenhouse gas emission”, “corporate social responsibility” and “fair-trade labeling scheme” are new emerging trends in research of global supply chains. Also, the research focus has been sliding from cost reduction – profit maximization issues towards environmental and social issues under the sustainable supply chain management theory. Our study aims to provide a better understanding of current problems in the global supply chain area and lead to future research.


  • Al, U., Sezen, U., and Soydal, İ. (2012). “Türkiye’nin bilimsel yayınlarının sosyal ağ analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi,” Ankara: (110K044).
  • Carter, C. R., and Rogers, D. S. (2008). “A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), 360-387.
  • Chen, C., Ibekwe‐SanJuan, F., and Hou, J. (2010). “The structure and dynamics of cocitation clusters: A multiple‐perspective cocitation analysis,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.
  • Chen, C., and Leydesdorff, L. (2014). “Patterns of connections and movements in dual‐map overlays: A new method of publication portfolio analysis,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 334-351.
  • Chen, C., Song, I.-Y., Yuan, X., and Zhang, J. (2008). “The thematic and citation landscape of data and knowledge engineering (1985–2007),” Data & Knowledge Engineering, 67(2), 234-259.
  • Colepicolo, E. (2015). “Information reliability for academic research: review and recommendations,” New Library World, 116(11/12), 646-660.
  • Craighead, C. W., Blackhurst, J., Rungtusanatham, M. J., and Handfield, R. B. (2007). “The severity of supply chain disruptions: design characteristics and mitigation capabilities,” Decision Sciences, 38(1), 131-156.
  • Crane, D. (1969). “Social structure in a group of scientists: A test of the” invisible college” hypothesis,” American Sociological Review, 335-352.
  • Davis, S. J., and Caldeira, K. (2010). “Consumption-based accounting of CO2 emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(12), 5687-5692.
  • Davis, S. J., Peters, G. P., and Caldeira, K. (2011). “The supply chain of CO2 emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(45), 18554-18559.
  • Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer, R., Timmer, M., and De Vries, G. (2013). “The construction of world input–output tables in the WIOD project,” Economic Systems Research, 25(1), 71-98.
  • Ding, Y. (2011). “Scientific collaboration and endorsement: Network analysis of coauthorship and citation networks,” Journal of Informetrics, 5(1), 187-203.
  • Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J., and Sturgeon, T. (2005). “The governance of global value chains,” Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), 78-104.
  • Goetschalckx, M., Vidal, C. J., and Dogan, K. (2002). “Modeling and design of global logistics systems: A review of integrated strategic and tactical models and design algorithms,” European Journal of Operational Research, 143(1), 1-18.
  • Goh, M., Lim, J. Y., and Meng, F. (2007). “A stochastic model for risk management in global supply chain networks,” European Journal of Operational Research, 182(1), 164-173.
  • Gunasekaran, A., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T. E. (2008). “Responsive supply chain: a competitive strategy in a networked economy,” Omega, 36(4), 549-564.
  • Halldórsson, Á., Kovács, G., Mollenkopf, D., Stolze, H., Tate, W. L., and Ueltschy, M. (2010). “Green, lean, and global supply chains,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(1/2), 14-41.
  • Harland, C., Brenchley, R., and Walker, H. (2003). “Risk in supply networks,” Journal of Purchasing and Supply management, 9(2), 51-62.
  • Hertwich, E. G., and Peters, G. P. (2009). “Carbon footprint of nations: A global, trade-linked analysis,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43(16), 6414-6420.
  • Kaufman, L., and Rousseeuw, P. J. (2009). Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis (Vol. 344): John Wiley & Sons.
  • Klavans, R., and Boyack, K. W. (2011). “Using global mapping to create more accurate document‐level maps of research fields,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(1), 1-18.
  • Kleindorfer, P. R., and Saad, G. H. (2005). “Managing disruption risks in supply chains,” Production and Operations Management, 14(1), 53-68.
  • Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Kanemoto, K., Foran, B., Lobefaro, L., and Geschke, A. (2012). “International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations,” Nature, 486(7401), 109-112.
  • Meixell, M. J., and Gargeya, V. B. (2005). “Global supply chain design: A literature review and critique,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 41(6), 531-550.
  • Perron, S., Hansen, P., Le Digabel, S., and Mladenović, N. (2010). “Exact and heuristic solutions of the global supply chain problem with transfer pricing,” European Journal of Operational Research, 202(3), 864-879.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). “Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics,” Journal of Documentation, 25, 348.
  • Rorissa, A., and Yuan, X. (2012). “Visualizing and mapping the intellectual structure of information retrieval,” Information Processing & Management, 48(1), 120-135.
  • Roth, A. V., Tsay, A. A., Pullman, M. E., and Gray, J. V. (2008). “Unraveling the food supply chain: strategic insights from China and the 2007 recalls,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44(1), 22-39.
  • Seuring, S., and Müller, M. (2008). “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(15), 1699-1710.
  • Simovici, D. (2007). “Data Mining Algorithms I: Clustering,” Handbook of Applied Algorithms, 177-218.
  • Small, H. (1973). “Co‐citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 24(4), 265-269.
  • Tomlin, B. (2006). “On the value of mitigation and contingency strategies for managing supply chain disruption risks,” Management Science, 52(5), 639-657.
  • Vidal, C. J., and Goetschalckx, M. (1997). “Strategic production-distribution models: A critical review with emphasis on global supply chain models,” European Journal of Operational Research, 98(1), 1-18.
  • Yalçin, H., and Yayla, K. (2016). “Scientometric Analysis of the Researches About Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Scholarly Communication,” Egitim ve Bilim, 41(188).
  • Yeung, A. C. (2008). “Strategic supply management, quality initiatives, and organizational performance,” Journal of Operations Management, 26(4), 490-502.
  • Zhang, Q., Wang, Q., Hao, J. X., and Yu, Y. (2016, 2016 / 08 / 09 /). “Mapping smart tourism research in China: A semantic and social network analysis using CiteSpace”. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management.
  • Zuccala, A. (2006). “Modeling the invisible college,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(2), 152-168.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Semih Coşkun 0000-0002-3830-6430

Halim Kazan 0000-0002-9234-6214

Publication Date June 23, 2021
Submission Date May 27, 2021
Acceptance Date May 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Coşkun, S. S., & Kazan, H. (2021). Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 6(1), 125-136.
AMA Coşkun SS, Kazan H. Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis. JTL. June 2021;6(1):125-136. doi:10.26650/JTL.2021.943712
Chicago Coşkun, Serdar Semih, and Halim Kazan. “Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 6, no. 1 (June 2021): 125-36.
EndNote Coşkun SS, Kazan H (June 1, 2021) Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 6 1 125–136.
IEEE S. S. Coşkun and H. Kazan, “Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis”, JTL, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 125–136, 2021, doi: 10.26650/JTL.2021.943712.
ISNAD Coşkun, Serdar Semih - Kazan, Halim. “Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 6/1 (June 2021), 125-136.
JAMA Coşkun SS, Kazan H. Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis. JTL. 2021;6:125–136.
MLA Coşkun, Serdar Semih and Halim Kazan. “Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021, pp. 125-36, doi:10.26650/JTL.2021.943712.
Vancouver Coşkun SS, Kazan H. Visualization of the Global Supply Chain Research Domain Through Bibliometric Analysis. JTL. 2021;6(1):125-36.

The JTL is being published twice (in April and October of) a year, as an official international peer-reviewed journal of the School of Transportation and Logistics at Istanbul University.