How to Cite Archival Materials?

How to Cite Archival Materials?


In the Ottoman Archives (BOA) there are correspondences of Ottoman governmental institutions between the center and provinces from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire to the beginning of the Turkish Republic. In the Republican Archives (BCA) there are documents belong to National Independence, Parliamentary Governments, and the National Republic periods. Abbreviations of the register names must be done according to the codes stated by the Directorate of State Archives. A list of codes is accessible HERE.


First Reference:

Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA), İrâde Hususi (İ.HUS), 35/53, 2 March 1311 (14 March 1895), lef 3.  (lef is the Ottoman archival term means enclosure)
Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Arşivi, Evrak (TSMA.e), 1034/9, fol. 11a.
The National Archives (TNA), Foreign Office (FO), 424/186, from Barnham to Currie, 20 December 1895, p. 30.

Subsequent References:

BOA, İ.HUS, 35/53, lef 3.
TSMA.e, 1034/9, fol. 11a.
TNA, FO, 424/186, p. 30.


BOA, Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi. İrâde Hususi (İ.HUS).
TSMA, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Arşivi. Evrak, (TSMA.e).
TNA, The National Archives. Foreign Office (FO).

Note: Only codes have to be included in the bibliography, every single document should not be given.


First Reference:

Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA), Handean Defterleri (A.DVNSHND.d), nr. 1, s. 34.
Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Arşivi, Defter (TSMA.d), 5245/5, s. 32.

Subsequent References:

BOA, A.DVNSHND.d, nr. 1, s. 34.
TSMA.d, 5245/5, s. 32.


BOA, Başkanlık Osmanlı Arşivi. Handean Defterleri (A.DVNSHND.d), nr. 1.
TSMA, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Arşivi. Defter, (TSMA.d), 5245/5.

Note: Registry numbers have to be included in the bibliography, and pages should not be shown. 

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