Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 3/20/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

“Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy” (in short, “Kaygı”) is an international peer-reviewed journal published biannually with the support of Uludağ University. It is prepared by the Department of Philosophy of Bursa Uludağ University with contributions by academics from other universities. Its e-ISSN number is 2645-8950. The aim of journal is to provide an academic discussion forum streaming toward the future in order to rethink the actual problems of the current age with a deepening on essential problems and solution proposals considered and deliberated intellectually from past to present within the field of philosophy via internalizing related historical background.

Kaygı promotes interdisciplinary cooperation and in this regard features studies in contemporary philosophy, history of philosophy, ethics, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science and related topics as well as cultural studies, aesthetics, cognitive sciences, and humanities & social sciences in the most comprehensive sense. Its aim is to establish a common platform for debate by remaining open to diverse philosophical and scientific approaches, movements, schools and styles. 

Please send your articles via using "DergiPark" system.

To be published in Kaygı, articles need to be related to fields of social sciences and humanities with philosophical and theoretical content. Both research articles and book reviews are published so long as they meet academic and scientific criteria.

Page Setup
• The pages need to be in A4 format, with 3 cm margins on both left and right sides, and 4 cm margins on the top and bottom of the page.

First Page
• Information about the author(s) is to be given, aligned left and in separate lines, in following order: Author’s title, first name and surname, institution, ORCID info, and e-mail address.
• The title of the work should be written in upper case and bold, in Times New Roman with 12 pt. font size, center aligned.
• The abstract should be 150-250 words and should reflect the essence of the article. It should be written without paragraphs or indentations, with justified alignment, in Times New Roman with 10 pt. font size and single line spacing. The abstract should not involve any quotations, references, figures or tables
• Keywords section should be just below the abstract, comprising at least five and at most seven keywords. It should be written without paragraphs or indentations, with justified alignment, in Times New Roman with 10 pt. font size and single line spacing.

Works submitted in Turkish must include an “Abstract” and “Keywords” in both English and Turkish; and should be prepared in accordance with the “Writing Rules” of the journal. Turkish works should also include an “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” in addition to the English "Abstract" in order to facilitate international circulation of the text. “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” should be approximately 25% of the Turkish text; it should include subheadings and citations, as in the Turkish text. In the “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” the author(s) is expected to mirror the structure of argumentation of the original Turkish text as clearly and closely as possible. This part should be appended to the text before the “Bibliography” [Note: The “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” must be sent after the work is approved for publication by the Editorial Board as a result of the peer-review process. Proofreading etc. are the author’s responsibility. Articles that are inadequate in terms of language are not published until the language is improved].


BOOKS (including translations)
Books with a single author (in bibliography)
  • Demir, Ö. (2000). Bilim Felsefesi (2. Basım). Ankara: Vadi Yayınları.
  • West, D. (1998). Kıta Avrupası Felsefesine Giriş (çev. A. Cevizci). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Carnap, R. (1995). The Unity of Science (trans. by M. Black). Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
Books with a single author (when referencing)
Demir 2000: 35

Books with two authors (in bibliography)
  • Kabaağaç, S. ve Alova, E. (1999). Latince-Türkçe Sözlük. İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
  • Mallory, J. P. & Adams, D. Q. (2006). The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Books with two authors (when referencing)
Kabaağaç ve Alova 1999: 77
Mallory & Adams 2006: 115

Books with more than two authors (in bibliography)
  • Gökdoğan, M. D., Topdemir, H. G., Unat, Y. ve Demir, R. (2002). Bilim Tarihi Kılavuzu: Buluşlar ve Yapıtlar. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kirk, G. S., Raven, J. E. & Schofield, M. (1983). The Presocratic Philosophers. A Critical History with a Selection of Texts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Books with more than two authors (when referencing)
Gökdoğan vd. 2002: 126
Kirk et al. 1983: 235

Books by institutional authors (in bibliography)
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (2005). Türkçe Sözlük. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
Books by institutional authors (when referencing)
Türkçe Sözlük 2005: 115

Book chapters (Including chapters in anthologies and translated works, encyclopedia articles, published conference papers etc.) - In bibliography
  • Kuçuradi, I. (1999). Değer, Değerler ve Yazın. Sanata Felsefeyle Bakmak (ss. 92-113). Ankara: Ayraç Yayınevi.
  • Carnap, R. (2013). Metafiziğin Dilin Mantıksal Analiziyle Aşılması (çev. Z. Özcan). Viyana Çevresi Üzerine: Felsefede Son Büyük Dönemeç (derl. Zeki Özcan, ss. 123-152). Ankara: Birleşik Yayınevi.
  • Carnap, R. (1966). The Old and the New Logic (trans. by I. Levi). Logical Positivism (ed. A. J. Ayer, pp. 113-146). New York: The Free Press.
  • Akkaş, S. Ö. (2004). Francis Bacon. Felsefe Ansiklopedisi – Cilt 2 (ed. Ahmet Cevizci, ss. 8-17). İstanbul: Etik Yayınları.
  • Alkan, N. (2014). Osmanlı'da Modernleşme, Modern Siyasal Düşünceler ve Türk Milliyetçiliği. Uluslararası Katılımlı Osmanlı Bilim ve Düşünce Tarihi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (ed. M. F. Gökçek, ss. 712-722). Ankara: Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Yayınları.
When referencing
Kuçuradi 1999: 34

ARTICLES (Including translations, articles in anthologies etc.) - In bibliography
  • Aygün, Ö. (2021). Yaygın Zenon Okumasının Bir Eleştirisi. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 20 (1), 1-24. DOI: 10.20981/kaygi.884375.
  • Friedman, M. (2002). Kant, Kuhn, and the Rationality of Science. Philosophy of Science, 69 (2), 171-190.
  • Carnap, R. (1987). On Protocol Sentences (trans. R. Creath & R. Nollan). Nous, 21 (4), 457-470.
  • Iltar, E ve Akçoru, R. (2021). Dinin Bilimsel Çalışmalara Etkisi: Ortaçağ astronomisi (VI. YY – XIII. YY) Örneği. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 20 (1), 239-263. DOI: 10.20981/kaygi.889670.
When referencing
Aygün 2021: 17
Iltar ve Akçoru 2021: 245

THESES - In bibliography
  • Kovanlıkaya, A. (2002). A Critical Approach to Kant’s Conception of Experience in View of Leibniz’s Ontology [Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi]. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
When referencing
Kovanlıkaya 2002: 78

ONLINE SOURCES - In bibliography
  • NİSAN, Fatma (2014). “Entelektüel Sorumluluğu Vicdanda Taşımak", Accessed on 04.02.2014, (http://haber.gumushane.edu.tr/90/yazarlar/entelektuel-sorumlulugu-vicdanda-tasimak-.html).
When referencing
Nisan 2014

1. “Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy” (e-ISSN: 2645-8950), “Kaygı” in short, is published biannually in “March” and “September.”
2. To be submitted, articles need to be related to fields of social sciences and humanities with philosophical and theoretical content.
3. Research articles and book reviews are published so long as they meet academic and scientific criteria.
4. Articles in Turkish and English are accepted (acceptance of other languages depends on the decision of the “Board of Editors”). The submitted articles must not have not been previously published in another journal, submitted for publication or accepted for publication.
5. Works submitted in Turkish must include an “Abstract” and “Keywords” in both English and Turkish; and should be prepared in accordance with the “Writing Rules” of the journal. Turkish works should also include an “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” in addition to the English "Abstract" in order to facilitate international circulation of the text. “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” should be approximately 25% of the Turkish text; it should include subheadings and citations, as in the Turkish text. In the “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” the author(s) is expected to mirror the structure of argumentation of the original Turkish text as clearly and closely as possible. This part should be appended to the text before the “Bibliography” [Note: The “Extended English Abstract (Summary)” must be sent after the work is approved for publication by the Editorial Board as a result of the peer-review process. Proofreading etc. are the author’s responsibility. Articles that are inadequate in terms of language are not published until the language is improved].
6. As a first step, all submitted articles are reviewed by the “Board of Editors” in terms of content, academic originality, contribution to the field, spelling, and similar aspects. Then the peer review stage starts for those that qualify, as a double-blind peer reviewing process. To be admitted to publishing, both referees who review the article have to give unanimous approval. In the case of only one referee approving the publication, the article is sent to a third referee. Then, taking into consideration of this third review, the “Board of Editors” decides whether to publish or reject the article.
7. After due processes, the “Board of Editors” decide whether to publish the article (as it is submitted, or after some adjustments) or not, and the author(s) are informed about this decision. When adjustments are required, the new version of the article has to be submitted within a month.
8. The legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs entirely to the author(s) and the views and opinions expressed in the articles do not reflect the opinions or position of “Uludağ University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy” or the “Editorial Board.”
9. No royalties are paid to the author(s) for published articles. In this respect, the copyrights of published work are deemed to have been transferred to Kaygı, regardless of there being an open statement or not [This also means that the authors have accepted the Open Journal Systems (OJS) regulations of Tübitak DergiPark].
10. A “Copyright Agreement” with the authors is concluded before the editorial review process begins. The process starts once the author approves the agreement and informs the editors of this approval.
11. Provided that the source is indicated, quotations can be made from the works published in the journal.

Ethical duties and responsibilities below are composed taking open-access guidelines and policies published by “Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)” into consideration (https://publicationethics.org).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Author(s) who submit their work to Kaygı are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
1. The author(s) should not send to Kaygı articles they have published elsewhere, or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. The author(s) should send to Kaygı articles with original content within the fields specified by the journal.
3. The names of people who have not contributed to the article should not be given as authors. After the submission, no demands should be made about changing the order of authors, or removing or adding authors.
4. People who have a conflict of interest or a parallel interest concerning the submitted article should notify the editors.
5. The author(s) must avoid actions deemed unethical such as plagiarism, multiple publishing, split publishing, biased source, biased publication, and any kind of unethical behavior.
6. When writing the candidate article, the author(s) must cite properly in accordance with the referencing rules specified by the journal and with ethical principles.
7. Unpublished or unpresented studies should not be cited as references.
8. If, during the review process, information or raw data is requested from the author(s) about their articles, the requested information should be submitted to the editors.
9. If the author(s) notice an error in their articles in reviewing or early viewing stages, or after the article is electronically published, they should contact the editor to inform, and should correct or retract their articles.
10. Author(s) must certify that they have the rights to use the relevant data in their articles, the permissions for relevant research and analysis, and the approval of the participants of their research.
11. The author(s) should present evidence in the article, that they have been attentive to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use their documents such as scales, questionnaires, and photographs). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was carried out on human or animal subjects, it should be declared that the research was carried out in accordance with international proclamations, guidelines, etc.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
1. Referees should only agree to review articles related to their area of expertise.
2. Referees should be unbiased when reviewing the article and respect confidentiality. In accordance with this confidentiality principle, they should not keep the articles they have reviewed after the process, but should only use them after they are published?. Nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, or commercial concerns should not disrupt the neutrality of the reviewing process.
3. If the referees come to see that there arises a conflict of interest or parallel interest, they should refrain from reviewing the article and inform the editors.
4. Referees should write the review report in accordance with academic etiquette and in a constructive language; they should avoid insults and hostile parlance.
5. The referees should review the article in due time.
6. Referees are required to fill in the "Referee Review Form" for the articles they have reviewed. They are to indicate their approval or rejection as well as the reasons for their decision in this form.
7. Referees must provide clear and detailed reasons for candidate articles they opt to reject.
8. Referees are required to finalize their reviews within the time given to them and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities stated here.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors and Assistant Editors
1. The editor is obliged to make an effort to increase the quality of the journal and to contribute to its development.
2. Editors are obliged to implement the "Double-Blind Refereeing and Reviewing Process" policies when determining the publishing policies for the journal. In this regard, editors make sure that each work is reviewed in a fair, unbiased, and timely process.
3. Editors are responsible for publishing articles in accordance with the journal’s publication policies and international standards.
4. Editors should pre-review the articles submitted to the journal in terms of journal’s writing guidelines, and the significance and originality of the study. If they decide to reject the article during this pre-reviewing process, they should inform the authors about their reasons in a clear and unbiased manner. In this process, if the editor decides that the article should be revised in terms of grammar, punctuation and/or spelling rules (such as margins, proper referencing, etc.), the authors should be informed about this and given time to make necessary corrections.
5. Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of any violation thereof.
6. Editors should be respectful to the protection of human and animal rights in the reviewed studies and show maximum sensitivity concerning this issue. Their responsibility dictates that they reject the works for which ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies or permission for experimental research is lacking.
7. Editors should maintain their personal relationships in a transparent and objective manner, provided that they do not discriminate between any authors or referees.
8. In accordance with journal regulations, editors reject reviews that are non-scientific or do not comply with academic etiquette.
9. Editors take necessary precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, they investigate objectively and share their findings.
10. Editors should be in efficient communication with parties involved in the publication process and hold meetings at regular intervals.
11. Editors should constantly renew and expand the list of referees taking the expertise of the referees into consideration.
12. Editors should not abuse their status for their personal or academic interests.

Unethical Situations
If you encounter any unethical conduct or content in Kaygı, be it within the scope of the ethical responsibilities mentioned above or in any other regard, please inform us at “kaygi@uludag.edu.tr”.

“Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy” (in short, “Kaygı”) is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal published biannually with the support of Uludağ University. It is prepared by the Department of Philosophy of Bursa Uludağ University with contributions by academics from other universities.

1. Journal’s Scope of Content
A. The submitted articles need to be related to fields of social sciences and humanities with philosophical and theoretical content. “Research Articles” and “Book Reviews” are published so long as they meet academic and scientific criteria.
B. Articles in Turkish and English can be submitted (acceptance of other languages depends on the decision of the Board of Editors). The submitted articles must not have not been previously published in another journal, submitted for publication or accepted for publication.

2. Reviewing Process
The works uploaded to the system should not contain any personal information about the author. The articles submitted by the authors are first reviewed by our editors. At this stage, the writing style and content of the article are evaluated by the editors. The editors return to the authors articles that do not comply with the principles stated in the "Writing Guidelines" section. For articles that are found to comply with journal's publication principles and writing guidelines, the peer review process is initiated. Double-blind peer review system is applied for works that fall into "research article" category. These works that comply with the "publication principles" are reviewed by two referees. In order for such a work to be accepted for publication, unanimous approval of both referees is required. If only one of the referees give an approval, the work is sent to a third referee. The Board of Editors decides whether to accept or reject the work taking the review from the third referee into consideration. Whether or not "research articles" and "book reviews" that comply with the "publication principles" will be published depends on the reports of at least two members of the Publication Board. As in accordance with double-blind reviewing process, referees and authors are not informed about each other's information such as name, title and institution. Referees are required to read & review the article within four weeks. If complications arise within this process, new referees are appointed and the authors are informed about the problems. The review reports of the referees are passed on to the authors without specifying the name, title and institution of the referees, and the authors are asked to make the necessary adjustments. If these adjustments are made, the articles are resent to the referees if they opted to review it again. If the referees do not want to reevaluate, the article is transferred for the final check before publication. After the final check, the article is made ready for publication and published in the next issue. We declare and guarantee that the authors will be informed clearly about each and every step of this process concerning their articles.

3. Copyrights
Before the review process begins, a "copyright agreement" prepared by the owner of the journal is communicated to the authors. Once this contract is approved by the authors, the review process of the work in question begins.

4. Similarity Report
Plagiarism evaluation of submitted works is carried through via “Turnitin.”

5. Ownership Rights
Royalties of “Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi” belong to the owner of the journal, Prof. Kadir Çüçen.

6. Publication Frequency
Kaygı is published biannually, in March and September.

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e-ISSN: 2645-8950