Reviewers Guide

1-) Peer Review Process
The referee assignment invitation is valid for 7 days. If the referee accepts the assignment, the review process begins, and it is expected to be completed within 20 days. This period can be extended by an additional 10 days at the discretion of the editor. If the referee does not complete the review within the given time frame, a new referee will be assigned by the editor. Referees are chosen from experts in the field, who do not work at the same institution as the author, and preferably from institutions outside of our university, with at least a PhD qualification. All submitted papers are examined using the plagiarism prevention software, İ
Once the referees complete their review reports, they provide recommendations to the editorial board. These recommendations include minor revision, major revision, publishable, and not publishable.
After the completion of the referee review reports, the Editor and the Section Editor review the reports. Based on this review, the Editorial Board may decide to accept, reject, send the paper for revision, or request an additional review by another referee.
The final acceptance of papers is subject to the Editorial Board's decision. The board considers referee reports as advisory and makes an independent decision to accept or reject the paper, regardless of the majority of the recommendations in the reports. Reasoned decisions are communicated to the authors via the system.
When conducting their reviews, referees must examine whether the paper meets the following criteria and provide detailed justifications for their recommendations in the review form:
• Originality and unique value of the paper
• Contribution of the paper to the field
• Appropriateness and adequacy of the methodology used
• Proficiency in academic writing
• Adherence to and compliance with ethical principles
• General academic sufficiency of the paper for publication in KARJIEF

2-) Ethical Policy Regarding Referees
• Are required to accept only papers within their area of expertise.
• Are obligated to provide constructive and respectful feedback, without insult or derogation.
• Must evaluate papers impartially, without regard to gender, religion, or political views.
In cases where referee reports do not align with our Ethical Policy, KARJIEF reserves the right to report ethical violations to the referee's affiliated institution.

Last Update Time: 9/4/24, 2:00:31 PM