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Karadeniz’in Kuzeyindeki Bozkırlarda İttifak Dengeleri: Peçenek, Bizans ve Rus İlişkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (941-972)

Year 2024, , 43 - 58, 25.06.2024


10. yy’da Karadeniz’in kuzeyindeki bozkırlarda önemli rol oynayan Peçenekler, bölgede çıkarları olan Bizanslıların ve Rusların dikkatlerini çekmiştir. Bizans ve Rus kaynakları, sınır komşusu oldukları Peçenekler hakkında bilgiler sunmaktadır. Ten, Kuban, Orta-Aşağı Özi, Kırım ve Tuna’yı içine alan 2000 km2’lik alanı kapsayan Karadeniz’in kuzeyindeki bozkırlarda siyasi ve ticari çıkarları olan güçler, Peçeneklerle menfaatleri mucibince dostane ilişki çerçevesinde ittifak kurmaya çalışmışlar, yeri geldiğinde ise düşman olarak görüp savaşmışlardır. 941 ve 944 yıllarında Rusların Bizanslılara saldırıları, bölgedeki ittifak dengelerini sarsmış ve siyasi güçlerin politikalarını gözden geçirmelerine neden olmuştur. Özellikle Knyaz Igor’un ölümünden sonra 20 yıl durağan kalan Ruslar, Knyaz I. Svyatoslav’ın iktidarı ele almasıyla genişleme politikası kapsamında saldırılara başlamışlardır. Bu dinamik olaylar karşısında siyasi güçler arasında yeni ittifakların ve antlaşmaların yapılması kaçınılmaz olmuştur.
Bu çalışmada, 941-972 yılları arasında Karadeniz’in kuzeyindeki konjonktür genel hatlarıyla aktarılmaya çalışılmış ve bölgede Bizanslıların, Rusların, Peçeneklerin ve kısmi de olsa Hazarların birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Kaynakların yetersiz kaldığı yerlerde hipotezler kurularak çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur.


  • Artamonov, Mihail İllarionoviç (1962), İstoriia Khazar, Leningrad.
  • Bartold, Vasiliy Vladimiroviç (1963), “Mesto Prikaspiiskikh Oblastei v İstorii Musul’manskogo Mira”, Sochineniia, Vol. 2/1, Moskva. (651–772)
  • Bozhilov, Ivan (1973), “Bulgariia i Pechenezite (896–1018)”, Istoricheskii Pregled 29. (37–62)
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus (1967), De Administrando Imperio, Gy. Moravcsik (Ed.), (Çev. R. J. H. Jenkins), Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Cross, Samuel Hazzard ve Scherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd P. (1953), The Russian Primary Chronicle, Cambridge. Dimitrov, Kristo (2011), Bulgariia i Nomadite do Nachaloto na XI vek, Plovdiv.
  • Dikmen, Emine (2022), “911 ve 944 Rus-Bizans Ticaret Anlaşmaları (Geçmiş Yılların Hikâyesi Kroniği’ne Göre PVL”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, C. 41, S. 72. (114-138)
  • Dunlop, Douglas Morton (1954), The History of the Jewish Khazars, Princeton.
  • Fine Jr., John Van Antwerp (1983), The Early Medieval Balkans, A Critical Survey From the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century, Ann Arbor.
  • Gadlo, Aleksandr Viliamovich (1979), Etnicheskaia İstoriia Severnogo Kavkaza IV–X vv, Leningrad.
  • Gadlo, Aleksandr Viliamovich (1994), Etnicheskaia İstoriia Severnogo Kavkaza X–XIII vv, St. Petersburg.
  • Golb, Norman ve Pritsak, Omeljan (1982), Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Centaury, Ithaca, London.
  • Golden, Peter Benjamin (1972), “The Migrations of the Oğuz”, Archivum Ottomanicum 4. (45–84)
  • Golden, Peter Benjamin (1980), Khazar Studies An Historico-Philological Inquiry into the Origins of the Khazars, Vol. 1, Budapest.
  • Grekow, Boris (1955), Ruś Kijowska, Warszawa.
  • Ioannes Zonaras (1897), Epitomae Historiarum Libri XIII–XVIII, Th. Büttner-Wobst (Ed.), Bonn.
  • Kalinina, Tatiana Mikhailovna (1976), “Svedeniia İbn Khaukalia o Pokhodakh Rusi Vremen Sviatoslava”, V. T. Pashuto (Ed.), Drevneishe Gosudarstva na Territorii SSSR, Materialy i İssledovaniia 1975 g içinde (90-101), Moskva.
  • Karamzin, Nikolay (1899), İstoriia Gosudarstva Rossiiskogo, Vol. 1, St. Petersburg.
  • Karpov, Aleksei (1997), Vladimir Sviatoi, Moskva.
  • Knyazkiy, İgor Olegovich (2003), Vizantiia i Kochevniki İuzhnorusskikh Stepei, Nauchnoe izdanie, St. Petersburg.
  • Kokovcov, Pavel Konstantinovič (1932), Evreisko-Khazarska Perepiska v X veke, Leningrad.
  • Koledarov, Peter (1979), Politicheska Geografiia na Srednovekovnata Bulgarska Durzhava, Vol. 1, Sofiia.
  • Karyshkovskii, Petr O. (1952), “O Chronologii Russko-Vizantiiskoi Voiny Pri Sviatoslave”, Vizantiiskii Vremennik 5. (127–138)
  • Lavrent’evskaia letopis’ (Povest Vremennih Let) (1926), I. F. Karskii (Ed.), Leningrad.
  • Leo Diaconus Caloënsis (1828), Historia, C. B. Hase (Ed.), Bonn.
  • Leszka, Mirosław J. ve Marinow, Kirił (2015), Carstwo Bułgarskie: Polityka-Historia-Kultura 866–971, Warszawa.
  • Levchenko, Mitrofan Vasilyevich (1956), Ocherki po İstorii Rusko-Vizantiiskikh Otnoshenii, Moskva.
  • Litavrin, Gennadiy Grigoryevich (2000), Vizantiia, Bolgariia, Drevniaia Rus’ (IX-nachalo XII v.), St. Petersburg.
  • Łowmiański, Henryk (1973), Początki Polski, Vol. 5, Warszawa.
  • Lunde, Paul ve Stone, Caroline (2012), Ibn Fadlān and the Land of Darkness Arab Travellers in the Far North, London, New York.
  • Madgearu, Alexandru (2013), Byzantine Military Organization on the Danube 10th–12th Centuries, Leiden.
  • Miskawajhi (1921), The Experiences of the Nations, Vol. 2, The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate, Original Chronicles of the Fourth Islamic Century, H. F. Amedroz ve D. S. Margoliouth (Ed.), Oxford.
  • Moravcsik, Gyula (1970), Byzantium and the Magyars, Budapest.
  • Novoseltsev, Anatolii Petrovich (1990), Khazarskoe Gosudarstvo i Ego Rol’ v İstorii Vostochnoi Evropy i Kavkaza, Moskva.
  • Obolensky, Dimitri (1994), Byzantium and the Slavs, New York.
  • Obolensky, Dimitri (2000), Byzantine Commonwealth Eastern Europe 500–1454, London.
  • Ostrogorski, Georgij (1967), Dzieje Bizancjum, Warszawa.
  • Paroń, Aleksander (2007), “Pieczyngowie na Kartach De Administrando Imperio Konstantyna VII Porfirogenety”, Classica Wratislaviensia 27. (97–112)
  • Paroń, Aleksander (2009), “Uchaste Vizantiiskoi Diplomatii v Ubiistve Kniazia Sviatoslava Igorevicha,
  • Dopolnitel’nye Svedeniia k Russko-Vizantiiskim Otnosheniiam vo Vtoroi Polovine X veka”, Stratum Plus 2005–2009, № 5. (494–499)
  • Pletneva, Svetlana Aleksandrovna (1958), “Pechenegi, Torki i Polovtsy v İuzhnorusskikh Stepiakh”, Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii, Moskva, Leningrad. (153–226)
  • Pletneva, Svetlana Aleksandrovna (1976), Khazary, Moskva.
  • Poppe, Andrzej (1978), “Ruś i Bizancjum w Latach 986–989”, Kwartalnik Historyczny 85. (3–22)
  • Sakharov, Andrei Nikolaevich (1991), Diplomatiia Sviatoslava, Moskva.
  • Shepard, Jonathan (1998), “The Khazars’ Formal Adoption of Judaism and Byzantium’s Northern Policy”, Oxford Slavonic Papers, S. 31. (11–34)
  • Shepard, Jonathan (1999), “Constantine VII’s Doctrine of “Cointainment” of Rus”, B. N. Floria (Ed.), Gennadios. K 70-letiiu Akademika G.G. Litavrina içinde (264-283), Moskva.
  • Shepard, Jonathan (2006), “Closer Encounters with the Byzantine World: The Rus at the Straits of Kerch”, K. L. Reyerson, T. G. Stavrou ve J. D. Tracy (Ed.), Pre-Modern Russia and its World, Essays in Honor of Thomas S. Noonan içinde (15-77), Wiesbaden.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010), A Synopsis of Byzantine History 811–1057, (Çev. J. Wortley), Cambridge.
  • Spinei, Victor (2009), The Romanians and the Turkic Nomads North of the Danube Delta From the Tenth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century, Leiden, Boston.
  • Stephenson, Paul (2000), Byzantium’s Balkan Frontier: A political study of the Northern Balkans 900–1204, Cambridge.
  • Stokes, Antony Derek (1961), “The Background and Chronology of the Balkan Campains of Svyatoslav Igorevich”, The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. XL, Number 94. (44–57)
  • Stokes, Antony Derek (1962), “The Balkan Campains of Svyatoslav Igorevich”, The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 40, Number 95. (466–496)
  • Talbot, Alice Mary ve Sullivan, Denis F. (2005), The History of Leo the Deacon: Byzantine Military Expansion in the Tenth Century, Washington.
  • Tolstov, Sergei Pavlovich (1948), Po Sledam Drevnekhorezmiiskoi Tsivilizatsii, Moskva, Leningrad.
  • Trapp, Erich (1986), Militärs und Höflinge im Ringen um das Kaisertum. Byzantinsche Geschichte von 969 bis 1118 nach der Chronik des Johannes Zonaras, Graz, Wien.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1997), A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford.
  • Tupkova-Zaimova, Vasilka (1976), Dolni Dunav-Granichna Zona na Vizantiiskiia Zapad (Kum istoriiata na severnite i severoiztochnite bulgarski zemi, kraia na X–XIII v), Sofiia.
  • Urbansky, Andrew B. (1968), Byznatium and the Danube Frontier: A Study of the Relations Between Byzantium, Hungary and the Balkans During the Period of the Comneni, New York.
  • Uydu Yücel, Mualla (2020), Türkistan’dan Tuna’ya Peçenekler, Doğu Kütüphanesi, İstanbul.
  • Wozniak, Frank Edward (1984), “Byzantium, the Pechenegs, and the Rus’: The Limitations of a Great Power’s Influence on Its Clients in the 10th Century Eurasian Steppe”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 4. (299–316)
  • Zlatarski, Vasil (1927), İstoriia na Bulgarskata Durzhava Prez Srednite Vekove, Vol. 1.2, Purvo Bulgarsko Tsarstvo, Ot Slavianizatsiiata na Durzhavata do Padneto na Purvoto Tsar¬stvo, Sofiia.
  • Zuckerman, Constantin (1995), “On the Date of the Khazars’ Conversion to Judaism and the Chronology of the Kings of Rus Oleg and Igor: A Study of the Anonymus Khazar Letter from the Genizah of Cairo”, Revue des études byzantines 53. (237–270)

Alliance Dynamics in the North Black Sea Steppes: Evaluation of Pecheneg, Byzantine and Russian Relations (941-972)

Year 2024, , 43 - 58, 25.06.2024


In the 10th century, the Pechenegs, played an important role in the North Black Sea steppes, attracted the attention of the Byzantines and Russians, had interests in the region. Byzantine and Russian sources provide information about the Pechenegs, who were their neighboring borderland people. The powers with political and commercial interests in the North Black Sea steppes, covering an area of 2000 km2 including the Ten, Kuban, Middle-Lower Ozi, Kırım and Danube, tried to establish an alliance with the Pechenegs within the framework of friendly relations at times, and at other times they saw them as enemies and fought against them. In 941 and 944, the Russian attacks on the Byzantines shook the balance of alliances in the region and caused the political powers to reconsider their policies. Especially after the death of Igor, the Russians who remained static for 20 years, started to attack within the scope of expansion policy after Svyatoslav I took power. In the face of these dynamic events, new alliances and agreements between political powers became inevitable.
In this study, the conjuncture in the North Black Sea steppes between 941-972 has been tried to be described in general terms and the relations between the Byzantines, Russians, Pechenegs and, partially, Khazars in the region have been tried to be evaluated. Where the sources were insufficient, hypotheses were hypothesized and inferences were made.


  • Artamonov, Mihail İllarionoviç (1962), İstoriia Khazar, Leningrad.
  • Bartold, Vasiliy Vladimiroviç (1963), “Mesto Prikaspiiskikh Oblastei v İstorii Musul’manskogo Mira”, Sochineniia, Vol. 2/1, Moskva. (651–772)
  • Bozhilov, Ivan (1973), “Bulgariia i Pechenezite (896–1018)”, Istoricheskii Pregled 29. (37–62)
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus (1967), De Administrando Imperio, Gy. Moravcsik (Ed.), (Çev. R. J. H. Jenkins), Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Cross, Samuel Hazzard ve Scherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd P. (1953), The Russian Primary Chronicle, Cambridge. Dimitrov, Kristo (2011), Bulgariia i Nomadite do Nachaloto na XI vek, Plovdiv.
  • Dikmen, Emine (2022), “911 ve 944 Rus-Bizans Ticaret Anlaşmaları (Geçmiş Yılların Hikâyesi Kroniği’ne Göre PVL”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, C. 41, S. 72. (114-138)
  • Dunlop, Douglas Morton (1954), The History of the Jewish Khazars, Princeton.
  • Fine Jr., John Van Antwerp (1983), The Early Medieval Balkans, A Critical Survey From the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century, Ann Arbor.
  • Gadlo, Aleksandr Viliamovich (1979), Etnicheskaia İstoriia Severnogo Kavkaza IV–X vv, Leningrad.
  • Gadlo, Aleksandr Viliamovich (1994), Etnicheskaia İstoriia Severnogo Kavkaza X–XIII vv, St. Petersburg.
  • Golb, Norman ve Pritsak, Omeljan (1982), Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Centaury, Ithaca, London.
  • Golden, Peter Benjamin (1972), “The Migrations of the Oğuz”, Archivum Ottomanicum 4. (45–84)
  • Golden, Peter Benjamin (1980), Khazar Studies An Historico-Philological Inquiry into the Origins of the Khazars, Vol. 1, Budapest.
  • Grekow, Boris (1955), Ruś Kijowska, Warszawa.
  • Ioannes Zonaras (1897), Epitomae Historiarum Libri XIII–XVIII, Th. Büttner-Wobst (Ed.), Bonn.
  • Kalinina, Tatiana Mikhailovna (1976), “Svedeniia İbn Khaukalia o Pokhodakh Rusi Vremen Sviatoslava”, V. T. Pashuto (Ed.), Drevneishe Gosudarstva na Territorii SSSR, Materialy i İssledovaniia 1975 g içinde (90-101), Moskva.
  • Karamzin, Nikolay (1899), İstoriia Gosudarstva Rossiiskogo, Vol. 1, St. Petersburg.
  • Karpov, Aleksei (1997), Vladimir Sviatoi, Moskva.
  • Knyazkiy, İgor Olegovich (2003), Vizantiia i Kochevniki İuzhnorusskikh Stepei, Nauchnoe izdanie, St. Petersburg.
  • Kokovcov, Pavel Konstantinovič (1932), Evreisko-Khazarska Perepiska v X veke, Leningrad.
  • Koledarov, Peter (1979), Politicheska Geografiia na Srednovekovnata Bulgarska Durzhava, Vol. 1, Sofiia.
  • Karyshkovskii, Petr O. (1952), “O Chronologii Russko-Vizantiiskoi Voiny Pri Sviatoslave”, Vizantiiskii Vremennik 5. (127–138)
  • Lavrent’evskaia letopis’ (Povest Vremennih Let) (1926), I. F. Karskii (Ed.), Leningrad.
  • Leo Diaconus Caloënsis (1828), Historia, C. B. Hase (Ed.), Bonn.
  • Leszka, Mirosław J. ve Marinow, Kirił (2015), Carstwo Bułgarskie: Polityka-Historia-Kultura 866–971, Warszawa.
  • Levchenko, Mitrofan Vasilyevich (1956), Ocherki po İstorii Rusko-Vizantiiskikh Otnoshenii, Moskva.
  • Litavrin, Gennadiy Grigoryevich (2000), Vizantiia, Bolgariia, Drevniaia Rus’ (IX-nachalo XII v.), St. Petersburg.
  • Łowmiański, Henryk (1973), Początki Polski, Vol. 5, Warszawa.
  • Lunde, Paul ve Stone, Caroline (2012), Ibn Fadlān and the Land of Darkness Arab Travellers in the Far North, London, New York.
  • Madgearu, Alexandru (2013), Byzantine Military Organization on the Danube 10th–12th Centuries, Leiden.
  • Miskawajhi (1921), The Experiences of the Nations, Vol. 2, The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate, Original Chronicles of the Fourth Islamic Century, H. F. Amedroz ve D. S. Margoliouth (Ed.), Oxford.
  • Moravcsik, Gyula (1970), Byzantium and the Magyars, Budapest.
  • Novoseltsev, Anatolii Petrovich (1990), Khazarskoe Gosudarstvo i Ego Rol’ v İstorii Vostochnoi Evropy i Kavkaza, Moskva.
  • Obolensky, Dimitri (1994), Byzantium and the Slavs, New York.
  • Obolensky, Dimitri (2000), Byzantine Commonwealth Eastern Europe 500–1454, London.
  • Ostrogorski, Georgij (1967), Dzieje Bizancjum, Warszawa.
  • Paroń, Aleksander (2007), “Pieczyngowie na Kartach De Administrando Imperio Konstantyna VII Porfirogenety”, Classica Wratislaviensia 27. (97–112)
  • Paroń, Aleksander (2009), “Uchaste Vizantiiskoi Diplomatii v Ubiistve Kniazia Sviatoslava Igorevicha,
  • Dopolnitel’nye Svedeniia k Russko-Vizantiiskim Otnosheniiam vo Vtoroi Polovine X veka”, Stratum Plus 2005–2009, № 5. (494–499)
  • Pletneva, Svetlana Aleksandrovna (1958), “Pechenegi, Torki i Polovtsy v İuzhnorusskikh Stepiakh”, Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii, Moskva, Leningrad. (153–226)
  • Pletneva, Svetlana Aleksandrovna (1976), Khazary, Moskva.
  • Poppe, Andrzej (1978), “Ruś i Bizancjum w Latach 986–989”, Kwartalnik Historyczny 85. (3–22)
  • Sakharov, Andrei Nikolaevich (1991), Diplomatiia Sviatoslava, Moskva.
  • Shepard, Jonathan (1998), “The Khazars’ Formal Adoption of Judaism and Byzantium’s Northern Policy”, Oxford Slavonic Papers, S. 31. (11–34)
  • Shepard, Jonathan (1999), “Constantine VII’s Doctrine of “Cointainment” of Rus”, B. N. Floria (Ed.), Gennadios. K 70-letiiu Akademika G.G. Litavrina içinde (264-283), Moskva.
  • Shepard, Jonathan (2006), “Closer Encounters with the Byzantine World: The Rus at the Straits of Kerch”, K. L. Reyerson, T. G. Stavrou ve J. D. Tracy (Ed.), Pre-Modern Russia and its World, Essays in Honor of Thomas S. Noonan içinde (15-77), Wiesbaden.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010), A Synopsis of Byzantine History 811–1057, (Çev. J. Wortley), Cambridge.
  • Spinei, Victor (2009), The Romanians and the Turkic Nomads North of the Danube Delta From the Tenth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century, Leiden, Boston.
  • Stephenson, Paul (2000), Byzantium’s Balkan Frontier: A political study of the Northern Balkans 900–1204, Cambridge.
  • Stokes, Antony Derek (1961), “The Background and Chronology of the Balkan Campains of Svyatoslav Igorevich”, The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. XL, Number 94. (44–57)
  • Stokes, Antony Derek (1962), “The Balkan Campains of Svyatoslav Igorevich”, The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 40, Number 95. (466–496)
  • Talbot, Alice Mary ve Sullivan, Denis F. (2005), The History of Leo the Deacon: Byzantine Military Expansion in the Tenth Century, Washington.
  • Tolstov, Sergei Pavlovich (1948), Po Sledam Drevnekhorezmiiskoi Tsivilizatsii, Moskva, Leningrad.
  • Trapp, Erich (1986), Militärs und Höflinge im Ringen um das Kaisertum. Byzantinsche Geschichte von 969 bis 1118 nach der Chronik des Johannes Zonaras, Graz, Wien.
  • Treadgold, Warren (1997), A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford.
  • Tupkova-Zaimova, Vasilka (1976), Dolni Dunav-Granichna Zona na Vizantiiskiia Zapad (Kum istoriiata na severnite i severoiztochnite bulgarski zemi, kraia na X–XIII v), Sofiia.
  • Urbansky, Andrew B. (1968), Byznatium and the Danube Frontier: A Study of the Relations Between Byzantium, Hungary and the Balkans During the Period of the Comneni, New York.
  • Uydu Yücel, Mualla (2020), Türkistan’dan Tuna’ya Peçenekler, Doğu Kütüphanesi, İstanbul.
  • Wozniak, Frank Edward (1984), “Byzantium, the Pechenegs, and the Rus’: The Limitations of a Great Power’s Influence on Its Clients in the 10th Century Eurasian Steppe”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 4. (299–316)
  • Zlatarski, Vasil (1927), İstoriia na Bulgarskata Durzhava Prez Srednite Vekove, Vol. 1.2, Purvo Bulgarsko Tsarstvo, Ot Slavianizatsiiata na Durzhavata do Padneto na Purvoto Tsar¬stvo, Sofiia.
  • Zuckerman, Constantin (1995), “On the Date of the Khazars’ Conversion to Judaism and the Chronology of the Kings of Rus Oleg and Igor: A Study of the Anonymus Khazar Letter from the Genizah of Cairo”, Revue des études byzantines 53. (237–270)
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Pre-Islamic Turkish History, Turkish Savannah Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Aksoy 0000-0003-3161-5895

Early Pub Date June 23, 2024
Publication Date June 25, 2024
Submission Date January 10, 2024
Acceptance Date May 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aksoy, H. (2024). Karadeniz’in Kuzeyindeki Bozkırlarda İttifak Dengeleri: Peçenek, Bizans ve Rus İlişkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi (941-972). Journal of Universal History Studies, 7(1), 43-58.

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