Geçmiş uygarlıklara bakıldığında bir medeniyeti oluşturan kilit noktanın dil olduğunu ve bu kilidin anahtarının alfabe olduğunu belirtmek gerekir. Çivi yazısı ile hiyeroglif yazısının yaklaşık 3000 yıllık kendi saltanatlarından doğurdukları alfabenin tüm uygarlıklarda sürdürdüğü hükümranlık göz alıcı nitelikler ortaya koymuştur. Fenike kökenli Latin alfabesi, kendine özgü işaretlerden oluşan Çin alfabesi, Sami dillerinden türeyen Arap alfabesi gibi her alfabe türü kendi sitilini oluşturana kadar uzun yol kat etmişlerdir. Osmanlı alfabesinin de yer aldığı Sami dilinden türeyen Arap alfabesinin serüveni oldukça uzun bir geçmişi kapsamaktadır. Arşivlerde kullanılan yazı dilinin ne kadar köklü bir tarihi olduğu belirtmek gerekirse Arap alfabesinin çıkış noktasını araştırmak için bu yolculuğun bizi yazının ilk çıktığı noktaya götürmesi kaçınılmazdır.
[1] Abbott, Nabia (1939), The Rise of the North Arabic Script and its Kur’anic Development, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
[2] Albayrak, İrfan (2016), “Sembollerden Çivi Yazısına Geçiş ve Yazının Anadolu’ya Gelişi” ,Archivum Anatolicum 10/2, (15-26).
[3] Allbright, William Foxwell (1969), The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and Their Decipherment, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts.
[4] Beeston, F. L. Alfred (1970), The Arabic Language Today, Hutchinson, London.
[5] Bellamy, A. James (1985), “A New Reading of the Namārah Inscription”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 105(1). (31–51) .
[6] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, January 27). Phoenicia. Encyclopedia Britannica.
[7] Cathcart, J. Kevin (2011), “The Earliest Contributions to the Decipherment of Sumerian and Akkadian”, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. ISSN 1540-877, (1-12).
[8] Childe, Gordon (1983), Kendini Yaratan İnsan, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul.
[9] Cooper, Jerrold (1996), Sumerian and Akkadian, The World's Writing Systems, Oxford University Press, New York City.
[10] Coulmas, Florian (1989), The Writing Systems of the World, Blackwell Publisher, Oxford.
[11] Davies, W. V. (1990), Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet, University of California Press, Berkeley.
[12] Develi, Hayati (2004), Osmanlı Türkçesi Klavuzu, Kesit Yayınları, İstanbul.
[13] Doğan, Servet (2022), “Ebla Tabletleri Eski Ahit’in Tarihselliğini Destekliyor mu?” İçtimaiyat Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 6/1, (181-204).
[14] Fischer, Henry George (1989), The Origin of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Origins of Writing. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
[15] Friedrich, Johannes (2000), Kayıp Yazılar ve Diller, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
[16] Fyre, Richard Nelson (1988), “The History of Ancient Iran History of the Persian Language in the East (Central Asia)”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 108, No. 2, (55-59).
[17] Ginsberg, H. L. (1970), The Nortwest Semitic Languages World History of the Jewish People, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick .
[18] Gordon, H. Cyrus (1982), Forgotten Scripts, Basic Books, New York.
[19] Gordon, H, Cyrus (1967), Ugaritic Textbook, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome.
[20] Gruendler Beatrice (1993), The development of the Arabic scripts: from the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century, Harvard University Press, Berkeley.
[21] Healey, F. John (1990), Early Alphabet, Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet, University of California Press, California.
[22] Hetzron, Robert (1997), The Semitic Languages, Routledge, London.
[23]Hırçın, Selen (2000), Çivi Yazısı Ortaya Çıkışı, Gelişmesi, Çözümü, Eskiçağ Enstitüsü Yayınları, İstanbul.
[24]Kınal, Füruzan, (1969), “Çivi Yazısının Doğuşu ve Gelişmesi”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 12, (1-7).
[25]Lipinski, Edward (1997), Semitic languages: Outline of a Comparative Grammar, Leuveen Peters.
[26]Luckenbill, Daniel David (1926), Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Shalmaneser III. USA, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
[27] Maslow, Abraham (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Published in Psychological Review, 50, (370-396).
[28]Melchert, H. Craig (2015), Luwian Language, Encyclopedia Britannica,
[29]Rendsburg, A. Gary (2003), Near Eastern Archeology Writing and Script with Special Referenca to Levant, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake Indiana.
[30]Rendsburg, A. Gary (2003), Near Eastern Archeology, Semitic Languages, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake Indiana.
[31] Shah, Mustafa (2008), “The Arabic Language”, Rippin, The Islamic World, New York, London: Routledge, (261-277).
[32]Tevrat (2018). Dorlion Yayınları.
[33]Ullendorff, Edward (1958), “What is a Semitic Language?”, Orientalia, Vol 27, no 1, (66-75).
When looking at past civilizations, it should be noted that the key point that creates a civilization is language and the key to this lock is the alphabet. The dominance of the alphabet, which the cuneiform and hieroglyphic script originated from their own reign of about 3000 years, has revealed fascinating qualities in all civilizations. Each alphabet such as Latin alphabet with Phoenician origin, the Chinese alphabet consisting of distinctive signs, the Arabic alphabet derived from the Semitic languages has covered a distance until they create their own style. The adventure of the Arabic alphabet, which was derived from the Semitic language, including the Ottoman alphabet, covers a very long history. If needed to point out that the written language used in archives has a deep-rooted history, it is inevitable to investigate the journey of the origin of the Arabic alphabet will take us to the point where writing first emerged.
[1] Abbott, Nabia (1939), The Rise of the North Arabic Script and its Kur’anic Development, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
[2] Albayrak, İrfan (2016), “Sembollerden Çivi Yazısına Geçiş ve Yazının Anadolu’ya Gelişi” ,Archivum Anatolicum 10/2, (15-26).
[3] Allbright, William Foxwell (1969), The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and Their Decipherment, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts.
[4] Beeston, F. L. Alfred (1970), The Arabic Language Today, Hutchinson, London.
[5] Bellamy, A. James (1985), “A New Reading of the Namārah Inscription”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 105(1). (31–51) .
[6] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, January 27). Phoenicia. Encyclopedia Britannica.
[7] Cathcart, J. Kevin (2011), “The Earliest Contributions to the Decipherment of Sumerian and Akkadian”, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. ISSN 1540-877, (1-12).
[8] Childe, Gordon (1983), Kendini Yaratan İnsan, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul.
[9] Cooper, Jerrold (1996), Sumerian and Akkadian, The World's Writing Systems, Oxford University Press, New York City.
[10] Coulmas, Florian (1989), The Writing Systems of the World, Blackwell Publisher, Oxford.
[11] Davies, W. V. (1990), Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet, University of California Press, Berkeley.
[12] Develi, Hayati (2004), Osmanlı Türkçesi Klavuzu, Kesit Yayınları, İstanbul.
[13] Doğan, Servet (2022), “Ebla Tabletleri Eski Ahit’in Tarihselliğini Destekliyor mu?” İçtimaiyat Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 6/1, (181-204).
[14] Fischer, Henry George (1989), The Origin of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Origins of Writing. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
[15] Friedrich, Johannes (2000), Kayıp Yazılar ve Diller, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
[16] Fyre, Richard Nelson (1988), “The History of Ancient Iran History of the Persian Language in the East (Central Asia)”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 108, No. 2, (55-59).
[17] Ginsberg, H. L. (1970), The Nortwest Semitic Languages World History of the Jewish People, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick .
[18] Gordon, H. Cyrus (1982), Forgotten Scripts, Basic Books, New York.
[19] Gordon, H, Cyrus (1967), Ugaritic Textbook, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome.
[20] Gruendler Beatrice (1993), The development of the Arabic scripts: from the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century, Harvard University Press, Berkeley.
[21] Healey, F. John (1990), Early Alphabet, Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet, University of California Press, California.
[22] Hetzron, Robert (1997), The Semitic Languages, Routledge, London.
[23]Hırçın, Selen (2000), Çivi Yazısı Ortaya Çıkışı, Gelişmesi, Çözümü, Eskiçağ Enstitüsü Yayınları, İstanbul.
[24]Kınal, Füruzan, (1969), “Çivi Yazısının Doğuşu ve Gelişmesi”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 12, (1-7).
[25]Lipinski, Edward (1997), Semitic languages: Outline of a Comparative Grammar, Leuveen Peters.
[26]Luckenbill, Daniel David (1926), Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Shalmaneser III. USA, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
[27] Maslow, Abraham (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Published in Psychological Review, 50, (370-396).
[28]Melchert, H. Craig (2015), Luwian Language, Encyclopedia Britannica,
[29]Rendsburg, A. Gary (2003), Near Eastern Archeology Writing and Script with Special Referenca to Levant, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake Indiana.
[30]Rendsburg, A. Gary (2003), Near Eastern Archeology, Semitic Languages, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake Indiana.
[31] Shah, Mustafa (2008), “The Arabic Language”, Rippin, The Islamic World, New York, London: Routledge, (261-277).
[32]Tevrat (2018). Dorlion Yayınları.
[33]Ullendorff, Edward (1958), “What is a Semitic Language?”, Orientalia, Vol 27, no 1, (66-75).
Dilek, Y. (2022). Çivi Yazısından Arap Alfabesine Ortak Bir Gereksinim: Alfabe ve Yazı Sistemleri. Journal of Universal History Studies, 5(1), 1-13.