BIV Şüpheci Argümanı ve Çağdaş Tepkiler
Year 2013,
Issue: 21 - Kaygı (21) 2013, 127 - 142, 15.10.2013
Fatih S. M. Öztürk
Mehmet Ali Sarı
BIV argümanı, dış dünya bilgisinin olanaksız olduğu sonucunu desteklemeye çalışan radikal bir şüpheci dedüksiyondur. Geçerli ve hatta son derece makul öncülleri olan bu çıkarıma, güvenilirliği noktasında yani öncüllerinin doğru olmadığı yönünde bir takım itirazlar yapılmıştır. BIV argümanınşüpheci sonucunun önünü kesmek için geliştirilen bu itirazlar çağdaş epistemolojide önemli bir yer tutar. Argümanın temel dayanaklarını hedef alan bu tepkiler, Moorecu anti-septisizm, yanılabilircilik, ilgili alternatif teorileri ve bağlamcılık başlıkları altında toplanabilir. Fakat ne var ki bilginin imkanı problemi hakkındaki bu tartışmalar Türkçe literatürde yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu makalenin temel amacı, literatürdeki söz konusu bu boşluğu az da olsa doldurmayı denemektir.
- BRUECKNER, Anthony (1985) “Skepticism and Epistemic Closure”, Philosophical Topics, 13/1985: 89-117.
- COHEN, Steward (1999) “Contextualism, Scepticism and the Structure of Reasons”, Philosophical Perspectives, 13/1999: 57-89.
- COHEN, Steward (2005) “Contextualism Defended”, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, ed. by Matthias Steup & Ernest Sosa, Blackwell.
- DANCY, Jonathan (1985) Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
- RENE, Descartes (1984) The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vol. II, ed. J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoft & D. Murdoch, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- DRETSKE, Fred (1970) “Epistemic Operators”, The Journal of Philosophy, 67/1970: 107-23.
- DeROSE, Keith (1995) “Solving the Skeptical Problem”, The Philosophical Review, 104/1995: 1-52.
- DeROSE, Keith (1999) “Introduction: Responding to Scepticism”, Scepticism: A Contemporary Reading, ed. DeRose, KandWarfield, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- FELDMAN, Fred (1986) A Cartesian Introduction to Epistemology, New York: McGrawHill.
- GOLDMAN, Alvin (1986) Epistemology and Cognition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- HOWTHORNE, John (2005) “The Case for Closure”, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, ed. Matthias Steup & Ernest Sosa, Blackwell.
- LEWIS, David (1996) “Elusive Knowledge”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 74/1996: 549-67.
- MOORE, G. E. (1959) Philosophical Papers, Londan: Allen and Unwin.
- NOZICK, Robert (1981) Philosophical Explanations, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- POLLOCK, John (1986) Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Litlefield.
- PRITCHARD, Duncan (2006) What is This Thing Called Knowledge, Abingdon: Routledge.
- PUTNAM, Hilary (1981) Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- STEUP, Matthias (2006) “Epistemology in the 20thCentury”, Routledge Companion to 20th Century Philosophy, ed. Dermont Moran, New York: Routledge.
- STINE, Gail (1975) “Skepticism, Relevant Alternatives, and Deductive Closure”, Philosophical Studies, 29/1975: 249-61.
Year 2013,
Issue: 21 - Kaygı (21) 2013, 127 - 142, 15.10.2013
Fatih S. M. Öztürk
Mehmet Ali Sarı
- BRUECKNER, Anthony (1985) “Skepticism and Epistemic Closure”, Philosophical Topics, 13/1985: 89-117.
- COHEN, Steward (1999) “Contextualism, Scepticism and the Structure of Reasons”, Philosophical Perspectives, 13/1999: 57-89.
- COHEN, Steward (2005) “Contextualism Defended”, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, ed. by Matthias Steup & Ernest Sosa, Blackwell.
- DANCY, Jonathan (1985) Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
- RENE, Descartes (1984) The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vol. II, ed. J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoft & D. Murdoch, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- DRETSKE, Fred (1970) “Epistemic Operators”, The Journal of Philosophy, 67/1970: 107-23.
- DeROSE, Keith (1995) “Solving the Skeptical Problem”, The Philosophical Review, 104/1995: 1-52.
- DeROSE, Keith (1999) “Introduction: Responding to Scepticism”, Scepticism: A Contemporary Reading, ed. DeRose, KandWarfield, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- FELDMAN, Fred (1986) A Cartesian Introduction to Epistemology, New York: McGrawHill.
- GOLDMAN, Alvin (1986) Epistemology and Cognition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- HOWTHORNE, John (2005) “The Case for Closure”, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, ed. Matthias Steup & Ernest Sosa, Blackwell.
- LEWIS, David (1996) “Elusive Knowledge”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 74/1996: 549-67.
- MOORE, G. E. (1959) Philosophical Papers, Londan: Allen and Unwin.
- NOZICK, Robert (1981) Philosophical Explanations, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- POLLOCK, John (1986) Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Litlefield.
- PRITCHARD, Duncan (2006) What is This Thing Called Knowledge, Abingdon: Routledge.
- PUTNAM, Hilary (1981) Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- STEUP, Matthias (2006) “Epistemology in the 20thCentury”, Routledge Companion to 20th Century Philosophy, ed. Dermont Moran, New York: Routledge.
- STINE, Gail (1975) “Skepticism, Relevant Alternatives, and Deductive Closure”, Philosophical Studies, 29/1975: 249-61.