The premise of Qur’anic rhetoric as being part of the “Evidence of prophethood” of its
bearer, i.e. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - has long been a hotly discussed topic amongst the
scholars of “Kelam” (speculative philosophy). Likewise, just as the life and achievement
of the Prophet is a complete miracle, so too was the Qur’an a complete miracle in itself.
The first time in which the Mutezilite scholars attempted to explain the eloquent rhetoric
of the Qur’an was arguably initiated by Nazzam’s theory of Sarfe. He, while offering an
opinion on the rhetorical aspect of the Qur’an - was soon joined by scholars such as Cahiz,
Rummani, Kadi Abdulcabbar, Bakillani and Abdulkahir el-Curcani who all became
involved in trying to prove the miraculousness of the Qur'an's fluency and composition.
Starting with the Mu’tezilites and continuing up until today - many scholars have tended
towards this topic and have produced several treatises on it.
The Miraculousness of the Qur'an evidence of prophethood Qur’ân miracle Sarfe verse fluency
İ’câzü’l- Kur’an terimi, Kur’an’ın Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) peygamberliğini isbat (İsbâtü’n-
Nübüvve ) anlamında “Delâilü’n-Nübüvve” kapsamında Kelam ilminde tartışılan
bir konudur. Zira Kur’an Hz. Muhammed’in tehaddi ile birlikte vaki olan mütevatir tek
mucizesidir. İlk defa Mu’tezîlî alimlerin tartıştıkları bu meselede Kur’an’ın i’câz vechinin
neresinde olduğu önemli bir yer tutmuştur. Nazzam Sarfe görüşü ile Kur’an’ın i’câzını
açıklamaya çalışırken, Câhiz, Rummânî, Kadı Abdulcabbâr, Bâkıllâni, Abdülkâhir el-Cürcânî
gibi alimler de Kur’an’ın fesâhat ve nazmı yönünden mucize olduğunu ispat etmeye
çalışmışlardır. Mu’tezile’den başlayarak günümüze kadar uzanan süreçte birçok alim bu
konuya eğilmiş ve birçok eser yazılmıştır.
The premise of Qur’anic rhetoric as being part of the “Evidence of prophethood” of its
bearer, i.e. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - has long been a hotly discussed topic amongst the
scholars of “Kelam” (speculative philosophy). Likewise, just as the life and achievement
of the Prophet is a complete miracle, so too was the Qur’an a complete miracle in itself.
The first time in which the Mutezilite scholars attempted to explain the eloquent rhetoric
of the Qur’an was arguably initiated by Nazzam’s theory of Sarfe. He, while offering an
opinion on the rhetorical aspect of the Qur’an - was soon joined by scholars such as Cahiz,
Rummani, Kadi Abdulcabbar, Bakillani and Abdulkahir el-Curcani who all became
involved in trying to prove the miraculousness of the Qur'an's fluency and composition.
Starting with the Mu’tezilites and continuing up until today - many scholars have tended
towards this topic and have produced several treatises on it.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Refereed Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 6, 2016 |
Submission Date | February 23, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Issue: 2 |
Katre International Human Studies Journal is open access journal under the CC BY-NC license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)
Based on a work at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/katre
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