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The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 91 - 99, 26.04.2023


There are important unexplained points in cancer formation and its treatment with drugs. Some of the cancer drugs used in the treatment affect the genetic material of cancer cells. These types of drugs have a high toxicity. Despite important drugs used in cancer treatment have been developed today, there are serious problems in developing a drug with high specificity. This is because the pharmacological action points where drugs can affect cancerous cells and which are different from normal cells have not been fully determined. The current article reveals hypotheses about some extrachromosomal action points that may be beneficial in cancer treatment. Depending on the proposed hypothesis, information about the chemicals to be investigated is given.


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There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Collection

Abdullah Doğan This is me

Publication Date April 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Doğan, A. (2023). The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(1), 91-99.
AMA Doğan A. The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. April 2023;13(1):91-99.
Chicago Doğan, Abdullah. “The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 13, no. 1 (April 2023): 91-99.
EndNote Doğan A (April 1, 2023) The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 13 1 91–99.
IEEE A. Doğan, “The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment”, KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 91–99, 2023.
ISNAD Doğan, Abdullah. “The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 13/1 (April 2023), 91-99.
JAMA Doğan A. The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2023;13:91–99.
MLA Doğan, Abdullah. “The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023, pp. 91-99.
Vancouver Doğan A. The Hypothesis of a New Extrachromosomal Approach to Cancer Treatment. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2023;13(1):91-9.