Research Article
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Symbols and Meanings of 12 Animals in Korean Culture

Year 2020, , 198 - 232, 30.06.2020


The Animal figures seen on ancient rocks and cave paintings in Korea have also been widely used in many fields such as pottery, sculptures and statues, burial mounds, legends, fairy tales, proverbs, idioms, literature and folk beliefs. The animal symbols mentioned in the article have various meanings and reflect the beliefs and thoughts of the Korean people and folklore. These animal symbols and representations therefore have a significant place in the Korean culture. The 12 animals signs assigned to Korean birth years, in particular, have a special significance for Koreans. The Animals in the Korea’s 12 Animal Calendars are also seen in fairy tales, proverbs or literary works in various and different forms. Therefore, the meanings that the Koreans place on animals plays an important role in understanding and interpreting the Korean culture and emotions. Furthermore, the meanings given to animals by the Korean people constitute an important background in understanding the Korean folk beliefs, legends and literary works.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the animal symbols and their meanings in Korea by focusing on the 12 animal calendars which have an important place in and influence on the Korean thoughts and daily life. This review consists of two parts. The former part aims examine the use of animal motifs and their symbolic meanings that have been widely used in Korea's literature, art, language and etc. while the second part focuses on the calendar of 12 animals that have a significant influence on the daily lives of Koreans.

Supporting Institution

This work was supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies(AKS-2019-OLU-2250002)

Project Number



  • BALCI, Mustafa, “Bilinmeyen Bir 12 Hayvanlı Takvim Risalesi: Takvim-i Tatar Ma’a-acem”, Türkbilgi, Sayı 20(2010), s. 85-96. BİRAY, Nergis, “12 Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi- Zaman ve İnsana Hükmetmek-, A.Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin AYAN Özel Sayısı, Sayı 39, Erzurum 2009, s. 671-682. BOYRAZ, Şeref, “12 Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi ve Kehanet”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt 3, sayı 14(Güz 2010), s. 137-167. DURUMUŞ, İlhami, “Eski Türklerde Zaman ve Takvimler”, // HAN, Yi-Min, Aspect and Meaning of Twelve Animals into Folk Tales – Focusing on the Collection of Kore Oral Literature -, The Graduate School Thesis, Soogsil University, 2012. HU, Eun-Ah, A Study on the Animal Towoo of Shinla, The Graduate School Thesis, Jeonnam University, 1993. HWAG, Na-Hyen, Features of the Joseon Dynasty Animal Painting, The Graduate School Thesis, Hongik University, 2012 . İl Yeon, Samkukyusa(Üç Krallık Hikayesi), (ter. Kim Wonjung), Minyım Yayınevi, (Seul: 2008). JANG, Hyen-Joo – HA, Jong-Kyung, “The Types and Characteristics of Animal Patterns Used on Fabric of Chosun Dynasty”, Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, Vol. 55, No. 5, (2005, 8), The Korean Society of Costume, s. 65-77. JUNG, Yeoan-Hak, “A Comparative Study on the Cattle in the Folklore between Korea and China”, Korean Journal of Folk Studies, 6(1999, 11), National Folk Museum of Korea, s. 457-487. KANG, Min-kyoung, “The shape and perception of Taoist animals in Yusun Literature”, Oriental Chinese Literature, 62 (2015), s. 31-60 KEUM, Young-Jin, “A Comparative Study on the Symbolism of five Cardinal Colors of Twelve Horary Signs Animals by big Data of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature; A Horse”, Oriental Studies, 75 (2019, 4), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s.23-49. KEUM, Young-Jin, “A Comparative Study on the Symbolism of the White Animals of the Twelve Horary Signs of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature”, Oriental Studies, 66 (2017, 1), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s. 43-72. KİM, Eun-Sun, “Stone Animal Statues at the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty”, Art History Research, 283·284 (2014,12), s.55-82. KİM, Hong-Kyeom, “Similarities and Differences of the Fox Images in Korea, China and Japan”, Oriental Studies, 50(2011, 8), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s. 43-64. KİM, Jeong-Jin, “The Symbolic Meaning of Animals on Kafka's Literary Works”, Franz Kafka, 1 (1984, 6), Koreanische Kafka Gesellschaft, s. 248-288. KIM, Jeong-Sook, “On Symbols of Animal in the Silla Culture”, The Journal of the Research Institute for Silla Culture, 7(1990, 12), The Center of Research for Silla Culture Dongguk University, s. 69-104. KİM, Jung-Eun, “A Study on the Symbols of <Ten Longevity Symbols Painting> and the Thought of Life”, Korean Folklore Painting, 6(2015), Korean Folk Painting Studies Association, s. 6-40. KİM, Mi- JEON, Young-Geun, “The Cultural Symbols of Ten Longevity”, Korean Language in China, 1(2012), National Affairs Committee of Gilrimsung, s. 12-18. KİM, Soo-Ryung, A Comparative Study on Symbolic Meaning of Twelve Animals in Chinese and Korean İdioms, The Graduate School Thesis, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, 2011. KİM, Tae-Young, Research for Symbolic Aesthetic Consciousness of Animal- Focusing on the Animals related to the Primitive Religion-, Graduate School Thesis, Kookmin University, 2005 . KİM, Zong-Dae, “A Consideration of Folk Symbol and Meaning of Animals”, Korean Journal of Folk Studies, 8(2001), National Folk Museum of Korea, s. 153-182. LEE, Hyen-Ju, Study on the Founding myth of Silla and the Animal Symbolism, The Graduate Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, 2004. LEE, Jong-Kwan, “Study on Folklore Consciousness of Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals Shown in Folk Painting”, Journal of the Korean Academia- İndustrial Cooperation Society, 17(2016, 6), s. 347-359. LEE, Yu-Jin, A Study on Jewelry with the Theme of Bird, The Graduate School Thesis, Kookmin University, 2011. Lİ, Ye, A Research for Korean Idioms Teaching by Contrasting the Symbolic Meaning of Korean and Chinese 12 Zodiac, The Graduate School Thesis, Chungang University, 2018. PARK, Min-Young, “Imagination of a Snake and the Moon: A Study on Seo Jeong-jus Poems, A Flower Snake and Winter Sky”, The Korean Poetics Studies Association, 35(2012, 12), s. 101-139. SONG, Young-Sook, “A Comparative Study of the Korean-Japanese Twelve Animal Stories- On the symbol of the rat motif-” , Korean-Japanese Literature Association Conference Presentations, The Japanese Language Literature Association of Korea, 2008, s. 383-388. SONG, Young-Sook, “A Study on the Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Rabbit Tales -Focused on the type of Trickster-”, Journal of Japanese Culture, 69 (2016, 5), The Japanese Culture Association Of Korea (Jcak), s. 275-294. TAVKUL, Ufuk, “Kültürel Etkileşim Açısında On İki Hayvanlı Türk Takviminin Yayılışı”, Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 4, sayı 1(Mart 2007), Ankara Üniversitesi, s.25-45. UNAT, Yavuz, “İslâm’da ve Türklerde Zaman ve Takvim”, Türk Dunyası, Nevruz Ansiklopedisi, (ed. Öcal Oğuz), Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2004, s. 15–24. WOO, Yen-Mi, A Study on Symbolic Meaning of Zodiac Animals in İdioms, The Graduate School Thesis, Kangwon University, 2008. YEOM, Mi-Ran, “A Study on the Terracota of Shinla Dynasty”, The symposium of Kwandong University, Catholic Kwandong University,1996,s.381-400.

Kore Kültüründe 12 Hayvan Sembolleri ve Anlamları

Year 2020, , 198 - 232, 30.06.2020


Tarih boyunca hemen hemen tüm toplumlarda görülebildiği gibi Kore’de eski dönem kaya ve mağara resimlerinde görülen hayvan figürleri; çanak, çömlek ve heykeller, mezar höyükleri, efsane, masal, atasözü, deyim, edebiyat eserleri ve halk inançları gibi pek çok alanda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Burada yer alan hayvan simgeleri çeşitli anlamlar içererek Korelilerinin halk inançlarını ve düşüncelerini yansıtmaktadır. Dolayısıyla hayvan sembolleri Kore kültüründe önemli yer tutmaktadır. Ayrıca Korelilerin doğum yıllarını belirten 12 hayvan, Koreliler için özel bir anlam taşır. Kore'de 12 hayvan takviminde yer alan hayvanlar; masal, atasözleri ya da edebî eserlerde çeşitli şekillerde boy göstermektedir. Bu nedenle Korelilerin hayvanlara yükledikleri anlamlar, Kore kültürü ve Korelilerin duygularını anlamamızda önemli bir araç olmaktadır. Ayrıca Kore halkının hayvanlara yüklediği anlamlar, Kore halk inanışlarını, efsanelerini ve edebi eserlerini anlama konusunda da önemlidir.
Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın amacı, Korelilerin düşünceleri ve günlük hayatlarında önemli bir unsur olarak yer edinmiş olan 12 hayvanlı takvimi merkez alarak Kore'deki hayvan sembolleri ve anlamlarını incelemektir. Bu inceleme, iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Öncelikle Kore'nin çeşitli edebiyat, sanat, dil vb. alanlarında yerleşmiş olan hayvan motifi kullanımları ve bu motiflerin sembolik anlamları genel olarak gözden geçirilecektir. İkinci olarak, Korelilerin günlük yaşamında etkili olan 12 hayvanlı takvimi üzerinde durulacaktır.

Project Number



  • BALCI, Mustafa, “Bilinmeyen Bir 12 Hayvanlı Takvim Risalesi: Takvim-i Tatar Ma’a-acem”, Türkbilgi, Sayı 20(2010), s. 85-96. BİRAY, Nergis, “12 Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi- Zaman ve İnsana Hükmetmek-, A.Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin AYAN Özel Sayısı, Sayı 39, Erzurum 2009, s. 671-682. BOYRAZ, Şeref, “12 Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi ve Kehanet”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt 3, sayı 14(Güz 2010), s. 137-167. DURUMUŞ, İlhami, “Eski Türklerde Zaman ve Takvimler”, // HAN, Yi-Min, Aspect and Meaning of Twelve Animals into Folk Tales – Focusing on the Collection of Kore Oral Literature -, The Graduate School Thesis, Soogsil University, 2012. HU, Eun-Ah, A Study on the Animal Towoo of Shinla, The Graduate School Thesis, Jeonnam University, 1993. HWAG, Na-Hyen, Features of the Joseon Dynasty Animal Painting, The Graduate School Thesis, Hongik University, 2012 . İl Yeon, Samkukyusa(Üç Krallık Hikayesi), (ter. Kim Wonjung), Minyım Yayınevi, (Seul: 2008). JANG, Hyen-Joo – HA, Jong-Kyung, “The Types and Characteristics of Animal Patterns Used on Fabric of Chosun Dynasty”, Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, Vol. 55, No. 5, (2005, 8), The Korean Society of Costume, s. 65-77. JUNG, Yeoan-Hak, “A Comparative Study on the Cattle in the Folklore between Korea and China”, Korean Journal of Folk Studies, 6(1999, 11), National Folk Museum of Korea, s. 457-487. KANG, Min-kyoung, “The shape and perception of Taoist animals in Yusun Literature”, Oriental Chinese Literature, 62 (2015), s. 31-60 KEUM, Young-Jin, “A Comparative Study on the Symbolism of five Cardinal Colors of Twelve Horary Signs Animals by big Data of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature; A Horse”, Oriental Studies, 75 (2019, 4), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s.23-49. KEUM, Young-Jin, “A Comparative Study on the Symbolism of the White Animals of the Twelve Horary Signs of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature”, Oriental Studies, 66 (2017, 1), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s. 43-72. KİM, Eun-Sun, “Stone Animal Statues at the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty”, Art History Research, 283·284 (2014,12), s.55-82. KİM, Hong-Kyeom, “Similarities and Differences of the Fox Images in Korea, China and Japan”, Oriental Studies, 50(2011, 8), Institute of Oriental Studies of Dankook University, s. 43-64. KİM, Jeong-Jin, “The Symbolic Meaning of Animals on Kafka's Literary Works”, Franz Kafka, 1 (1984, 6), Koreanische Kafka Gesellschaft, s. 248-288. KIM, Jeong-Sook, “On Symbols of Animal in the Silla Culture”, The Journal of the Research Institute for Silla Culture, 7(1990, 12), The Center of Research for Silla Culture Dongguk University, s. 69-104. KİM, Jung-Eun, “A Study on the Symbols of <Ten Longevity Symbols Painting> and the Thought of Life”, Korean Folklore Painting, 6(2015), Korean Folk Painting Studies Association, s. 6-40. KİM, Mi- JEON, Young-Geun, “The Cultural Symbols of Ten Longevity”, Korean Language in China, 1(2012), National Affairs Committee of Gilrimsung, s. 12-18. KİM, Soo-Ryung, A Comparative Study on Symbolic Meaning of Twelve Animals in Chinese and Korean İdioms, The Graduate School Thesis, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, 2011. KİM, Tae-Young, Research for Symbolic Aesthetic Consciousness of Animal- Focusing on the Animals related to the Primitive Religion-, Graduate School Thesis, Kookmin University, 2005 . KİM, Zong-Dae, “A Consideration of Folk Symbol and Meaning of Animals”, Korean Journal of Folk Studies, 8(2001), National Folk Museum of Korea, s. 153-182. LEE, Hyen-Ju, Study on the Founding myth of Silla and the Animal Symbolism, The Graduate Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, 2004. LEE, Jong-Kwan, “Study on Folklore Consciousness of Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals Shown in Folk Painting”, Journal of the Korean Academia- İndustrial Cooperation Society, 17(2016, 6), s. 347-359. LEE, Yu-Jin, A Study on Jewelry with the Theme of Bird, The Graduate School Thesis, Kookmin University, 2011. Lİ, Ye, A Research for Korean Idioms Teaching by Contrasting the Symbolic Meaning of Korean and Chinese 12 Zodiac, The Graduate School Thesis, Chungang University, 2018. PARK, Min-Young, “Imagination of a Snake and the Moon: A Study on Seo Jeong-jus Poems, A Flower Snake and Winter Sky”, The Korean Poetics Studies Association, 35(2012, 12), s. 101-139. SONG, Young-Sook, “A Comparative Study of the Korean-Japanese Twelve Animal Stories- On the symbol of the rat motif-” , Korean-Japanese Literature Association Conference Presentations, The Japanese Language Literature Association of Korea, 2008, s. 383-388. SONG, Young-Sook, “A Study on the Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Rabbit Tales -Focused on the type of Trickster-”, Journal of Japanese Culture, 69 (2016, 5), The Japanese Culture Association Of Korea (Jcak), s. 275-294. TAVKUL, Ufuk, “Kültürel Etkileşim Açısında On İki Hayvanlı Türk Takviminin Yayılışı”, Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 4, sayı 1(Mart 2007), Ankara Üniversitesi, s.25-45. UNAT, Yavuz, “İslâm’da ve Türklerde Zaman ve Takvim”, Türk Dunyası, Nevruz Ansiklopedisi, (ed. Öcal Oğuz), Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2004, s. 15–24. WOO, Yen-Mi, A Study on Symbolic Meaning of Zodiac Animals in İdioms, The Graduate School Thesis, Kangwon University, 2008. YEOM, Mi-Ran, “A Study on the Terracota of Shinla Dynasty”, The symposium of Kwandong University, Catholic Kwandong University,1996,s.381-400.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Research Article

Jung Hye Lee 0000-0002-8507-461X

Project Number (AKS-2019-OLU-2250002)
Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date January 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Lee, Jung Hye. “Kore Kültüründe 12 Hayvan Sembolleri Ve Anlamları”. KARE, no. 9 (June 2020): 198-232.

Cited By

Kore Atasözlerinde 12 Hayvan İmgesi
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