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General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, 1883; The Issue of Obstacles to the Spread of Christianity in Japan

Year 2021, , 104 - 134, 31.12.2021


One year after Japan opened its ports to international trade in 1858, Western Protestant missionaries came to the country and started to spread Christianity in port cities. Missionaries carried out their activities in secrecy due to the prohibition of Christianity in Japan since 1639. As a result of diplomatic negotiations, the prohibition of Christianity in the country came to an end in 1873 and an important political obstacle to the activities of missionaries was removed. Until 1883, with the activities of health, education, language, etc. in the field they carried out, missionaries were able to break the prejudices of the Japanese towards Christianity. They laid the foundations of Christianity in Japan with the schools, hospitals and churches they established. Despite carrying out their activities during this process, the issues that made it difficult to understand Christianity in the country and prevented its spread became an important problem for them. These problems were discussed in detail at a meeting in Osaka in 1883, elected members from all the Protestant missionary communities in Japan came together. In this article, General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan in 1883 is analyzed on the issue of obstacles to the spread of Christianity in Japan through the eyes of Western Protestant missionaries has been examined.


  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1870.
  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1871.
  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1872.
  • D.C. Greene “The Influence of Modern Anti-Christian Literature upon the Missionary Work in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • Hugh Waddell “The Influence of Chinese Literature as an Obstacle to the Reception of Christianity in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • J.T. Ise, “ What are the Special Obstacles to the Progress of Christianity in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • M.L. Gordon “The Religious Influence of Buddhism as an Obstacle to the Reception of the Gospel in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • T. Matsuyama “ What are the Special Obstacles to the Progress of Christianity in Japan”, Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883. 齋藤吾一郎『耶蘇教国害論』、大阪、1881.
  • Bernardin Schneider, OFM “ Bible Translation” Handbook of Christianity in Japan (Ed. Mark M. Mullins), Brill, 2003.
  • G.F. Verbeck, “History of Protestant Missions in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • Ian Reader, Esben Andreasen and Finn Stefansson, Japanese Religions Past and Present, Japan Library, Honolulu, 1995.
  • James Mitchell Homes “Vercek of Japan: Guido F. Verbeck as Pioneer Missionary, Oyatoi Gaikokujin and Foreign Hero”, Phd. Thesis, University of Pittsburg, 2014.
  • John Liggins, One Thousand Familiar Phases in English and Romanized Japanese, Hurd and Houghton, New York,1867.
  • Joseph M. Kitagawa and Gary L. Ebersole, “Japanese Religions: An Overview” (Ed. Lindsay Jones) Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 7, Thomson Gale, USA, 2005.
  • Joseph M. Kitagawa, Religion in Japanese History, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1966.
  • Masaharu Anesaki, History of Japanese Religion With Special Reference To The Social And Moral Life Of The Nation, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont& Tokyo, Japan, 2000.
  • Otis Cary, A History of Christianity in Japan, Fleming H. Revell Company, London and Edinburg, 1909. Robert Ellwood, Introducing Japanese Religion, Routledge, New York and London, 2008.
  • 五野井隆史『日本キリシタン史の研究』古川文館、東京、2002. 長澤志穂『明治期聖書和訳にみられる漢学の影響-日本正教会訳を中心として』南山宗教文化研究所研究所報、第24号、2014.
  • 子安宣邦『国家の祭祀』青土社、東京、2004. 源了圓、玉懸博之『国家と宗教』思文閣出版、京都、1992.
  • 村上重良『国家神道と民衆宗教』古川弘文館、東京、2006. 李主先『日本宣教と翻訳-1880年代におけるM・C・ハリス監督の翻訳活動を中心に―』金城学院大学キリスト教文化研究所紀要 (20)、2016.
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  • (25.11.2021)
  • (25.11.2021)
  • (25.11.2021)
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1883 Osaka Protestan Misyonerleri Konferansı: Japonya’da Hristiyanlığın Yayılmasının Önündeki Engeller Konusu

Year 2021, , 104 - 134, 31.12.2021


1858’de Japonya’nın limanlarını uluslararası ticarete açmasından bir yıl sonra Batılı Protestan misyonerler ülkeye gelerek liman kentlerde Hristiyanlığı yayma faaliyetlerine başlamıştır. Misyonerler, Japonya’da 1639’dan beri devam eden Hristiyanlık yasağından dolayı faaliyetlerini gizlilikle yürütmüştür. Yapılan diplomatik görüşmeler neticesinde 1873’te ülkedeki bütün Hristiyanlık yasağı son bulmuş ve misyonerlerin faaliyetlerinin önündeki önemli bir siyasi engel ortadan kalkmıştır. 1883 yılına kadar misyonerler, sağlık, eğitim, dil vb. alanlarda yürüttükleri faaliyetlerle, Japonların Hristiyanlığa yönelik önyargılarını kırabilmiştir. Kurdukları okul, hastane ve kiliselerle, Japonya’da Hristiyanlığın temellerini atmıştır. Bu süreç içerisinde faaliyetlerini yürütmelerine rağmen ülkede Hristiyanlığın anlaşılmasını zorlaştıran, yayılmasına engel olan durumlar onların önemli sorunu haline gelmiştir. Bu sorunlar, 1883’te Japonya’da bulunan tüm Protestan misyoner topluluklarından seçilen üyelerin Osaka’da bir araya geldiği konferansta detaylıca tartışılmıştır. Bu makalede 1883 Osaka Protestan Misyonerleri Konferansı analiz edilerek Batılı Protestan misyonerlerin gözünden Japonya’da Hristiyanlığın yayılmasının önündeki engeller konusu incelenmiştir.


  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1870.
  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1871.
  • ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission) Annual Reports, The Japan Mission, 1872.
  • D.C. Greene “The Influence of Modern Anti-Christian Literature upon the Missionary Work in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • Hugh Waddell “The Influence of Chinese Literature as an Obstacle to the Reception of Christianity in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • J.T. Ise, “ What are the Special Obstacles to the Progress of Christianity in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • M.L. Gordon “The Religious Influence of Buddhism as an Obstacle to the Reception of the Gospel in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • T. Matsuyama “ What are the Special Obstacles to the Progress of Christianity in Japan”, Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883. 齋藤吾一郎『耶蘇教国害論』、大阪、1881.
  • Bernardin Schneider, OFM “ Bible Translation” Handbook of Christianity in Japan (Ed. Mark M. Mullins), Brill, 2003.
  • G.F. Verbeck, “History of Protestant Missions in Japan” Proceeding of the General Conferance of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan, Held at Osaka, Yokohama, April 1883.
  • Ian Reader, Esben Andreasen and Finn Stefansson, Japanese Religions Past and Present, Japan Library, Honolulu, 1995.
  • James Mitchell Homes “Vercek of Japan: Guido F. Verbeck as Pioneer Missionary, Oyatoi Gaikokujin and Foreign Hero”, Phd. Thesis, University of Pittsburg, 2014.
  • John Liggins, One Thousand Familiar Phases in English and Romanized Japanese, Hurd and Houghton, New York,1867.
  • Joseph M. Kitagawa and Gary L. Ebersole, “Japanese Religions: An Overview” (Ed. Lindsay Jones) Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 7, Thomson Gale, USA, 2005.
  • Joseph M. Kitagawa, Religion in Japanese History, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1966.
  • Masaharu Anesaki, History of Japanese Religion With Special Reference To The Social And Moral Life Of The Nation, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont& Tokyo, Japan, 2000.
  • Otis Cary, A History of Christianity in Japan, Fleming H. Revell Company, London and Edinburg, 1909. Robert Ellwood, Introducing Japanese Religion, Routledge, New York and London, 2008.
  • 五野井隆史『日本キリシタン史の研究』古川文館、東京、2002. 長澤志穂『明治期聖書和訳にみられる漢学の影響-日本正教会訳を中心として』南山宗教文化研究所研究所報、第24号、2014.
  • 子安宣邦『国家の祭祀』青土社、東京、2004. 源了圓、玉懸博之『国家と宗教』思文閣出版、京都、1992.
  • 村上重良『国家神道と民衆宗教』古川弘文館、東京、2006. 李主先『日本宣教と翻訳-1880年代におけるM・C・ハリス監督の翻訳活動を中心に―』金城学院大学キリスト教文化研究所紀要 (20)、2016.
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There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Article

Hülya Deveci 0000-0002-2463-1339

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Chicago Deveci, Hülya. “1883 Osaka Protestan Misyonerleri Konferansı: Japonya’da Hristiyanlığın Yayılmasının Önündeki Engeller Konusu”. KARE, no. 12 (December 2021): 104-34.

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