In this paper, we study curvature properties of hemi-slant submanifolds of Lorentzian Kenmotsu space forms. We define Lorentz Kenmotsu space forms and study their curvature properties. We give example for hemi-slant submanifold of Lorentzian Kenmotsu space forms. Finally, the curvature properties of distributions are analyzed and the conditions for Einstein are investigated.
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Sarı, R. (2024). HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS. Journal of Universal Mathematics, 7(To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI"), 102-108.
Sarı R. HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS. JUM. December 2024;7(To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI"):102-108. doi:10.33773/jum.1564979
Sarı, Ramazan. “HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS”. Journal of Universal Mathematics 7, no. To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI" (December 2024): 102-8.
Sarı R (December 1, 2024) HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS. Journal of Universal Mathematics 7 To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI" 102–108.
R. Sarı, “HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS”, JUM, vol. 7, no. To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI", pp. 102–108, 2024, doi: 10.33773/jum.1564979.
Sarı, Ramazan. “HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS”. Journal of Universal Mathematics 7/To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI" (December 2024), 102-108.
Sarı, Ramazan. “HEMI-SLANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF LORENTZIAN KENMOTSU SPACE FORMS”. Journal of Universal Mathematics, vol. 7, no. To memory "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKDEMİRCİ ŞANLI", 2024, pp. 102-8, doi:10.33773/jum.1564979.