Research Article
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Haiti Crisis and the Ottoman Merchants in the Early Twentieth Century Global Economy (1903-1915)

Year 2023, , 191 - 219, 15.10.2023


At the beginning of the twentieth century, social pressure against Ottoman Syrians emerged in Haiti, taking an immense part in the world agenda. Many countries directly or indirectly got involved in the crisis, which later turned out to be a political and economic collision between big powers. This study scrutinizes the Haiti crisis as a synopsis of the global economic competition and analyses it by focusing on the Syrians who were the victims of the situation. Haiti was a junction of the transatlantic trade route, and it possessed a very strategic location. The Ottoman Syrians who migrated to Haiti through the USA were among those who benefited themselves commercially from this positioning. The grasp of trade by Syrians drew the reactions among the Haitian administration and people. They were accused of causing inflation and unemployment. At the same time, big powers intended to intervene in the crisis under the guise of preserving the rights of Syrians. The Ottoman Empire did not hesitate to rescue its Syrian citizens from the turmoil. The article sketches out the Haiti crisis, which would become Western countries’ display of power, relying on primary sources.


  • Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA), Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısım Evrakı (HR.SYS).
  • National Archives in Washington, “Chinese Exclusion Act 1882”. National Archives in Washington, DC. Erişim 5 Ağustos 2023. chinese-exclusion-act
  • Bismarck Daily Tribune. “Trouble Impending” (31 Mart 1905), 1.
  • Daily Press. “Brooklyn Goes to Haiti” (31 Mart 1905), 5.
  • Evening Star. “Haitiens are Aroused” (2 Ağustos 1904), 11.
  • Evening Star. “Haitians Friendly” (9 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • Evening Star. “Denied by Gen. Nord” (16 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • Evening Star. “A Diplomatic Coincidence” (4 Ağustos 1904), 7.
  • Evening Star. “To Believe the Newark” (5 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • Evening Star. “Haiti Has no Head” (3 Ağustos 1911), 1.
  • New-York Tribune. “Rioting in Hayti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 3.
  • New-York Tribune. “Haytian Riot Checked” (31 Mart 1905), 2.
  • New-York Tribune. “Fear Outbreak in Haiti” (23 Mayıs 1912), 6.
  • New-York Tribune. “Syrians Closed Out in Hayti” (25 Mayıs 1912), 5.
  • Norwich Bulletin. “Port Au Prince-Haiti” (25 Mayıs 1912), 1.
  • Omaha Daily Bee. “Mob Sacks the City” (4 Aralık 1908), 1.
  • Perth Amboy Evening News. “Nord Winning Popularity” (4 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • Rosebud County News. “Washington Notes” (28 Temmuz 1904), 2.
  • Santa Fe New Mexican. “Americans Takes Refuge in Legation” (4 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Black Hills Union and Western Stock Review. “Disorders in Hayti” (12 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The Citizen. “Looters are Shot” (10 Aralık 1908), 3.
  • The Columbus Journal. “Time Entended to Syrians” (29 Mart 1905), 2.
  • The Detroit Times. “Haiti Expels Syrians” (2 Kasım 1908), 9
  • The Evening Bulletin. “Syrians in Hayti” (22 Eylül 1904), 1.
  • The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican. “Syrians= Americans Asks Protections” (1 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The McCook Tribune. “Time Entended to Syrians” (31 Mart 1905), 6.
  • The Minneapolis Journal. “Powell Pledges Guards in Haiti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Minneapolis Journal. “Massacre Manage Hangs Over Haiti” (2 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The New York Times. “Haiti Drives Out Syrian Merchants” (21 Aralık 1911), 1.
  • The Pensacola Journal. “Cruiser Brooklyn Sailed Immediately for Hayti” (2 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The Rising Sun. “President Nord is Blamed” (26 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Brands Story as a Canard” (17 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Haytian Mobs Stone Syrians” (3 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Police Guards Streets of Syrians in Haiti” (1 Nisan 1905), 5.
  • The Saint Paul Globe. “Soldier Buys and Receive no Change” (17 Ağustos 1904), 4
  • The Saint Paul Globe. “Powell Puts End to Haitian Riots” (5 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Salt Lake Herald. “Uncle Sam Protects The Turks in Hayti” (5 Ağustos 1904), 7.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Germany and Syrians” (11 Mart 1905), 2.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Hate the Syrians” (22 Mart 1905), 1.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Syrians in Haiti Protected by Various Home Governments” (8 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The Savannah Morning News. “Trouble Still Feared on Island of Hayti” (6 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Tacoma Times. “Americans are Stoned in Hayti” (4 Ağustos 1904), 3.
  • The Times Dispatch. “Disorder in Hayti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 8.
  • The Topeka State Journal. “Denial From Hayti” (30 Mart 1905), 1.
  • The Times Dispatch. “Stuation in Haiti Growing Serious” (19 Temmuz 1908), 2.
  • The Washington Times. “Secret Service Tracks to Cover Bogus Citizens” (25 Eylül 1904), 9.
  • The Washington Times. “Minister Explains Feelings of Haitians” (10 Ağustos 1904), 4.
  • The Washington Times. “Republic of Haiti a Mortgaged Estate” (12 Eylül 1904), 5.
  • The Washington Times. “Port au Prince Scene of Riot” (4 Ağustos 1904), 5.
  • Baycar, Kazım. “Küresel Göç Çağında Osmanlı Transatlantik Göçleri ve Sebepleri”. Divan 21/40 (2016), 1-32.
  • Baycar, Kazım. “Yirminci Yüzyıl Başında Haiti’de Suriyeli Osmanlı Tüccarlarının Varoluş Mücadelesi”. IV. Başkent International Conference of Multidisciplinary Studies. ed. Nurlan Akhmetov. 1/758-762. Ankara: İksad Global, 2023.
  • Baycar, Kazım. Ottoman-Arab Transatlantic Migrations in the Age of Mass Migrations (1870- 1914). Oxford: University of Oxford, Economic and Social History, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2015.
  • Castor, Suzy - Garafola, Lynn. “The American Occupation of Haiti (1915-34) and the Dominican Republic (1916-24)”. The Massachusetts Review 15/1 (1974), 253-275.
  • Coupeau, Steeve. The History of Haiti. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008.
  • Davis, Harold Palmer. Black Democracy: The Story of Haiti. New York: L. MacVeagh, 1928.
  • Heidler, David S. – Heidler, Jeanne T. “Manifest Destiny”. Britannica. Erişim 13 Ekim 2023.
  • Hutton, T. J. - Williamson, Jeffrey G. The Age of Mass Migration: Causes and Economic Impact. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
  • Karpat, Kemal. “The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860–1914”. International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 17/2 (Mayıs 1985), 175–209.
  • Kayal, Philip M. - Joseph Kayal, The Syrian Lebanese in America. Boston: Twayne DipoPublishers, 1975.
  • Nicholls, David. Haiti in Caribbean Context: Ethnicity, Economy and Revolt. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1985.
  • O’Rourke, Kevin H. - Jeffrey G. Williamson. Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. - Williamson, Jeffrey G. (ed.). The Mediterranean Response to Globalization Before 1950. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
  • Plummer, Brenda Gayle. “Race, Nationality, and Trade in the Caribbean: The Syrians in Haiti, 1903-1934”. The International History Review 3/4 (1981), 517-539.
  • Plummer, Brenda Gayle. “The Metropolitan Connection: Foreign and Semiforeign Elites in Haiti, 1900-1915”. Latin American Research Review 19/2 (1984), 119-142.
  • Régnier, Léonce. Législation Usuelle des Conseils Communaux de la République. Port-Au Prince: Imprimerie de L’Abeille, 1906.
  • Renda, Mary A. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of US Imperialism, 1915-1940. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2006.
  • Schmidt, Hans. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915–1934. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1971.
  • Temel, Mehmet. XIX. ve XX. Yüzyılda Osmanlı-Latin Amerika İlişkileri. İstanbul: Nehir Yayınları, 2004.

Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915)

Year 2023, , 191 - 219, 15.10.2023


Yirminci yüzyılın başında Haiti’de Suriyeli Osmanlılara karşı ortaya çıkan bir toplumsal baskı dünya gündemini bir süre meşgul etmişti. Birçok ülkenin doğrudan ya da dolaylı taraf olduğu bu kriz, bir süre sonra büyük güçlerin siyasi ve ticari çatışma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu makale dönemin küresel ekonomik rekabetin bir panoraması şekline dönüşen Haiti krizini incelemekte ve bu krizin mağduru Osmanlıların küresel rekabetteki konumunu irdelemektedir. Bu dönemde Haiti, transatlantik ticaret yolu üzerinde stratejik bir konumda bulunmaktaydı. Bu coğrafi konumu ticari kazanca dönüştürenler arasında daha önce ABD üzerinden Haiti’ye göç eden Suriyeli Osmanlılar da bulunuyordu. Suriyeli Osmanlıların Haiti ekonomisinde ön plana çıkması yerli halkta ve ülke yöneticileri arasında bir tepki doğurdu. Nitelim Suriyeliler ülkedeki iş imkanlarının azalmasından ve yükselen fiyatlardan sorumlu tutuyorlardı. Öte yandan bölgede nüfuz elde etmek isteyen ve bunu mevcut Suriyelilerin konumlarını kullanarak gerçekleştirmek niyetinde olan Batılı devletler görünürde Suriyelilerin haklarını koruma yarışına girdiler. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu da tabiiyetinde bulunan bu tüccarların haklarını gücü nispetinde korumaya çalışmaktan geri durmamıştır. Makale büyük güçlerin güç gösterisi biçimini alan Haiti krizini birincil kaynaklar ışığında tafsilatıyla irdelemektedir.


  • Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA), Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısım Evrakı (HR.SYS).
  • National Archives in Washington, “Chinese Exclusion Act 1882”. National Archives in Washington, DC. Erişim 5 Ağustos 2023. chinese-exclusion-act
  • Bismarck Daily Tribune. “Trouble Impending” (31 Mart 1905), 1.
  • Daily Press. “Brooklyn Goes to Haiti” (31 Mart 1905), 5.
  • Evening Star. “Haitiens are Aroused” (2 Ağustos 1904), 11.
  • Evening Star. “Haitians Friendly” (9 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • Evening Star. “Denied by Gen. Nord” (16 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • Evening Star. “A Diplomatic Coincidence” (4 Ağustos 1904), 7.
  • Evening Star. “To Believe the Newark” (5 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • Evening Star. “Haiti Has no Head” (3 Ağustos 1911), 1.
  • New-York Tribune. “Rioting in Hayti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 3.
  • New-York Tribune. “Haytian Riot Checked” (31 Mart 1905), 2.
  • New-York Tribune. “Fear Outbreak in Haiti” (23 Mayıs 1912), 6.
  • New-York Tribune. “Syrians Closed Out in Hayti” (25 Mayıs 1912), 5.
  • Norwich Bulletin. “Port Au Prince-Haiti” (25 Mayıs 1912), 1.
  • Omaha Daily Bee. “Mob Sacks the City” (4 Aralık 1908), 1.
  • Perth Amboy Evening News. “Nord Winning Popularity” (4 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • Rosebud County News. “Washington Notes” (28 Temmuz 1904), 2.
  • Santa Fe New Mexican. “Americans Takes Refuge in Legation” (4 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Black Hills Union and Western Stock Review. “Disorders in Hayti” (12 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The Citizen. “Looters are Shot” (10 Aralık 1908), 3.
  • The Columbus Journal. “Time Entended to Syrians” (29 Mart 1905), 2.
  • The Detroit Times. “Haiti Expels Syrians” (2 Kasım 1908), 9
  • The Evening Bulletin. “Syrians in Hayti” (22 Eylül 1904), 1.
  • The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican. “Syrians= Americans Asks Protections” (1 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The McCook Tribune. “Time Entended to Syrians” (31 Mart 1905), 6.
  • The Minneapolis Journal. “Powell Pledges Guards in Haiti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Minneapolis Journal. “Massacre Manage Hangs Over Haiti” (2 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The New York Times. “Haiti Drives Out Syrian Merchants” (21 Aralık 1911), 1.
  • The Pensacola Journal. “Cruiser Brooklyn Sailed Immediately for Hayti” (2 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The Rising Sun. “President Nord is Blamed” (26 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Brands Story as a Canard” (17 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Haytian Mobs Stone Syrians” (3 Ağustos 1904), 2.
  • The San Francisco Call. “Police Guards Streets of Syrians in Haiti” (1 Nisan 1905), 5.
  • The Saint Paul Globe. “Soldier Buys and Receive no Change” (17 Ağustos 1904), 4
  • The Saint Paul Globe. “Powell Puts End to Haitian Riots” (5 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Salt Lake Herald. “Uncle Sam Protects The Turks in Hayti” (5 Ağustos 1904), 7.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Germany and Syrians” (11 Mart 1905), 2.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Hate the Syrians” (22 Mart 1905), 1.
  • The Salt Lake Tribune. “Syrians in Haiti Protected by Various Home Governments” (8 Nisan 1905), 1.
  • The Savannah Morning News. “Trouble Still Feared on Island of Hayti” (6 Ağustos 1904), 1.
  • The Tacoma Times. “Americans are Stoned in Hayti” (4 Ağustos 1904), 3.
  • The Times Dispatch. “Disorder in Hayti” (3 Ağustos 1904), 8.
  • The Topeka State Journal. “Denial From Hayti” (30 Mart 1905), 1.
  • The Times Dispatch. “Stuation in Haiti Growing Serious” (19 Temmuz 1908), 2.
  • The Washington Times. “Secret Service Tracks to Cover Bogus Citizens” (25 Eylül 1904), 9.
  • The Washington Times. “Minister Explains Feelings of Haitians” (10 Ağustos 1904), 4.
  • The Washington Times. “Republic of Haiti a Mortgaged Estate” (12 Eylül 1904), 5.
  • The Washington Times. “Port au Prince Scene of Riot” (4 Ağustos 1904), 5.
  • Baycar, Kazım. “Küresel Göç Çağında Osmanlı Transatlantik Göçleri ve Sebepleri”. Divan 21/40 (2016), 1-32.
  • Baycar, Kazım. “Yirminci Yüzyıl Başında Haiti’de Suriyeli Osmanlı Tüccarlarının Varoluş Mücadelesi”. IV. Başkent International Conference of Multidisciplinary Studies. ed. Nurlan Akhmetov. 1/758-762. Ankara: İksad Global, 2023.
  • Baycar, Kazım. Ottoman-Arab Transatlantic Migrations in the Age of Mass Migrations (1870- 1914). Oxford: University of Oxford, Economic and Social History, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2015.
  • Castor, Suzy - Garafola, Lynn. “The American Occupation of Haiti (1915-34) and the Dominican Republic (1916-24)”. The Massachusetts Review 15/1 (1974), 253-275.
  • Coupeau, Steeve. The History of Haiti. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008.
  • Davis, Harold Palmer. Black Democracy: The Story of Haiti. New York: L. MacVeagh, 1928.
  • Heidler, David S. – Heidler, Jeanne T. “Manifest Destiny”. Britannica. Erişim 13 Ekim 2023.
  • Hutton, T. J. - Williamson, Jeffrey G. The Age of Mass Migration: Causes and Economic Impact. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
  • Karpat, Kemal. “The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860–1914”. International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 17/2 (Mayıs 1985), 175–209.
  • Kayal, Philip M. - Joseph Kayal, The Syrian Lebanese in America. Boston: Twayne DipoPublishers, 1975.
  • Nicholls, David. Haiti in Caribbean Context: Ethnicity, Economy and Revolt. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1985.
  • O’Rourke, Kevin H. - Jeffrey G. Williamson. Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. - Williamson, Jeffrey G. (ed.). The Mediterranean Response to Globalization Before 1950. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
  • Plummer, Brenda Gayle. “Race, Nationality, and Trade in the Caribbean: The Syrians in Haiti, 1903-1934”. The International History Review 3/4 (1981), 517-539.
  • Plummer, Brenda Gayle. “The Metropolitan Connection: Foreign and Semiforeign Elites in Haiti, 1900-1915”. Latin American Research Review 19/2 (1984), 119-142.
  • Régnier, Léonce. Législation Usuelle des Conseils Communaux de la République. Port-Au Prince: Imprimerie de L’Abeille, 1906.
  • Renda, Mary A. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of US Imperialism, 1915-1940. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2006.
  • Schmidt, Hans. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915–1934. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1971.
  • Temel, Mehmet. XIX. ve XX. Yüzyılda Osmanlı-Latin Amerika İlişkileri. İstanbul: Nehir Yayınları, 2004.
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Ottoman Socio-Economy
Journal Section Research Articles

Kazim Baycar 0000-0002-6420-7559

Early Pub Date October 14, 2023
Publication Date October 15, 2023
Submission Date August 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Baycar, K. (2023). Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915). Kadim(6), 191-219.
AMA Baycar K. Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915). Kadim. October 2023;(6):191-219. doi:10.54462/kadim.1338913
Chicago Baycar, Kazim. “Haiti Krizi Ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915)”. Kadim, no. 6 (October 2023): 191-219.
EndNote Baycar K (October 1, 2023) Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915). Kadim 6 191–219.
IEEE K. Baycar, “Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915)”, Kadim, no. 6, pp. 191–219, October 2023, doi: 10.54462/kadim.1338913.
ISNAD Baycar, Kazim. “Haiti Krizi Ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915)”. Kadim 6 (October 2023), 191-219.
JAMA Baycar K. Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915). Kadim. 2023;:191–219.
MLA Baycar, Kazim. “Haiti Krizi Ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915)”. Kadim, no. 6, 2023, pp. 191-19, doi:10.54462/kadim.1338913.
Vancouver Baycar K. Haiti Krizi ve Yirminci Yüzyıl Başı Küresel Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Tüccarları (1903-1915). Kadim. 2023(6):191-219.

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