Journal of Karadenız Tourısm Research is an international journal that publishes at least two issues a year (July-January) electronically, aiming to contribute to the world of science by publishing academic and scientific studies in an ethical, qualified and original framework.
Journal of Karadenız Tourısm Research is a peer-reviewed journal, and the studies are published after evaluation by at least two blind referees. Journal in Turkish and English languages, tourism, tourism management, tourism marketing, management in tourism, tourist guiding, archeology and art history, travel management, transportation services in tourism, recreation, recreation management, gastronomy and culinary arts, culture and tourism, tourism geography, promotion in tourism. publishes studies related to tourism science such as public relations in tourism, accounting and finance in tourism enterprises, technology studies in tourism.
A policy has been determined for the Journal of Karadenız Tourısm Research to serve both the physical environment and cultural sustainability, one of the sustainable development goals.
Authors submitting a work to the journal should not have their work previously published elsewhere. When authors submit their works, they are deemed to have transferred their copyrights. Studies are published through the plagiarism program. The journal is free and there is no article submission or publishing fee. In case of primary source use from the publications sent to the journal, an ethics committee permission document is requested.