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Isparta İlinde Doğal Olarak Yayılış Gösteren Bazı Ada çayı (Salvia sp.) Türlerinin Uçucu Yağ Bileşenlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2023, , 1 - 10, 24.03.2023


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada Salvia tomentosa Mill., Salvia argentea L. ve Salvia bracteata Bank et Sol. taksonlarının uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Çalışma alanı: Çalışma Türkiye'de Isparta ilinde bulunan iki ilçede (Eğirdir ve Şarkikaraağaç) gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Uçucu bileşiklerin izolasyonu, yaprak, çiçek ve sürgünden oluşan kısımlardan yapılmıştır. Uçucu yağların kalitatif analizi, Shimadzu 2010 Plus GC-MS (Gaz Kromatografisi/Kütle Spektrometresi) cihazı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bileşenlerin tanımlanması, alıkonma indeksi (RI) ve kütle spektral verilerinin (MS) yayınlanan literatürde rapor edilenlerle karşılaştırılmasıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Temel sonuçlar: GC-MS analizi sonucunda uçucu yağın ana bileşikleri (-)-karyofillen oksit (%49.56), β-vatirenen (%7.87), S. tomentosa'da α-Muurolol (%6.78), sclareol (40.01), germacrene-D (%13.93) ve β-pinene (%11.93), S. argentea'da ve okaliptol (1,8-sineole) (%16.60), β-pinene (%14.70) ve cembrene (%10.88) S. bracteata olmuştur. Bu çalışmada S. argentea'da yüksek konsantrasyonda tespit edilen sclareol, gıda ve tütün endüstrisinde aroma verici ve kozmetik endüstrisinde parfüm bileşenin olarak kullanılan ekonomik değeri olan bir bileşiktir.
Araştırma vurguları: Bu çalışmaya göre S. argentea yetiştiriciliği yüksek ekonomik getiri sağlayabilir.

Supporting Institution

YÖK 100/2000


  • Akbulut, S. (2021). Medicinal Plants Preferences for the Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms in Central and Eastern Anatolia. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 21(3), 196-207.
  • Akbulut, S., Karakose, M. & Ozkan Z.C. (2019). Traditional uses of some wild plants in Kale and Acıpayam Provinces in Denizli. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(1), 72-81.
  • Amiri, H. (2007). Quantative and qualative changes of essential oil of Salvia bracteata Bank et Sol. in different growth stages. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(2), 79-82.
  • Ample Market Research (2019). Global Sclareol Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024.
  • Anonymous, 2022. (accessed date: 12.12.2021)
  • Asili, J., Tayarani-Najaran, Z., Emami, S.A, Iranshahi, M. & Sahebkar, A. (2001). Chemical Composition, Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil from Aerial Parts of Salvia tebesana Bunge. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 24(1), 31-39.
  • Aşkun, T., Başer, K.H.C., Tümen, G. & Kürkçüoğlu, M. (2010). Characterization of essential oils of some Salvia species and their antimycobacterial activities. Turkish Journal of Biology, 34(1), 89-95.
  • Avcı, A.B. (2013). Essential oil content and composition of Salvia tomentosa Mill. from Gölcük, Isparta. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1), 1-4.
  • Babushok, V.I., Linstrom, P. J. & Zenkevich, I. G. (2011). Retention Indices for Frequently Reported Compounds of Plant Essential Oils. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 40(4), 1-45.
  • Bağcı, E. & Koçak, A. (2008). The volatile compound composition of the Salvia palaestina Bentham and Salvia tomentosa Miller Species: A chemotaxonomic approach. Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 20(1), 35-41.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (1993). Essential oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae: A profile. Acta Horticulturae, 333, 217-238.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (2002). Aromatic biodiversity among the flowering plant taxa of Turkey. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74(4), 527-545.
  • Baydar, H., Özkan, G., Erbaş, S. & Altındal, D. (2009). Yield, chemical composition and antioxidant properties of extracts and essential oils of sage and rosemary dependig on seasonal variations. ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 826, 383-390I.
  • Baydar, H., Sangun, M.K., Erbaş, S. & Kara, N. (2013). Comparison of aroma compounds in distilled and extracted products of sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Journal Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 16(1), 39-44.
  • Baytop, A. (1997). Pharmaceutical Botany. Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul University Press.
  • Burdock, G. A. (2010). Fenaroli’s handbook of flavor ingredients. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 6. Edition, CRC Press, USA.
  • Caniard, A., Zerbe, P., Legrand, S., Cohade, A., Valot, N., Magnard, LJ., Bohlmann, J., & Legendre, L., (2012). Discovery and functional characterization of two diterpene synthases for sclareol biosynthesis in Salvia sclarea (L.) and their relevance for perfume manufacture. BMC Plant Biol. 12, 119.
  • Cardile, V., Russo, A., Formisano, C., Rigano, D. & Senatore, F. (2009). Essential oils of Salvia bracteata and Salvia rubifolia from Lebanon: Chemical composition, antimicrobial activity and inhibitory effect on human melanoma cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126(2), 265-272.
  • Carović-Stanko, K., Petek, M., Grdiša, M., Pintar, J. & Bedeković, D. (2016). Medicinal plants of the family Lamiaceae as functional foods–a review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 34(5), 377-390.
  • Ceylan, A. (1996). Medicinal Plants II. İzmir, Turkey: Faculty of Agriculture Publication.
  • Couladis, M., Tzakou, O., Stojanovic, D., Mimica‐Dukic, N. & Jancic, R. (2001). The essential oil composition of Salvia argentea L. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 16(3), 227-229.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R. & Tan, K. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Demirci, B., Başer, K., Yıldız, B. & Bahçecioǧlu, Z. (2003). Composition of the essential oils of six endemic Salvia spp. from Turkey. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 18(2), 116-121.
  • Demirci, B., Tabanca, N. & Başer, K.H.C. (2002). Enantiomeric distribution of some monoterpenes in the essential oils of some Salvia species. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 17(1), 54-58.
  • Doğan, G., Demirpolat, A. & Bagci, E. (2014). Essential oil composition of aerial parts of two Salvia l. (S. russellii bentham and S. bracteata banks & sol.) species. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26(18), 5998-6000.
  • Dönmez, İ.E. (2005). Studies on the chemical composition of the Syrian Juniper (Arceuthos drupacea Ant. et. Kotschy) plant. MSc, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey.
  • Erbaş, S. & Baydar, H. (2016). Variation in Scent Compounds of Oil Bearing Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) Produced by Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction Hydrodistillation and Solvent Extraction. Records of Natural Products, 10, 555-565.
  • Erbaş, S., Küçükyumuk, Z., Baydar, H., Erdal, İ. & Şanlı, A. (2017). Effects of different phosphorus doses on nutrient concentrations as well as yield and quality characteristics of lavandin (Lavandula × intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. var. Super). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1), 32-38.
  • Farhat, M.B, Landoulsi, A., Chaouch-Hamada, R., Sotomayor, J.A. & Jordán, M.J. (2013). Profiling of essential oils and polyphenolics of Salvia argentea and evaluation of its by-products antioxidant activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 47, 106-112.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (2012). List of plants of Turkey Vascular Plants. Istanbul, Turkey: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association Publication.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Haznedaroglu, M.Z., Karabay, N.U., & Zeybek, U. (2001). Antibacterial activity of Salvia tomentosa essential oil. Fitoterapia, 72(7), 829-831.
  • Holeman, M.A., Berrada, M., Bellakhdar, J., Ilidrissi, A. & Pinel, R. (1984). Comparative chemical study on essential oils from Salvia officinalis, S. aucheri, S. verbenaca, S. phlomoides and S. argentea. Fitoterapia, 55, 143-148.
  • Hudaib, M., Bellardi, M.G., Rubies-Autonell, C., Fiori, J. & Cavrini, V. (2001). Chromatographic (GC-MS, HPLC) and virological evaluations of Salvia sclarea infected by BBWV-I. Il Farmaco, 56(3), 219-227.
  • Lopresti, A.L. (2017). Salvia (Sage): a review of its potential cognitive-enhancing and protective effects. Drugs in R&D, 17(1), 53-64.
  • Lu, Y. & Foo, L.Y. (2002). Polyphenolics of Salvia a review. Phytochemistry, 59(2), 117-140.
  • Maksimović, Z.A. (2005). Đorđević S & Mraović M. Antimicrobial activity of Chenopodium botrys essential oil. Fitoterapia, 76(1), 112-114.
  • Maisonneuve, S. A. (1975). European pharmacopoeia. Sainte-Ruffine, France, 3, 68-80.
  • Muntean, L.S., Tămaş, M., Muntean, S., Muntean, L. & Duda, M. (2007). Tratat de plante medicinale cultivate şi spontane. Cluj, Romania: Risoprint.
  • Perry, N.S., Bollen, C., Perry, E.K. & Ballard, C. (2003). Salvia for dementia therapy: review of pharmacological activity and pilot tolerability clinical trial. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 75(3), 651-659.
  • Russo, A., Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Senatore, F. & Delfine, S. (2003). Chemical composition and anticancer activity of essential oils of Mediterranean sage (Salvia officinalis L.) grown in different environmental conditions. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 55, 42-47.
  • Saleem, M. (2000). Chemical and biological screening of some relatives of Laminaceae (Labiateae) family and marina algae Condium iyengarii. PhD, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Sarrou, E., Martens, S. & Chatzopoulou, P. (2016). Metabolite profiling and antioxidative activity of Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) under the influence of genotype and harvesting period. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 240-250.
  • Seçmen, Ö., Gemici, Y., Görk, G., Bekat, L. & Leblebici, E. (2000). The Systematics of Flowering Plants. İzmir, Turkey: Ege University Faculty of Science and Technology Book Series.
  • Sefidkon, F., Hooshidary, F. & Jamzad, Z. (2007). Chemical variation in the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks & Soland from Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 10(4), 265-272.
  • Şenkal, B.C., İpek, A. & Gürbüz, B. (2012). Analysis of the essential oil contents of sage (Salvia L. spp.) species found in the flora of Turkey. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Symposium; Tokat, Turkey, 166-176.
  • Souleles, C. & Argyriadou, N. (1997) Constituents of the essential oil of Salvia sclarea growing wild in Greece. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 35(3), 218-220.
  • Taarit, M.B., Msaada, K., Hosni, K. & Marzouk, B. (2013). Essential Oil Constituents of Salvia argentea L. from Tunisia: Phenological Variations. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 7(1), 40-44.
  • Tepe, B., Daferera, D., Sokmen, A., Sokmen, M. & Polissiou, M. (2005). Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and various extracts of Salvia tomentosa Miller (Lamiaceae). Food Chemistry, 90(3), 333-340.
  • Topçu, G. (2006). Bioactive triterpenoids from Salvia species. Journal of Natural Products, 69(3), 482-487.
  • Ulukanli, Z., Karabörklü, S., Cenet, M., Sagdic, O. & Ozturk, I. (2013). Essential oil composition, insecticidal and antibacterial activities of Salvia tomentosa Miller. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 22(2), 832-840.
  • Velikovic, D.T., Ristic, M.S., Milosavjevic, N.P., Davidovic, D.N. & Bogdanavic, S.Z. (2014). Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia argentea L. AgroFood Industry, 25(6), 70-74.
  • Weiss, E. A. (1997). Essential Oil Crops. New York, USA: CAB International.
  • Yılar, M., Bayar, Y., Bayar, A.A.A. & Genc, N. (2020). Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks and the biological activity of its extracts: antioxidant, total phenolic, total flavonoid, antifungal and allelopathic effects. Botanica Serbica, 44(1), 71-79.
  • Yorulmaz, S.S. & Erbaş, S. (2014). Contact and repellency effects of Rosa damascena Mill. essential oil and its two major constituents against Tetranychus urticae Koch Acari Tetranychidae. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 38, 365-376.

Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province

Year 2023, , 1 - 10, 24.03.2023


Aim of the study: This study was performed to determine the essential oil components of Salvia tomentosa Mill., Salvia argentea L. and Salvia bracteata Bank et Sol.
Area of study: The study was carried out in two districts (Eğirdir and Şarkikaraağaç) located at Isparta province in Turkey.
Material and methods: The isolation of essential oil components was performed from shoots with leaves and flowers. Qualitative analysis of essential oils was carried out by using a Shimadzu 2010 Plus GC-MS device. The identification of the constituents was carried out by comparing the retention index (RI) and mass spectral data (MS) to those reported in the literature.
Main results: As a result of the GC-MS analysis, the major components of the essential oil were (-)-caryophyllene oxide (49.56%), β-vatirenene (7.87%), and α-Muurolol (6.78%) in S. tomentosa, sclareol (40.01%), germacrene-D (13.93%) and β-pinene (11.93%) in S. argentea and eucalyptol (1,8-cineole) (16.6%), β-pinene (14.7%) and cembrene (10.88%) in S. bracteata. Sclareol, which was determined at a high concentration in S. argentea in this study, is an economically valuable component that is widely used as flavoring in food and tobacco industry and as a perfume ingredient in the cosmetic industry.
Highlights: According to this study, the cultivation of S. argentea can provide high economic returns


  • Akbulut, S. (2021). Medicinal Plants Preferences for the Treatment of COVID-19 Symptoms in Central and Eastern Anatolia. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 21(3), 196-207.
  • Akbulut, S., Karakose, M. & Ozkan Z.C. (2019). Traditional uses of some wild plants in Kale and Acıpayam Provinces in Denizli. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(1), 72-81.
  • Amiri, H. (2007). Quantative and qualative changes of essential oil of Salvia bracteata Bank et Sol. in different growth stages. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(2), 79-82.
  • Ample Market Research (2019). Global Sclareol Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024.
  • Anonymous, 2022. (accessed date: 12.12.2021)
  • Asili, J., Tayarani-Najaran, Z., Emami, S.A, Iranshahi, M. & Sahebkar, A. (2001). Chemical Composition, Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil from Aerial Parts of Salvia tebesana Bunge. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 24(1), 31-39.
  • Aşkun, T., Başer, K.H.C., Tümen, G. & Kürkçüoğlu, M. (2010). Characterization of essential oils of some Salvia species and their antimycobacterial activities. Turkish Journal of Biology, 34(1), 89-95.
  • Avcı, A.B. (2013). Essential oil content and composition of Salvia tomentosa Mill. from Gölcük, Isparta. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1), 1-4.
  • Babushok, V.I., Linstrom, P. J. & Zenkevich, I. G. (2011). Retention Indices for Frequently Reported Compounds of Plant Essential Oils. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 40(4), 1-45.
  • Bağcı, E. & Koçak, A. (2008). The volatile compound composition of the Salvia palaestina Bentham and Salvia tomentosa Miller Species: A chemotaxonomic approach. Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 20(1), 35-41.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (1993). Essential oils of Anatolian Lamiaceae: A profile. Acta Horticulturae, 333, 217-238.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (2002). Aromatic biodiversity among the flowering plant taxa of Turkey. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74(4), 527-545.
  • Baydar, H., Özkan, G., Erbaş, S. & Altındal, D. (2009). Yield, chemical composition and antioxidant properties of extracts and essential oils of sage and rosemary dependig on seasonal variations. ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 826, 383-390I.
  • Baydar, H., Sangun, M.K., Erbaş, S. & Kara, N. (2013). Comparison of aroma compounds in distilled and extracted products of sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Journal Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 16(1), 39-44.
  • Baytop, A. (1997). Pharmaceutical Botany. Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul University Press.
  • Burdock, G. A. (2010). Fenaroli’s handbook of flavor ingredients. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 6. Edition, CRC Press, USA.
  • Caniard, A., Zerbe, P., Legrand, S., Cohade, A., Valot, N., Magnard, LJ., Bohlmann, J., & Legendre, L., (2012). Discovery and functional characterization of two diterpene synthases for sclareol biosynthesis in Salvia sclarea (L.) and their relevance for perfume manufacture. BMC Plant Biol. 12, 119.
  • Cardile, V., Russo, A., Formisano, C., Rigano, D. & Senatore, F. (2009). Essential oils of Salvia bracteata and Salvia rubifolia from Lebanon: Chemical composition, antimicrobial activity and inhibitory effect on human melanoma cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126(2), 265-272.
  • Carović-Stanko, K., Petek, M., Grdiša, M., Pintar, J. & Bedeković, D. (2016). Medicinal plants of the family Lamiaceae as functional foods–a review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 34(5), 377-390.
  • Ceylan, A. (1996). Medicinal Plants II. İzmir, Turkey: Faculty of Agriculture Publication.
  • Couladis, M., Tzakou, O., Stojanovic, D., Mimica‐Dukic, N. & Jancic, R. (2001). The essential oil composition of Salvia argentea L. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 16(3), 227-229.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R. & Tan, K. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Demirci, B., Başer, K., Yıldız, B. & Bahçecioǧlu, Z. (2003). Composition of the essential oils of six endemic Salvia spp. from Turkey. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 18(2), 116-121.
  • Demirci, B., Tabanca, N. & Başer, K.H.C. (2002). Enantiomeric distribution of some monoterpenes in the essential oils of some Salvia species. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 17(1), 54-58.
  • Doğan, G., Demirpolat, A. & Bagci, E. (2014). Essential oil composition of aerial parts of two Salvia l. (S. russellii bentham and S. bracteata banks & sol.) species. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26(18), 5998-6000.
  • Dönmez, İ.E. (2005). Studies on the chemical composition of the Syrian Juniper (Arceuthos drupacea Ant. et. Kotschy) plant. MSc, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey.
  • Erbaş, S. & Baydar, H. (2016). Variation in Scent Compounds of Oil Bearing Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) Produced by Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction Hydrodistillation and Solvent Extraction. Records of Natural Products, 10, 555-565.
  • Erbaş, S., Küçükyumuk, Z., Baydar, H., Erdal, İ. & Şanlı, A. (2017). Effects of different phosphorus doses on nutrient concentrations as well as yield and quality characteristics of lavandin (Lavandula × intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. var. Super). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1), 32-38.
  • Farhat, M.B, Landoulsi, A., Chaouch-Hamada, R., Sotomayor, J.A. & Jordán, M.J. (2013). Profiling of essential oils and polyphenolics of Salvia argentea and evaluation of its by-products antioxidant activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 47, 106-112.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (2012). List of plants of Turkey Vascular Plants. Istanbul, Turkey: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association Publication.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Haznedaroglu, M.Z., Karabay, N.U., & Zeybek, U. (2001). Antibacterial activity of Salvia tomentosa essential oil. Fitoterapia, 72(7), 829-831.
  • Holeman, M.A., Berrada, M., Bellakhdar, J., Ilidrissi, A. & Pinel, R. (1984). Comparative chemical study on essential oils from Salvia officinalis, S. aucheri, S. verbenaca, S. phlomoides and S. argentea. Fitoterapia, 55, 143-148.
  • Hudaib, M., Bellardi, M.G., Rubies-Autonell, C., Fiori, J. & Cavrini, V. (2001). Chromatographic (GC-MS, HPLC) and virological evaluations of Salvia sclarea infected by BBWV-I. Il Farmaco, 56(3), 219-227.
  • Lopresti, A.L. (2017). Salvia (Sage): a review of its potential cognitive-enhancing and protective effects. Drugs in R&D, 17(1), 53-64.
  • Lu, Y. & Foo, L.Y. (2002). Polyphenolics of Salvia a review. Phytochemistry, 59(2), 117-140.
  • Maksimović, Z.A. (2005). Đorđević S & Mraović M. Antimicrobial activity of Chenopodium botrys essential oil. Fitoterapia, 76(1), 112-114.
  • Maisonneuve, S. A. (1975). European pharmacopoeia. Sainte-Ruffine, France, 3, 68-80.
  • Muntean, L.S., Tămaş, M., Muntean, S., Muntean, L. & Duda, M. (2007). Tratat de plante medicinale cultivate şi spontane. Cluj, Romania: Risoprint.
  • Perry, N.S., Bollen, C., Perry, E.K. & Ballard, C. (2003). Salvia for dementia therapy: review of pharmacological activity and pilot tolerability clinical trial. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 75(3), 651-659.
  • Russo, A., Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Senatore, F. & Delfine, S. (2003). Chemical composition and anticancer activity of essential oils of Mediterranean sage (Salvia officinalis L.) grown in different environmental conditions. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 55, 42-47.
  • Saleem, M. (2000). Chemical and biological screening of some relatives of Laminaceae (Labiateae) family and marina algae Condium iyengarii. PhD, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Sarrou, E., Martens, S. & Chatzopoulou, P. (2016). Metabolite profiling and antioxidative activity of Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) under the influence of genotype and harvesting period. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 240-250.
  • Seçmen, Ö., Gemici, Y., Görk, G., Bekat, L. & Leblebici, E. (2000). The Systematics of Flowering Plants. İzmir, Turkey: Ege University Faculty of Science and Technology Book Series.
  • Sefidkon, F., Hooshidary, F. & Jamzad, Z. (2007). Chemical variation in the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks & Soland from Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 10(4), 265-272.
  • Şenkal, B.C., İpek, A. & Gürbüz, B. (2012). Analysis of the essential oil contents of sage (Salvia L. spp.) species found in the flora of Turkey. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Symposium; Tokat, Turkey, 166-176.
  • Souleles, C. & Argyriadou, N. (1997) Constituents of the essential oil of Salvia sclarea growing wild in Greece. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 35(3), 218-220.
  • Taarit, M.B., Msaada, K., Hosni, K. & Marzouk, B. (2013). Essential Oil Constituents of Salvia argentea L. from Tunisia: Phenological Variations. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 7(1), 40-44.
  • Tepe, B., Daferera, D., Sokmen, A., Sokmen, M. & Polissiou, M. (2005). Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and various extracts of Salvia tomentosa Miller (Lamiaceae). Food Chemistry, 90(3), 333-340.
  • Topçu, G. (2006). Bioactive triterpenoids from Salvia species. Journal of Natural Products, 69(3), 482-487.
  • Ulukanli, Z., Karabörklü, S., Cenet, M., Sagdic, O. & Ozturk, I. (2013). Essential oil composition, insecticidal and antibacterial activities of Salvia tomentosa Miller. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 22(2), 832-840.
  • Velikovic, D.T., Ristic, M.S., Milosavjevic, N.P., Davidovic, D.N. & Bogdanavic, S.Z. (2014). Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Salvia argentea L. AgroFood Industry, 25(6), 70-74.
  • Weiss, E. A. (1997). Essential Oil Crops. New York, USA: CAB International.
  • Yılar, M., Bayar, Y., Bayar, A.A.A. & Genc, N. (2020). Chemical composition of the essential oil of Salvia bracteata Banks and the biological activity of its extracts: antioxidant, total phenolic, total flavonoid, antifungal and allelopathic effects. Botanica Serbica, 44(1), 71-79.
  • Yorulmaz, S.S. & Erbaş, S. (2014). Contact and repellency effects of Rosa damascena Mill. essential oil and its two major constituents against Tetranychus urticae Koch Acari Tetranychidae. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 38, 365-376.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ebru Hatice Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu This is me

Sevgin Özderin This is me

Hüseyin Fakir This is me

Sabri Erbaş This is me

Publication Date March 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu, E. H., Özderin, S., Fakir, H., Erbaş, S. (2023). Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(1), 1-10.
AMA Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu EH, Özderin S, Fakir H, Erbaş S. Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2023;23(1):1-10. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1269473
Chicago Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu, Ebru Hatice, Sevgin Özderin, Hüseyin Fakir, and Sabri Erbaş. “Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23, no. 1 (March 2023): 1-10.
EndNote Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu EH, Özderin S, Fakir H, Erbaş S (March 1, 2023) Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23 1 1–10.
IEEE E. H. Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu, S. Özderin, H. Fakir, and S. Erbaş, “Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2023, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1269473.
ISNAD Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu, Ebru Hatice et al. “Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23/1 (March 2023), 1-10.
JAMA Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu EH, Özderin S, Fakir H, Erbaş S. Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23:1–10.
MLA Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu, Ebru Hatice et al. “Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 23, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-10, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1269473.
Vancouver Tığlı Kaytanlıoğlu EH, Özderin S, Fakir H, Erbaş S. Determination of The Essential Oil Components of Some Sage (Salvia Sp.) Species Naturally Distributed in The Isparta Province. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23(1):1-10.

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