Peer Review Process

The publications submitted to the Journal of Theory and Practice in Sport undergo a process consisting of 4 stages: preliminary review, reviewers' decisions, editorial decision, and publication process.

Phase 1: Preliminary Review
a. The articles/papers submitted to the Journal of Theory and Practice in Sport are evaluated by the secretariat in compliance with the journal's writing rules and manuscript template. Inappropriate manuscripts are returned to the corresponding author for revisions. The corresponding author sends it again after editing the manuscript by the journal's template within 10 days. Manuscripts that comply with the journal draft and writing rules are sent to the Editor.

b. Manuscripts received by the Editor are evaluated in terms of the journal's "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" and "Purpose and Scope." Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal's principles, purpose, and scope are rejected.

c. The similarity reports of the articles found suitable by the Editor are examined. The editorial board rejects papers with similarity reports exceeding 10%. The Author's Guide gives detailed information about the similarity report under the heading "Similarity Report."

d. Manuscripts that pass the Preliminary Review stage are sent to reviewers.

Stage 2: Peer Review (Double Blind)
a. Manuscripts are sent to two reviewers without including author information by their fields of expertise.
b. The reviewers inform the Editor whether they accept the evaluation within 7 days. This period can be extended by 7 days in compulsory cases. The process of reviewers not accepting the review and notifying within this period is terminated, and a new reviewer is appointed.
c. The reviewers must submit their decision 15 days after accepting the evaluation. This period can be extended for 7 more days in compulsory situations. The process of the reviewer not sending their decision within the period is terminated, and a new reviewer is appointed.
d. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts in terms of originality, contribution to the field, method, presentation of findings, and support of results, discussion, and suggestions. The reviewers may accept the manuscript, request revisions for the manuscript, or reject it.
e. 20 days are given for the manuscript that the reviewers want revision. Manuscripts that do not meet the necessary revisions within this period are rejected, and the process is terminated. The last version of the manuscript with revisions should be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author.
f. If the reviewers state that they want to see the manuscript again after the revision, the text is sent to the reviewer, likewise with the revisions. In this case, the reviewers must complete this process within 15 days.

Stage 3: Editorial Decision
a. Manuscripts that receive positive reviewer feedback are evaluated by the Editor. If necessary, the Editor may request revisions from the authors.
b. The Editor makes the final decision within 20 days. The manuscript for which the decision is "Suitable to be Published" is placed in the publication queue.

Stage 4: Publication Process
the layout editor does a. Pre-editing of accepted manuscripts.
b. The manuscript, whose layout process is completed, is sent to the author for proofreading. The Editor may request revisions in terms of shape during this process. After the author makes these revisions, they are sent to the Editor.
c. The last version of the manuscripts is sent to the Editor by the author. Manuscripts that complete the process are published in the earliest issue of the journal.

Last Update Time: 2/13/25, 10:54:33 AM