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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16, 2539 - 2555, 01.06.2009



  • Church, A. : ”A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic”, Annals of Mathematics, Seri 2, Vol. 33, 1932, pp 346-366.
  • --, -. : ”A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic”[Second paper], Annals of Mathematics, Seri 2, Vol. 34, 1933, pp 839-864.
  • --, -. and Kleene, S.C:”Formal Definitions in the Theory of Ordinal Numbers”, Fundamenta Mathematical Society, Vol. 39, 1936, pp 11-21.
  • --, -.:”The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion”, Princeton University Pres, 1941.[Reprinted by Kraus Reprint Corporation, New York, 1965].
  • Curry, H. B.:”An analysis of logical substitution”, American Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 51, 1929, pp 363-384.
  • Kleene, S. C.:”Proof by Cases in Formal logic”, Annals of Mathematics, Ser. 2, Vol. 35, 1934, pp 529-544.
  • --, -.:”A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic”, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 57, 1935, pp 153-244.
  • --, -.:”General Recursive Functions of Natural Numbers”, Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 112, 1936, pp 727-742.
  • --, -.:”λ-Definability and Recursiveness”, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 2, pp 340353.
  • --, -.:”A Note on Recursive Functions”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 42, 1936, pp. 544-546.
  • --, -.:”On Notation for Ordinal Numbers”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic”, Vol. 3, 1938, pp 150-155.
  • Nelson, D.:”Recursive Functions and Intutionistic Number Theory”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 61, 1947, pp 307-368.
  • --, -.:”Constructible Falsity”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 14, 1949, pp 16-26
  • --, -.:”Formal Reductions of the General Combinatorial Decision Problem”, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 65, 1943, pp197-215.
  • --, -.:”Recursively Enumerable Sets of Positive Integers and Their Decision Problems”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 50, 1944, 284-316.
  • --, -.:”Recursive Unsolvability of a Problem of Thue”, The Journal of Sembolic Logic, Vol. 11, 1949, pp. 1-11.
  • Robinson, J.:”Definability and Decision Problems in Arithmetic”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 14, 1949, pp 98-114.
  • --, -.:”General Recursive Functions” Proc. American Mathematical Society, Vol. 1, 1950, pp 703-518.
  • Robinson, R.M.:”Primitive Recursive Functions”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.53, 1947, pp 925-942.
  • --, -.:”Recursion and Double Recursion,”Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 54, 1948, pp 987-993.
  • --, -.:”A mathematical Logic Without Variables,”Annals of Mathematics, Ser, 2, Vol. 36, 1935, pp 121-150 ve Duke Mathematical Jurnal, Vol. 1, 1935, pp328-355.
  • Schönfinkel, M.:”Über die Bausteine der methematischen Logic,”Mathematicshe Anelen, Vol. 92, 1942, pp 305-306.
  • Skolem, T.:”Begründung der Elementaren Arithmetik Durch die Recurrierende Denkweise ohne Anwendung Scheinbarer Veranderlichen mit Unendlichem Ausdehnungsbereich, “Skrifter Utgit av Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania, I. Mathematiks-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse, 1923, No: 6.
  • Turing, A.M.:”On Computable Numbers, with an Application to Entscheidungsproblem,”Proc. London Mathematical Society, Ser. 2, Vol. 42, 1936, pp 230-265.
  • --, -.:”Computability and λ-definability, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 2, 1937, pp 153-163.
  • --, -.:”System of Logic Based on Ordinals,”Proc. London Mathematic Society, Ser. 2, Vol. 45, 1939, pp 161-228.
  • Adams,C.W. and Laining,J.H.Jr.:”The M.I.T.Systems of Automatic Programming Systems,”Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers,Office of Naval Research,Department of the Navy; Washington;D.C.,1954,pp 40-68.
  • Backus,J.W.and Herrick,H.:”IBM 701 Speedcoding and Other Automatic Programming Systems,” Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy,Washington,D.C.,1954,pp 106-145.
  • _____,_.:”The IBM Speeding System,”J.ACM,Vol.1,No:1,January,1954,pp 4-6.
  • _____,_. And Heising,W.D.:”FORTRAN,”IEEE Trans.Elec.Comp.Vol.EC-13,No:4, August 1964,pp 304-305.
  • Baumann,R.et all :”Introduction to ALGOL,” Prentice-Hall Inc., Englwood Cliffs , New Jersey, 1964.
  • Battenburch, H.:”Structure and Use of ALGOL 60,” J.ACM,Vol. 9,No:2,April 1962, pp 161-221.
  • Bromberg,H.:”COBOLendCompatibility, ”Datamation, V51,13,No:3,March 1963, pp 45-50.
  • Cunningham,J.F.:”COBOL,” Comm. ACM ,Vol.6,No:3,March 1963, pp 79-98.
  • Desautels,E.J.and Smith, D.K.:”An Introduction to the String Manipulation Language, SNOBOL,” Programming Systems and Lnguages [S.Rosen Ed.],Mcgraw-Hill, New York,1967,pp 419-454.
  • Halsted, M.H., Uber,G.T. and Gielow,K.R.:”An Algorithmic Search Procedure for Program Generation,”Proc.SJCC vol.30,1967, pp 657-662.
  • _____,_.:”NELIAC “Comm.ACM, Vol.6, No.3,March,1963,PP 91-92.
  • Haynam,G.E.:”An Extented ALGOL Based Language,”Proc.ACM 20 th National Conf., 1965, pp 449-454.
  • Heising,W.p.: “History and Summary of FORTRAN Standardization Development for U.S.A.,”Comm. ACM,Vol. 7, No. 10, October 1964.
  • ____,_.: “FORTRAN,”Comm.ACM,Vol.6,No:3,March,1963, pp 85-86.
  • -----,--:”FORTRAN:Compatibility and Standardization,”Datamation, Vol.10,No:8,August,1964,pp 24-25.
  • Hermes,H.:”Enumerability.Decidability.Computability.”Spring-Veriag, Inc.,New York,1969.
  • Hoernes,E.G.and Heilwell,F.M.:”Introduction to Boolean Algebra and Logic Design,”McGrow-Hill Book Company,New York,1964.
  • Holberton,F.E.”Application of Automatic Coding to Lagical Process,” Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital computers, Office of Naval Research,Department of Navy,Washington,D.C., 1954,pp 34-39.
  • Landin,P.J.:”A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Chuch’s Lamb Da-Notation:Part I,”Comm.ACM,Vol.8,No:2,February,1965,pp 89-101.
  • -----,--:”A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Church’s Lambda-Nota tion :Part II,”Comm.ACM,Vol.8,No:3,March,1965,pp 158-165.
  • Laning,J.H.and Zierler,W.:”A program for Translation of Mathematical Equation for Whirlwind I,”M.I.T.Engineering Memorandum E-364,Instrumentation Lab.of Electronics,Cambridge,Mass. January 1954.
  • Mc Certhy, J. et all:”LIPS 1 Programmer’s Manual,”M.I.T.Computation Center and Research Lab.of Electronics, Cambridge, Mass., March, 1960.
  • -----,--.:”LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual,”M.I.T.Computation Center and Research Lab.of Electronics,Cambridge,Mass.,March,1960.
  • Preliminary Report:”Specification fort he IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System,FORTRAN,”IBM Corporation,Programming Research Group,Applied Science Division,1954.
  • Robins,D.K.”FORTRAN for Business Data Processing,”Comm.ACM,Vol.5, No:7,July,1962,pp 412-14.
  • Rogers,Jr.H.:”Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York,1967.
  • Sammet,J.E.:”Programming Languages,”Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.,1969.
  • Saxon,J.A.:”COBOL:A Self-Instructional Manual,”Prentice-Hall,Inc., Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey,1963.
  • Speeding System fort he Type 701 Electronic Data Processing Machines, IBM Corporation,24-6059-0.September,1953.
  • UNIVAC SHORT CODE,Remington Rand,Inc.,Philadelphia,Oct.,1952,
  • USA Standard FORTRAN,Unites States of American Standards Institute, USAS x 3-9-1966,New York,March 1966.
  • USA Standard Basic FORTRAN,United,USAS of American Standards Institute,USAS x3.10-1966,New York,March 1966.
  • Ünlü, F.:”On λ-calculus and its Features in Programming Languages,” U.T.at Austin,1971 [Manuscript].
  • Ünlü, F. : “A Remote Programming Technology on a Remote VDM Clustering in lamda Calcules”. Int. Math. Form. Vol. 2006, no. 13-16-671-685.
  • Introduction to PL/I [Student text], IBM Corporation,C20-1632, Data Processing Division,White Plains, New York,1964.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16, 2539 - 2555, 01.06.2009


TASIM, yazarın İngilizce anlatımlarında “Tidy Automatic Sequential Informationprocessing Mechanism” söz dizisinin kısaltılması ile oluşturulmuştur. Türkçeye TASIM olarak girmiş bir kelimedir. O kendisi ile oluşturulmuş sonlu sayıda TASIM makinesinin-bilgisayarının “sonlu sayıda ki belleğinde var olan ham bilgilerden sonlu sayıda alt algoritmalardan oluşturulmuş algoritmalar aracılığında, yeni oluşturulan nasıl kullanılacağı belli, amaca veya amaçlara uygun biçimsel bilgiyi veya bilgileri tutumlu biçimde üretir veya türetir. Ürettiği veya türettiği yeni bilgi ve bilgileri sonlu sayıda belleklerden oluşmuş belleğe taşıma tekniklerini bulur ve yönetir. Yazarın bilimsel yaşamını yenidenlikli olarak etkilemiş bir çalışma alanıdır. Temelde, Bilgisayar Bilimlerini bir tümleşik BTBN--“Bilgi Tabanlı Bilgi Nesnesi” olarak görür. Daha genel olarak, bir BTBN bellek kümesinin içeriğinde mevcut biçimsel bilgi ve bilgilerden; 1. Doğruluk--Correctness, 2. Sağlamlık--Robustness, 3. Genişletilebilirlik--Extendibility, 4. Sıkıştırılabilirlik--Contractibility, 5. Yenidenliklikullanılabilirlik--Recursive reusability, 6. Erişilebilirlik--Acceptability, 7. Yeterlilik-Efficiency, 8. Taşınabilirlik--Portability, 9. Kanıtlanabilirlik--Verifiability, 10. Tümleştirilebilirlik--Integrity, 11. Kolay-kullanabilirlik--Easy usability, 12. İçerikişlenebilirlik--Interoperate ability, 13. Sadelik--Simplicity, 14. Çözülebilirlik-Decomposability, 15. Birleştirilebilirlik--Compos ability, 16. Anlaşılabilirlik-Understandability, 17. Korunabilirlik-- Protect ability, 18. Süreklilik--Continuity, 19. Uzaktan-değiştirilebilirlik--Remote changeability, 20. Uzaktan-programlanabilirlik--Remote programmability, 21. Uzaktan-kontroledilebilirlik--Remote controlability, …, vs gibi işleç kavramlarını kullanarak gerçekleştirilen bir entegre işlem zinciri altında oluşturulan yeni BTBN’lerini bir başka BTBN kümesi içine çok iyi örgütlenmiş bildirişim tekniğini kullanarak taşır. Dahası, olup biteni çok basitleştirip anlaşılır biçime getirmek için bu çok yoğun ve derin BTBN taşıma işleminin adını taşırcaklama veya taşırcıklama--programlama olarak adlandırır. Bu yazıda, TASIMın anavatanında tutunabilmesi, çiçek açıp meyve verebilmesi için onun algılanmasına ışık tutulması istenmektedir. Yazar “TASIM Günlüğü A: Tanıtım” adlı bu yazı ile TASIMı çalışma gündemine getirmiştir. Tartışmaya açmıştır. Bunu izleyen başka yazılar sırada beklemektedir. Yetişmekte olan kuşağa yararlı olmasın dileğimizdir.


  • Church, A. : ”A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic”, Annals of Mathematics, Seri 2, Vol. 33, 1932, pp 346-366.
  • --, -. : ”A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic”[Second paper], Annals of Mathematics, Seri 2, Vol. 34, 1933, pp 839-864.
  • --, -. and Kleene, S.C:”Formal Definitions in the Theory of Ordinal Numbers”, Fundamenta Mathematical Society, Vol. 39, 1936, pp 11-21.
  • --, -.:”The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion”, Princeton University Pres, 1941.[Reprinted by Kraus Reprint Corporation, New York, 1965].
  • Curry, H. B.:”An analysis of logical substitution”, American Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 51, 1929, pp 363-384.
  • Kleene, S. C.:”Proof by Cases in Formal logic”, Annals of Mathematics, Ser. 2, Vol. 35, 1934, pp 529-544.
  • --, -.:”A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic”, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 57, 1935, pp 153-244.
  • --, -.:”General Recursive Functions of Natural Numbers”, Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 112, 1936, pp 727-742.
  • --, -.:”λ-Definability and Recursiveness”, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 2, pp 340353.
  • --, -.:”A Note on Recursive Functions”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 42, 1936, pp. 544-546.
  • --, -.:”On Notation for Ordinal Numbers”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic”, Vol. 3, 1938, pp 150-155.
  • Nelson, D.:”Recursive Functions and Intutionistic Number Theory”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 61, 1947, pp 307-368.
  • --, -.:”Constructible Falsity”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 14, 1949, pp 16-26
  • --, -.:”Formal Reductions of the General Combinatorial Decision Problem”, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 65, 1943, pp197-215.
  • --, -.:”Recursively Enumerable Sets of Positive Integers and Their Decision Problems”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 50, 1944, 284-316.
  • --, -.:”Recursive Unsolvability of a Problem of Thue”, The Journal of Sembolic Logic, Vol. 11, 1949, pp. 1-11.
  • Robinson, J.:”Definability and Decision Problems in Arithmetic”, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 14, 1949, pp 98-114.
  • --, -.:”General Recursive Functions” Proc. American Mathematical Society, Vol. 1, 1950, pp 703-518.
  • Robinson, R.M.:”Primitive Recursive Functions”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.53, 1947, pp 925-942.
  • --, -.:”Recursion and Double Recursion,”Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 54, 1948, pp 987-993.
  • --, -.:”A mathematical Logic Without Variables,”Annals of Mathematics, Ser, 2, Vol. 36, 1935, pp 121-150 ve Duke Mathematical Jurnal, Vol. 1, 1935, pp328-355.
  • Schönfinkel, M.:”Über die Bausteine der methematischen Logic,”Mathematicshe Anelen, Vol. 92, 1942, pp 305-306.
  • Skolem, T.:”Begründung der Elementaren Arithmetik Durch die Recurrierende Denkweise ohne Anwendung Scheinbarer Veranderlichen mit Unendlichem Ausdehnungsbereich, “Skrifter Utgit av Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania, I. Mathematiks-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse, 1923, No: 6.
  • Turing, A.M.:”On Computable Numbers, with an Application to Entscheidungsproblem,”Proc. London Mathematical Society, Ser. 2, Vol. 42, 1936, pp 230-265.
  • --, -.:”Computability and λ-definability, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 2, 1937, pp 153-163.
  • --, -.:”System of Logic Based on Ordinals,”Proc. London Mathematic Society, Ser. 2, Vol. 45, 1939, pp 161-228.
  • Adams,C.W. and Laining,J.H.Jr.:”The M.I.T.Systems of Automatic Programming Systems,”Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers,Office of Naval Research,Department of the Navy; Washington;D.C.,1954,pp 40-68.
  • Backus,J.W.and Herrick,H.:”IBM 701 Speedcoding and Other Automatic Programming Systems,” Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy,Washington,D.C.,1954,pp 106-145.
  • _____,_.:”The IBM Speeding System,”J.ACM,Vol.1,No:1,January,1954,pp 4-6.
  • _____,_. And Heising,W.D.:”FORTRAN,”IEEE Trans.Elec.Comp.Vol.EC-13,No:4, August 1964,pp 304-305.
  • Baumann,R.et all :”Introduction to ALGOL,” Prentice-Hall Inc., Englwood Cliffs , New Jersey, 1964.
  • Battenburch, H.:”Structure and Use of ALGOL 60,” J.ACM,Vol. 9,No:2,April 1962, pp 161-221.
  • Bromberg,H.:”COBOLendCompatibility, ”Datamation, V51,13,No:3,March 1963, pp 45-50.
  • Cunningham,J.F.:”COBOL,” Comm. ACM ,Vol.6,No:3,March 1963, pp 79-98.
  • Desautels,E.J.and Smith, D.K.:”An Introduction to the String Manipulation Language, SNOBOL,” Programming Systems and Lnguages [S.Rosen Ed.],Mcgraw-Hill, New York,1967,pp 419-454.
  • Halsted, M.H., Uber,G.T. and Gielow,K.R.:”An Algorithmic Search Procedure for Program Generation,”Proc.SJCC vol.30,1967, pp 657-662.
  • _____,_.:”NELIAC “Comm.ACM, Vol.6, No.3,March,1963,PP 91-92.
  • Haynam,G.E.:”An Extented ALGOL Based Language,”Proc.ACM 20 th National Conf., 1965, pp 449-454.
  • Heising,W.p.: “History and Summary of FORTRAN Standardization Development for U.S.A.,”Comm. ACM,Vol. 7, No. 10, October 1964.
  • ____,_.: “FORTRAN,”Comm.ACM,Vol.6,No:3,March,1963, pp 85-86.
  • -----,--:”FORTRAN:Compatibility and Standardization,”Datamation, Vol.10,No:8,August,1964,pp 24-25.
  • Hermes,H.:”Enumerability.Decidability.Computability.”Spring-Veriag, Inc.,New York,1969.
  • Hoernes,E.G.and Heilwell,F.M.:”Introduction to Boolean Algebra and Logic Design,”McGrow-Hill Book Company,New York,1964.
  • Holberton,F.E.”Application of Automatic Coding to Lagical Process,” Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital computers, Office of Naval Research,Department of Navy,Washington,D.C., 1954,pp 34-39.
  • Landin,P.J.:”A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Chuch’s Lamb Da-Notation:Part I,”Comm.ACM,Vol.8,No:2,February,1965,pp 89-101.
  • -----,--:”A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Church’s Lambda-Nota tion :Part II,”Comm.ACM,Vol.8,No:3,March,1965,pp 158-165.
  • Laning,J.H.and Zierler,W.:”A program for Translation of Mathematical Equation for Whirlwind I,”M.I.T.Engineering Memorandum E-364,Instrumentation Lab.of Electronics,Cambridge,Mass. January 1954.
  • Mc Certhy, J. et all:”LIPS 1 Programmer’s Manual,”M.I.T.Computation Center and Research Lab.of Electronics, Cambridge, Mass., March, 1960.
  • -----,--.:”LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual,”M.I.T.Computation Center and Research Lab.of Electronics,Cambridge,Mass.,March,1960.
  • Preliminary Report:”Specification fort he IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System,FORTRAN,”IBM Corporation,Programming Research Group,Applied Science Division,1954.
  • Robins,D.K.”FORTRAN for Business Data Processing,”Comm.ACM,Vol.5, No:7,July,1962,pp 412-14.
  • Rogers,Jr.H.:”Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York,1967.
  • Sammet,J.E.:”Programming Languages,”Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Englewood Cliffs,N.J.,1969.
  • Saxon,J.A.:”COBOL:A Self-Instructional Manual,”Prentice-Hall,Inc., Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey,1963.
  • Speeding System fort he Type 701 Electronic Data Processing Machines, IBM Corporation,24-6059-0.September,1953.
  • UNIVAC SHORT CODE,Remington Rand,Inc.,Philadelphia,Oct.,1952,
  • USA Standard FORTRAN,Unites States of American Standards Institute, USAS x 3-9-1966,New York,March 1966.
  • USA Standard Basic FORTRAN,United,USAS of American Standards Institute,USAS x3.10-1966,New York,March 1966.
  • Ünlü, F.:”On λ-calculus and its Features in Programming Languages,” U.T.at Austin,1971 [Manuscript].
  • Ünlü, F. : “A Remote Programming Technology on a Remote VDM Clustering in lamda Calcules”. Int. Math. Form. Vol. 2006, no. 13-16-671-685.
  • Introduction to PL/I [Student text], IBM Corporation,C20-1632, Data Processing Division,White Plains, New York,1964.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Fevzi Ünlü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünlü, F. (2009). TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 4(16), 2539-2555. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.56401
AMA Ünlü F. TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Haziran 2009;4(16):2539-2555. doi:10.19168/jyu.56401
Chicago Ünlü, Fevzi. “TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 4, sy. 16 (Haziran 2009): 2539-55. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.56401.
EndNote Ünlü F (01 Haziran 2009) TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 4 16 2539–2555.
IEEE F. Ünlü, “TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 16, ss. 2539–2555, 2009, doi: 10.19168/jyu.56401.
ISNAD Ünlü, Fevzi. “TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 4/16 (Haziran 2009), 2539-2555. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.56401.
JAMA Ünlü F. TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2009;4:2539–2555.
MLA Ünlü, Fevzi. “TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 16, 2009, ss. 2539-55, doi:10.19168/jyu.56401.
Vancouver Ünlü F. TASIM GÜNLÜĞÜ A: TANITIM. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2009;4(16):2539-55.