Research Article
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Philosophical Background of Economics from the Islamic Perspective

Year 2021, Issue: 11, 41 - 66, 30.06.2021


As in every branch of science, economics has a philosophy and intellectual background. Most classical economics thinkers wrote more on philosophy than economics, as they were also philosophers and/or clerics. This is due to explaining methodologically the formation of the thoughts, assumptions, and principles that the economy has influenced in the historical process. Islamic philosophy developed by the triggering of ancient Greek philosophy and was partially influenced by it. This approach has also been reflected in the sudies of Islamic economics. The purpose of this essay is to compare the general philosophy of economics with the philosophy of Islamic economics. Our study is a qualitative research and the method we employed is document analysis. In the study we referred to the Risale-i Nur Collection, which has a contemporary and original approach with reference to economy, philosophy, and Islam, and we investigated the differences of the wisdom of the Qur'an from the western philosophy in establishing economic provisions. It has been revealed that while the Islamic economic philosophy aims to win both worlds, the western economic philosophy only aims to save the life in this world. 


  • Al-Jarhi, M. A. (2013). Gaps in the Theory and Practice of Islamic Economics. Islamic Economics, 237-248.
  • Altıntaş, İ . (2016). Bir Toplantı Sempozyum Raporu Din, Bilim ve Felsefe İlişkisi: Risale-i Nur Yaklaşımı Sempozyumu . Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi , (1) , 207-210 . Retrieved from
  • Ansari, M. (1994). İslamic Perspectives on Sustainable Development. The American Journal of Islamic Studies, 394–402.
  • Aström, Z. H. (2011). Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Development: The Contribution of Islamic Economics. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 73-84.
  • Boettke, P. J., Coyne, C. J., Davis, J., Guala, F., Marciano, A., Runde, J., & Schabas, M. (2006). Where Economics and Philosophy Meet: Review of the Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy with Responses from the Authors. The Economic Journal, 306-F325.
  • Branco, M. C. (2007). Family, Religion and Economic Performance: A Critique of Cultural Determinism. Review of Social Economy, Vol. Lxv, No. 4, December, 407-424.
  • Bruce J. Perlman, G. G. (2007). Cultural Determinism versus Administrative Logic: Asian Values and Administrative Reform in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 30, Issue 12-14, 1327-1342.
  • Campbell, W. F. (1971). Economics And The Machiavellian Tradition. Journal of Economic Issues, 20-31.
  • Dialogue, A. A. (2015). Philosophy and Economics in the Capabilities . Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development, 1-14.
  • Eltis, W. (1997). Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in the History of Economics (Book Review). European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 337-342.
  • Gundolf, K., & Filser, M. ( 2013). Management Research and Religion: A Citation Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, January 1,, 177–185.
  • Gülerce, H . (2017). Bir Toplantı - Hindistan’da Risale-i Nur Konferansları . Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi , (3) , 231-234 . Retrieved from
  • Hill, L. E. (1989). Cultural Determinism or Emergent Evolotion: An Analysis of the Controversy Between Clarenve Ayres and David Miller. Journal of Economik Issues, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 465-471.
  • Jha, Y. (2013). Examining the Meta-Principles of Modern Economics and their Implications for Islamic Banking and Finance. Islamic Sciences, Vol. 11, 169-181.
  • Khan, M. F. (2013). Theorizing Islamic Economics: Search for a Framework for Islamic Economic Analysis. Islamic Econ., Vol. 26 No. 1, 203-236.
  • Marsuki, M. Z. (2009). Religious Agendas Towards Sustainable Development: An Islamic Perspective. Malaysian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 22-39.
  • Martin, J. (2010). At the intersection of Behavioural Economics and Philosophy: Mutually informed disciplines. South African Journal of Philosophy, 95-103.
  • Minkenberg, M. (2007). Democracy and Religion: Theoretical and Empirical Observations on the Relationship between Christianity, Islam and Liberal Democracy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,Vol. 33, No. 6, August, 887-909.
  • Mirakhor, A. (2014). The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within: On the Flatness of Economics. Econ Journal Watch, 186-193.
  • Nakvi, N. H. (1985). Ekonomi ve Ahlak. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
  • Nienhaus, V. (2013). Method and Substance of Islamic Economics: Moving Where? Islamic Economics, 169-202.
  • Nursi, B. S. (1960). Sözler. İstanbul: Envar Neşraiyat.
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  • Riis, O. (1989). The Role of Religion in Legitimating the Modern Structuration of Society. Acta Sociologia, 137153.
  • Salman, A. (2013). The Libertarian Character of the Islamic Economy. economic affairs, volume 33, number 1, 108-120.
  • Shittu, A. B. (2014). The Qur'anic worldview: A springboard for cultural reform. Intellectual Discourse, 239-242.
  • Sidani, Y., & Ariss, A. A. (2015). New Conceptual Foundations for Islamic Business Ethics:The Contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali. Journal of Business Ethics, 847–857.
  • Steigerwald, D. (2005). Our New Cultural Determinizm. Society, January 1, 71-75.
  • Wible, J. (2000). Complexity In Peirce’S Economics And Philosophy. C. S. PEIRCE içinde, Complexity & the History of Economic Thought (s. 74-103). Research and Development.
  • Wight, J. B. (2014). Economics within a Pluralist Ethical Tradition. Review of Social Economy, Volume 72, Issue 4, 417-435.
  • Wilber, C. K. (1974). The 'New' Economic History Re-examined: R. H. Tawney on the Origins of Capitalism. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, July 1,, 249-258.
  • Wishloff, J. (2009). The Land of Realism and the Shipwreck of Idea-ism: Thomas Aquinas and Milton Friedman on the Social Responsibilities of Business. Journal of Business Ethics , 137–155.
  • Zaman, A. (2012). Crisis in Islamic Economics: Diagnosis and Prescriptions. Islamic Econ, n., Vol. 25 No. 1, 143-166.

İslamî Perspektifte Ekonomi Felsefesi

Year 2021, Issue: 11, 41 - 66, 30.06.2021


Her bilim dalının olduğu gibi ekonominin de bir felsefesi ve düşünsel arka planı vardır. Klasik ekonomi düşünürlerinin çoğu aynı zamanda birer filozof ve/veya din adamı olmasından dolayı ekonomiden çok felsefe üzerinde yazıları vardır. Bu da, ekonominin tarihsel düzlemde meydana geliş sürecinde etkisinde kaldığı düşünceler, kabuller ve ilkelerin oluşumunu metodolojik olarak açıklayabilmekten kaynaklanmaktadır. İslam felsefesi de eski Yunan felsefesinin tetiklemesiyle gelişmiş ve ondan kısmen etkilenmiştir. İslam ekonomisi çalışmalarına da bu yaklaşım yansımıştır. Bu çalışmamızda İslamî bakış açısıyla İslam ekonomisi ilkelerinin felsefî temelleri incelenmekte ve batı felsefesi ile karşılaştırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmamız nitel bir araştırmadır, metot olarak doküman analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Ekonomi, felsefe ve İslam dini çerçevesinde, çağdaş ve orijinal bir yaklaşıma sahip olan Risale-i Nur Külliyatından yararlanılarak yapılan analizlerde Batı felsefesine nazaran Kur’an hikmetinin ekonomik hükümleri tesis etmedeki farklılıkları analiz olarak ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. İslam ekonomi felsefesinin her iki dünyayı kazanmayı hedeflerken, Batı ekonomi felsefesinin sadece dünya hayatını kurtarmaya amaçladığı ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Al-Jarhi, M. A. (2013). Gaps in the Theory and Practice of Islamic Economics. Islamic Economics, 237-248.
  • Altıntaş, İ . (2016). Bir Toplantı Sempozyum Raporu Din, Bilim ve Felsefe İlişkisi: Risale-i Nur Yaklaşımı Sempozyumu . Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi , (1) , 207-210 . Retrieved from
  • Ansari, M. (1994). İslamic Perspectives on Sustainable Development. The American Journal of Islamic Studies, 394–402.
  • Aström, Z. H. (2011). Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Development: The Contribution of Islamic Economics. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 73-84.
  • Boettke, P. J., Coyne, C. J., Davis, J., Guala, F., Marciano, A., Runde, J., & Schabas, M. (2006). Where Economics and Philosophy Meet: Review of the Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy with Responses from the Authors. The Economic Journal, 306-F325.
  • Branco, M. C. (2007). Family, Religion and Economic Performance: A Critique of Cultural Determinism. Review of Social Economy, Vol. Lxv, No. 4, December, 407-424.
  • Bruce J. Perlman, G. G. (2007). Cultural Determinism versus Administrative Logic: Asian Values and Administrative Reform in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 30, Issue 12-14, 1327-1342.
  • Campbell, W. F. (1971). Economics And The Machiavellian Tradition. Journal of Economic Issues, 20-31.
  • Dialogue, A. A. (2015). Philosophy and Economics in the Capabilities . Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development, 1-14.
  • Eltis, W. (1997). Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in the History of Economics (Book Review). European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 337-342.
  • Gundolf, K., & Filser, M. ( 2013). Management Research and Religion: A Citation Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, January 1,, 177–185.
  • Gülerce, H . (2017). Bir Toplantı - Hindistan’da Risale-i Nur Konferansları . Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi , (3) , 231-234 . Retrieved from
  • Hill, L. E. (1989). Cultural Determinism or Emergent Evolotion: An Analysis of the Controversy Between Clarenve Ayres and David Miller. Journal of Economik Issues, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 465-471.
  • Jha, Y. (2013). Examining the Meta-Principles of Modern Economics and their Implications for Islamic Banking and Finance. Islamic Sciences, Vol. 11, 169-181.
  • Khan, M. F. (2013). Theorizing Islamic Economics: Search for a Framework for Islamic Economic Analysis. Islamic Econ., Vol. 26 No. 1, 203-236.
  • Marsuki, M. Z. (2009). Religious Agendas Towards Sustainable Development: An Islamic Perspective. Malaysian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 22-39.
  • Martin, J. (2010). At the intersection of Behavioural Economics and Philosophy: Mutually informed disciplines. South African Journal of Philosophy, 95-103.
  • Minkenberg, M. (2007). Democracy and Religion: Theoretical and Empirical Observations on the Relationship between Christianity, Islam and Liberal Democracy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,Vol. 33, No. 6, August, 887-909.
  • Mirakhor, A. (2014). The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within: On the Flatness of Economics. Econ Journal Watch, 186-193.
  • Nakvi, N. H. (1985). Ekonomi ve Ahlak. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
  • Nienhaus, V. (2013). Method and Substance of Islamic Economics: Moving Where? Islamic Economics, 169-202.
  • Nursi, B. S. (1960). Sözler. İstanbul: Envar Neşraiyat.
  • Nursi, B. S. (1970). Lemalar. İstanbul: Envar Neşriyat.
  • Nursi, B. S. (1993). Münazarat. İstanbul: Envar Neşriyat.
  • Riis, O. (1989). The Role of Religion in Legitimating the Modern Structuration of Society. Acta Sociologia, 137153.
  • Salman, A. (2013). The Libertarian Character of the Islamic Economy. economic affairs, volume 33, number 1, 108-120.
  • Shittu, A. B. (2014). The Qur'anic worldview: A springboard for cultural reform. Intellectual Discourse, 239-242.
  • Sidani, Y., & Ariss, A. A. (2015). New Conceptual Foundations for Islamic Business Ethics:The Contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali. Journal of Business Ethics, 847–857.
  • Steigerwald, D. (2005). Our New Cultural Determinizm. Society, January 1, 71-75.
  • Wible, J. (2000). Complexity In Peirce’S Economics And Philosophy. C. S. PEIRCE içinde, Complexity & the History of Economic Thought (s. 74-103). Research and Development.
  • Wight, J. B. (2014). Economics within a Pluralist Ethical Tradition. Review of Social Economy, Volume 72, Issue 4, 417-435.
  • Wilber, C. K. (1974). The 'New' Economic History Re-examined: R. H. Tawney on the Origins of Capitalism. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, July 1,, 249-258.
  • Wishloff, J. (2009). The Land of Realism and the Shipwreck of Idea-ism: Thomas Aquinas and Milton Friedman on the Social Responsibilities of Business. Journal of Business Ethics , 137–155.
  • Zaman, A. (2012). Crisis in Islamic Economics: Diagnosis and Prescriptions. Islamic Econ, n., Vol. 25 No. 1, 143-166.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy, Religious Studies
Journal Section Refereed Articles

Ahmet Efe 0000-0002-2691-7517

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date October 24, 2020
Acceptance Date June 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 11


APA Efe, A. (2021). İslamî Perspektifte Ekonomi Felsefesi. Katre Uluslararası İnsan Araştırmaları Dergisi(11), 41-66.

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