Research Article
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The Mediating Role of Product Performance on the Effect of Process Integration with Suppliers on Firm Performance

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 28, 27.05.2020


This study investigates the mediating role of product performance on the effect of the supplier process integration on Firm performance. Additionally, the moderator effect of market uncertainty on the effect of process integration on firm performance is also analyzed. For this purpose, data were collected by surveys from 156 manufacturing companies operating in Istanbul. A structural equation model was established and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that process integration had a positive effect on company performance. In addition, it has been determined that product performance has a positive effect on firm performance. The mediation role of product performance on the effect of process integration on firm performance was made by a bootstrap method. The mediating role of product performance could be found but the moderating role of market uncertainty could not be proven.


  • Agustin, C. & Singh, J. (2005). Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing Research 42;96-108.
  • Boon-itt, S. & Wong, C.Y. (2011). The moderating effects of technological and demand uncertainties on the relationship between supply chain ıntegration and customer delivery performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 41(3),253-276.
  • Bonaccorsi, A. & Lipparini, A. (1994). Strategic partnerships in new product development: an ıtalian case study. Journal of Product Innovation Management 11:134–145.
  • Chen, H., Daugherty, P. J., ve Roath, A. S. (2009). Defining and operationalizing supply chain process integration. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(1), 63-84
  • Danese, P. & Romano, P. (2011). Supply chain integration and efficiency performance: a study on the interactions between customer and supplier integration, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(4),220-230.
  • Davenport, T.H. (1993), Process ınnovation–reengineering work through ınformation technology. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
  • Ettlie, J.E. & Reza, E., (1992). Organizational integration and process innovation. Academy of Management Journal 34, 795–827.
  • Flynn, B. B., B. Huo, & X. Zhao. (2010). The ımpact of supply chain ıntegration on performance: a contingency and configuration approach. Journal of Operations Management, 28(1),58–71.
  • Fynes, B., Burca, S. & Marshall, D. (2004). Environmental uncertainty, supply chain relationship quality and performance. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 10, 179-190.
  • Frohlich, M. T. & R. Westbrook. 2001. Arcs of integration: An ınternational study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operations Management. 19 (2), 185–200.
  • Frohlich, M.T. & Westbrook, R. (2001). Arcs of integration: An ınternational study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operation Management. 19:185–200.
  • Gatignon, H. & Xuereb, J.M. (1997). Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance. Journal of Marketing Research. 34, 77–90.
  • Gatignon, H. & Xuereb, J. (1997). Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1), 77-90.
  • Jayaram, J. (2008). Supplier involvement in new product development projects: dimensionality and contingency effects”. International Journal of Production Research. 46(13), 3717-3735.
  • Jaworski, B.J. & Kohli, A.K. (1993). Market orientation: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing. 57(3),53-70.
  • Koufteros, X.A., Rawski, G.E. & Rupak, R. (2010), Organizational integration for product development: the effects on glitches, on-time execution of engineering change orders, and market success. Decision Sciences, 41(1), 49-80.
  • Lai, F., M. Zhang, D.M.S. Lee & X. Zhao. (2012). the ımpact of supply chain ıntegration on mass customization capability: An extended resourcebased view. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 59(3), 443–456.
  • Lai, K.H., Wong, C.W.Y. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2010). Bundling digitized logistics activities and its performance implications. Industrial Marketing Management. 39(2), 273–286.
  • Langerak, F. Hultink, E.J. & Robben; H.S.J. (2007). The mediating role of new product development in the link between market orientation and organizational performance, Journal of Strategic Marketing. 15(4), 281-305.
  • Lau, A., Yam, R. & Tang, E. (2007). Supply chain product co‐development, product modularity and product performance. Industrial Management and Data Systems. 107(7), 1036-1065.
  • Lau, A.K.W., Tang, E. & Yam, R.C.M. (2010). Effects of supplier and customer ıntegration on product ınnovation and performance: empirical evidence in Hong Kong manufacturers. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 27(5),761-777.
  • Lee, P.K.C., Yeung, A.C.L. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2009). Supplier alliances and envioronmental uncertainty: An emprical study, ın. J. Production Economics. 120, 190-204.
  • Li, S. (2002). An integrated model for supply chain management practices, performance and competitive advantage. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toledo, Toledo.
  • Liao, K. & Tu, Q. (2008). Leveraging automation and ıntegration to improve manufacturing performance under uncertainty. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 19(1) 38-51.
  • Liu, W. & Atuahene-Gima, K. (2018). Enhancing product innovation performance in a dysfunctional competitive environment: The roles of competitive strategies and market-based assets. Industrial Marketing Management. (73), 7-20.
  • Mellat-Parast, M. & Spillan, J. (2014), Logistics and supply chain process integration as a source of competitive advantage. International Journal of Logistics Management. 25(2), 289-314
  • Monczka, R.M., Handfield, R.B., Scannell, T.V., Ragatz, G.L. & Frayer, D.L. (2000). New product development strategies for supplier ıntegration. ASQ Quality Press. Narasimhan,
  • R. & Kim, S.W. (2002). Effect of supply chain ıntegration on the relationship between diversification and performance: Evidence from Japanese and Korean firms. Journal of Operations Management. 20, 303-323.
  • Noble, C. H., Sinha, R. K. & Kumar, A. (2002). Market orientation and alternative strategic orientations: A longitudinal assessment of performance implications. Journal of Marketing. 66(3), 25–39.
  • O’Leary-Kelly, S.W. & Flores, B.E. (2002). The ıntegration of manufacturing and marketing/sales decisions: Impact on organizational performance. Journal of Operations Management. 20(3), 221-240.
  • Palomero, S. & R. Chalmeta. 2014. A guide for supply chain ıntegration in SMEs. Production Planning and Control. 25(5), 372–400. Pan, Y., Sheng, S. & Xie, F.T. (2012), Antecedents of customer loyalty: an empirical synthesis and reexamination. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 19(1), 150-158.
  • Rafiq, M., Fulford, H. & Lu, X. (2013). Building customer loyalty in online retailing: The role of relationship quality. Journal of Marketing Management. 29(3), 494-517.
  • Ragatz, G.L., Handfield, R.B. & Peterson, K.J., (2002). Benefits associated with supplierintegration into new product development under conditions of technology uncertainty. Journal of Business Research. 55(5), 389–400
  • Rodrigues, A.M., Stank, T.P. & Lynch, D.F. (2004). Linking strategy, structure, process and performance in ıntegrated logistics. Journal of Business Logistics. 25(2), 65-94.
  • Stonebraker, P.W. & Liao, J. (2004). Environmental turbulence, strategic orientation modeling supply chain integration. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 24(9), 1037–1048
  • Swink, M., Narasimhan, R. & Wang, C. (2007), “Managing beyond the factory walls: effects of four types of strategic integration on manufacturing plant performance”. Journal of Operations Management. 25(1), 148-164.
  • Swink, M., Narasimhan, R. & Wang, C. (2006). Managing beyond the factory walls: effects of four types of strategic ıntegration on manufacturing plant performance. Journal of Operations Management. 25(1):148–164.
  • Tsai, K.H. & Hsui T.T. (2014). Cross-Functional collaboration, competitive intensity, knowledge integration mechanisms, and new product performance: A mediated moderation model. Industrial Marketing Management. 43(2014), 293–303
  • Waters, D. (2003). Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management. (1th Press). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wong, C.Y., Boon-ittb, S. & Wong, C.W.Y. (2011). “The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance.” Journal of Operations Management. 29, 604–615.
  • Yeung, J. H. Y., W. Selen, M. Zhang, & B. Huo. 2009. The effects of trust and coercive power on supplier ıntegration. International Journal of Production Economics. 120(1), 66–78.
  • Zhao, L., B. Huo, L. Sun & X. Zhao. (2013). The ımpact of supply chain risk on supply chain ıntegration and company performance: A global ınvestigation. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 18(2), 115–131.
  • Zhang, M. & Hartley, J. (2018). Does guanxi influence product performance and customer loyalty? Journal of Asia Business Studies. 12(3), 233-252.

Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 28, 27.05.2020


Bu çalışmada tedarikçilerle süreç entegrasyonunun firma performansı üzerindeki etkisinde ürün performansının aracılık rolü araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca süreç entegrasyonunun firma performansı üzerindeki etkisinde piyasa belirsizliğinin düzenleyici rolü analiz edilmiştir. Bu amaçla İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren 156 imalat firmasından anket ile veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında yapısal eşitlik modeli kurularak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda süreç entegrasyonu ve ürün performansının firma performansını pozitif yönde anlamlı olarak etkilediği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca ürün performansının da firma performansını pozitif yönde anlamlı olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Süreç entegrasyonunun firma performansı üzerindeki etkisinde ürün performansının aracılık rolü boostrap yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Analiz neticesinde ürün performansının aracılık rolü bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda piyasa belirsizliğinin düzenleyici rolüne ulaşılamamıştır.


  • Agustin, C. & Singh, J. (2005). Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing Research 42;96-108.
  • Boon-itt, S. & Wong, C.Y. (2011). The moderating effects of technological and demand uncertainties on the relationship between supply chain ıntegration and customer delivery performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 41(3),253-276.
  • Bonaccorsi, A. & Lipparini, A. (1994). Strategic partnerships in new product development: an ıtalian case study. Journal of Product Innovation Management 11:134–145.
  • Chen, H., Daugherty, P. J., ve Roath, A. S. (2009). Defining and operationalizing supply chain process integration. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(1), 63-84
  • Danese, P. & Romano, P. (2011). Supply chain integration and efficiency performance: a study on the interactions between customer and supplier integration, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(4),220-230.
  • Davenport, T.H. (1993), Process ınnovation–reengineering work through ınformation technology. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
  • Ettlie, J.E. & Reza, E., (1992). Organizational integration and process innovation. Academy of Management Journal 34, 795–827.
  • Flynn, B. B., B. Huo, & X. Zhao. (2010). The ımpact of supply chain ıntegration on performance: a contingency and configuration approach. Journal of Operations Management, 28(1),58–71.
  • Fynes, B., Burca, S. & Marshall, D. (2004). Environmental uncertainty, supply chain relationship quality and performance. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 10, 179-190.
  • Frohlich, M. T. & R. Westbrook. 2001. Arcs of integration: An ınternational study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operations Management. 19 (2), 185–200.
  • Frohlich, M.T. & Westbrook, R. (2001). Arcs of integration: An ınternational study of supply chain strategies. Journal of Operation Management. 19:185–200.
  • Gatignon, H. & Xuereb, J.M. (1997). Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance. Journal of Marketing Research. 34, 77–90.
  • Gatignon, H. & Xuereb, J. (1997). Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1), 77-90.
  • Jayaram, J. (2008). Supplier involvement in new product development projects: dimensionality and contingency effects”. International Journal of Production Research. 46(13), 3717-3735.
  • Jaworski, B.J. & Kohli, A.K. (1993). Market orientation: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing. 57(3),53-70.
  • Koufteros, X.A., Rawski, G.E. & Rupak, R. (2010), Organizational integration for product development: the effects on glitches, on-time execution of engineering change orders, and market success. Decision Sciences, 41(1), 49-80.
  • Lai, F., M. Zhang, D.M.S. Lee & X. Zhao. (2012). the ımpact of supply chain ıntegration on mass customization capability: An extended resourcebased view. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 59(3), 443–456.
  • Lai, K.H., Wong, C.W.Y. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2010). Bundling digitized logistics activities and its performance implications. Industrial Marketing Management. 39(2), 273–286.
  • Langerak, F. Hultink, E.J. & Robben; H.S.J. (2007). The mediating role of new product development in the link between market orientation and organizational performance, Journal of Strategic Marketing. 15(4), 281-305.
  • Lau, A., Yam, R. & Tang, E. (2007). Supply chain product co‐development, product modularity and product performance. Industrial Management and Data Systems. 107(7), 1036-1065.
  • Lau, A.K.W., Tang, E. & Yam, R.C.M. (2010). Effects of supplier and customer ıntegration on product ınnovation and performance: empirical evidence in Hong Kong manufacturers. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 27(5),761-777.
  • Lee, P.K.C., Yeung, A.C.L. & Cheng, T.C.E. (2009). Supplier alliances and envioronmental uncertainty: An emprical study, ın. J. Production Economics. 120, 190-204.
  • Li, S. (2002). An integrated model for supply chain management practices, performance and competitive advantage. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toledo, Toledo.
  • Liao, K. & Tu, Q. (2008). Leveraging automation and ıntegration to improve manufacturing performance under uncertainty. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 19(1) 38-51.
  • Liu, W. & Atuahene-Gima, K. (2018). Enhancing product innovation performance in a dysfunctional competitive environment: The roles of competitive strategies and market-based assets. Industrial Marketing Management. (73), 7-20.
  • Mellat-Parast, M. & Spillan, J. (2014), Logistics and supply chain process integration as a source of competitive advantage. International Journal of Logistics Management. 25(2), 289-314
  • Monczka, R.M., Handfield, R.B., Scannell, T.V., Ragatz, G.L. & Frayer, D.L. (2000). New product development strategies for supplier ıntegration. ASQ Quality Press. Narasimhan,
  • R. & Kim, S.W. (2002). Effect of supply chain ıntegration on the relationship between diversification and performance: Evidence from Japanese and Korean firms. Journal of Operations Management. 20, 303-323.
  • Noble, C. H., Sinha, R. K. & Kumar, A. (2002). Market orientation and alternative strategic orientations: A longitudinal assessment of performance implications. Journal of Marketing. 66(3), 25–39.
  • O’Leary-Kelly, S.W. & Flores, B.E. (2002). The ıntegration of manufacturing and marketing/sales decisions: Impact on organizational performance. Journal of Operations Management. 20(3), 221-240.
  • Palomero, S. & R. Chalmeta. 2014. A guide for supply chain ıntegration in SMEs. Production Planning and Control. 25(5), 372–400. Pan, Y., Sheng, S. & Xie, F.T. (2012), Antecedents of customer loyalty: an empirical synthesis and reexamination. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 19(1), 150-158.
  • Rafiq, M., Fulford, H. & Lu, X. (2013). Building customer loyalty in online retailing: The role of relationship quality. Journal of Marketing Management. 29(3), 494-517.
  • Ragatz, G.L., Handfield, R.B. & Peterson, K.J., (2002). Benefits associated with supplierintegration into new product development under conditions of technology uncertainty. Journal of Business Research. 55(5), 389–400
  • Rodrigues, A.M., Stank, T.P. & Lynch, D.F. (2004). Linking strategy, structure, process and performance in ıntegrated logistics. Journal of Business Logistics. 25(2), 65-94.
  • Stonebraker, P.W. & Liao, J. (2004). Environmental turbulence, strategic orientation modeling supply chain integration. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 24(9), 1037–1048
  • Swink, M., Narasimhan, R. & Wang, C. (2007), “Managing beyond the factory walls: effects of four types of strategic integration on manufacturing plant performance”. Journal of Operations Management. 25(1), 148-164.
  • Swink, M., Narasimhan, R. & Wang, C. (2006). Managing beyond the factory walls: effects of four types of strategic ıntegration on manufacturing plant performance. Journal of Operations Management. 25(1):148–164.
  • Tsai, K.H. & Hsui T.T. (2014). Cross-Functional collaboration, competitive intensity, knowledge integration mechanisms, and new product performance: A mediated moderation model. Industrial Marketing Management. 43(2014), 293–303
  • Waters, D. (2003). Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management. (1th Press). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wong, C.Y., Boon-ittb, S. & Wong, C.W.Y. (2011). “The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance.” Journal of Operations Management. 29, 604–615.
  • Yeung, J. H. Y., W. Selen, M. Zhang, & B. Huo. 2009. The effects of trust and coercive power on supplier ıntegration. International Journal of Production Economics. 120(1), 66–78.
  • Zhao, L., B. Huo, L. Sun & X. Zhao. (2013). The ımpact of supply chain risk on supply chain ıntegration and company performance: A global ınvestigation. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 18(2), 115–131.
  • Zhang, M. & Hartley, J. (2018). Does guanxi influence product performance and customer loyalty? Journal of Asia Business Studies. 12(3), 233-252.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Bülent Yıldız This is me 0000-0002-5368-2805

Ahmet Çetindaş This is me 0000-0003-2262-4204

Publication Date May 27, 2020
Submission Date January 7, 2020
Acceptance Date April 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Yıldız, B., & Çetindaş, A. (2020). Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 5(1), 13-28.
AMA Yıldız B, Çetindaş A. Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü. JTL. May 2020;5(1):13-28. doi:10.26650/JTL.2020.0002
Chicago Yıldız, Bülent, and Ahmet Çetindaş. “Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 5, no. 1 (May 2020): 13-28.
EndNote Yıldız B, Çetindaş A (May 1, 2020) Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 5 1 13–28.
IEEE B. Yıldız and A. Çetindaş, “Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü”, JTL, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 13–28, 2020, doi: 10.26650/JTL.2020.0002.
ISNAD Yıldız, Bülent - Çetindaş, Ahmet. “Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 5/1 (May 2020), 13-28.
JAMA Yıldız B, Çetindaş A. Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü. JTL. 2020;5:13–28.
MLA Yıldız, Bülent and Ahmet Çetindaş. “Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 5, no. 1, 2020, pp. 13-28, doi:10.26650/JTL.2020.0002.
Vancouver Yıldız B, Çetindaş A. Tedarikçilerle Süreç Entegrasyonunun Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisinde Ürün Performansının Aracı Rolü. JTL. 2020;5(1):13-28.

The JTL is being published twice (in April and October of) a year, as an official international peer-reviewed journal of the School of Transportation and Logistics at Istanbul University.