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Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition

Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 545 - 567, 31.12.2019



  • Altmann, A. - Stern, S. M. Isaac Israeli, a Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1958.
  • Asmis, Elizabeth. “Review Article: Asclepiades of Bithynia Rediscovered?”. Classical Philology 88/2 (Nisan 1993): 145-56.
  • Austin, Umar. “Suffering in Muslim Religious Thought”. Islamic Quarterly 26 (1982): 27-39.
  • Ben-Shammai, H. “Studies in Karaite Atomism”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 6 (1985): 243-298.
  • Bernard, Marie. “La Critique de la Notion de Nature (tab‘) par le Kalam”. Studia Islamica 51 (1980): 59-105.
  • Bos, Gerrit - Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The Introduction of Sergius of Rēsh‘aina to Galen’s Commentary on Hippocrates’ On Nutriment”. Journal of Semitic Studies” 54 (2009): 179-204.
  • Dhanani, Alnoor. The Physical Theory of Kalam: Atoms, Space and Void in Basrian Mu‘tazili Cosmology. Leiden: Brill Academic, 1994.
  • el-Melâhimî, Rükneddin. Kitabü’l-Mu‘temed fi Usûliddîn. ed. Martin McDermott - Wilfred Madelung. London: Al Hoda, 1991.
  • er-Râzî, Fahreddin. et-Tefsirü’l-Kebir. Cairo, 1938.
  • Frank, Richard M. “Bodies and Atoms: The Ash‘arite Analysis”. ed. Michael E. Marmura. Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani Albany: Ashgate, 1984: 39-53.
  • Freudenthal, Gad. “Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories”. Journal for the History of Philosophy 41/2 (2003), 273-274.
  • Galen. On the Elements According to Hippocrates. ed. Phillip de Lacy. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996.
  • Guthrie, W. K. C. A History of Greek Philosophy: The Earlier Presocratics and the Pythagoreans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  • Heemskerk, M. T. Suffering in the Mu‘tazilite Theology. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
  • Israeli, Isaac. Sefer ha-Yesodot, Das Buch über die Elemente. ed. S. Fried. Frankfurt, 1900.
  • İbn İshak, Huneyn. De Experientia Medica. ed. ve trc. Richard Walzer. London: Oxford University Press, 1944.
  • İbn İshak, Huneyn. Kitâbü Calinus fi’l-üstükussât. nşr. Muhammed Selîm Sâlim. Cairo, 1986.
  • Job of Edessa. Book of Treasures. ed. A. Mingana. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons, 1935.
  • Kraus, Paul. Jabir et la Science Grecque. Cairo, 1942.
  • Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The Astral Connections of Critical Days: Some Late Antique Sources Preserved in Hebrew and Arabic”. ed. Anna Akasoy - Charles Burnett - Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Astro-medicine: Astrology and Medicine, East and West. Florence, 2008.
  • MacDonald, D. B. “Continuous Creation and Atomic Time in Muslim Scholastic Theology”. Isis 9:2 (1927), 326-44.
  • Newman, William R. Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
  • Newman, William R. “Experimental Corpuscular Theory”, ed. Christoph Lüthy - John E. Murdoch, Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Theories. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
  • Newman, William R. The ‘Summa Perfectionis’ of Pseudo-Geber: A Critical Edition, Translation and Study. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1991.
  • Pines, Shlomo. Studies in Islamic Atomism. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1997.
  • Pines, Shlomo. “Razi Critique de Galien”, Actes du VIIIe Congrès d’Histoire des Sciences Paris, 1953: 480-487.
  • Pines, Shlomo. “A Study of the Impact of Indian, Mainly Bhuddist, Thought on Some Aspects of Kalam Doctrines”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 17 (1994): 182-203.
  • Sabra, A. I. “Kalam Atomism as an Alternative Philosophy to Hellenizing Falsafa”. Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy, from the Many to the One: Essays in Celebration of Richard M. Frank. ed. James E. Montgomery. Leuven, Paris, Dudley and MA: Peeters, 2006.
  • Schmidtke, Sabine. An Anonymous Commentary on Kitāb al-Tadhkira by Ibn Mattawayh. Facsimile Edition of Mahdavi Codex 514 (6th/12th Century). ed. Sabine Schmidtke. Tehran: Iranian Institute of Philosophy, 2006.
  • Schwarz, Michael. “Who were Maimonides’ Mutakallimun? Some remarks on Guide of the Perplexed Part I Chapter 73”. Maimonidean Studies 2 (1991): 159-209; 3 (1992-93): 143-72.
  • Sezgin, Fuat. Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums. Frankfurt: E. J. Brill, 1970.
  • Singer, Peter. “Levels of Explanation in Galen”. Classical Quarterly 47/2 (1997), 525-542.
  • Steinschneider, Moritz. Die hebraeischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters. Berlin: Gekrönte Preissch, 1893.
  • Van Ess, Josef. “Sixty Years After: Shlomo Pines’s Beiträge and Half a Century of Research on Atomism in Islamic Theology”. Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 7 (2002): 19-41.
  • Van Ess, Josef. Theologie und Gesellschaft. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992.
  • Watt, W. M. “Suffering in Sunni Islam”. Studia Islamica l (1979): 5-19.
  • Whitby, Maurice. “Quasi-elements in Aristotle”. Mnemosyne 35 (1982): 225-247.
  • Wilkie, J. S. - Lloyd, G. E. R. “The Arabic Version of Galen’s De Elementissecundum Hippocratem”. Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982): 232-233.
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Philosophy of the Kalam. Cambridge, MA, London: Harvard University Press, 1976.
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979.

İslam Atomculuğu ve Galenik Gelenek

Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 545 - 567, 31.12.2019


Bu makale Galenik külliyattaki atomcu
doktrinlere yöneltilmiş tenkitlerin, özellikle de On the Elements According
to Hippocrates
eserinde bulunanların, erken dönem kelâm atomculuğu için önemli bir
kaynak oluşturduğunu ileri sürmektedir.


  • Altmann, A. - Stern, S. M. Isaac Israeli, a Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1958.
  • Asmis, Elizabeth. “Review Article: Asclepiades of Bithynia Rediscovered?”. Classical Philology 88/2 (Nisan 1993): 145-56.
  • Austin, Umar. “Suffering in Muslim Religious Thought”. Islamic Quarterly 26 (1982): 27-39.
  • Ben-Shammai, H. “Studies in Karaite Atomism”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 6 (1985): 243-298.
  • Bernard, Marie. “La Critique de la Notion de Nature (tab‘) par le Kalam”. Studia Islamica 51 (1980): 59-105.
  • Bos, Gerrit - Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The Introduction of Sergius of Rēsh‘aina to Galen’s Commentary on Hippocrates’ On Nutriment”. Journal of Semitic Studies” 54 (2009): 179-204.
  • Dhanani, Alnoor. The Physical Theory of Kalam: Atoms, Space and Void in Basrian Mu‘tazili Cosmology. Leiden: Brill Academic, 1994.
  • el-Melâhimî, Rükneddin. Kitabü’l-Mu‘temed fi Usûliddîn. ed. Martin McDermott - Wilfred Madelung. London: Al Hoda, 1991.
  • er-Râzî, Fahreddin. et-Tefsirü’l-Kebir. Cairo, 1938.
  • Frank, Richard M. “Bodies and Atoms: The Ash‘arite Analysis”. ed. Michael E. Marmura. Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani Albany: Ashgate, 1984: 39-53.
  • Freudenthal, Gad. “Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories”. Journal for the History of Philosophy 41/2 (2003), 273-274.
  • Galen. On the Elements According to Hippocrates. ed. Phillip de Lacy. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996.
  • Guthrie, W. K. C. A History of Greek Philosophy: The Earlier Presocratics and the Pythagoreans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  • Heemskerk, M. T. Suffering in the Mu‘tazilite Theology. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
  • Israeli, Isaac. Sefer ha-Yesodot, Das Buch über die Elemente. ed. S. Fried. Frankfurt, 1900.
  • İbn İshak, Huneyn. De Experientia Medica. ed. ve trc. Richard Walzer. London: Oxford University Press, 1944.
  • İbn İshak, Huneyn. Kitâbü Calinus fi’l-üstükussât. nşr. Muhammed Selîm Sâlim. Cairo, 1986.
  • Job of Edessa. Book of Treasures. ed. A. Mingana. Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons, 1935.
  • Kraus, Paul. Jabir et la Science Grecque. Cairo, 1942.
  • Langermann, Y. Tzvi. “The Astral Connections of Critical Days: Some Late Antique Sources Preserved in Hebrew and Arabic”. ed. Anna Akasoy - Charles Burnett - Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Astro-medicine: Astrology and Medicine, East and West. Florence, 2008.
  • MacDonald, D. B. “Continuous Creation and Atomic Time in Muslim Scholastic Theology”. Isis 9:2 (1927), 326-44.
  • Newman, William R. Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
  • Newman, William R. “Experimental Corpuscular Theory”, ed. Christoph Lüthy - John E. Murdoch, Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Theories. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
  • Newman, William R. The ‘Summa Perfectionis’ of Pseudo-Geber: A Critical Edition, Translation and Study. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1991.
  • Pines, Shlomo. Studies in Islamic Atomism. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1997.
  • Pines, Shlomo. “Razi Critique de Galien”, Actes du VIIIe Congrès d’Histoire des Sciences Paris, 1953: 480-487.
  • Pines, Shlomo. “A Study of the Impact of Indian, Mainly Bhuddist, Thought on Some Aspects of Kalam Doctrines”. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 17 (1994): 182-203.
  • Sabra, A. I. “Kalam Atomism as an Alternative Philosophy to Hellenizing Falsafa”. Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy, from the Many to the One: Essays in Celebration of Richard M. Frank. ed. James E. Montgomery. Leuven, Paris, Dudley and MA: Peeters, 2006.
  • Schmidtke, Sabine. An Anonymous Commentary on Kitāb al-Tadhkira by Ibn Mattawayh. Facsimile Edition of Mahdavi Codex 514 (6th/12th Century). ed. Sabine Schmidtke. Tehran: Iranian Institute of Philosophy, 2006.
  • Schwarz, Michael. “Who were Maimonides’ Mutakallimun? Some remarks on Guide of the Perplexed Part I Chapter 73”. Maimonidean Studies 2 (1991): 159-209; 3 (1992-93): 143-72.
  • Sezgin, Fuat. Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums. Frankfurt: E. J. Brill, 1970.
  • Singer, Peter. “Levels of Explanation in Galen”. Classical Quarterly 47/2 (1997), 525-542.
  • Steinschneider, Moritz. Die hebraeischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters. Berlin: Gekrönte Preissch, 1893.
  • Van Ess, Josef. “Sixty Years After: Shlomo Pines’s Beiträge and Half a Century of Research on Atomism in Islamic Theology”. Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 7 (2002): 19-41.
  • Van Ess, Josef. Theologie und Gesellschaft. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992.
  • Watt, W. M. “Suffering in Sunni Islam”. Studia Islamica l (1979): 5-19.
  • Whitby, Maurice. “Quasi-elements in Aristotle”. Mnemosyne 35 (1982): 225-247.
  • Wilkie, J. S. - Lloyd, G. E. R. “The Arabic Version of Galen’s De Elementissecundum Hippocratem”. Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982): 232-233.
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Philosophy of the Kalam. Cambridge, MA, London: Harvard University Press, 1976.
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn. Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Translations

Y. Tvzi Langermann This is me


Sümeyye Akten This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date July 8, 2019
Acceptance Date December 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Langermann, Y. T. (2019). Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition (S. Akten, Trans.). Kader, 17(2), 545-567.
AMA Langermann YT. Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition. Kader. December 2019;17(2):545-567.
Chicago Langermann, Y. Tvzi. “Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition”. Translated by Sümeyye Akten. Kader 17, no. 2 (December 2019): 545-67.
EndNote Langermann YT (December 1, 2019) Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition. Kader 17 2 545–567.
IEEE Y. T. Langermann, “Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition”, Kader, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 545–567, 2019.
ISNAD Langermann, Y. Tvzi. “Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition”. Kader. Sümeyye AktenTrans 17/2 (December 2019), 545-567.
JAMA Langermann YT. Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition. Kader. 2019;17:545–567.
MLA Langermann, Y. Tvzi. “Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition”. Kader, translated by Sümeyye Akten, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 545-67.
Vancouver Langermann YT. Islamic Atomism and The Galenic Tradition. Kader. 2019;17(2):545-67.