Research Article
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Tarihi Çevrede Sıra Dışı Çağdaş Ekler: Sanatsal ve Estetik Bir İnceleme

Year 2024, , 83 - 105, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, tarihi çevrelerde gerçekleştirilen sıra dışı çağdaş eklerin estetik, işlevsel ve sanatsal etkilerini kapsamlı bir şekilde incelemektedir. Berlin Yahudi Müzesi, CaixaForum Madrid ve The Museum Hotel Antakya gibi uluslararası düzeyde tanınmış örnekler üzerinden, çağdaş mimarlık ve tarihi yapılar arasındaki dinamik etkileşim analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada çoklu durum çalışması yöntemi kullanılarak, literatür taraması ve görsel analizlerle yapılar arasındaki estetik uyum ve çatışmalar incelenmiştir. Tarihi yapıların özgün kimliğine saygı gösterilerek yapılan sıra dışı çağdaş ekler, mekânsal deneyimi zenginleştirmiş ve kültürel mirasın sürdürülebilirliğine katkıda bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgular, bu tür eklerin yalnızca tarihi yapıların korunmasına değil, aynı zamanda kentlerin ekonomik ve kültürel canlılığına da katkı sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Makale ayrıca, çağdaş mimarlığın sanatsal yaklaşımlarının, tarihi dokularla nasıl entegre edildiğini ve bu entegrasyonun, toplum üzerindeki etkilerini eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirmektedir. Sonuç olarak, tarihi çevrelerdeki sıra dışı çağdaş eklerin, geçmiş ve gelecek arasında estetik bir köprü kurarak, mekânların çok katmanlı tarihini görünür kılmada önemli bir rol oynadığı vurgulanmaktadır.


  • Addis, B. (2006). Building with reclaimed components and materials: A design handbook for reuse and recycling (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Ahunbay, Z. (2019). Kültür mirasını koruma ilke ve teknikleri. YEM Yayınları.
  • Avrami, E., Mason, R., ve de la Torre, M. (Eds.). (2000). Values and heritage conservation: Research report. Getty Conservation Institute.
  • Bullen, P. A., ve Love, P. E. (2011). Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. Structural Survey, 29(5), 411-421.
  • Cantell, S. F. (2005). The adaptive reuse of historic industrial buildings: Regulation barriers, best practices and case studies (Unpublished master’s thesis). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1998). Re-architecture: Old buildings/new uses. Abbeville Press.
  • Casakin, H. (2006). Metaphors as an unconventional reflective approach in architectural design. The Design Journal, 9(1), 37-50.
  • Cochrane, A. (2006). Making up meanings in a capital city: Power, memory and monuments in Berlin. European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1), 5-24.
  • Crownshaw, R. (2004). Reconsidering postmemory: Photography, the archive, and post-Holocaust memory in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, 37(4), 215-236.
  • Dore, C., ve Murphy, M. (2012, October 22–23). Integration of HBIM and 3D GIS for digital heritage modelling. In ARROW@TU Dublin Conference, 22-23 October, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Douglas, J. (2006). Building adaptation (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Emre Arolat Mimarlık. (2019). The Museum Hotel Antakya. 11 Nisan 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Feilden, B. (2003). Conservation of historic buildings (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Foucault, M. (1986). Of other spaces. Diacritics, 16, 22-27.
  • Heidenreich, M., ve Plaza, B. (2015). Renewal through culture? The role of museums in the renewal of industrial regions in Europe. European Planning Studies, 23(8), 1441-1455.
  • ICOMOS. (1964). Venedik tüzüğü. 15 Mart 2024 tarhinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (1994). Nara özgünlük belgesi 30 Kasım 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (1999). Geleneksel mimari miras tüzüğü. 20 Mart 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (2013). Burra tüzüğü. 17 Mart 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Iglesias, L. M. P., ve Bernardo, G. (2022). The industrial heritage as text and pretext for contemporary architecture. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 28(2), 102-114.
  • Jäger, F. P. (Ed.). (2012). Old & new: Design manual for revitalizing existing buildings. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Jencks, C. (2002). The new paradigm in architecture: The language of post-modernism. Yale University Press.
  • Jokilehto, J. (2007). International charters on urban conservation: Some thoughts on the principles expressed in current international doctrine. City & Time, 3(3), 23-42.
  • Kolarevic, B. (2003). Architecture in the digital age: Design and manufacturing. Taylor & Francis.
  • Koolhaas, R. (2004). Content. Taschen.
  • Ladd, B. (2004). Ghosts on display: Reconstruction and the meanings of history in Berlin since 1989. disP - The Planning Review, 40(156), 30-34.
  • Langston, C. (2005). Life-cost approach to building evaluation (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Lardinois, S. (2017). Contemporary architecture in the historic environment: Recent international perspectives. Change Over Time, 7(2), 252-271.
  • Leatherbarrow, D., ve Mostafavi, M. (2005). Surface architecture. MIT Press.
  • Letzter, J. (2022). Additions to historic buildings: Between parasite and prosthetic architecture. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 29(1), 63–83.
  • Letzter, J., ve Neuman, E. (2022). Addition to historic building: A hermeneutic interpretation. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 9(1), 2079587.
  • Lidelöw, S., Örn, T., Luciani, A., ve Rizzo, A. (2019). Energy-efficiency measures for heritage buildings: A literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 45, 231-242.
  • Macdonald, S., ve Cheong, C. (2014). The role of public-private partnerships and the third sector in conserving heritage buildings, sites, and historic urban areas. Getty Conservation Institute.
  • Mason, R., ve Sayner, J. (2019). Bringing museal silence into focus: Eight ways of thinking about silence in museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 25(1), 5-20.
  • McKenzie, M., ve Hutton, T. (2015). Culture-led regeneration in the post-industrial built environment: Complements and contradictions in Victory Square, Vancouver. Journal of Urban Design, 20(1), 8-27.
  • Munoz-Vinas, S. (2004). Contemporary theory of conservation (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Pearce, D. G. (1998). Tourism development in Paris: Public intervention. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(2), 457-476.
  • Pendlebury, J. (2008). Conservation in the age of consensus. Routledge.
  • Pickard, R. (Ed.). (2001). Policy and law in heritage conservation. Spon Press.
  • Plevoets, B. (2021). Juxtaposing inside and outside: Façadism as a strategy for building adaptation. The Journal of Architecture, 26(4), 541-558.
  • Plevoets, B., ve Van Cleempoel, K. (2019). Adaptive reuse of the built heritage: Concepts and cases of an emerging discipline. Routledge.
  • Powter, A., ve Ross, S. (2005). Integrating environmental and cultural sustainability for heritage properties. APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, 36(4), 5-11.
  • Saindon, B. A. (2012). A doubled heterotopia: Shifting spatial and visual symbolism in the Jewish Museum Berlin’s development. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 98(1), 24-48.
  • Schittich, C. (Ed.). (2003). In detail: Building in existing fabric – Refurbishment, extensions, new design. Birkhäuser.
  • Shipley, R., Utz, S., ve Parsons, M. (2006). Does adaptive reuse pay? A study of the business of building renovation in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 12(6), 505-520.
  • Sklair, L. (2017). The icon project: Architecture, cities, and capitalist globalization. Oxford University Press.
  • Stubbs, J. H. (2009). Time honored: A global view of architectural conservation. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Till, J. (2009). Architecture depends. MIT Press.
  • Till, K. E. (2005). The new Berlin: Memory, politics, place. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Traska, G. (2007). Designing renovation: The building as planning material. Building Research & Information, 35(1), 54-69.
  • Uluğ, E. (2022). An investigation into the connotations of iconic buildings by using a semiotic model of architecture. Social Semiotics, 32(2), 279-300.
  • UNESCO. (1976). Nairobi bildirgesi, tarihi alanların korunması ve çağdaş rolleri konusunda tavsiyeler. 5 Nisan 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Worthing, D., ve Bond, S. (2008). Managing built heritage: The role of cultural values and significance. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Yabacı, A. E., Altan, T. E., ve Şahin Güçhan, N. (2019). Mülkiye’nin bilinmeyen modern ekleri: Kütüphane ve amfi yapıları. MEGARON: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 13.
  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications (6th ed.). Sage.
  • Yung, H. K. E., ve Chan, H. W. E. (2012). Critical social sustainability factors in urban conservation: The case of the central police station compound in Hong Kong. Facilities, 30(9-10), 396-416.
  • Zukowsky, J. (2019). New military museums. Edition Axel Menges.

Extraordinary Contemporary Additions in Historical Environments: An Artistic and Aesthetic Analysis

Year 2024, , 83 - 105, 31.12.2024


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the aesthetic, functional, and artistic impacts of extraordinary contemporary additions in historical environments. Through internationally renowned examples such as the Berlin Jewish Museum, CaixaForum Madrid, and The Museum Hotel Antakya, the dynamic interaction between contemporary architecture and historical structures is examined. The study employs a multiple case study method, utilizing literature review and visual analyses to explore the aesthetic harmony and contrasts between these additions and their historical counterparts. These extraordinary contemporary additions respect the original identity of historical buildings while enriching the spatial experience and contributing to the sustainability of cultural heritage. The findings reveal that such additions not only play a crucial role in preserving historical structures but also enhance the economic and cultural vibrancy of cities. The article also critically assesses how artistic approaches in contemporary architecture integrate with historical settings and their broader societal impacts. In conclusion, the study highlights how extraordinary contemporary additions act as aesthetic bridges between the past and future, making the multilayered history of spaces visible and accessible.


  • Addis, B. (2006). Building with reclaimed components and materials: A design handbook for reuse and recycling (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Ahunbay, Z. (2019). Kültür mirasını koruma ilke ve teknikleri. YEM Yayınları.
  • Avrami, E., Mason, R., ve de la Torre, M. (Eds.). (2000). Values and heritage conservation: Research report. Getty Conservation Institute.
  • Bullen, P. A., ve Love, P. E. (2011). Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. Structural Survey, 29(5), 411-421.
  • Cantell, S. F. (2005). The adaptive reuse of historic industrial buildings: Regulation barriers, best practices and case studies (Unpublished master’s thesis). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1998). Re-architecture: Old buildings/new uses. Abbeville Press.
  • Casakin, H. (2006). Metaphors as an unconventional reflective approach in architectural design. The Design Journal, 9(1), 37-50.
  • Cochrane, A. (2006). Making up meanings in a capital city: Power, memory and monuments in Berlin. European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1), 5-24.
  • Crownshaw, R. (2004). Reconsidering postmemory: Photography, the archive, and post-Holocaust memory in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, 37(4), 215-236.
  • Dore, C., ve Murphy, M. (2012, October 22–23). Integration of HBIM and 3D GIS for digital heritage modelling. In ARROW@TU Dublin Conference, 22-23 October, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Douglas, J. (2006). Building adaptation (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Emre Arolat Mimarlık. (2019). The Museum Hotel Antakya. 11 Nisan 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Feilden, B. (2003). Conservation of historic buildings (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Foucault, M. (1986). Of other spaces. Diacritics, 16, 22-27.
  • Heidenreich, M., ve Plaza, B. (2015). Renewal through culture? The role of museums in the renewal of industrial regions in Europe. European Planning Studies, 23(8), 1441-1455.
  • ICOMOS. (1964). Venedik tüzüğü. 15 Mart 2024 tarhinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (1994). Nara özgünlük belgesi 30 Kasım 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (1999). Geleneksel mimari miras tüzüğü. 20 Mart 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • ICOMOS. (2013). Burra tüzüğü. 17 Mart 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Iglesias, L. M. P., ve Bernardo, G. (2022). The industrial heritage as text and pretext for contemporary architecture. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 28(2), 102-114.
  • Jäger, F. P. (Ed.). (2012). Old & new: Design manual for revitalizing existing buildings. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Jencks, C. (2002). The new paradigm in architecture: The language of post-modernism. Yale University Press.
  • Jokilehto, J. (2007). International charters on urban conservation: Some thoughts on the principles expressed in current international doctrine. City & Time, 3(3), 23-42.
  • Kolarevic, B. (2003). Architecture in the digital age: Design and manufacturing. Taylor & Francis.
  • Koolhaas, R. (2004). Content. Taschen.
  • Ladd, B. (2004). Ghosts on display: Reconstruction and the meanings of history in Berlin since 1989. disP - The Planning Review, 40(156), 30-34.
  • Langston, C. (2005). Life-cost approach to building evaluation (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Lardinois, S. (2017). Contemporary architecture in the historic environment: Recent international perspectives. Change Over Time, 7(2), 252-271.
  • Leatherbarrow, D., ve Mostafavi, M. (2005). Surface architecture. MIT Press.
  • Letzter, J. (2022). Additions to historic buildings: Between parasite and prosthetic architecture. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 29(1), 63–83.
  • Letzter, J., ve Neuman, E. (2022). Addition to historic building: A hermeneutic interpretation. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 9(1), 2079587.
  • Lidelöw, S., Örn, T., Luciani, A., ve Rizzo, A. (2019). Energy-efficiency measures for heritage buildings: A literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 45, 231-242.
  • Macdonald, S., ve Cheong, C. (2014). The role of public-private partnerships and the third sector in conserving heritage buildings, sites, and historic urban areas. Getty Conservation Institute.
  • Mason, R., ve Sayner, J. (2019). Bringing museal silence into focus: Eight ways of thinking about silence in museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 25(1), 5-20.
  • McKenzie, M., ve Hutton, T. (2015). Culture-led regeneration in the post-industrial built environment: Complements and contradictions in Victory Square, Vancouver. Journal of Urban Design, 20(1), 8-27.
  • Munoz-Vinas, S. (2004). Contemporary theory of conservation (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Pearce, D. G. (1998). Tourism development in Paris: Public intervention. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(2), 457-476.
  • Pendlebury, J. (2008). Conservation in the age of consensus. Routledge.
  • Pickard, R. (Ed.). (2001). Policy and law in heritage conservation. Spon Press.
  • Plevoets, B. (2021). Juxtaposing inside and outside: Façadism as a strategy for building adaptation. The Journal of Architecture, 26(4), 541-558.
  • Plevoets, B., ve Van Cleempoel, K. (2019). Adaptive reuse of the built heritage: Concepts and cases of an emerging discipline. Routledge.
  • Powter, A., ve Ross, S. (2005). Integrating environmental and cultural sustainability for heritage properties. APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, 36(4), 5-11.
  • Saindon, B. A. (2012). A doubled heterotopia: Shifting spatial and visual symbolism in the Jewish Museum Berlin’s development. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 98(1), 24-48.
  • Schittich, C. (Ed.). (2003). In detail: Building in existing fabric – Refurbishment, extensions, new design. Birkhäuser.
  • Shipley, R., Utz, S., ve Parsons, M. (2006). Does adaptive reuse pay? A study of the business of building renovation in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 12(6), 505-520.
  • Sklair, L. (2017). The icon project: Architecture, cities, and capitalist globalization. Oxford University Press.
  • Stubbs, J. H. (2009). Time honored: A global view of architectural conservation. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Till, J. (2009). Architecture depends. MIT Press.
  • Till, K. E. (2005). The new Berlin: Memory, politics, place. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Traska, G. (2007). Designing renovation: The building as planning material. Building Research & Information, 35(1), 54-69.
  • Uluğ, E. (2022). An investigation into the connotations of iconic buildings by using a semiotic model of architecture. Social Semiotics, 32(2), 279-300.
  • UNESCO. (1976). Nairobi bildirgesi, tarihi alanların korunması ve çağdaş rolleri konusunda tavsiyeler. 5 Nisan 2024 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Worthing, D., ve Bond, S. (2008). Managing built heritage: The role of cultural values and significance. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Yabacı, A. E., Altan, T. E., ve Şahin Güçhan, N. (2019). Mülkiye’nin bilinmeyen modern ekleri: Kütüphane ve amfi yapıları. MEGARON: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 13.
  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications (6th ed.). Sage.
  • Yung, H. K. E., ve Chan, H. W. E. (2012). Critical social sustainability factors in urban conservation: The case of the central police station compound in Hong Kong. Facilities, 30(9-10), 396-416.
  • Zukowsky, J. (2019). New military museums. Edition Axel Menges.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban Design, Architectural Heritage and Conservation, Architectural Design
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Kurnaz 0000-0002-9536-870X

Serhat Anıktar 0000-0002-7727-5331

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date October 21, 2024
Acceptance Date December 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kurnaz, A., & Anıktar, S. (2024). Tarihi Çevrede Sıra Dışı Çağdaş Ekler: Sanatsal ve Estetik Bir İnceleme. KAPU Trakya Mimarlık Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 4(2), 83-105.