Research Article
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Financial Instruments Used for Hedging Purposes in Borsa Istanbul: Case Study of Selected Participation Banks

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 172 - 195, 24.12.2024


Hedging is a crucial issue for both participation banks and conventional banks. This study analyzes Kuveyt Türk and Albaraka Türk, two prominent participation banks that play a significant role in both participation banking and capital markets. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the hedging instruments employed by these two banks and assess their effectiveness in this regard. To achieve this, the study adopts a qualitative research design through a case study approach, focusing on the use of hedging instruments in Islamic banking in Türkiye. Before delving into the case study, the research highlights several key topics, including the Islamic hedging methods currently utilized in capital markets, the importance of Borsa Istanbul’s participation activities, and the functioning of participation indices. The findings of the analysis reveal that the banks under investigation do not employ derivative instruments for hedging purposes; instead, they utilize trade-based financial derivative products. This situation, on one hand, gives the impression that participation banks are not sufficiently hedged in the conventional sense. On the other hand, it underscores the necessity for participation financial institutions to develop a more original and comprehensive hedging mechanism.


  • Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions. (n.d.). Shariah standard No. 21. Bahrain: AAOIFI.
  • Ahmad, A. A., Yaacob, S. E., & Mat Zain, M. N. (2014). The Use of wa’Dan in Islamic Contract FX Forward: Weighting between Maslahah and Mafsadah. Asian Social Science, 10(22), 332–342.
  • Ahmad, A. A., & Halim, M. A. A. (2014). The concept of hedging in Islamic financial transactions. Asian Social Science, 10(8), 42–49.
  • Akkuş, H. T., & Sakarya, Ş. (2018). Türev Ürünleri̇n İslami̇ Fi̇nans Modelleri̇ Açisindan Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇. Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(2), 267–299.
  • al-Bukhārī, M. b. I. (1993). Al-Jāmiʿ al-ṣaḥīḥ (5th ed., Vols 1–7; M. D. al-Bughā, Ed.). Damascus: Dār Ibn Kathīr.
  • al-Qurṭubī, A. ʼAbdillāh M. b. A. (1964). Al-Jāmiʼ li aḥkām al-Qur’ān (Vols 1–10). Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyyah.
  • al-Suwailem, S. (2006). Hedging in Islamic Finance. Jeddah: Islamic Development Bank.
  • Breeden, D. T., & Viswanathan, S. (1998). Why Do Firms Hedge? An Asymmetric Information Approach. Journal of Fixed Income, 1(1), 1–55.
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). Milestones in Borsa İstanbul history. Retrieved from
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). Legal framework. Retrieved from
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). International memberships. Retrieved from
  • Campello, M., Lin, C., Ma, Y., & Zou, H. (2011). The real and financial implications of corporate hedging. The journal of finance, 66(5), 1615-1647.
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  • Dusuki, A. W. (2009). Shari’ah Parameters on the Islamic Foreign Exchange Swap as a Hedging Mechanism in Islamic Finance. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 1(1), 77–99.
  • Injadat, E. M. (2014). Futures and forwards contracts from perspective of Islamic law. Journal of economics and political economy, 1(2), 241-252.
  • Injadat, E. (2022). The development of Salam as a hedging instrument. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 5(5), 33–42.
  • Injadat, E. (2018). The practical model of hedging in Islamic financial markets. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, VI(6), 134–140.
  • International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA). (2015). Islamic Capital Market: Principles & Practices. Kuala Lumpur: ISRA Academy. Retrieved from
  • Jobst, A., et al. (2008). Islamic bond issuance: What sovereign debt managers need to know. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 1(4), 330–344.
  • Johnson, L. L. (1976). The Theory of Hedging and Speculation in Commodity Futures. In B. A. Goss & B. S. Yamey (Eds.), The Economics of Futures Trading (pp. 83–99). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Kamali, M. H. (2007). Commodity Futures: An Islamic Legal Analysis. Thunderbird International Business Review, 49(3), 309–339.
  • KAP, Public Disclosure Platform. (2024, July 24). Companies. Retrieved from
  • Khan, M. A. (1988). Commodity exchange and stock exchange in Islamic economy. American Journal of Islam and Society, 5(1), 91–114.
  • Malkawi, B. H. (2014). Financial Derivatives Between Western Legal Tradition and Islamic Finance: A Comparative Approach. Journal of Banking Regulation, 15(1), 41–55.
  • Mohamad, S., Ahmad, A. A., & Shahimi, S. (2011). Innovative Islamic Hedging Products: Application of Wa’d in Malaysian Banks [SSRN Scholarly Paper]. Rochester, NY. Retrieved from
  • Mohamad, S., Othman, J., Roslin, R., & Lehner, O. M. (2014). The Use of Islamic Hedging Instruments as Non-Speculative Risk Management Tools. Venture Capital, 16(3), 207–226.
  • Mohamad, S., & Tabatabaei, A. (2008, December 16). Islamic Hedging: Gambling or Risk Management? 2–19. Australia.
  • Mohd Razif, N. F., Mohamad, S., & Rahman, N. N. A. (2012). Permissibility of Hedging in Islamic Finance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(2), 155–159.
  • Nordin, N., et al. (2014). The Islamic hedging management: Paving the way for innovation in currency options. International Journal of Management Studies, 21(1), 23–37.
  • Orhan, Z. H., & Isiker, M. (2021). Developing a ranking methodology for Sharīʿah indices: The case of Borsa Istanbul. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 13(3), 302–317.
  • Pramita, V. T., & Nisa, F. L. (2024). Penerapan Efektif dalam Keuangan Islam melalui Peran Maqashid Syariah. Economic and Business Management International Journal (EABMIJ), 6(2), 89–96.
  • Published Standards – International Islamic Financial Market. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 October 2024, from
  • Razif, N. F. M., Mohamad, S., & Rahman, N. N. A. (2012). Permissibility of hedging in Islamic finance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(2), 155-159.
  • Sole, J. (2007). Introducing Islamic Banks Into Coventional Banking Systems. IMF Working Papers, 07(175), 1–28.
  • Umar, Z., et al. (2020). The inflation hedging capacity of Islamic and conventional equities. Journal of Economic Studies, 47(6), 1377–1399.
  • Wardrep, B. N., & Buck, J. F. (1982). The efficacy of hedging with financial futures: A historical perspective. Journal of Futures Markets, 2(3), 243–254.
  • Zaabi, O. S. A. (2010). Salam Contract in Islamic Law: A Survey. Review of Islamic Economics, 14(2), 91–122.

Borsa İstanbul’da Riskten Korunma Amaçlı Kullanılan Finansal Araçlar: Seçilmiş Katılım Bankaları Örnek Olay İncelemesi

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 172 - 195, 24.12.2024


Riskten korunma, konvansiyonel bankalar kadar katılım bankaları için de hayati önem arz eden bir konudur. Bu çalışma, gerek katılım bankacılığı gerekse sermaye piyasasında önemli bir yere sahip olan Kuveyt Türk ve Albaraka Türk katılım bankalarını incelemektedir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, söz konusu iki bankanın başvurdukları riskten korunma araçlarını araştırarak, bu konuda ne kadar başarılı olduklarını ortaya koymaktır. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışma, Türkiye'de İslami bankacılıkta riskten korunma araçlarının kullanımını incelemek amacıyla bir vaka çalışması yaklaşımını benimseyerek nitel bir araştırma tasarımı kullanmaktadır. Vaka incelemesinden önce, günümüzde sermaye piyasalarında kullanılan İslami riskten korunma yöntemleri, Borsa İstanbul’un katılım faaliyetleri ve önemi, katılım endekslerinin işleyişi gibi konular üzerinde durulmaktadır. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, araştırma konusu bankaların riskten korunma amaçlı türev araçlara başvurmadıkları, bunun yerine ticarete dayalı finansal türev ürünleri kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bu durum, bir yandan katılım bankalarının konvansiyonel anlamda riskten yeterli ölçüde korunmadıkları izlenimini oluşturmakta; öte yandan, katılım finans kuruluşlarının daha özgün ve kapsamlı bir riskten korunma mekanizması geliştirmelerini zorunlu hale getirmektedir.


  • Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions. (n.d.). Shariah standard No. 21. Bahrain: AAOIFI.
  • Ahmad, A. A., Yaacob, S. E., & Mat Zain, M. N. (2014). The Use of wa’Dan in Islamic Contract FX Forward: Weighting between Maslahah and Mafsadah. Asian Social Science, 10(22), 332–342.
  • Ahmad, A. A., & Halim, M. A. A. (2014). The concept of hedging in Islamic financial transactions. Asian Social Science, 10(8), 42–49.
  • Akkuş, H. T., & Sakarya, Ş. (2018). Türev Ürünleri̇n İslami̇ Fi̇nans Modelleri̇ Açisindan Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇. Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(2), 267–299.
  • al-Bukhārī, M. b. I. (1993). Al-Jāmiʿ al-ṣaḥīḥ (5th ed., Vols 1–7; M. D. al-Bughā, Ed.). Damascus: Dār Ibn Kathīr.
  • al-Qurṭubī, A. ʼAbdillāh M. b. A. (1964). Al-Jāmiʼ li aḥkām al-Qur’ān (Vols 1–10). Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyyah.
  • al-Suwailem, S. (2006). Hedging in Islamic Finance. Jeddah: Islamic Development Bank.
  • Breeden, D. T., & Viswanathan, S. (1998). Why Do Firms Hedge? An Asymmetric Information Approach. Journal of Fixed Income, 1(1), 1–55.
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). Milestones in Borsa İstanbul history. Retrieved from
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). Legal framework. Retrieved from
  • BIST, Borsa Istanbul. (2024, July 24). International memberships. Retrieved from
  • Campello, M., Lin, C., Ma, Y., & Zou, H. (2011). The real and financial implications of corporate hedging. The journal of finance, 66(5), 1615-1647.
  • Commission. (2004). Amr. In Al-Mawsūʼa al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah (Vols 1–45). Kuwait: Wizārah al-Awqāf.
  • Daka, V. R., & Basu, S. (2016). Is Corporate Hedging Consistent with Value-Maximization in Emerging Markets?: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Firms. Retrieved from
  • Dusuki, A. W. (2009). Shari’ah Parameters on the Islamic Foreign Exchange Swap as a Hedging Mechanism in Islamic Finance. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 1(1), 77–99.
  • Injadat, E. M. (2014). Futures and forwards contracts from perspective of Islamic law. Journal of economics and political economy, 1(2), 241-252.
  • Injadat, E. (2022). The development of Salam as a hedging instrument. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 5(5), 33–42.
  • Injadat, E. (2018). The practical model of hedging in Islamic financial markets. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, VI(6), 134–140.
  • International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA). (2015). Islamic Capital Market: Principles & Practices. Kuala Lumpur: ISRA Academy. Retrieved from
  • Jobst, A., et al. (2008). Islamic bond issuance: What sovereign debt managers need to know. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 1(4), 330–344.
  • Johnson, L. L. (1976). The Theory of Hedging and Speculation in Commodity Futures. In B. A. Goss & B. S. Yamey (Eds.), The Economics of Futures Trading (pp. 83–99). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Kamali, M. H. (2007). Commodity Futures: An Islamic Legal Analysis. Thunderbird International Business Review, 49(3), 309–339.
  • KAP, Public Disclosure Platform. (2024, July 24). Companies. Retrieved from
  • Khan, M. A. (1988). Commodity exchange and stock exchange in Islamic economy. American Journal of Islam and Society, 5(1), 91–114.
  • Malkawi, B. H. (2014). Financial Derivatives Between Western Legal Tradition and Islamic Finance: A Comparative Approach. Journal of Banking Regulation, 15(1), 41–55.
  • Mohamad, S., Ahmad, A. A., & Shahimi, S. (2011). Innovative Islamic Hedging Products: Application of Wa’d in Malaysian Banks [SSRN Scholarly Paper]. Rochester, NY. Retrieved from
  • Mohamad, S., Othman, J., Roslin, R., & Lehner, O. M. (2014). The Use of Islamic Hedging Instruments as Non-Speculative Risk Management Tools. Venture Capital, 16(3), 207–226.
  • Mohamad, S., & Tabatabaei, A. (2008, December 16). Islamic Hedging: Gambling or Risk Management? 2–19. Australia.
  • Mohd Razif, N. F., Mohamad, S., & Rahman, N. N. A. (2012). Permissibility of Hedging in Islamic Finance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(2), 155–159.
  • Nordin, N., et al. (2014). The Islamic hedging management: Paving the way for innovation in currency options. International Journal of Management Studies, 21(1), 23–37.
  • Orhan, Z. H., & Isiker, M. (2021). Developing a ranking methodology for Sharīʿah indices: The case of Borsa Istanbul. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 13(3), 302–317.
  • Pramita, V. T., & Nisa, F. L. (2024). Penerapan Efektif dalam Keuangan Islam melalui Peran Maqashid Syariah. Economic and Business Management International Journal (EABMIJ), 6(2), 89–96.
  • Published Standards – International Islamic Financial Market. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 October 2024, from
  • Razif, N. F. M., Mohamad, S., & Rahman, N. N. A. (2012). Permissibility of hedging in Islamic finance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 12(2), 155-159.
  • Sole, J. (2007). Introducing Islamic Banks Into Coventional Banking Systems. IMF Working Papers, 07(175), 1–28.
  • Umar, Z., et al. (2020). The inflation hedging capacity of Islamic and conventional equities. Journal of Economic Studies, 47(6), 1377–1399.
  • Wardrep, B. N., & Buck, J. F. (1982). The efficacy of hedging with financial futures: A historical perspective. Journal of Futures Markets, 2(3), 243–254.
  • Zaabi, O. S. A. (2010). Salam Contract in Islamic Law: A Survey. Review of Islamic Economics, 14(2), 91–122.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Islamic Economy, Islamic Finance
Journal Section 2. Sayı

Ozat Shamshıyev 0000-0002-9385-7235

Tawfik Azrak 0000-0001-9059-2115

Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date November 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Shamshıyev, O., & Azrak, T. (2024). Financial Instruments Used for Hedging Purposes in Borsa Istanbul: Case Study of Selected Participation Banks. Karatay İslam İktisadı Ve Finans Dergisi, 2(2), 172-195.