e-ISSN: 2667-8209
Founded: 2015
Cover Image

*Dergimizde yayınlanan makaleler Doçentlik ve Akademik Teşvik kriterlerini sağlamaktadır.

Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences (KUJES), issued two times a year, is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original research articles in all areas of engineering and sciences. KUJES aims to showcase researches that are scientifically valuable, shed light on future and bring all aspects of positive sciences together.


  • All articles to be published in Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Science will be accepted and published as English and Online in 2019, respectively.

  1. All manuscripts will be evaluated with a double-blind peer review system.
    Each accepted work on the Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences (KUJES) gets a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number Since 2022

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