In the context of hedonic services, the role of the environment is very important. It is at the same time the support of the offer, the referent of identity and the differentiating element of the service company. Different approaches have emerged from this perspective to identify the nature of the consumer / physical environment relationship (explanatory approaches, behavioral approach and environmental psychology approach). The purpose of this article is to show the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral fidelity of hotel services customers. The purpose of this article is to show the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral fidelity of hotel services customers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 270 clients from different cities of Algeria. We shall try to show the role of the physical variables and social interactions through the evaluation of quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty behavioral grounding, using structural equations modeling on the set of variables included in the research model. Our results show positive effects of satisfaction, quality and customer loyalty behavioral grounding in forming customer behavioral loyalty.
Therefore, we believe that this study should make a significant contribution to the literature on the role of Global environment of the service on customer behavioral loyalty of Hotel services.
- Aurier Philippe et Juliette Passebois (2002), "Comprendre les expériences de consommation pour mieux gérer la relation client", Décisions Marketing, 28, (Octobre - Décembre), pp.43-52.- Babin, BJ, & Attaway, JS (2000). Atmospheric Affect as a Tool for Creating Value and Gaining Share of Customer. Journal of Business Research, 49 (2), 91-99.-Badot, O. (2005), L'autre raison du succès de Wal-Mart: une rhétorique de l'infra-ordinaire, Revue Française du Marketing, n ° 203, pp. 97-117.- Baker, J., & Cameron, M. (1996). The effects of the service environment on affect and consumer perception of waiting time: An integrative review and research propositions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24, 338-349.
- Barsky,J.D.,& Nash,L.(2003).Customer satisfaction :Applying concepts to industry wide measures .Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly,44(5/6),173-183- Ben Zoubir I, Chandon. JL, (2006) «L'impact de l'ambiance sur réaction des clients en Magasin: le Rôle Médiateur de la congruence avec l'image de sort» congrès de l 'AFM, 11et 12 mai 2006 Nantes.
- Bessouh Nadira , Saidi Tarik and Belarbi Abdelkader ,” women and the purchasing decision”, British Journal of Marketing Studies Vol.5, No.9, pp. 1-12, November 2017- Bitner, M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56, 57-71.
- Brigitte Auriacombe, Isabelle chalamon et severine le loame Revue Management et avenir, «les manifestations de la fidélité du spectateur dans le spectacle vivant: quand an aime, on ne discute pas! », Par, mars 2005, n ° 5, page120.- Booms, Bernard H. and Mary J. Bitner (1982), "Marketing Services by Managing the Environment,"Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 23 (May), 35-9.
- Claudia Jurowski, "An Examination of the Four Realms of Tourism Experience Theory" (July 29, 2009). International Chrie Conference-Refereed Track.Paper 23.-Carù A., Cova B. (2003). «Approche empirique de l'immersion dans l'expérience de consommation: les opérations d'appropriation», Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 18, 2, 47-65
- Contryman. CC, Jang S (2006) «the effects of atmospherics element on customer impression: the case of hotel lobbies», international journal of contempory hospitality management, Vol 18, ISS: 7 PP 534- 545.- Dick, AS, & Basu, K. (1994). A Customer Loyalty: Toward An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
- Dubois B. (1990) un autre aspect dans l'étude du consommateur: l'approche situationnelle, Revue Française de gestion vol 4, n ° 129, p73-81.- Grove, SJ and Fisk, RP (1992): The Service Experience as Theater, in: Sherry, JE and Sternthal, B. (eds.): Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 19, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 455-461.
- Gupta, S., & Vajic, M. (1999). The conceptual and dialectic nature of experiences. In J. Fitzsimmons & M. Fitzsimmons (Eds.), New service development (pp. 33-51). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage- Gurel Cetin & FusunIstanbulluDincer (2014) Influence of customer experience on loyalty and word-of-mouth in hospitality operations, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 25: 2, 181-194, DOI: 10.1080 / 13032917.2013.841094.
- Havlena, WJ and Holbrook, MB (1986) "The Varieties of Consumption Experiences: Comparing Two Typologies of Emotion in Consumer Behaviour." Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (Dec), 394-404.- Hashim Fadzil Ariffin Mohamad Fahmi Bibon Raja Puteri Saadiah Raja Abdullah "Restaurant's Atmospheric Elements: What the Customer Wants" journal of Asian Behavioural studies, volume1, no. 2, may2011.
- Hesup Han, Kijoon Back, Betsy Barret, «influencing Factors on restaurant customer's revisit intention; The roles of emotion and switching barriers »International journal of hospitality Management 28 (2009) 563-572.- Jacoby, Kymer DB «brand loyally as parasingbehaviour» journal of Marketing 1973, p1-9.
- Jium-sheng choislin, how- Yiliang (2011), «The influence of service environments on customer emotion and service outcomes» Managing service quality, Vol 21 Iss: 4 PP: 350-372.- Johan Bruwer and Karin Alant "The hedonic nature of wine tourism consumption: anexperiential view" International Journal of Wine Business Research Vol. 21 No. 3, 2009pp. 235-257.
- Kanouse, DE, & Hanson, L. (1972). Negativity in evaluations. In EE Jones, DE Kanouse, S. Valins, HH Kelley, RE Nisbett, & B. Weiner (Eds.), Attribution: Perceiving the causes of behavior (pp. 47-62). Morristown, NJ: General Learning Press- Kisang Ryu, Hye-Rin Lee, Woo Gon Kim, (2012), «The influence of the quality of the physical environment, Food, and service on restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions» international journal of cotempory Hospitality Management vol 24 Iss: 2 pP. 223.
- Kisang Ryu & SooCheong (Shawn) Jang ,” The effect of environmental perceptions on behavioral intentions through emotions : the case of upscale restaurants”, journal of hospitality & Tourism research, Vol.31, No. 1, February 2007,56-72- Kotler, P, (1974), Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 49, Issue. Winter, pp 48-64.
- Lemoine JF et Plichon (2000), "Le rôle des facteurs situationnels dans l'explication des réactions affectives du consommateur à l'intérieur d'un point de vente", Actes du Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing, Montréal, Mai .- Lovelock, Wirtz et Lapert (2004), «Marketing des services», 2004, p306.
- Lambart. C et Labbépilo ,. B, «Etude de l'impact de l'environnement du magasin sur la satisfaction du consommateur et la Fidélité au magasin».- Mehrabian, A., & Russell, J. (1974). An approach to environmental psychology.Cambridge: MIT Press.
- MUIR, L. and DOUGLAS, A. (2001), Advent of E-Business Concepts in Legal Services and its Impact on the Quality of Service, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 175-181- Ngobo Paul Valentin (1998), "Les standards de comparaison dans la gestion de la satisfaction des clients" Décisions Marketing n ° 13 (Janvier - Avril), pp. 57-65
- Pine, BJ II., & Gilmore, JH (1998). Welcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review, 76 (4), 97-105.- Salma Karray, «Effets de l'odeur Ambiante et de la Fidélité de population sur la consommation d'un lieu de service», Mémoire pour l'obtention du grade de Maitre en science, 2002.
- Regan, W.J. (1963), The Service Revolution, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 27, July, pp. 57-62.- Rya.K, Jang soocheong, «The effect of environmental perceptions on quality perception» journal of Respitality and tourism Research, vol.31 N ° 1, Fabwary 2008.
- Sibéril P. (1994), L'influence de la musique sur les comportements des acheteurs en grande surface, Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de Rennes 1.- Teresa Fernandes & Sara Neves (2014): The role of servicescape as a driver of customer value in experience-centric service organizations: the Dragon Football Stadium case, Journal of Strategic Marketing.
- Turley, LW, & Milliman, RE (2000). Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: A review of experimental evidence. Journal of Business Research, 49, 193-211.- Wake Field, KL Blodgett. JG (1996) «the effect of the service cape on customers behavioral intentions in leisure service setting,« journal of services Marketing Vol 10 ISS: 6 PP 45-61.
- Wakefield. KL, Blodgett JG (1994): «the importance of services cape in leisure service settings» journal of services Marketing, Vol8, ISS: 3, PP66, 76.- Westbrook, RA, & Black, WC (1985) .A motivation-based shopper typology. Journal of Retailing, 61 (1), 78-103-Zomerdijk, LG, & Voss, CA (2010). Service design for experience-centric services. Journal of Service Research, 13 (1), 67-82.
The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry
In the context of hedonic services, the role of the environment is very
important. It is at the same time the support of the offer, the referent of identity
and the differentiating element of the service company. Different approaches
have emerged from this perspective to identify the nature of the consumer /
physical environment relationship (explanatory approaches, behavioral approach
and environmental psychology approach). The purpose of this article is to show
the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral
fidelity of hotel services customers. The purpose of this article is to show
the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral
fidelity of hotel services customers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 270
clients from different cities of Algeria. We shall try to show the role of the
physical variables and social interactions
through the evaluation
of quality, satisfaction
and customer loyalty
behavioral grounding, using structural
equations modeling on
the set of
variables included in the research model. Our
results show positive
effects of satisfaction,
quality and customer loyalty
behavioral grounding in forming customer behavioral loyalty.
Therefore, we believe that this study should make a significant
contribution to the literature on the role of Global environment of the service
on customer behavioral loyalty of Hotel services.
- Aurier Philippe et Juliette Passebois (2002), "Comprendre les expériences de consommation pour mieux gérer la relation client", Décisions Marketing, 28, (Octobre - Décembre), pp.43-52.- Babin, BJ, & Attaway, JS (2000). Atmospheric Affect as a Tool for Creating Value and Gaining Share of Customer. Journal of Business Research, 49 (2), 91-99.-Badot, O. (2005), L'autre raison du succès de Wal-Mart: une rhétorique de l'infra-ordinaire, Revue Française du Marketing, n ° 203, pp. 97-117.- Baker, J., & Cameron, M. (1996). The effects of the service environment on affect and consumer perception of waiting time: An integrative review and research propositions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24, 338-349.
- Barsky,J.D.,& Nash,L.(2003).Customer satisfaction :Applying concepts to industry wide measures .Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly,44(5/6),173-183- Ben Zoubir I, Chandon. JL, (2006) «L'impact de l'ambiance sur réaction des clients en Magasin: le Rôle Médiateur de la congruence avec l'image de sort» congrès de l 'AFM, 11et 12 mai 2006 Nantes.
- Bessouh Nadira , Saidi Tarik and Belarbi Abdelkader ,” women and the purchasing decision”, British Journal of Marketing Studies Vol.5, No.9, pp. 1-12, November 2017- Bitner, M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56, 57-71.
- Brigitte Auriacombe, Isabelle chalamon et severine le loame Revue Management et avenir, «les manifestations de la fidélité du spectateur dans le spectacle vivant: quand an aime, on ne discute pas! », Par, mars 2005, n ° 5, page120.- Booms, Bernard H. and Mary J. Bitner (1982), "Marketing Services by Managing the Environment,"Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 23 (May), 35-9.
- Claudia Jurowski, "An Examination of the Four Realms of Tourism Experience Theory" (July 29, 2009). International Chrie Conference-Refereed Track.Paper 23.-Carù A., Cova B. (2003). «Approche empirique de l'immersion dans l'expérience de consommation: les opérations d'appropriation», Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 18, 2, 47-65
- Contryman. CC, Jang S (2006) «the effects of atmospherics element on customer impression: the case of hotel lobbies», international journal of contempory hospitality management, Vol 18, ISS: 7 PP 534- 545.- Dick, AS, & Basu, K. (1994). A Customer Loyalty: Toward An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
- Dubois B. (1990) un autre aspect dans l'étude du consommateur: l'approche situationnelle, Revue Française de gestion vol 4, n ° 129, p73-81.- Grove, SJ and Fisk, RP (1992): The Service Experience as Theater, in: Sherry, JE and Sternthal, B. (eds.): Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 19, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 455-461.
- Gupta, S., & Vajic, M. (1999). The conceptual and dialectic nature of experiences. In J. Fitzsimmons & M. Fitzsimmons (Eds.), New service development (pp. 33-51). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage- Gurel Cetin & FusunIstanbulluDincer (2014) Influence of customer experience on loyalty and word-of-mouth in hospitality operations, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 25: 2, 181-194, DOI: 10.1080 / 13032917.2013.841094.
- Havlena, WJ and Holbrook, MB (1986) "The Varieties of Consumption Experiences: Comparing Two Typologies of Emotion in Consumer Behaviour." Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (Dec), 394-404.- Hashim Fadzil Ariffin Mohamad Fahmi Bibon Raja Puteri Saadiah Raja Abdullah "Restaurant's Atmospheric Elements: What the Customer Wants" journal of Asian Behavioural studies, volume1, no. 2, may2011.
- Hesup Han, Kijoon Back, Betsy Barret, «influencing Factors on restaurant customer's revisit intention; The roles of emotion and switching barriers »International journal of hospitality Management 28 (2009) 563-572.- Jacoby, Kymer DB «brand loyally as parasingbehaviour» journal of Marketing 1973, p1-9.
- Jium-sheng choislin, how- Yiliang (2011), «The influence of service environments on customer emotion and service outcomes» Managing service quality, Vol 21 Iss: 4 PP: 350-372.- Johan Bruwer and Karin Alant "The hedonic nature of wine tourism consumption: anexperiential view" International Journal of Wine Business Research Vol. 21 No. 3, 2009pp. 235-257.
- Kanouse, DE, & Hanson, L. (1972). Negativity in evaluations. In EE Jones, DE Kanouse, S. Valins, HH Kelley, RE Nisbett, & B. Weiner (Eds.), Attribution: Perceiving the causes of behavior (pp. 47-62). Morristown, NJ: General Learning Press- Kisang Ryu, Hye-Rin Lee, Woo Gon Kim, (2012), «The influence of the quality of the physical environment, Food, and service on restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions» international journal of cotempory Hospitality Management vol 24 Iss: 2 pP. 223.
- Kisang Ryu & SooCheong (Shawn) Jang ,” The effect of environmental perceptions on behavioral intentions through emotions : the case of upscale restaurants”, journal of hospitality & Tourism research, Vol.31, No. 1, February 2007,56-72- Kotler, P, (1974), Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 49, Issue. Winter, pp 48-64.
- Lemoine JF et Plichon (2000), "Le rôle des facteurs situationnels dans l'explication des réactions affectives du consommateur à l'intérieur d'un point de vente", Actes du Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing, Montréal, Mai .- Lovelock, Wirtz et Lapert (2004), «Marketing des services», 2004, p306.
- Lambart. C et Labbépilo ,. B, «Etude de l'impact de l'environnement du magasin sur la satisfaction du consommateur et la Fidélité au magasin».- Mehrabian, A., & Russell, J. (1974). An approach to environmental psychology.Cambridge: MIT Press.
- MUIR, L. and DOUGLAS, A. (2001), Advent of E-Business Concepts in Legal Services and its Impact on the Quality of Service, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 175-181- Ngobo Paul Valentin (1998), "Les standards de comparaison dans la gestion de la satisfaction des clients" Décisions Marketing n ° 13 (Janvier - Avril), pp. 57-65
- Pine, BJ II., & Gilmore, JH (1998). Welcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review, 76 (4), 97-105.- Salma Karray, «Effets de l'odeur Ambiante et de la Fidélité de population sur la consommation d'un lieu de service», Mémoire pour l'obtention du grade de Maitre en science, 2002.
- Regan, W.J. (1963), The Service Revolution, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 27, July, pp. 57-62.- Rya.K, Jang soocheong, «The effect of environmental perceptions on quality perception» journal of Respitality and tourism Research, vol.31 N ° 1, Fabwary 2008.
- Sibéril P. (1994), L'influence de la musique sur les comportements des acheteurs en grande surface, Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de Rennes 1.- Teresa Fernandes & Sara Neves (2014): The role of servicescape as a driver of customer value in experience-centric service organizations: the Dragon Football Stadium case, Journal of Strategic Marketing.
- Turley, LW, & Milliman, RE (2000). Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: A review of experimental evidence. Journal of Business Research, 49, 193-211.- Wake Field, KL Blodgett. JG (1996) «the effect of the service cape on customers behavioral intentions in leisure service setting,« journal of services Marketing Vol 10 ISS: 6 PP 45-61.
- Wakefield. KL, Blodgett JG (1994): «the importance of services cape in leisure service settings» journal of services Marketing, Vol8, ISS: 3, PP66, 76.- Westbrook, RA, & Black, WC (1985) .A motivation-based shopper typology. Journal of Retailing, 61 (1), 78-103-Zomerdijk, LG, & Voss, CA (2010). Service design for experience-centric services. Journal of Service Research, 13 (1), 67-82.
Mohammed, B., Tarik, S., & Chıb, D. (2019). The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14, 184-194.
Mohammed B, Tarik S, Chıb D. The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Mart 2019;14:184-194.
Mohammed, Benbouziane, Saidi Tarik, ve Djazia Chıb. “The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, Mart (Mart 2019): 184-94.
Mohammed B, Tarik S, Chıb D (01 Mart 2019) The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 184–194.
B. Mohammed, S. Tarik, ve D. Chıb, “The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, ss. 184–194, 2019.
Mohammed, Benbouziane vd. “The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 (Mart 2019), 184-194.
Mohammed B, Tarik S, Chıb D. The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:184–194.
Mohammed, Benbouziane vd. “The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, 2019, ss. 184-9.
Mohammed B, Tarik S, Chıb D. The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:184-9.