Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 115 - 121, 29.08.2024



  • 1. Cordero RD, Mantilla AA, Escano JV, Lucchetti G, Badanta B. The Role of Spirituality and Religiosity in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review of the Scientifc Literature. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61:2168–2197.
  • 2. Margetić B, Peraica T, Stojanović K, Ivanec D. Spirituality, Personality, and Emotional Distress During COVID-19 Pandemic in Croatia. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61:644–656.
  • 3. Lindert J, Jakubauskiene M, Bilsen J. The COVID-19 disaster and mental healthassessing, responding and recovering. European Journal of Public Health. 2021;31(4):31–35. https://
  • 4. Coppola I, Rania N, Parisi R, Lagomarsino F. Spiritual wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021;12:1–15. https://doi. org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.626944
  • 5. Othman RE, Touma E, Othman RE, Haddad C, Hallit R, Obeid S, Salameh P, Hallit S. COVID-19 pandemic and mental health in Lebanon: A cross-sectional study. Internatıonal Journal of Psychiatry ın Clinical Practice. 2021;25(2):152–163. https://
  • 6. Ağapınar Şahin S, Hasdemir Ö. The Fear of COVID-19 and Marital Adjustment in Pregnancy: Descriptive and A Crosssectional Design. Mediterr Nurs Midwifery. 2024;4(1):54–64.
  • 7. Diego-Cordero R, Ávila-Mantilla A, Vega-Escaño J, Lucchetti G, Badanta B. The Role of spirituality and religiosity in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ıntegrative review of the scientific literature. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61(3):2168–2197. s10943-022-01549-x
  • 8. Lucchetti G, Góes LG, Amaral S G, Ganadjian GT, Andrade I, Almeida POA, do Carmo VM, Manso MEG. Spirituality, religiosity and the mental health consequences of social isolation during COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021;67(6):672–679. https://doi. org/10.1177/0020764020970996
  • 9. Millroth P, Frey R. Fear and anxiety in the face of COVID-19: Negative dispositions towards risk and uncertainty as vulnerability factors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2021;83:18.
  • 10. Labrague LJ. Psychological resilience, coping behaviours and social support among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of quantitative studies. Journal of Nursing Management. 2021;29(7):1893–1905. https://doi. org/10.1111/jonm.13336
  • 11. Prazeres F, Passos L, Simões JA, Simões P, Martins C, Teixeira A. COVID- 19-related fear and anxiety: spiritual-religious coping in healthcare workers in Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Research and. Public Health. 2021;18(1):1–11.
  • 12. Artan T, Atak I, Karaman M, Cebeci F. Koronavirüs (COVID-19) salgınında sosyodemografik özellikler, psikolojik sağlamlık ve kaygı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Turkish Studies 2020;15(6): 79-94. TurkishStudies.43882 (Turkish)
  • 13. Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS, Ho RC. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(5):1729.
  • 14. Seaborn K, Chignell M, Gwizdka J. Psychological resilience during COVID-19: a meta-review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021;11(6):1–5. bmjopen-2021-051417
  • 15. Olonade OY, Adetunde CO, Iwelumor OS, Ozoya MI, George TO. Coronavirus pandemic and spirituality in southwest Nigeria: A sociological analysis. Heliyon. 2021;7(3):1–8.
  • 16. Roman N, Mthembu T, Hoosen M. Spiritual care - ‘a deeper immunity’- a response to COVID-19 pandemic. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine,. 2020;12(1):1–3.
  • 17. Killgore WDS, Taylor EC, Cloonan SA. Psychological resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown. Psychiatry Research. 2020;291:1–2. psychres.2020.113216
  • 18. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2013). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum. (18. Baskı) . Pegem Akademi
  • 19. Şirin T. Maneviyat Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turkish Studies. 2018;13(18):1283–1309.
  • 20. Smith BW, Dalen J, Wiggins K, Tooley E, Christopher P, Jennifer Bernard J. The brief resilience scale: Assessing the ability to bounce back. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2008;15:194–200.
  • 21. Doğan T. Kısa psikolojik sağlamlık ölçeği’nin Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being. 2015;3(1):93–102. fpsyt.2021.626944
  • 22. Erdem DG. Türk kültüründe manevi gücü somutlaştıran ara formlar. Folklor Akademi Dergisi. 2022;5(1):48–58. https://
  • 23. Shaw A, Joseph S, Linley PA. Religion, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 2005;8(1):1–11. https://doi. org/10.1080/1367467032000157981
  • 24. Fardin MA. COVID-19 epidemic and spirituality: A review of the benefits of religion in times of crisis. Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care. 2020;9(2):1–4. https://doi. org/10.5812/jjcdc.104260
  • 25. Boztilki M, Ardıç E. Maneviyat ve sağlık. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing 3(Supply 1),. 2017;39–45. https://doi. org/10.5222/jaren.2017.100
  • 26. Kımter N. COVID-19 Günlerinde bireylerin psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;574–05. https://dx.doi. org/10.21733/ibad.805481
  • 27. Angın Y. (2021). COVID-19 pandemi sürecinden geçerken sağlık çalışanlarında dini başa çıkma ve psikolojik sağlamlık ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. 2021;25(1);331–345.
  • 28. Kasapoğlu F. COVID-19 salgını sürecinde kaygı ile maneviyat, psikolojik sağlamlık ve belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Turkish Studies. 2020;15(4):599–614.
  • 29. Gulerce H, Maraj HA. (2021). Türkiye’de dayanıklılık ve ümitsizlik: COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde maneviyatın rolü. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2021;63:1–15. (Turkish).
  • 30. Hamilton JB, Best NC, Barney TA, Worthy VC, Phillis NR. Using spirituality to cope with COVID-19: the Experiences of African American breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Education. 2021;1–7. 01472-710.1007/s13187-021-01974-8
  • 31. Bilge Y, Bilge Y. Koronavirüs salgını ve sosyal izolasyonun psikolojik semptomlar üzerindeki etkilerinin psikolojik sağlamlık ve stresle baş etme tarzları açısından incelenmesi. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2020;23(Ek 1):38–51. https://doi. org/10.5505/kpd.2020.6693

The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 115 - 121, 29.08.2024


Aim: It was carried out to evaluate the effect of spirituality and spirituality on psychosocial resilience in women during the pandemic period. Material and Method: It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study sample consisted of 335 women who met the research criteria. The research was carried out between April 2022 and June 2022 in a province in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Türkiye. Personal data formula, Spirituality and Brief Psychological Resilience Scale were used to collect data.
Results: The average score women received from the spirituality scale was 108.21±13.81, and the average score they received from the short endurance scale was 19.84±4.65. Spirituality levels were statistically significant between those who spent the COVID-19 disease process in the hospital and those who spent it at home (p<0.05). As women’s spirituality levels increased, their psychological resilience levels also increased (p<0.05). There is a positive relationship between women’s spirituality levels and psychological resilience.
Conclusion: Women with high levels of spirituality have a higher potential to cope with challenges such as epidemics and pandemics.


  • 1. Cordero RD, Mantilla AA, Escano JV, Lucchetti G, Badanta B. The Role of Spirituality and Religiosity in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review of the Scientifc Literature. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61:2168–2197.
  • 2. Margetić B, Peraica T, Stojanović K, Ivanec D. Spirituality, Personality, and Emotional Distress During COVID-19 Pandemic in Croatia. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61:644–656.
  • 3. Lindert J, Jakubauskiene M, Bilsen J. The COVID-19 disaster and mental healthassessing, responding and recovering. European Journal of Public Health. 2021;31(4):31–35. https://
  • 4. Coppola I, Rania N, Parisi R, Lagomarsino F. Spiritual wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021;12:1–15. https://doi. org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.626944
  • 5. Othman RE, Touma E, Othman RE, Haddad C, Hallit R, Obeid S, Salameh P, Hallit S. COVID-19 pandemic and mental health in Lebanon: A cross-sectional study. Internatıonal Journal of Psychiatry ın Clinical Practice. 2021;25(2):152–163. https://
  • 6. Ağapınar Şahin S, Hasdemir Ö. The Fear of COVID-19 and Marital Adjustment in Pregnancy: Descriptive and A Crosssectional Design. Mediterr Nurs Midwifery. 2024;4(1):54–64.
  • 7. Diego-Cordero R, Ávila-Mantilla A, Vega-Escaño J, Lucchetti G, Badanta B. The Role of spirituality and religiosity in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ıntegrative review of the scientific literature. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022;61(3):2168–2197. s10943-022-01549-x
  • 8. Lucchetti G, Góes LG, Amaral S G, Ganadjian GT, Andrade I, Almeida POA, do Carmo VM, Manso MEG. Spirituality, religiosity and the mental health consequences of social isolation during COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021;67(6):672–679. https://doi. org/10.1177/0020764020970996
  • 9. Millroth P, Frey R. Fear and anxiety in the face of COVID-19: Negative dispositions towards risk and uncertainty as vulnerability factors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2021;83:18.
  • 10. Labrague LJ. Psychological resilience, coping behaviours and social support among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of quantitative studies. Journal of Nursing Management. 2021;29(7):1893–1905. https://doi. org/10.1111/jonm.13336
  • 11. Prazeres F, Passos L, Simões JA, Simões P, Martins C, Teixeira A. COVID- 19-related fear and anxiety: spiritual-religious coping in healthcare workers in Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Research and. Public Health. 2021;18(1):1–11.
  • 12. Artan T, Atak I, Karaman M, Cebeci F. Koronavirüs (COVID-19) salgınında sosyodemografik özellikler, psikolojik sağlamlık ve kaygı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Turkish Studies 2020;15(6): 79-94. TurkishStudies.43882 (Turkish)
  • 13. Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS, Ho RC. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(5):1729.
  • 14. Seaborn K, Chignell M, Gwizdka J. Psychological resilience during COVID-19: a meta-review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021;11(6):1–5. bmjopen-2021-051417
  • 15. Olonade OY, Adetunde CO, Iwelumor OS, Ozoya MI, George TO. Coronavirus pandemic and spirituality in southwest Nigeria: A sociological analysis. Heliyon. 2021;7(3):1–8.
  • 16. Roman N, Mthembu T, Hoosen M. Spiritual care - ‘a deeper immunity’- a response to COVID-19 pandemic. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine,. 2020;12(1):1–3.
  • 17. Killgore WDS, Taylor EC, Cloonan SA. Psychological resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown. Psychiatry Research. 2020;291:1–2. psychres.2020.113216
  • 18. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2013). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum. (18. Baskı) . Pegem Akademi
  • 19. Şirin T. Maneviyat Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turkish Studies. 2018;13(18):1283–1309.
  • 20. Smith BW, Dalen J, Wiggins K, Tooley E, Christopher P, Jennifer Bernard J. The brief resilience scale: Assessing the ability to bounce back. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2008;15:194–200.
  • 21. Doğan T. Kısa psikolojik sağlamlık ölçeği’nin Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being. 2015;3(1):93–102. fpsyt.2021.626944
  • 22. Erdem DG. Türk kültüründe manevi gücü somutlaştıran ara formlar. Folklor Akademi Dergisi. 2022;5(1):48–58. https://
  • 23. Shaw A, Joseph S, Linley PA. Religion, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 2005;8(1):1–11. https://doi. org/10.1080/1367467032000157981
  • 24. Fardin MA. COVID-19 epidemic and spirituality: A review of the benefits of religion in times of crisis. Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care. 2020;9(2):1–4. https://doi. org/10.5812/jjcdc.104260
  • 25. Boztilki M, Ardıç E. Maneviyat ve sağlık. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing 3(Supply 1),. 2017;39–45. https://doi. org/10.5222/jaren.2017.100
  • 26. Kımter N. COVID-19 Günlerinde bireylerin psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences. 2020;574–05. https://dx.doi. org/10.21733/ibad.805481
  • 27. Angın Y. (2021). COVID-19 pandemi sürecinden geçerken sağlık çalışanlarında dini başa çıkma ve psikolojik sağlamlık ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. 2021;25(1);331–345.
  • 28. Kasapoğlu F. COVID-19 salgını sürecinde kaygı ile maneviyat, psikolojik sağlamlık ve belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Turkish Studies. 2020;15(4):599–614.
  • 29. Gulerce H, Maraj HA. (2021). Türkiye’de dayanıklılık ve ümitsizlik: COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde maneviyatın rolü. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2021;63:1–15. (Turkish).
  • 30. Hamilton JB, Best NC, Barney TA, Worthy VC, Phillis NR. Using spirituality to cope with COVID-19: the Experiences of African American breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Education. 2021;1–7. 01472-710.1007/s13187-021-01974-8
  • 31. Bilge Y, Bilge Y. Koronavirüs salgını ve sosyal izolasyonun psikolojik semptomlar üzerindeki etkilerinin psikolojik sağlamlık ve stresle baş etme tarzları açısından incelenmesi. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2020;23(Ek 1):38–51. https://doi. org/10.5505/kpd.2020.6693
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Sibel Öztürk This is me

Nazlı Akar

Publication Date August 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Öztürk, S., & Akar, N. (2024). The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, 14(2), 115-121.
AMA Öztürk S, Akar N. The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. August 2024;14(2):115-121.
Chicago Öztürk, Sibel, and Nazlı Akar. “The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14, no. 2 (August 2024): 115-21.
EndNote Öztürk S, Akar N (August 1, 2024) The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14 2 115–121.
IEEE S. Öztürk and N. Akar, “The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period”, KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 115–121, 2024.
ISNAD Öztürk, Sibel - Akar, Nazlı. “The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14/2 (August 2024), 115-121.
JAMA Öztürk S, Akar N. The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2024;14:115–121.
MLA Öztürk, Sibel and Nazlı Akar. “The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, 2024, pp. 115-21.
Vancouver Öztürk S, Akar N. The Effect of Spirituality on Psychological Resilience in Women During the Pandemic Period. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2024;14(2):115-21.