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Etik Marka Algıları ve Marka Sadakati ile Marka Seçim Yönelimi üzerindeki Etkileri: Duygusal Marka Bağlılığının Arabulucu Rolü

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 448 - 459, 31.10.2019


Geçtiğimiz on yıllık
dönemde, şirketlerin icraatları müşterilerin erişiminde bulunan teknolojik
gelişmeler sayesinde her zamankinden daha şeffaf bir hale gelmiştir. Bahsekonu
şeffaflık, toplumun ahlaki ve etik değerlerini karşılamayan şirketlerin
müşteriler tarafından farkedilmesini sağlamaktadır. Söz konusu şirketler ağır
bir şekilde eleştirilmekle kalmayıp, işçi hakları, çalışma şartları, çocuk
işçiliği, düşük ve eşit olmayan ödenek ve diğer etik olmayan faaliyetlerini
düzeltmek amacıyla kurumsal işlem yapmadıkları takdirde boykot edilmektedirler.
Global bir spor giyim kuruluşu olan Nike, 1970li yıllardan bu yana üçüncü dünya
ülkelerindeki taşeron fabrikalarında uyguladığı iddia edilen etik dışı
icraatları sebebiyle çeşitli eleştirilere maruz kalmaktadır. Bahsekonu kuruluş,
eleştiri konusu olan etik sorunlara değinmek amacıyla kurumsal düzeyde birtakım
programlar ve icraatlar gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu araştırma, Nike’ın etik imajını
iyileştirmek amacıyla gerçekleştirdiği yatırımlar ve kurumsal programlar
sonrasında müşterilerin Nike’ı etik bir marka olarak algılayıp
algılamadıklarını incelemektedir. Araştırma ayni zamanda etik marka
algılarının, duygusal marka sadakati, marka bağlılığı, ve marka seçim
yönelimleri ile ilişkisini incelemektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, marka bağlılığının
etik marka algıları, marka sadakati ve marka seçim yönelimi üzerindeki
arabulucu rolü araştırılmaktadır. Nicel olan bu araştırma, Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta
öğrenim gören 400 uluslararası öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş ve veriler
PLS-SEM kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, etik marka algılarının,
duygusal marka bağlılığı ve marka sadakati üzerinde olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu
ortaya koymaktadır. Buna karşın, farklı markalara hızlı geçiş yapmalarıyla
bilinen öğrencilerin, içgüdüsel satın alıcı olmaları sebebiyle, etik marka
algılarının marka seçim yönelimleri üzerinde bir etkisi olmadığı görülmektedir.
Araştırma, duygusal marka bağlıluğının, marka sadakati ve marka seçim
yönelimleri ile olumlu bir ilişki içerisinde olduğunu ve ayrıca etik marka
algıları, marka sadakati ve marka seçim yönelimleri ilişkisi açısından bir
arabuluculuk rolüne sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Makalede sonuçlar ve
araştırma bulgularının yansımaları tartışılmaktadır.


  • Aguirre-Urreta, Miguel I., George M. Marakas, and Michael E. Ellis. "Measurement of composite reliability in research using partial least squares: some issues and an alternative approach." ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 44, no. 4 (2013): 11-43.Alarcón, David, José A. Sánchez, and U. De Olavide. "Assessing convergent and discriminant validity in the ADHD-R IV rating scale: User-written commands for Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Composite Reliability (CR), and Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT)." In Spanish STATA Meeting. 2015.Albort-Morant, Gema, Antonio Leal-Millán, and Gabriel Cepeda-Carrión. "The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities." Journal of Business Research 69, no. 11 (2016): 4912-4917.Alwi, Sharifah Faridah Syed, Sulaiman Muhammad Ali, and Bang Nguyen. "The importance of ethics in branding: Mediating effects of ethical branding on company reputation and brand loyalty." Business Ethics Quarterly 27, no. 3 (2017): 393-422.Andersch, Henrike, Christian Arnold, Ann-Kathrin Seemann, and Jörg Lindenmeier. "Understanding ethical purchasing behavior: Validation of an enhanced stage model of ethical behavior." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019): 50-59.Bahri-Ammari, Nedra, Mathilda Van Niekerk, Haykel Ben Khelil, and Jinene Chtioui. "The effects of brand attachment on behavioral loyalty in the luxury restaurant sector." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 28, no. 3 (2016): 559-585.Ballinger, Jeff. "No sweat? Corporate social responsibility and the dilemma of anti-sweatshop activism." In New Labor Forum, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 91-98. Sage Publications, Inc., 2008.Baltar, Fabiola, and Ignasi Brunet. "Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook." Internet research22, no. 1 (2012): 57-74.Beltramini, Richard F., Robert A. Peterson, and George Kozmetsky. "Concerns of college students regarding business ethics." journal of Business Ethics 3, no. 3 (1984): 195-200.Bennett, Elizabeth A. "Extending ethical consumerism theory to semi-legal sectors: insights from recreational cannabis." Agriculture and human values (2017): 1-23.Bezençon, Valéry, and Reza Etemad-Sajadi. "The effect of a sustainable label portfolio on consumer perception of ethicality and retail patronage." International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 43, no. 4/5 (2015): 314-328.Bird, Kate, and David R. Hughes. "Ethical consumerism: The case of “Fairly–Traded” coffee." Business ethics: A European review 6, no. 3 (1997): 159-167.Boje, David M. "Nike, Greek goddess of victory or cruelty? Women's stories of Asian factory life." Journal of Organizational Change Management 11 (1998): 461-480.Brunk, Katja H. "Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions—A consumer perspective of corporate ethics." Journal of Business Research 63, no. 3 (2010a): 255-262.Brunk, Katja H. "Reputation building: beyond our control? Inferences in consumers' ethical perception formation." Journal of Consumer Behaviour 9, no. 4 (2010b): 275-292.Brunk, Katja H. "Un/ethical company and brand perceptions: Conceptualising and operationalising consumer meanings." Journal of business ethics 111, no. 4 (2012): 551-565.Brunk, Katja H., and Cara de Boer. "How do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry." Journal of Business Ethics (2018): 1-16.Chen, Mei-Fang, and Liang-Hung Mau. "The impacts of ethical sales behaviour on customer loyalty in the life insurance industry." The Service Industries Journal 29, no. 1 (2009): 59-74.Coelho, Pedro Simões, Paulo Rita, and Zélia Raposo Santos. "On the relationship between consumer-brand identification, brand community, and brand loyalty." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43 (2018): 101-110.Connor, Tim. "Still waiting for Nike to do it: Nike's labor practices in the three years since CEO Phil Knight's speech to the National Press Club." Tim Connor (2001) Still Waiting for Nike to Do It: Nike’s Labor Practices in the Three Years Since CEO Phil Knight’s Speech to the National Press Club, Global Exchange, San Francisco, California (2001).Das, Gopal, James Agarwal, Naresh K. Malhotra, and Geetika Varshneya. "Does brand experience translate into brand commitment?: A mediated-moderation model of brand passion and perceived brand ethicality." Journal of Business Research95 (2019): 479-490.Delaney, Annie, Rosaria Burchielli, Jane Tate, and Homeworkers Worldwide. "Corporate CSR responses to homework and child labour in the Indian and Pakistan leather sector." In Can CSR responses be inclusive of informal women worker rights and priorities?. Leeds, 2016.Doane, Deborah. "Taking flight: The rapid growth of ethical consumerism." London: New Economics Foundation 1 (2001).Dwivedi, Abhishek, Lester W. Johnson, Dean Charles Wilkie, and Luciana De Araujo-Gil. "Consumer emotional brand attachment with social media brands and social media brand equity." European Journal of Marketing (2018).Farah, Maya F., and Andrew J. Newman. "Exploring consumer boycott intelligence using a socio-cognitive approach." Journal of Business Research 63, no. 4 (2010): 347-355.Fastoso, Fernando, and Héctor González-Jiménez. "Materialism, cosmopolitanism, and emotional brand attachment: The roles of ideal self-congruity and perceived brand globalness." Journal of Business Research (2018).Featherstone, Liza. Students against sweatshops. Verso, 2002.Fernandes, N. M. A., and T. Radebe. "Creating a positive digital customer experience to foster loyalty: a Generation Z perspective." In 30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENTISTS (SAIMS), p. 423. 2018.Ferrell, O. C., Dana E. Harrison, Linda Ferrell, and Joe F. Hair. "Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and brand attitudes: An exploratory study." Journal of Business Research95 (2019): 491-501. Fornell, Claes, and David F. Larcker. "Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics." (1981): 382-388.Foroudi, Pantea, Zhongqi Jin, Suraksha Gupta, Mohammad M. Foroudi, and Philip J. Kitchen. "Perceptional components of brand equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention." Journal of Business Research 89 (2018): 462-474.Fuentes, Christian, and Niklas Sörum. "Agencing ethical consumers: smartphone apps and the socio-material reconfiguration of everyday life." Consumption Markets & Culture 22, no. 2 (2019): 131-156.Greenberg, Josh, and Graham Knight. "Framing sweatshops: Nike, global production, and the American news media." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 1, no. 2 (2004): 151-175.Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann. "The brand authenticity effect: situational and individual-level moderators." European Journal of Marketing 50, no. 3/4 (2016): 602-620.Hair, Joseph F., Rolph E. Anderson, Barry J. Babin, and Wiiliam C. Black. "Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (Vol. 7)." (2010).He, Hongwei, Weichun Zhu, Dennis Gouran, and Olivia Kolo. "Moral identity centrality and cause-related marketing: The moderating effects of brand social responsibility image and emotional brand attachment." European Journal of Marketing50, no. 1/2 (2016): 236-259.He, Hongwei, Yan Li, and Lloyd Harris. "Social identity perspective on brand loyalty." Journal of business research65, no. 5 (2012): 648-657.Hemsley-Brown, Jane, and Ibrahim Alnawas. "Service quality and brand loyalty: the mediation effect of brand passion, brand affection and self-brand connection." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 28, no. 12 (2016): 2771-2794.Henseler, Jörg, Christian M. Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt. "A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling." Journal of the academy of marketing science 43, no. 1 (2015): 115-135.Hung, Hsiu‐Yu, and Hao‐Te Lu. "The rosy side and the blue side of emotional brand attachment." Journal of Consumer Behaviour 17, no. 3 (2018): 302-312.Hwang, Eunmin, Seyhmus Baloglu, and Sarah Tanford. "Building loyalty through reward programs: The influence of perceptions of fairness and brand attachment." International Journal of Hospitality Management 76 (2019): 19-28.Iglesias, Oriol, Stefan Markovic, Jatinder Jit Singh, and Vicenta Sierra. "Do customer perceptions of corporate services brand ethicality improve brand equity? 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Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 448 - 459, 31.10.2019


In recent decades, with the
technological advancements available to customers, companies’ actions are more
transparent than ever and customers are aware of companies that does not meet
society’s moral and ethical values. Those companies are heavily criticized and
even boycotted unless they do take corporate actions to address their unethical
practices, whether it is labor rights, work conditions, child labor, low and
unequal pay or others. Nike, a global sportswear corporation, has suffered from
claims regards unethical practices in their subcontracted factories in third
world countries since 1970ties, and has implemented several programs and
actions at corporate level to address those ethical issues. This study looks at
whether after investments and corporate programs dedicated to improve Nikes ethical
image, customers do perceive Nike as ethical brand. Moreover, it also
investigates the relationship ethical brand perceptions have on emotional brand
attachment, as well as brand loyalty and brand choice intentions, and looks at
mediating role of emotional brand attachment in ethical brand perceptions and
brand loyalty and brand choice intentions relationship. The study was quantitative
in its nature, and was conducted on 400 international studies studying in
universities in Northern Cyprus, and obtained data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The
study results reveal that ethical brand perceptions does have a positive effect
on emotional brand attachment, as well as brand loyalty. In contrast, ethical
brand perceptions does not impact brand choice intentions, as students are
known to be impulse buyers that quickly switch to other brands. Emotional brand
attachment does positively relate to brand loyalty and brand choice intentions,
and also is a mediator in ethical brand perceptions and brand loyalty and brand
choice intentions relationship. The results are discussed and implications
drawn from the findings of the study. 


  • Aguirre-Urreta, Miguel I., George M. Marakas, and Michael E. Ellis. "Measurement of composite reliability in research using partial least squares: some issues and an alternative approach." ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 44, no. 4 (2013): 11-43.Alarcón, David, José A. Sánchez, and U. De Olavide. "Assessing convergent and discriminant validity in the ADHD-R IV rating scale: User-written commands for Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Composite Reliability (CR), and Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT)." In Spanish STATA Meeting. 2015.Albort-Morant, Gema, Antonio Leal-Millán, and Gabriel Cepeda-Carrión. "The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities." Journal of Business Research 69, no. 11 (2016): 4912-4917.Alwi, Sharifah Faridah Syed, Sulaiman Muhammad Ali, and Bang Nguyen. "The importance of ethics in branding: Mediating effects of ethical branding on company reputation and brand loyalty." Business Ethics Quarterly 27, no. 3 (2017): 393-422.Andersch, Henrike, Christian Arnold, Ann-Kathrin Seemann, and Jörg Lindenmeier. "Understanding ethical purchasing behavior: Validation of an enhanced stage model of ethical behavior." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019): 50-59.Bahri-Ammari, Nedra, Mathilda Van Niekerk, Haykel Ben Khelil, and Jinene Chtioui. "The effects of brand attachment on behavioral loyalty in the luxury restaurant sector." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 28, no. 3 (2016): 559-585.Ballinger, Jeff. "No sweat? Corporate social responsibility and the dilemma of anti-sweatshop activism." In New Labor Forum, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 91-98. Sage Publications, Inc., 2008.Baltar, Fabiola, and Ignasi Brunet. "Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook." Internet research22, no. 1 (2012): 57-74.Beltramini, Richard F., Robert A. Peterson, and George Kozmetsky. "Concerns of college students regarding business ethics." journal of Business Ethics 3, no. 3 (1984): 195-200.Bennett, Elizabeth A. "Extending ethical consumerism theory to semi-legal sectors: insights from recreational cannabis." Agriculture and human values (2017): 1-23.Bezençon, Valéry, and Reza Etemad-Sajadi. "The effect of a sustainable label portfolio on consumer perception of ethicality and retail patronage." International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 43, no. 4/5 (2015): 314-328.Bird, Kate, and David R. Hughes. "Ethical consumerism: The case of “Fairly–Traded” coffee." Business ethics: A European review 6, no. 3 (1997): 159-167.Boje, David M. "Nike, Greek goddess of victory or cruelty? Women's stories of Asian factory life." Journal of Organizational Change Management 11 (1998): 461-480.Brunk, Katja H. "Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions—A consumer perspective of corporate ethics." Journal of Business Research 63, no. 3 (2010a): 255-262.Brunk, Katja H. "Reputation building: beyond our control? Inferences in consumers' ethical perception formation." Journal of Consumer Behaviour 9, no. 4 (2010b): 275-292.Brunk, Katja H. "Un/ethical company and brand perceptions: Conceptualising and operationalising consumer meanings." Journal of business ethics 111, no. 4 (2012): 551-565.Brunk, Katja H., and Cara de Boer. "How do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry." Journal of Business Ethics (2018): 1-16.Chen, Mei-Fang, and Liang-Hung Mau. "The impacts of ethical sales behaviour on customer loyalty in the life insurance industry." The Service Industries Journal 29, no. 1 (2009): 59-74.Coelho, Pedro Simões, Paulo Rita, and Zélia Raposo Santos. "On the relationship between consumer-brand identification, brand community, and brand loyalty." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43 (2018): 101-110.Connor, Tim. "Still waiting for Nike to do it: Nike's labor practices in the three years since CEO Phil Knight's speech to the National Press Club." Tim Connor (2001) Still Waiting for Nike to Do It: Nike’s Labor Practices in the Three Years Since CEO Phil Knight’s Speech to the National Press Club, Global Exchange, San Francisco, California (2001).Das, Gopal, James Agarwal, Naresh K. Malhotra, and Geetika Varshneya. "Does brand experience translate into brand commitment?: A mediated-moderation model of brand passion and perceived brand ethicality." Journal of Business Research95 (2019): 479-490.Delaney, Annie, Rosaria Burchielli, Jane Tate, and Homeworkers Worldwide. "Corporate CSR responses to homework and child labour in the Indian and Pakistan leather sector." In Can CSR responses be inclusive of informal women worker rights and priorities?. Leeds, 2016.Doane, Deborah. "Taking flight: The rapid growth of ethical consumerism." London: New Economics Foundation 1 (2001).Dwivedi, Abhishek, Lester W. Johnson, Dean Charles Wilkie, and Luciana De Araujo-Gil. "Consumer emotional brand attachment with social media brands and social media brand equity." European Journal of Marketing (2018).Farah, Maya F., and Andrew J. Newman. "Exploring consumer boycott intelligence using a socio-cognitive approach." Journal of Business Research 63, no. 4 (2010): 347-355.Fastoso, Fernando, and Héctor González-Jiménez. "Materialism, cosmopolitanism, and emotional brand attachment: The roles of ideal self-congruity and perceived brand globalness." Journal of Business Research (2018).Featherstone, Liza. Students against sweatshops. Verso, 2002.Fernandes, N. M. A., and T. Radebe. "Creating a positive digital customer experience to foster loyalty: a Generation Z perspective." In 30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENTISTS (SAIMS), p. 423. 2018.Ferrell, O. C., Dana E. Harrison, Linda Ferrell, and Joe F. Hair. "Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and brand attitudes: An exploratory study." Journal of Business Research95 (2019): 491-501. Fornell, Claes, and David F. Larcker. "Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics." (1981): 382-388.Foroudi, Pantea, Zhongqi Jin, Suraksha Gupta, Mohammad M. Foroudi, and Philip J. Kitchen. "Perceptional components of brand equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention." Journal of Business Research 89 (2018): 462-474.Fuentes, Christian, and Niklas Sörum. "Agencing ethical consumers: smartphone apps and the socio-material reconfiguration of everyday life." Consumption Markets & Culture 22, no. 2 (2019): 131-156.Greenberg, Josh, and Graham Knight. "Framing sweatshops: Nike, global production, and the American news media." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 1, no. 2 (2004): 151-175.Guèvremont, Amélie, and Bianca Grohmann. "The brand authenticity effect: situational and individual-level moderators." European Journal of Marketing 50, no. 3/4 (2016): 602-620.Hair, Joseph F., Rolph E. Anderson, Barry J. Babin, and Wiiliam C. Black. "Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (Vol. 7)." (2010).He, Hongwei, Weichun Zhu, Dennis Gouran, and Olivia Kolo. "Moral identity centrality and cause-related marketing: The moderating effects of brand social responsibility image and emotional brand attachment." European Journal of Marketing50, no. 1/2 (2016): 236-259.He, Hongwei, Yan Li, and Lloyd Harris. "Social identity perspective on brand loyalty." Journal of business research65, no. 5 (2012): 648-657.Hemsley-Brown, Jane, and Ibrahim Alnawas. 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Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Zanete Garanti 0000-0001-9990-8788

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56

Kaynak Göster

APA Garanti, Z. (2019). Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14(56), 448-459.
AMA Garanti Z. Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ekim 2019;14(56):448-459.
Chicago Garanti, Zanete. “Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, sy. 56 (Ekim 2019): 448-59.
EndNote Garanti Z (01 Ekim 2019) Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 56 448–459.
IEEE Z. Garanti, “Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, ss. 448–459, 2019.
ISNAD Garanti, Zanete. “Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14/56 (Ekim 2019), 448-459.
JAMA Garanti Z. Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:448–459.
MLA Garanti, Zanete. “Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, 2019, ss. 448-59.
Vancouver Garanti Z. Ethical Brand Perceptions and Their Impact on Brand Loyalty and Brand Choice Intentions: Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14(56):448-59.