ISSN: 2757-9395
e-ISSN: 2757-9476
Founded: 2021
Publisher: Burhan ÇAĞLAR
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A double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal published semiannually (April and October) in the fields of Ottoman Studies


is a peer-reviewed and biannual journal. The journal publishes studies on "Ottoman Studies" and welcomes Turkish or English contributions within this scope. Kadim encourages critical perspectives and provides an open-access academic platform for "Ottoman History" researchers worldwide to share and discuss their research results. 

For information about submitting an article, please see the Author Guidelines.

Peer Review Statement

All submitted articles for publication have undergone a rigorous evaluation, including initial editor screening and double-blind review by two anonymous referees. All articles are scanned via iThenticate for plagiarism to prevent violations of publication ethics. The similarity rate should not exceed 15%.

2024 - Issue: 7

Indexing and Abstracting

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