Writing Rules

Studies to be sent to the journal should be written and sent in Microsoft Word format. The font & point sizes to be used in the text should be as follows.

Main Titles: 14 point Times New Roman – All capital letters
Subheadings: 13 point Times New Roman – Capital letters only
Text in General: 12 point Times New Roman
Texts in Tables & Figures: 10 point Times New Roman
Line spacing: Single line spacing
Paragraph spacing: First 0 pt, Then 7.5 pt
Headings should be left justified and without indentation.
Headings should not be numbered.
Page margins should be 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the right & 2.5 cm from the left.
In tables & figures, the titles are at the top and the bibliography is at the bottom, but the length of the article should be between 6500 – 12000 words including the bibliography.

The work should contain Turkish title, Abstract, Keywords, English title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Results, Conclusion and Suggestions, and Bibliography. Attachments, if any, should be included.

Article title:
The purpose and boundaries of the article should be clearly defined and should not exceed ten words.
Author(s): The full name of the author(s) should be in capital letters and the surname should be in capital letters, in Times New Roman font size 11, and centered under the title. The institution address, e-mail address, ORCID number should be placed with a footnote next to the author's name and surname, in Times New Roman font, 9 points.
The abstract should be prepared in Turkish and English for each article, and it should be between 150-250 words. In this part, the author/s should explain the purpose of the study, the research methods, the design they used, how the data was obtained & the way of analysis, and briefly mention the results obtained. The abstract should be prepared in both Turkish and English.
Key words:
In order for the article to be easily found in indexes and databases, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords most suitable for the study should be added immediately after the abstract in the article in Turkish and English.
The main purpose of this section is to introduce the reader to the subject in general terms. In this framework, the aim should be aimed to form the basis for the reader on the field of study by giving basic information about the subject in the introduction. Authors should explain what the problem they are addressing in the introduction is and why the research was conducted.
Conceptual Framework / Theory
It is the section where information such as which studies have been carried out before and what results have been obtained on the study area. In this section, readers have the chance to compare studies conducted by different researchers on the same subject in terms of research method, findings & results.
This is the section where the research methods & designs used in the study are introduced. This section is extremely important in terms of determining the suitability of the method used in the study and comparing it with other studies in this field. In this section, the author/s are expected to write down the methodological processes they followed in their research step by step.
Findings and Interpretation
This is the section where the data of the main research is analyzed. The data obtained through interviews, focus groups, and participatory observation methods within the scope of the studies should be regularly presented in this section. The information can also be presented in tabular form if deemed necessary. The number of tables used in the whole article should not exceed 6. In this context, tables should be presented in a well-constrained & orderly manner as possible.
In the conclusion part, where the results reached in the article are summarized and generalizations are made, a short repetition of the question should be made, and the results obtained in different studies should be compared. Limitations of the study, scientific contribution & suggestions to other researchers who will work in this field should be included.
Acknowledgments section; In the completed researches, this is the section where the people or institutions that provided financial/monetary support to the study and supported the data collection are thanked. If the study was carried out within the scope of a project, it is recommended to be included in this section together with the project number. Acknowledgments should be placed before the bibliography.
All works cited within the scope of the study must be included in the bibliography. In addition, any publication that has not been referenced in the study should not be included in the bibliography section. The bibliography sections are extremely important sections in terms of scientific ethics, and the authors should choose the bibliography they will use in their studies with great precision. This is a requirement that is the responsibility of the authors.
References should be prepared in accordance with APA 6 (American Psychological Association-6) standards.
Considerations for in-text citations and bibliography:
In-text citations:
Single author: (Akkuş, 2019: 22)
Two authors: (Cengiz and Akkuş, 2019: 22)
For citations with three or more authors, all author surnames should be written clearly in the first notation (Cengiz, Akkuş, & Bayraktar, 2019: 22), in the second notation et al. (Cengiz et al., 2019: 22) should be included.
If more than one source is to be used in the same parenthesis, the references should be separated with a semicolon and written in the order of the year. (Cengiz and Akkuş, 2012: 12; Akkuş, 2015: 22)
In references to a work published by an author in the same year, the citations should be separated as a and b. (Akkuş, 2019a: 22; Akkuş, 2019b: 65)
Explanations about the detailed issues in the text that are thought to disrupt the flow of the text can be specified as footnotes and such footnotes should follow each other numerically (numerical).
In the bibliography:
Book: Akkus, G. (2021). Experiential Tourism, 1st Edition, Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
Editorial Book: Şimşek, A. (2021). Seafood Route, Editor: Gülizar AKKUŞ, Routes and Festivals in Gastronomy Experience, (pp. 11-22), Ankara: S. A. Publishing.
Article: Ünal, S., Akkuş, G. and Akkuş, Ç. (2014). The Relationship between Atmosphere, Emotion, Satisfaction and Behavioral Loyalty in Food and Beverage Businesses, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Tourism, 1(1), 23-49.
Paper: Akkuş, G. and Güner, D. (2019). Determining the Opinions of Restaurant Managers Specializing in Ottoman Cuisine on the International Situation of the Kitchen, International Congress of Gastronomy, Nutrition and Dietetics, 22-24 November 2019, Gaziantep, Turkey.
Thesis: Akkus, G. (2016). Experiential Tourism for Destination Competitiveness: An Evaluation from Tourist Perspective, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences, Erzurum.
Internet Source: T. C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Investments and Enterprises (2019). Tourism Revenues and Expenditures, https://yigm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-201116/turizm-gelirleri-ve-giderleri.html Access Date: 15.04.2021.