Research Article
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Year 2023, , 789 - 811, 29.12.2023


Kahramanmaraş depremleri, kuzey Suriye’yi ve Türkiye’nin 11 ilini yıkıcı bir şekilde etkilemiş ve binlerce kişinin hayatını kaybetmesine, yaralanmasına ve mal kaybına yol açmıştır. Depremin şiddeti ve hissedilen alanın büyüklüğü Türkiye ekonomisini bir bütün olarak etkilemiştir. Depremden binlerce binanın yıkılması veya hasar görmesi nedeniyle gayrimenkul sektörü en çok etkilenen sektörlerden biri olmuştur. Bu nedenle araştırma kapsamında Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremin gayrimenkul ile ilgili sektörlere olan etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İnşaat, çimento ve beton, demir ve çelik, gayrimenkul yatırım ortaklıkları ve sigorta sektörleri seçilmiştir. Olay analizi metodolojisi kullanılarak yapılan analizlerde, seçilen tüm sektörlerin depremlerden etkilendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; anormal getiriler sektörler arasında farklılık göstermektedir. İnşaat malzemeleri ile ilgili sektörlerde pozitif, sigorta sektöründe ise negatif yönlü anormal getiriler dikkat çekici olarak bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar piyasa katılımcıları, politika yapıcılar ve hükümetler için önem taşımaktadır.


  • Afik, Z., Cohen, T. R., & Lahav, Y. (2022). Getting high on cannabis stock returns an event study. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102226.
  • Akkuş, H. T., & Kışlalıoğlu, V. (2023). Investigating the effects of natural disasters on the stock market on a sectoral basis: The case of 2023 Kahramanmaraş/Türkiye earthquake. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 5(2), 141-151.
  • Ali, H. S., Jia, F., Lou, Z., & Xie, J. (2023). Effect of blockchain technology initiatives on firms’ market value. Financial Innovation, 9(1), 1-35.
  • Ardia, D., Bluteau, K., & Boudt, K. (2022). Media abnormal tone, earnings announcements, and the stock market. Journal of financial markets, 61, 100683.
  • Ayat, M., & Kang, C. W. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction sector: A systemized review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(2), 734-754.
  • Azuma, K., Dahan, N. M., & Doh, J. (2023). Shareholder reaction to corporate philanthropy after a natural disaster: an empirical exploration of the “signaling financial prospects” explanation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-29.
  • Balcılar, M., Usman, O., Yülek, M., Ağan, B., & Erdal, B. (2023). House price connectedness and consumer sentiment in an era of destabilizing macroeconomic conditions: Empirical evidence from Türkiye. Borsa Istanbul Review, 1-21.
  • Baş, R. (2018). Borsa İstanbul için yapılan yarı güçlü formda piyasa etkinliği testi çalışmaları üzerine bir literatür incelemesi. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 6(2), 253-285.
  • Bento, A. I., Nguyen, T., Wing, C., Lozano-Rojas, F., Ahn, Y. Y., & Simon, K. (2020). Evidence from internet search data shows information-seeking responses to news of local COVID-19 cases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11220-11222.
  • Brahmana, R., Puah, C., & Chai, M. (2016). Natural disaster and local bank non-performing loan: Case of Nias tsunami 2004. Economics Bulletin, 36(4), 2413-2421.
  • Capron, L., & Shen, J. C. (2007). Acquisitions of private vs. public firms: Private information, target selection, and acquirer returns. Strategic Management Journal, 28(9), 891-911.
  • Çavuşoğlu, H., Mishra, B., & Raghunathan, S. (2004). The effect of internet security breach announcements on market value: Capital market reactions for breached firms and internet security developers. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 9(1), 70-104.
  • Chen, Y., Guo, K., Ji, Q., & Zhang, D. (2023). Not all climate risks are alike: Heterogeneous responses of financial firms to natural disasters in China. Finance Research Letters, 52, 103538.
  • Dos Santos, B. L., Peffers, K., & Mauer, D. C. (1993). The impact of information technology investment announcements on the market value of the firm. Information Systems Research, 4(1), 1-23.
  • Di Tommaso, C., Foglia, M., & Pacelli, V. (2023). The impact and the contagion effect of natural disasters on sovereign credit risk. An empirical investigation. International Review of Financial Analysis, 87, 102578.
  • Fama, E. F., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. C., & Roll, R. (1969). The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review, 10(1), 1-21.
  • Fama, E. F. (1970). Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. The Journal of Finance, 25(2), 383-417.
  • Flammer, C. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors. Academy of Management Journal, 56(3), 758-781.
  • French, J. (2018). Market moods: An investor sentiment event study. Foresight, 20(5), 488-506.
  • Guo, H. S., Liu, M. X., Xue, J., Jian, I. Y., Xu, Q., & Wang, Q. C. (2023). Post-COVID-19 Recovery: An Integrated Framework of Construction Project Performance Evaluation in China. Systems, 11(7), 359.
  • Güneş, G. Ş., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2020). Türkiye’de gayrimenkul yatırım fonu yöneticileri üzerine bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(2), 431-444.
  • Hamurcu, C. (2022). Depremlerin sigortacılık sektörü hisse senetleri üzerinde etkisi olabilir mi? 2020 yılındaki İzmir depremi üzerine bir araştırma. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 37(2), 428-442.
  • Hatipoğlu, Ü., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2017). Türkiye’de arz ve talep açısından konut yatırım tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Bankacılar Dergisi, 100, 49-75.
  • Heyden, K. J., & Heyden, T. (2021). Market reactions to the arrival and containment of COVID-19: An event study. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101745.
  • Kırkağaç, M., & Karpuz, E. (2023). 2023 Kahramanmaraş depremlerinin BIST banka ve sigorta piyasasına etkisi üzerine bir olay çalışması analizi. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), 387-401.
  • Kızıl, C. (2023). Finansal performansın rasyo yöntemiyle analizi: İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren bir inşaat şirketi üzerine uygulama. Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(2), 386-409.
  • Kumari, V., Assaf, R., Moussa, F., & Pandey, D. K. (2023). Impacts of climate pact on global oil and gas sector stocks. Studies in Economics and Finance.
  • Li, T., Wang, L., Jia, F., Chen, L., & Meng, X. (2023). Do carbon neutrality initiatives affect the shareholder value of firms? Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 138115.
  • Malik, I. A., Faff, R. W., & Chan, K. F. (2020). Market response of US equities to domestic natural disasters: industry‐based evidence. Accounting & Finance, 60(4), 3875-3904.
  • Malik, I. A., Chowdhury, H., & Alam, M. S. (2023). Equity market response to natural disasters: Does firm’s corporate social responsibility make difference?. Global Finance Journal, 55, 100801.
  • Malkiel, B. G. (2005). Reflections on the efficient market hypothesis: 30 years later. Financial Review, 40(1), 1-9.
  • Maneenop, S., & Kotcharin, S. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 on the global airline industry: An event study approach. Journal Of Air Transport Management, 89, 101920.
  • Martins, A. M., & Cró, S. (2022). Airline stock markets reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak and vaccines: An event study. Journal of Air Transport Management, 105, 102281.
  • McWilliams, A., Siegel, D., & Teoh, S. H. (1999). Issues in the use of the event study methodology: A critical analysis of corporate social responsibility studies. Organizational Research Methods, 2(4), 340-365.
  • Mohammed, I. (2023). COVID-19 outbreak and performance of financial markets: evidence from the stock market, the foreign exchange market and cryptocurrencies market in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 15(1), 1-33.
  • Norden, L., & Weber, M. (2004). Informational efficiency of credit default swap and stock markets: The impact of credit rating announcements. Journal of Banking & Finance, 28(11), 2813-2843.
  • Pagnottoni, P., Spelta, A., Flori, A., & Pammolli, F. (2022). Climate change and financial stability: Natural disaster impacts on global stock markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 599, 127514.
  • Pamidimukkala, A., & Kermanshachi, S. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on field and office workforce in construction industry. Project Leadership and Society, 2, 100018.
  • Presidency of Strategy and Budget. (2023). Kahramanmaraş and Hatay earthquakes report 2023. Presidency of Strategy and Budget. Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • Robinson, C. J., & Bangwayo-Skeete, P. (2017). Semi-strong form market efficiency in stock markets with low levels of trading activity: evidence from stock price reaction to major national and international events. Global Business Review, 18(6), 1447-1464.
  • Rudkin, W., & Cai, C. X. (2023). Information content of sustainability index recomposition: A synthetic portfolio approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 88, 102676.
  • Say, S., & Doğan, M. (2023). Depremlerin hisse senedi getirileri üzerindeki etkisi: 2023 yılı Kahramanmaraş depremi örneği. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 12(1), 90-97.
  • Strong, N. (1992). Modelling abnormal returns: A review article. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 19(4), 533-553.
  • Takao, A., Yoshizawa, T., Hsu, S., & Yamasaki, T. (2013). The effect of the Great East Japan earthquake on the stock prices of non-life insurance companies. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 38, 449-468.
  • Tao, Z. (2014). Short-term economic effect of the M7. 0 Lushan Earthquake. Natural Hazards, 70, 1247-1261.
  • TCIP. (2023). Press Release on ‘17 Ağustos’un 24. Yıldönümü’ by the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (the TCIP). Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • Thukral, S., Singh, A. K., Ghosh, R., & Pant, M. M. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on stock markets: a case study of selected countries. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 15(5), 451-466.
  • TurkStat. (2023a), The Results of Address Based Population Registration System, 2022, Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023b), Labour Force Statistics, 2022, Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023c). Yapı izin istatistikleri. Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023d). Ulusal hesaplar. Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • Umar, M., Riaz, Y., & Yousaf, I. (2022). Impact of Russian-Ukraine war on clean energy, conventional energy, and metal markets: Evidence from event study approach. Resources Policy, 79, 102966.
  • Urak, E. (2016). Gayrimenkul yatırım ortaklıklarına sağlanan vergisel teşvikler. Mali Cözüm Dergisi, 26, 161.
  • Valizadeh, P., Karali, B., & Ferreira, S. (2017). Ripple effects of the 2011 Japan earthquake on international stock markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 556-576.
  • Varma, Y., Venkataramani, R., Kayal, P., & Maiti, M. (2021). Short-term impact of COVID-19 on Indian stock market. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(11), 558.
  • WHO (2023). Statement- Türkiye/Syria earthquakes, Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • Xu, Y., Liu, W., He, T., & Tsai, S.-B. (2023). Buzzword or fuzzword: an event study of the metaverse in the Chinese stock market. Internet Research, 33(7).
  • Zhao, Z. Y., Hao, Y. X., Chang, R. D., & Wang, Q. C. (2023). Assessing the vulnerability of energy supply chains: Influencing factors and countermeasures. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 56, 103018.


Year 2023, , 789 - 811, 29.12.2023


Kahramanmaraş earthquakes devastatingly hit the northern Syria and 11 provinces of Türkiye, causing thousands of deaths, injuries and property losses. The magnitude of the earthquakes and the extent of their impacts were huge enough to affect the entire Turkish economy. Real estate industry has been one of the most affected sectors as thousands of buildings were collapsed or damaged by the quake. This study aims to explore the impacts of Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on real estate related sectors in the Turkish stock market: Construction, cement-concrete, iron-steel, real estate investment trusts, and insurance. Using an event study methodology, our short-run analyses indicated that all given sectors were affected by the earthquakes. According to our findings, abnormal returns varied among the sectors: The construction materials sectors had positive abnormal returns while the insurance sector did abnormal returns on the opposite way. The findings are vital for market participants, policymakers and governments.


  • Afik, Z., Cohen, T. R., & Lahav, Y. (2022). Getting high on cannabis stock returns an event study. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102226.
  • Akkuş, H. T., & Kışlalıoğlu, V. (2023). Investigating the effects of natural disasters on the stock market on a sectoral basis: The case of 2023 Kahramanmaraş/Türkiye earthquake. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 5(2), 141-151.
  • Ali, H. S., Jia, F., Lou, Z., & Xie, J. (2023). Effect of blockchain technology initiatives on firms’ market value. Financial Innovation, 9(1), 1-35.
  • Ardia, D., Bluteau, K., & Boudt, K. (2022). Media abnormal tone, earnings announcements, and the stock market. Journal of financial markets, 61, 100683.
  • Ayat, M., & Kang, C. W. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction sector: A systemized review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(2), 734-754.
  • Azuma, K., Dahan, N. M., & Doh, J. (2023). Shareholder reaction to corporate philanthropy after a natural disaster: an empirical exploration of the “signaling financial prospects” explanation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-29.
  • Balcılar, M., Usman, O., Yülek, M., Ağan, B., & Erdal, B. (2023). House price connectedness and consumer sentiment in an era of destabilizing macroeconomic conditions: Empirical evidence from Türkiye. Borsa Istanbul Review, 1-21.
  • Baş, R. (2018). Borsa İstanbul için yapılan yarı güçlü formda piyasa etkinliği testi çalışmaları üzerine bir literatür incelemesi. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 6(2), 253-285.
  • Bento, A. I., Nguyen, T., Wing, C., Lozano-Rojas, F., Ahn, Y. Y., & Simon, K. (2020). Evidence from internet search data shows information-seeking responses to news of local COVID-19 cases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11220-11222.
  • Brahmana, R., Puah, C., & Chai, M. (2016). Natural disaster and local bank non-performing loan: Case of Nias tsunami 2004. Economics Bulletin, 36(4), 2413-2421.
  • Capron, L., & Shen, J. C. (2007). Acquisitions of private vs. public firms: Private information, target selection, and acquirer returns. Strategic Management Journal, 28(9), 891-911.
  • Çavuşoğlu, H., Mishra, B., & Raghunathan, S. (2004). The effect of internet security breach announcements on market value: Capital market reactions for breached firms and internet security developers. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 9(1), 70-104.
  • Chen, Y., Guo, K., Ji, Q., & Zhang, D. (2023). Not all climate risks are alike: Heterogeneous responses of financial firms to natural disasters in China. Finance Research Letters, 52, 103538.
  • Dos Santos, B. L., Peffers, K., & Mauer, D. C. (1993). The impact of information technology investment announcements on the market value of the firm. Information Systems Research, 4(1), 1-23.
  • Di Tommaso, C., Foglia, M., & Pacelli, V. (2023). The impact and the contagion effect of natural disasters on sovereign credit risk. An empirical investigation. International Review of Financial Analysis, 87, 102578.
  • Fama, E. F., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. C., & Roll, R. (1969). The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review, 10(1), 1-21.
  • Fama, E. F. (1970). Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. The Journal of Finance, 25(2), 383-417.
  • Flammer, C. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors. Academy of Management Journal, 56(3), 758-781.
  • French, J. (2018). Market moods: An investor sentiment event study. Foresight, 20(5), 488-506.
  • Guo, H. S., Liu, M. X., Xue, J., Jian, I. Y., Xu, Q., & Wang, Q. C. (2023). Post-COVID-19 Recovery: An Integrated Framework of Construction Project Performance Evaluation in China. Systems, 11(7), 359.
  • Güneş, G. Ş., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2020). Türkiye’de gayrimenkul yatırım fonu yöneticileri üzerine bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(2), 431-444.
  • Hamurcu, C. (2022). Depremlerin sigortacılık sektörü hisse senetleri üzerinde etkisi olabilir mi? 2020 yılındaki İzmir depremi üzerine bir araştırma. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 37(2), 428-442.
  • Hatipoğlu, Ü., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2017). Türkiye’de arz ve talep açısından konut yatırım tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Bankacılar Dergisi, 100, 49-75.
  • Heyden, K. J., & Heyden, T. (2021). Market reactions to the arrival and containment of COVID-19: An event study. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101745.
  • Kırkağaç, M., & Karpuz, E. (2023). 2023 Kahramanmaraş depremlerinin BIST banka ve sigorta piyasasına etkisi üzerine bir olay çalışması analizi. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), 387-401.
  • Kızıl, C. (2023). Finansal performansın rasyo yöntemiyle analizi: İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren bir inşaat şirketi üzerine uygulama. Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(2), 386-409.
  • Kumari, V., Assaf, R., Moussa, F., & Pandey, D. K. (2023). Impacts of climate pact on global oil and gas sector stocks. Studies in Economics and Finance.
  • Li, T., Wang, L., Jia, F., Chen, L., & Meng, X. (2023). Do carbon neutrality initiatives affect the shareholder value of firms? Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 138115.
  • Malik, I. A., Faff, R. W., & Chan, K. F. (2020). Market response of US equities to domestic natural disasters: industry‐based evidence. Accounting & Finance, 60(4), 3875-3904.
  • Malik, I. A., Chowdhury, H., & Alam, M. S. (2023). Equity market response to natural disasters: Does firm’s corporate social responsibility make difference?. Global Finance Journal, 55, 100801.
  • Malkiel, B. G. (2005). Reflections on the efficient market hypothesis: 30 years later. Financial Review, 40(1), 1-9.
  • Maneenop, S., & Kotcharin, S. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 on the global airline industry: An event study approach. Journal Of Air Transport Management, 89, 101920.
  • Martins, A. M., & Cró, S. (2022). Airline stock markets reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak and vaccines: An event study. Journal of Air Transport Management, 105, 102281.
  • McWilliams, A., Siegel, D., & Teoh, S. H. (1999). Issues in the use of the event study methodology: A critical analysis of corporate social responsibility studies. Organizational Research Methods, 2(4), 340-365.
  • Mohammed, I. (2023). COVID-19 outbreak and performance of financial markets: evidence from the stock market, the foreign exchange market and cryptocurrencies market in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 15(1), 1-33.
  • Norden, L., & Weber, M. (2004). Informational efficiency of credit default swap and stock markets: The impact of credit rating announcements. Journal of Banking & Finance, 28(11), 2813-2843.
  • Pagnottoni, P., Spelta, A., Flori, A., & Pammolli, F. (2022). Climate change and financial stability: Natural disaster impacts on global stock markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 599, 127514.
  • Pamidimukkala, A., & Kermanshachi, S. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on field and office workforce in construction industry. Project Leadership and Society, 2, 100018.
  • Presidency of Strategy and Budget. (2023). Kahramanmaraş and Hatay earthquakes report 2023. Presidency of Strategy and Budget. Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • Robinson, C. J., & Bangwayo-Skeete, P. (2017). Semi-strong form market efficiency in stock markets with low levels of trading activity: evidence from stock price reaction to major national and international events. Global Business Review, 18(6), 1447-1464.
  • Rudkin, W., & Cai, C. X. (2023). Information content of sustainability index recomposition: A synthetic portfolio approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 88, 102676.
  • Say, S., & Doğan, M. (2023). Depremlerin hisse senedi getirileri üzerindeki etkisi: 2023 yılı Kahramanmaraş depremi örneği. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 12(1), 90-97.
  • Strong, N. (1992). Modelling abnormal returns: A review article. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 19(4), 533-553.
  • Takao, A., Yoshizawa, T., Hsu, S., & Yamasaki, T. (2013). The effect of the Great East Japan earthquake on the stock prices of non-life insurance companies. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 38, 449-468.
  • Tao, Z. (2014). Short-term economic effect of the M7. 0 Lushan Earthquake. Natural Hazards, 70, 1247-1261.
  • TCIP. (2023). Press Release on ‘17 Ağustos’un 24. Yıldönümü’ by the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (the TCIP). Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • Thukral, S., Singh, A. K., Ghosh, R., & Pant, M. M. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on stock markets: a case study of selected countries. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 15(5), 451-466.
  • TurkStat. (2023a), The Results of Address Based Population Registration System, 2022, Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023b), Labour Force Statistics, 2022, Retrieved on July 20, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023c). Yapı izin istatistikleri. Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • TurkStat. (2023d). Ulusal hesaplar. Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • Umar, M., Riaz, Y., & Yousaf, I. (2022). Impact of Russian-Ukraine war on clean energy, conventional energy, and metal markets: Evidence from event study approach. Resources Policy, 79, 102966.
  • Urak, E. (2016). Gayrimenkul yatırım ortaklıklarına sağlanan vergisel teşvikler. Mali Cözüm Dergisi, 26, 161.
  • Valizadeh, P., Karali, B., & Ferreira, S. (2017). Ripple effects of the 2011 Japan earthquake on international stock markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 556-576.
  • Varma, Y., Venkataramani, R., Kayal, P., & Maiti, M. (2021). Short-term impact of COVID-19 on Indian stock market. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(11), 558.
  • WHO (2023). Statement- Türkiye/Syria earthquakes, Retrieved on August 2, 2023 from
  • Xu, Y., Liu, W., He, T., & Tsai, S.-B. (2023). Buzzword or fuzzword: an event study of the metaverse in the Chinese stock market. Internet Research, 33(7).
  • Zhao, Z. Y., Hao, Y. X., Chang, R. D., & Wang, Q. C. (2023). Assessing the vulnerability of energy supply chains: Influencing factors and countermeasures. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 56, 103018.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Financial Economy
Journal Section Articles

Gülnaz Şengül Güneş 0000-0001-8961-9210

Tuğba Güneş 0000-0002-7472-1017

Sinan Güneş 0000-0001-7753-8333

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Acceptance Date October 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şengül Güneş, G., Güneş, T., & Güneş, S. (2023). THE IMPACT OF 2023 KAHRAMANMARAŞ EARTHQUAKES ON REAL ESTATE RELATED SECTORS: AN EVENT STUDY ANALYSIS. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(28), 789-811.

KAÜİİBFD, Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergi Yayıncılığı'nın kurumsal dergisidir.

2025 Haziran sayısı makale kabul ve değerlendirmeleri devam etmektedir.