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A Feminist Critique of Body in Philosophy and Sociology

Year 2020, Issue: ÖZEL SAYI, 14 - 23, 06.12.2020


İnsanlığın yaradılışından bu yana, beden, her zaman önemli görülmüştür. Salt, canlı bir organizma olan beden olmak yerine sosyo-kültürel özellikleri ve felsefi perspektifi bakımından incelenmektedir. Böylece beden, ‘beden ve ruh’ ve ‘beden be akıl’ karşıtlıklarının ortaya çıkışı ile sonuçlanan biyolojik ve kültürel özellikleriyle de incelenmektedir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada, bedenin felsefi ve sosyolojik değerlendirmesi kısaca değinilmektedir. Ayrıca, sosyalleşmiş bedenin felsefi tabandaki özelliklerinin, son derece önemli eleştiri ve teoriler aracılığıyla incelenmesi, bu çalışmanın amacı kapsamındadır. Bu bakımdan, Angela Carter’ın anlatılarına değinilecektir çünkü Carter’ın karakterlerinde, özellikle de yıkıcı beden politikalarının oluşumunda, sosyalleşmiş beden özellikleri görülmektedir. Böylece, seçili eserler, Carter’ın karakterlerinin sosyolojik beden hareketlerinde ve sosyalleşmiş beden politikalarının anlatımında kaynak gösterilecektir.


  • Alcoff, Linda Martin. “Wild Meaning: Luce Irigaray’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty”, Fred Evans and Leonard Lawlor (eds) Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty’s Notion of Flesh, Albany: State University of New York Press: pp.251-271. 2000.
  • Barthes, Roland. The Language of Fashion. trans. A. Stafford, ed. A. Stafford and M. Carter, London: Bloomsbury. 2013.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre, Wacquant. Loïc, J.D. An Invitation To Reflexive Sociology, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 1992.
  • Carter, Angela. The Sadeian Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History, London: Virago. 1979.
  • ---. The Passion of New Eve, London: Virago. 1982.
  • ---. “The Company of Wolves,” The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, London: Vintage. pp.110-118. 1995a.
  • ---. “The Werewolf,” The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, London: Vintage, pp.108-110. 1995b.
  • ---. Heroes and Villains, introd. Robert Coover, London: Penguin Modern Classics. 2011.
  • Chanter, Tina. “Wild Meaning: Luce Irigaray’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty”, Fred Evans and Leonard Lawlor (eds) Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty’s Notion of Flesh, Albany: State University of New York Press, pp.219-236. 2000.
  • Durkheim, Émile et al. et al. “The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions”, Essays On Sociology & Philosophy, ed. Kurt H. Wolff, trans. Charles Blend, New York: Harper Torchbooks, pp.325-340. 1964.
  • Edgar Andrew, Peter R. Sedgwick. Cultural Theory: Key Concepts, Oxfordshire: Routledge. 2008.
  • Kerchy, Anna. Body Texts in The Novels of Angela Carter: Writing From a Corporeagraphic Point of View, Lampeter UK: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2008.
  • Rubin, Gayle. “The Traffic in Women: Notes on The “Political Economy” of Sex”, ed. Rayna R. Reiter, Toward an Anthropology of Women, New York: Monthly Review Press, pp.157-210. 1975.
  • Twigg, Julia. “Clothing, Identity and the Embodiment of Age”, In J. Powell and T. Gilbert (eds) Aging and Identity: A Postmodern Dialogue, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp.93-104. 2009.

A Feminist Critique of Body in Philosophy and Sociology

Year 2020, Issue: ÖZEL SAYI, 14 - 23, 06.12.2020


Since the existence of humanity, body has always been considered significant. It has not merely been analysed as a body, a living organism; rather, it has been analysed in terms of its socio-cultural facets and philosophical perspectives. Thus, the body has also been examined through its biological and cultural characteristics which resulted in arising oppositions between the body and soul and the body and mind. On this basis, philosophical and sociological evaluation of body is expressed briefly in this study. Furthermore, it is also within the purpose of this study to scrutinise socialised body characteristics in tandem with philosophical contexts through seminal critiques and theories. In this respect, Angela Carter’s narratives will also be mentioned since socialised body characteristics can also be seen in Carter’s characters, especially in the formation of their subversive body politics. Thus, selected works will be referenced to express sociological body movements of Carter’s characters and the representations of their socialised body politics.


  • Alcoff, Linda Martin. “Wild Meaning: Luce Irigaray’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty”, Fred Evans and Leonard Lawlor (eds) Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty’s Notion of Flesh, Albany: State University of New York Press: pp.251-271. 2000.
  • Barthes, Roland. The Language of Fashion. trans. A. Stafford, ed. A. Stafford and M. Carter, London: Bloomsbury. 2013.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre, Wacquant. Loïc, J.D. An Invitation To Reflexive Sociology, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 1992.
  • Carter, Angela. The Sadeian Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History, London: Virago. 1979.
  • ---. The Passion of New Eve, London: Virago. 1982.
  • ---. “The Company of Wolves,” The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, London: Vintage. pp.110-118. 1995a.
  • ---. “The Werewolf,” The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, London: Vintage, pp.108-110. 1995b.
  • ---. Heroes and Villains, introd. Robert Coover, London: Penguin Modern Classics. 2011.
  • Chanter, Tina. “Wild Meaning: Luce Irigaray’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty”, Fred Evans and Leonard Lawlor (eds) Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty’s Notion of Flesh, Albany: State University of New York Press, pp.219-236. 2000.
  • Durkheim, Émile et al. et al. “The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions”, Essays On Sociology & Philosophy, ed. Kurt H. Wolff, trans. Charles Blend, New York: Harper Torchbooks, pp.325-340. 1964.
  • Edgar Andrew, Peter R. Sedgwick. Cultural Theory: Key Concepts, Oxfordshire: Routledge. 2008.
  • Kerchy, Anna. Body Texts in The Novels of Angela Carter: Writing From a Corporeagraphic Point of View, Lampeter UK: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2008.
  • Rubin, Gayle. “The Traffic in Women: Notes on The “Political Economy” of Sex”, ed. Rayna R. Reiter, Toward an Anthropology of Women, New York: Monthly Review Press, pp.157-210. 1975.
  • Twigg, Julia. “Clothing, Identity and the Embodiment of Age”, In J. Powell and T. Gilbert (eds) Aging and Identity: A Postmodern Dialogue, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp.93-104. 2009.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Article

Çelik Ekmekçi 0000-0002-7123-2621

Publication Date December 6, 2020
Submission Date June 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: ÖZEL SAYI


Chicago Ekmekçi, Çelik. “A Feminist Critique of Body in Philosophy and Sociology”. KARE, no. ÖZEL SAYI (December 2020): 14-23.

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