In this study, it was aimed to determine the current status of red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) distribution areas in Kastamonu Forestry Regional Directorate, which is the Forestry Regional Directorate with the highest production in Türkiye, and the possible changes in suitable distribution areas due to global climate change. In the study, in addition to the current suitable distribution areas of red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.), suitable distribution areas in 2040, 2070 and 2100 according to SSP 126, SSP 370 and SSP 585 scenarios were determined. The results of the study show that there may be a loss of more than 15% (approximately 114,5 km2) in the suitable distribution areas of red pine populations in Kastamonu until 2100 due to the effects of climate change. It does not seem possible for the species to adapt to these changes without human intervention. Therefore, it is recommended that necessary adjustments should be made in forest management plans taking into account the results of the study.
Tekin, O., Cetin, M., Varol, T., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2022). Altitudinal migration of species of Fir (Abies spp.) in adaptation to climate change. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(9), 1-16.
Sevik, H., Çetin, M., & Kapucu, O. (2016). Effect of light on young structures of Turkish fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana). Oxidation Communications, 39(1), 485-492.
Işınkaralar, Ö. (2024). Spatio-temporal change of the morphology in west corridor development region of Ankara city and 2022-2039 growth estimation. Megaron, 19(1).
Varol, T., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., Zeren Cetin, I. (2022a). The effects of climate change scenarios on Carpinus betulus and Carpinus orientalis in Europe. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 233, 45.
Ertürk, N., Arıcak, B., Yiğit, N., & Sevik, H. (2024). Potential Changes in the Suitable Distribution Areas of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Kastamonu Due to Global Climate Change. Forestist, 74(2).
Erturk, N., Aricak, B., Sevik, H., & Yigit, N. (2024). Possible Change in Distribution Areas of Abies in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 24 (1), 81-91.
Varol, T., Canturk, U., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2022b). Identifying the suitable habitats for Anatolian boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) for the future regarding the climate change. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150(1), 637-647.
Isinkaralar, O., Świsłowski, P., Isinkaralar, K., & Rajfur, M. (2024). Moss as a passive biomonitoring tool for the atmospheric deposition and spatial distribution pattern of toxic metals in an industrial city. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(6), 513.
Cobanoglu, H., Canturk, U., Koç, İ., Kulaç, Ş., & Sevik, H. (2023). Climate change effect on potential distribution of anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the upcoming century in Türkiye. Forestist, 73(3), 247-256
Erturk N., & Arıcak, B. (2024). Potential change of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) distribution areas in Kastamonu due to global climate change, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (In Press)
Varol, T., Canturk, U., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H. (2021a). Impacts of climate change scenarios on European ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management. Forest Ecology and Management, 491(2021b),119199.
Çoban, H. O., Örücü, Ö. K., & Arslan, E. S. (2020). MaxEnt modeling for predicting the current and future potential geographical distribution of Quercus libani Olivier. Sustainability, 127, 2671.
Akyol, A., & Örücü, Ö. K. (2020). Investigation and evaluation of stone pine Pinus pinea L. current and future potential distribution under climate change in Turkey. Cerne, 25, 415-423.
Thurm, E. A., Hernandez, L., Baltensweiler, A., Ayan, S., Rasztovits, E., Bielak, K., Zlatanov, T. M., Hladnik, D., Balic, B., Freudenschuss, A., Büchsenmeister, R., & Falk, W. (2018). Alternative tree species under climate warming in managed European forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 430, 485–497.
Gómez-Pineda, E., Blanco-García, A., Lindig-Cisneros, R., O’Neill, G. A., Lopez-Toledo, L., & Sáenz-Romero, C. (2021). Pinus pseudostrobus assisted migration trial with rain exclusion: Maintaining Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve forest cover in an environment affected by climate change. New Forests, 52(6), 995–1010.
Ning, H., Ling, L., Sun, X., Kang, X., & Chen, H. (2021). Predicting the future redistribution of Chinese white pine Pinus armandii Franch. Under climate change scenarios in China using species distribution models. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25, e01420.
Hrivnák, M., Krajmerová, D., Paule, L., Zhelev, P., Sevik, H., Ivanković, M., ... & Gömöry, D. (2023). Are there hybrid zones in Fagus sylvatica L. sensu lato?. European Journal of Forest Research, 1-14.
Sulhan, O. F., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm. in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environment, development and sustainability, 25(5), 4365-4384.
Özel, H. B., Şevik, H., Yıldız, Y., & Çobanoğlu, H. (2024). Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Germination and Seedling Characteristics of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis) Seeds. BioResources, 19(2). 2135-2148.
Koç, İ., Canturk, U., Isinkaralar, K., Ozel, H. B., & Sevik, H. (2024). Assessment of metals (Ni, Ba) deposition in plant types and their organs at Mersin City, Türkiye. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(3), 282.
Işınkaralar, O., Işınkaralar, K., Sevik, H., Kucuk, O. (2023). Bio-climatic Comfort and Climate Change Nexus: A Case Study in Burdur Basin. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(3), 241-249.
Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 27(1), 3227-3236.
Toczydlowski, A. J., Slesak, R. A., Kolka, R. K., & Venterea, R. T. (2020). Temperature and water-level effects on greenhouse gas fluxes from black ash (Fraxinus nigra) wetland soils in the Upper Great Lakes region, USA. Applied Soil Ecology, 153, 103565.
Ertugrul, M., Ozel, H. B., Varol, T., Cetin, M., & Sevik, H. (2019). Investigation of the relationship between burned areas and climate factors in large forest fires in the Çanakkale region. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191, 1-12.
Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Koc, I., & Cetin, I. Z. (2023). The change in biocomfort zones in the area of Muğla province in near future due to the global climate change scenarios. Journal of Thermal Biology, 112, 103434.
Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., Sevik, H., & Küçük, Ö. (2024). Spatial modeling the climate change risk of river basins via climate classification: a scenario-based prediction approach for Türkiye. Natural Hazards, 120(1), 511-528.
Ozel, H. B., Abo Aisha, A. E. S., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2021a). The effects of increased exposure time to UV-B radiation on germination and seedling development of Anatolian black pine seeds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, 388.
Ozel, H. B., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Varol, T., Isik, B., & Yaman, B. (2021b). The effects of base station as an electromagnetic radiation source on flower and cone yield and germination percentage in Pinus brutia Ten. Biologia Futura, 72, 359-365.
Koç, İ. (2022). Determining the near-future biocomfort zones in Samsun province by the global climate change scenarios. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 22(2), 181-192.
Koç, İ. (2021). Changes that may occur in temperature, rain, and climate types due to global climate change: the example of Düzce. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(8), 1545-1554.
Gur, E., Palta, Ş., Ozel, H. B., Varol, T., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., & Kocan, N. (2024). Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Highland Areas in Kastamonu, Turkey. Anthropocene, 100432.
Koç, İ. (2021). Küresel iklim değişikliğinin Bolu’da bazı iklim parametreleri ve iklim tiplerine etkisi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 706-719.
Yayla, E. E., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Detection of landscape species as a low-cost biomonitoring study: Cr, Mn, and Zn pollution in an urban air quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(10), 1-10.
Key, K., Kulaç, Ş., Koç, İ., & Sevik, H. (2022). Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(7), 244.
Yigit, N., Mutevelli, Z., Sevik, H., Onat, S.M., Ozel, H.B., Cetin, M., Olgun, C. (2021). Identification of Some Fiber Characteristics in Rosa sp. and Nerium oleander L. Wood Grown under Different Ecological Conditions. BioResources, 16(3): 5862-5874.
Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. Environmental science and pollution research, 30(30), 75768-75776.
Koç, İ., & Nzokou, P. (2023). Combined effects of water stress and fertilization on the morphology and gas exchange parameters of 3-year-old Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 45(3), 49.
Sevik, H., Yildiz, Y., Ozel, H.B. (2024). Phytoremediation and Long-term Metal Uptake Monitoring of Silver, Selenium, Antimony, and Thallium by Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold), BioResources, 19(3). 4824-4837.
Koç, İ., Nzokou, P., & Cregg, B. (2022). Biomass allocation and nutrient use efficiency in response to water stress: Insight from experimental manipulation of balsam fir, concolor fir and white pine transplants. New Forests, 53(5), 915-933.
Tekin, O., Cetin, M., Varol, T., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2022). Altitudinal migration of species of Fir (Abies spp.) in adaptation to climate change. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(9), 1-16.
Sevik, H., Çetin, M., & Kapucu, O. (2016). Effect of light on young structures of Turkish fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana). Oxidation Communications, 39(1), 485-492.
Işınkaralar, Ö. (2024). Spatio-temporal change of the morphology in west corridor development region of Ankara city and 2022-2039 growth estimation. Megaron, 19(1).
Varol, T., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., Zeren Cetin, I. (2022a). The effects of climate change scenarios on Carpinus betulus and Carpinus orientalis in Europe. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 233, 45.
Ertürk, N., Arıcak, B., Yiğit, N., & Sevik, H. (2024). Potential Changes in the Suitable Distribution Areas of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Kastamonu Due to Global Climate Change. Forestist, 74(2).
Erturk, N., Aricak, B., Sevik, H., & Yigit, N. (2024). Possible Change in Distribution Areas of Abies in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 24 (1), 81-91.
Varol, T., Canturk, U., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2022b). Identifying the suitable habitats for Anatolian boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) for the future regarding the climate change. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150(1), 637-647.
Isinkaralar, O., Świsłowski, P., Isinkaralar, K., & Rajfur, M. (2024). Moss as a passive biomonitoring tool for the atmospheric deposition and spatial distribution pattern of toxic metals in an industrial city. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(6), 513.
Cobanoglu, H., Canturk, U., Koç, İ., Kulaç, Ş., & Sevik, H. (2023). Climate change effect on potential distribution of anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the upcoming century in Türkiye. Forestist, 73(3), 247-256
Erturk N., & Arıcak, B. (2024). Potential change of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) distribution areas in Kastamonu due to global climate change, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (In Press)
Varol, T., Canturk, U., Cetin, M., Ozel, H. B., Sevik, H. (2021a). Impacts of climate change scenarios on European ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management. Forest Ecology and Management, 491(2021b),119199.
Çoban, H. O., Örücü, Ö. K., & Arslan, E. S. (2020). MaxEnt modeling for predicting the current and future potential geographical distribution of Quercus libani Olivier. Sustainability, 127, 2671.
Akyol, A., & Örücü, Ö. K. (2020). Investigation and evaluation of stone pine Pinus pinea L. current and future potential distribution under climate change in Turkey. Cerne, 25, 415-423.
Thurm, E. A., Hernandez, L., Baltensweiler, A., Ayan, S., Rasztovits, E., Bielak, K., Zlatanov, T. M., Hladnik, D., Balic, B., Freudenschuss, A., Büchsenmeister, R., & Falk, W. (2018). Alternative tree species under climate warming in managed European forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 430, 485–497.
Gómez-Pineda, E., Blanco-García, A., Lindig-Cisneros, R., O’Neill, G. A., Lopez-Toledo, L., & Sáenz-Romero, C. (2021). Pinus pseudostrobus assisted migration trial with rain exclusion: Maintaining Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve forest cover in an environment affected by climate change. New Forests, 52(6), 995–1010.
Ning, H., Ling, L., Sun, X., Kang, X., & Chen, H. (2021). Predicting the future redistribution of Chinese white pine Pinus armandii Franch. Under climate change scenarios in China using species distribution models. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25, e01420.
Hrivnák, M., Krajmerová, D., Paule, L., Zhelev, P., Sevik, H., Ivanković, M., ... & Gömöry, D. (2023). Are there hybrid zones in Fagus sylvatica L. sensu lato?. European Journal of Forest Research, 1-14.
Sulhan, O. F., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm. in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environment, development and sustainability, 25(5), 4365-4384.
Özel, H. B., Şevik, H., Yıldız, Y., & Çobanoğlu, H. (2024). Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Germination and Seedling Characteristics of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis) Seeds. BioResources, 19(2). 2135-2148.
Koç, İ., Canturk, U., Isinkaralar, K., Ozel, H. B., & Sevik, H. (2024). Assessment of metals (Ni, Ba) deposition in plant types and their organs at Mersin City, Türkiye. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(3), 282.
Işınkaralar, O., Işınkaralar, K., Sevik, H., Kucuk, O. (2023). Bio-climatic Comfort and Climate Change Nexus: A Case Study in Burdur Basin. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(3), 241-249.
Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 27(1), 3227-3236.
Toczydlowski, A. J., Slesak, R. A., Kolka, R. K., & Venterea, R. T. (2020). Temperature and water-level effects on greenhouse gas fluxes from black ash (Fraxinus nigra) wetland soils in the Upper Great Lakes region, USA. Applied Soil Ecology, 153, 103565.
Ertugrul, M., Ozel, H. B., Varol, T., Cetin, M., & Sevik, H. (2019). Investigation of the relationship between burned areas and climate factors in large forest fires in the Çanakkale region. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191, 1-12.
Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Koc, I., & Cetin, I. Z. (2023). The change in biocomfort zones in the area of Muğla province in near future due to the global climate change scenarios. Journal of Thermal Biology, 112, 103434.
Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., Sevik, H., & Küçük, Ö. (2024). Spatial modeling the climate change risk of river basins via climate classification: a scenario-based prediction approach for Türkiye. Natural Hazards, 120(1), 511-528.
Ozel, H. B., Abo Aisha, A. E. S., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., & Zeren Cetin, I. (2021a). The effects of increased exposure time to UV-B radiation on germination and seedling development of Anatolian black pine seeds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, 388.
Ozel, H. B., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Varol, T., Isik, B., & Yaman, B. (2021b). The effects of base station as an electromagnetic radiation source on flower and cone yield and germination percentage in Pinus brutia Ten. Biologia Futura, 72, 359-365.
Koç, İ. (2022). Determining the near-future biocomfort zones in Samsun province by the global climate change scenarios. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 22(2), 181-192.
Koç, İ. (2021). Changes that may occur in temperature, rain, and climate types due to global climate change: the example of Düzce. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(8), 1545-1554.
Gur, E., Palta, Ş., Ozel, H. B., Varol, T., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., & Kocan, N. (2024). Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Highland Areas in Kastamonu, Turkey. Anthropocene, 100432.
Koç, İ. (2021). Küresel iklim değişikliğinin Bolu’da bazı iklim parametreleri ve iklim tiplerine etkisi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 706-719.
Yayla, E. E., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Detection of landscape species as a low-cost biomonitoring study: Cr, Mn, and Zn pollution in an urban air quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(10), 1-10.
Key, K., Kulaç, Ş., Koç, İ., & Sevik, H. (2022). Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(7), 244.
Yigit, N., Mutevelli, Z., Sevik, H., Onat, S.M., Ozel, H.B., Cetin, M., Olgun, C. (2021). Identification of Some Fiber Characteristics in Rosa sp. and Nerium oleander L. Wood Grown under Different Ecological Conditions. BioResources, 16(3): 5862-5874.
Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. Environmental science and pollution research, 30(30), 75768-75776.
Koç, İ., & Nzokou, P. (2023). Combined effects of water stress and fertilization on the morphology and gas exchange parameters of 3-year-old Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 45(3), 49.
Sevik, H., Yildiz, Y., Ozel, H.B. (2024). Phytoremediation and Long-term Metal Uptake Monitoring of Silver, Selenium, Antimony, and Thallium by Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold), BioResources, 19(3). 4824-4837.
Koç, İ., Nzokou, P., & Cregg, B. (2022). Biomass allocation and nutrient use efficiency in response to water stress: Insight from experimental manipulation of balsam fir, concolor fir and white pine transplants. New Forests, 53(5), 915-933.
Ertürk, N., & Arıcak, B. (2024). Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 10(1), 29-37.
Ertürk N, Arıcak B. Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. KUJES. June 2024;10(1):29-37. doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1474468
Ertürk, Nihat, and Burak Arıcak. “Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu Due to Global Climate Change”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10, no. 1 (June 2024): 29-37.
Ertürk N, Arıcak B (June 1, 2024) Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10 1 29–37.
N. Ertürk and B. Arıcak, “Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change”, KUJES, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 29–37, 2024, doi: 10.55385/kastamonujes.1474468.
Ertürk, Nihat - Arıcak, Burak. “Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu Due to Global Climate Change”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10/1 (June 2024), 29-37.
Ertürk N, Arıcak B. Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. KUJES. 2024;10:29–37.
Ertürk, Nihat and Burak Arıcak. “Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu Due to Global Climate Change”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, vol. 10, no. 1, 2024, pp. 29-37, doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1474468.
Ertürk N, Arıcak B. Possible Changes in Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Distribution Areas in Kastamonu due to Global Climate Change. KUJES. 2024;10(1):29-37.