Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 14, 2205 - 2236, 01.06.2009
Serra Çelebi
- BAKER T. L., HUNT, J. B. & SCRIBNER, L. L. (2002), The Effect of Introducing a New Brand on Consumer Perceptions of Current Brand Similarity: The Roles of Product Knowledge and Involvement, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10 (4), 45-56.
- BATRA, R., MYERS, J.G. & AAKER, D.A. (1996), Advertising Management (5th ed.), Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
- BOZKURT, İ. (2000), Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi: Halkla İlişkiler Temelli Bir Model, Ankara: MediaCat Kitapları.
- BRANNAN, T. (1995), A Practical Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications, London: Kogan Page.
- CHRISTENSEN, L. T., TORP, S. & FIRAT, A. F. (2005), Integrated Marketing Communication and Postmodernity: An Odd Couple?, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10 (2), 156-167.
- CHURCHILL, G.A. Jr. & PETER, J.P. (1995), Marketing: Creating Value for Customers, Irwin Burr Ridge: Austen Press.
- CROOKE, R.A. (1996, Fall), How the Cult of Cost Efficiency Destroys Credible Communications, Public Relations Quarterly, 41 (3), 8-13. Difficult Market Conditions Force IR and PR Work Together, (2002, December 16), Investor Relations Business, Retrieved February 24, 2003, from
- DUNCAN, T. (2002), IMC: Using Advertising & Promotion to Build Brands, New York:McGraw-Hill.
- DUNCAN, T. R. & EVERETT, S. E. (1993), Client Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 33 (3), 30-39.
- DWEK, R. (1993, March 25), Why Cinderella PR Must Go to the Ball, Marketing 8.
- EAGLE, L. & KITCHEN, P. J. (2000), IMC, Brand Communications, and Corporate Cultures: Client/Advertising Agency Co-ordination and Cohesion, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (5/6), 667-686.
- GONRING, M. P. (1994, Fall), Putting Integrated Marketing Communications to Work Today, Public Relations Quarterly, 39 (3), 45-48.
- GOULD, S. J., LERMAN, D. B. & GREIN, A. F. (1999), Agency Perceptions and Practices on Global IMC, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-20.
- GROVE, S. J., CARLSON, L. & DORSCH, M. J. (2002), Addressing Services’ Intangibility Through Integrated Marketing Communication: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Services Marketing, 16 (5), 393-411.
- GROVE, S. J., CARLSON, L. & DORSCH, M. J. (2007), Comparing the Application of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in Magazine Ads Across Product Type and Time, Journal of Advertising, 36 (1), 37-54.
- GRUNIG, J.E. & GRUNIG, L.A. (1998), The Relationship Between Public Relations and Marketing in Excellent Organizations: Evidence from the IABC Study, Journal of Marketing Communications, 4, 141-162.
- HACKLEY, C. & KITCHEN, P. (1998), IMC: A Consumer Psychological Perspective, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 16 (3), 229-235.
- HALLAHAN, K. (1999), No, Virginia, It’s Not True What They Say About Publicity’s “Implied Third-Party Endorsement” Effect, Public Relations Review, 25 (3), 331-350. Retrieved September 2, 2004, from
- HARRIS, T.L. (1993, Summer), How MPR Adds Value to Integrated Marketing Communications, Public Relations Quarterly, 38 (2), 13-18.
- HARRIS, T. L. (1994, April), PR Gets Personal, Direct Marketing, 56 (12), 29-32.
- HARRIS, T. L. (1998), Value Added Public Relations: The Secret Weapon of Integrated Marketing, Chicago IL: NTC Business Books.
- HARTLEY, B. & PICKTON, D. (1999), Integrated Marketing Communications Requires a New Way of Thinking, Journal of Marketing Communications, 5, 97-106
- HANNIES, J. (1996-1997), Relationship Marketing in New Product Launches, Journal of Integrated Communications, Retrieved September 6, 2002, from Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism Web site:
- HINES, R. (1999, November 12), Ins and Outs of Integrated Marketing, Triangle Business Journal, 15 (10), 25-26.
- KITCHEN, P. J. (1996), Public Relations in the Promotional Mix: A Three Phase Analysis, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 14 (2), 5-12.
- KITCHEN, P. J. (2005), New Paradigm-IMC-Under Fire, Competitiveness Review, 15 (1), 72-80.
- KITCHEN, P. J., BRIGNELL, J., LI, T. & SPICKETTJONES, G. (2004), The Emergence of IMC: A Theoretical Perspective, Journal of Advertising Research, 44 (1), 19-30.
- KITCHEN, P. J. & LI, T. (2005), Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications: A Chinese Ad and PR Agency Perspective, International Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 51-78.
- KITCHEN, P. J. & SCHULTZ, D. E. (1999), A Multi Country Comparison of the Drive for IMC, Journal of Advertising Research, 21-38.
- KITCHEN, P. J., SCHULTZ, D. E., KIM, I., HAN, D. & LI, T. (2004), Will Agencies Ever “Get”(or Understand) IMC?, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (11/12), 1417-1436.
- KLIATCHKO, J. (2005), Towards a New Definition of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), International Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 7-34.
- LAMONS, B. (2002, September 16), Advertising Drops Ball, New Champ is PR [Review of the book The fall of advertising & the rise of PR], Marketing News, 36 (19), 8-9.
- LINDELL, P. G. (1997, May 26), You Need Integrated Attitude to Develop IMC, Marketing News, 31 (11), 6.
- LOW, G. S. (2000), Correlates of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (3), 27-39.
- LYES, J. (2000, September 14), Give PR the Lead to Get Consistent Communication, Marketing, 31.
- MALONEY, J. C. (2000, November/December), Curiosity versus Disbelief in Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-13.
- MARKEN, A. G. (1995, Spring), Marketing Public Relations … Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: What Works in PR, Public Relations Quarterly, 40 (1), 47-48.
- MCARTHUR, D. N. & GRIFFIN, T. (1997), A Marketing Management View of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (5), 19-26.
- NOWAK, G. J. & PHELPS, J. (1994), Conceptualizing the Integrated Marketing Communications’ Phenomenon: An Examination of Its Impact on Advertising Practices and Its Implications for Advertising Research, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 16 (1), 49-66.
- OYMAN, M. & İNAM, O. (2005), Perceptions and Applications of Integrated Marketing Communications of Advertising and PR Agencies in Turkey: An Exploratory Study, The proceedings of 3rd International Symposium: Communication in the Millennium, by University of North Carolina and Elon University, Chapel Hill, NC, 389-404.
- PACKARD, V. (1981), The Hidden Persuaders: The Classic Study of the American Advertising Machine, London: Penguin Books.
- PROCTOR, T. & KITCHEN, P. (2002), Communication in Postmodern Integrated Marketing, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 7 (3), 144-154.
- RICHMAN, A. (1991, Winter), Public Relations Professionals: The Internal Key to Integrated Marketing, Journal of Corporate Public Relations, (2), 11-16.
- SCHULTZ, D. E. & KITCHEN, P. J. (1997), Integrated Marketing Communications in U.S. Advertising Agencies: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (5), 7-18.
- SCHULTZ, D. E. & KITCHEN, P. J. (2000), A Response to “Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion?”, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (5), 17-22.
- SCHULTZ, D.E., TANNENBAUM, S.I. & LAUTERBORN, R.F. (1995), What is the New Marketing Paradigm?, Chicago IL: NTC Business Books.
- Sektörel Şirketler (n.d.), Retrieved January 2, 2008, from
- SHIMP, T.A. (1993), Promotion Management and Marketing Communications (3rd ed.), Florida: The Dryden Press.
- STAMMERJOHAN, C., WOOD, C. M., CHANG, Y. & THORSON, E. (2005), An Empirical Investigation of the Interaction Between Publicity, Advertising, and Previous Brand Attitudes and Knowledge, Journal of Advertising, 34 (4), 55-67.
- STROUT, E. (1999, August), The Benefits of Public Relations, Sales & Marketing Management, 151 (8), 20.
- VAREY, J. R. (1998), Locating Marketing within the Corporate Communication Managing System, Journal of Marketing Communications, 4, 177-190.
- WIGHTMAN, B. (1999), Integrated Communications: Organization and Education, Public Relations Quarterly, 44 (2), 18-22.
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 14, 2205 - 2236, 01.06.2009
Serra Çelebi
Agency practitioners from PR agencies, advertising agencies, and other communication agencies and client practitioners from private and public organizations were surveyed regarding their perceptions and practices of integrated marketing communications (IMC). As a result of this study, agency practitioners evaluated PR and client practitioners evaluated advertising as the most important tool in the IMC development stage. Among Nowak and Phelps’ definitions of IMC, ‘the one voice concept’ was seen as the most appropriate definition of IMC by them. ‘Cost saving’ was considered as the least important benefit and ‘high cost’ as the least important barrier of an IMC program.
- BAKER T. L., HUNT, J. B. & SCRIBNER, L. L. (2002), The Effect of Introducing a New Brand on Consumer Perceptions of Current Brand Similarity: The Roles of Product Knowledge and Involvement, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10 (4), 45-56.
- BATRA, R., MYERS, J.G. & AAKER, D.A. (1996), Advertising Management (5th ed.), Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
- BOZKURT, İ. (2000), Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi: Halkla İlişkiler Temelli Bir Model, Ankara: MediaCat Kitapları.
- BRANNAN, T. (1995), A Practical Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications, London: Kogan Page.
- CHRISTENSEN, L. T., TORP, S. & FIRAT, A. F. (2005), Integrated Marketing Communication and Postmodernity: An Odd Couple?, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10 (2), 156-167.
- CHURCHILL, G.A. Jr. & PETER, J.P. (1995), Marketing: Creating Value for Customers, Irwin Burr Ridge: Austen Press.
- CROOKE, R.A. (1996, Fall), How the Cult of Cost Efficiency Destroys Credible Communications, Public Relations Quarterly, 41 (3), 8-13. Difficult Market Conditions Force IR and PR Work Together, (2002, December 16), Investor Relations Business, Retrieved February 24, 2003, from
- DUNCAN, T. (2002), IMC: Using Advertising & Promotion to Build Brands, New York:McGraw-Hill.
- DUNCAN, T. R. & EVERETT, S. E. (1993), Client Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 33 (3), 30-39.
- DWEK, R. (1993, March 25), Why Cinderella PR Must Go to the Ball, Marketing 8.
- EAGLE, L. & KITCHEN, P. J. (2000), IMC, Brand Communications, and Corporate Cultures: Client/Advertising Agency Co-ordination and Cohesion, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (5/6), 667-686.
- GONRING, M. P. (1994, Fall), Putting Integrated Marketing Communications to Work Today, Public Relations Quarterly, 39 (3), 45-48.
- GOULD, S. J., LERMAN, D. B. & GREIN, A. F. (1999), Agency Perceptions and Practices on Global IMC, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-20.
- GROVE, S. J., CARLSON, L. & DORSCH, M. J. (2002), Addressing Services’ Intangibility Through Integrated Marketing Communication: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Services Marketing, 16 (5), 393-411.
- GROVE, S. J., CARLSON, L. & DORSCH, M. J. (2007), Comparing the Application of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in Magazine Ads Across Product Type and Time, Journal of Advertising, 36 (1), 37-54.
- GRUNIG, J.E. & GRUNIG, L.A. (1998), The Relationship Between Public Relations and Marketing in Excellent Organizations: Evidence from the IABC Study, Journal of Marketing Communications, 4, 141-162.
- HACKLEY, C. & KITCHEN, P. (1998), IMC: A Consumer Psychological Perspective, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 16 (3), 229-235.
- HALLAHAN, K. (1999), No, Virginia, It’s Not True What They Say About Publicity’s “Implied Third-Party Endorsement” Effect, Public Relations Review, 25 (3), 331-350. Retrieved September 2, 2004, from
- HARRIS, T.L. (1993, Summer), How MPR Adds Value to Integrated Marketing Communications, Public Relations Quarterly, 38 (2), 13-18.
- HARRIS, T. L. (1994, April), PR Gets Personal, Direct Marketing, 56 (12), 29-32.
- HARRIS, T. L. (1998), Value Added Public Relations: The Secret Weapon of Integrated Marketing, Chicago IL: NTC Business Books.
- HARTLEY, B. & PICKTON, D. (1999), Integrated Marketing Communications Requires a New Way of Thinking, Journal of Marketing Communications, 5, 97-106
- HANNIES, J. (1996-1997), Relationship Marketing in New Product Launches, Journal of Integrated Communications, Retrieved September 6, 2002, from Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism Web site:
- HINES, R. (1999, November 12), Ins and Outs of Integrated Marketing, Triangle Business Journal, 15 (10), 25-26.
- KITCHEN, P. J. (1996), Public Relations in the Promotional Mix: A Three Phase Analysis, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 14 (2), 5-12.
- KITCHEN, P. J. (2005), New Paradigm-IMC-Under Fire, Competitiveness Review, 15 (1), 72-80.
- KITCHEN, P. J., BRIGNELL, J., LI, T. & SPICKETTJONES, G. (2004), The Emergence of IMC: A Theoretical Perspective, Journal of Advertising Research, 44 (1), 19-30.
- KITCHEN, P. J. & LI, T. (2005), Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications: A Chinese Ad and PR Agency Perspective, International Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 51-78.
- KITCHEN, P. J. & SCHULTZ, D. E. (1999), A Multi Country Comparison of the Drive for IMC, Journal of Advertising Research, 21-38.
- KITCHEN, P. J., SCHULTZ, D. E., KIM, I., HAN, D. & LI, T. (2004), Will Agencies Ever “Get”(or Understand) IMC?, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (11/12), 1417-1436.
- KLIATCHKO, J. (2005), Towards a New Definition of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), International Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 7-34.
- LAMONS, B. (2002, September 16), Advertising Drops Ball, New Champ is PR [Review of the book The fall of advertising & the rise of PR], Marketing News, 36 (19), 8-9.
- LINDELL, P. G. (1997, May 26), You Need Integrated Attitude to Develop IMC, Marketing News, 31 (11), 6.
- LOW, G. S. (2000), Correlates of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (3), 27-39.
- LYES, J. (2000, September 14), Give PR the Lead to Get Consistent Communication, Marketing, 31.
- MALONEY, J. C. (2000, November/December), Curiosity versus Disbelief in Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-13.
- MARKEN, A. G. (1995, Spring), Marketing Public Relations … Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: What Works in PR, Public Relations Quarterly, 40 (1), 47-48.
- MCARTHUR, D. N. & GRIFFIN, T. (1997), A Marketing Management View of Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (5), 19-26.
- NOWAK, G. J. & PHELPS, J. (1994), Conceptualizing the Integrated Marketing Communications’ Phenomenon: An Examination of Its Impact on Advertising Practices and Its Implications for Advertising Research, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 16 (1), 49-66.
- OYMAN, M. & İNAM, O. (2005), Perceptions and Applications of Integrated Marketing Communications of Advertising and PR Agencies in Turkey: An Exploratory Study, The proceedings of 3rd International Symposium: Communication in the Millennium, by University of North Carolina and Elon University, Chapel Hill, NC, 389-404.
- PACKARD, V. (1981), The Hidden Persuaders: The Classic Study of the American Advertising Machine, London: Penguin Books.
- PROCTOR, T. & KITCHEN, P. (2002), Communication in Postmodern Integrated Marketing, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 7 (3), 144-154.
- RICHMAN, A. (1991, Winter), Public Relations Professionals: The Internal Key to Integrated Marketing, Journal of Corporate Public Relations, (2), 11-16.
- SCHULTZ, D. E. & KITCHEN, P. J. (1997), Integrated Marketing Communications in U.S. Advertising Agencies: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (5), 7-18.
- SCHULTZ, D. E. & KITCHEN, P. J. (2000), A Response to “Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion?”, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (5), 17-22.
- SCHULTZ, D.E., TANNENBAUM, S.I. & LAUTERBORN, R.F. (1995), What is the New Marketing Paradigm?, Chicago IL: NTC Business Books.
- Sektörel Şirketler (n.d.), Retrieved January 2, 2008, from
- SHIMP, T.A. (1993), Promotion Management and Marketing Communications (3rd ed.), Florida: The Dryden Press.
- STAMMERJOHAN, C., WOOD, C. M., CHANG, Y. & THORSON, E. (2005), An Empirical Investigation of the Interaction Between Publicity, Advertising, and Previous Brand Attitudes and Knowledge, Journal of Advertising, 34 (4), 55-67.
- STROUT, E. (1999, August), The Benefits of Public Relations, Sales & Marketing Management, 151 (8), 20.
- VAREY, J. R. (1998), Locating Marketing within the Corporate Communication Managing System, Journal of Marketing Communications, 4, 177-190.
- WIGHTMAN, B. (1999), Integrated Communications: Organization and Education, Public Relations Quarterly, 44 (2), 18-22.