Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 6/30/23

Year: 2023

Kocatepe Journal of Humanities accepts original research articles, translations, introductions (for books, articles, dissertations, projects, symposiums and conferences), critical text studies, simplified reports and similar scientific studies in the field of Social and Human Sciences for publication. The Editorial Board is free to publish or not publish the studies submitted to the journal. It aims to publish scientific and original studies prepared in English as well as in Turkish. Kocatepe Journal of Humanities will be published as an e-journal at http://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/kbbd biannually as 'June' and 'December'. The journal aims to provide a national and international academic platform to meet the professional interests of researchers in different disciplines in the field of social sciences. The target group of the journal consists of academicians, researchers and related professional and academic institutions and organizations. 

Kocatepe Journal of Humanities is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles, compilations and translations covering original research that contributes to the field of social sciences. Articles in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities can be published in Turkish, English, German, French, Arabic, Russian and contemporary Turkish dialects. Introductions and criticisms of prominent books and theses will be published in each issue of the journal in addition to original articles. Kocatepe Journal of Humanities will be able to publish the issues it deems necessary as "special issues". Kocatepe Journal of Humanities implements at least two peer-reviewed evaluation processes. The revision requested by the referees and the editor in the submitted articles should be made within 20 days and the latest version of the article should be uploaded to the journal system. If the content and format of the articles submitted to the journal are not appropriate, they may be rejected by the editorial board.

General Conditions
Article Writing Template (Click to download)
Download the template file of your article and upload it to the system in accordance with the template and spelling rules without typing the author's name(s). Otherwise, the editorial process of your article will not be started. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal format will not be evaluated by the Editorial Board and will be returned to the article author.
The technical dimensions of the articles to be published in the Kocatepe Journal of Humanities are as follows.
Care should be taken to prepare the manuscripts according to these dimensions.
1. The article should have a Turkish and English title, a Turkish and English abstract of at most 150 words, and keywords of at least five words. This order should be followed in the article.
2. At the end of the article, a wide English summary of at least 700 words, in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing should be added. This summary should be of a nature that gives information about the entire article.
3. The abstract should be 8 points. The text should be written in 11 font size, 1 line spacing and Times New Roman.
4. If a different font is to be used due to the nature of the text, this font should be sent separately.
5. The article should be uploaded to the system as an MS WORD file (latest version).
6. The APA (method) system should be used in the article and the footnote system should be used only where explanation is required.
7. Footnotes should be in 10 pt, 1.0 line spacing and 0 pt paragraph spacing.
8. The page and paragraph sizes of the articles are as follows; upper 3 cm, lower 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm; paragraph spacing is 6 pt, paragraph indent is 3 cm.
9. If the direct quotations in the article are more than 40 words, they should be written in 10 font size and 1.5 cm from the left and right according to the normal text.
10. The writing of the sources in the article should be as follows: The Book in the Bibliography: Gülsevin, G. (2002). Dialects of Uşak Province, Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.
In the Text: (Gülsevin, 2002: 23) Article References: Boz, E. (2020). The Semantic Appearance of Proper Names According to Philosophers of Language. Journal of Turkish Language, Language and Literature, 821, 36-46.
In the Text: (Boz, 2020: 36-46) In the Thesis Bibliography: Akın, C. (2010). Hüseyin Karasayev's 'Kamus Naama' and Sound Changes in Contemporary Kyrgyz Turkish Words, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, İzmir, Ege University Institute of Social Sciences. In the Text: (Akın, 2010: 38) Internet resources In the bibliography: UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage list. Retrieved from the UNESCO website on 10 November 2015 at http://whc.unesco.org/en/list. In Text: (UNESCO, 2013)
11. Number and name (explanation) should be given for the tables, maps, diagrams and visuals in the article and they should be written in 11 points, aligned to the left at the top. The table should be in 10 pt, 1.0 line spacing and 0 pt paragraph spacing. Citations must be specified. (If the table is a quote, the source should be cited at the bottom of the table, aligned to the left.)
12. Turkish Language Institution Spelling Guide should be used for abbreviations in the articles.
13. Manuscripts sent without complying with the writing principles will not be evaluated in any way.
14. For translations to be published in the Kocatepe Journal of Humanities, permission from the authors and the original of the translation text must be sent.rticles whose peer-review process has been completed,. Articles will not be published without this reports. In the similarity reports, the upper limit (excluding bibliography) was determined as 30%, taking into account the types of articles in different fields. Articles with similarity above 30% will be rejected even if the process is completed.
15. It has the right to publish or not publish the articles sent to Kocatepe Humanities Journal. The authority in this regard rests with the management of the journal. In addition, if necessary, corrections can be made on the texts.
16. Articles published in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities cannot be reproduced in any way or republished elsewhere without the permission of the management.
17. All processes of the articles sent to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities are done through the Article Tracking System. For this, authors must be a member of the system.
18. Each article published in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities is given a DOI number.
19. In order for the articles sent to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities to be published, it is obligatory for the authors to submit their ORCID numbers. In addition, the academic title, institution and e-mail address of the author should be reported after the referee process.
20. Authors are required to analyze their articles uploaded to the system with similarity programs and upload this report, signed copyright transfer form and ethical declaration forum to the system.
Click here for the copyright form.
Click here for the ethical declaration form.
21. For articles whose peer-review process has been completed, a similarity report is requested by using a plagiarism scanning program before publication. Articles of authors who do not submit this report will not be published. In the similarity reports, the upper limit (excluding bibliography) was determined as 30%, taking into account the types of articles in different fields. Articles with similarity above this value will be rejected even if the process is completed.

The article should be at a level that will contribute to the field and should be original.
If the article is written by more than one author, the ranking should be according to the contribution.
The plagiarism in the articles belongs to the author(s).
Articles should not have been submitted to another journal at the same time.
The author(s) are deemed to have accepted the publication and writing principles of this journal in advance.
The citation and bibliography responsibility in the articles belong to the author(s).
Referees should act objectively to determine the scientific level of the article to be published in the journal.
The referees should evaluate the articles in their field of expertise, accept blind refereeing conditions and never carry the article details outside.
Referees should be objective in their evaluation of articles, even if they are outside their own scientific views.
Referees should not use a disparaging or derogatory style in their reports.
Referees should not use general and circumstantial expressions in their reports.
Reviewers must comply with the report deadline, otherwise contact the editor.
Editors should accept the articles according to the publication policy of the journal and initiate the referee process.
Editors should be objective in the peer review process.
Editors have responsibility and authority for the publication of articles.
Editors must abide by the principle of confidentiality in their correspondence with both the author(s) and the referees.
Editors are responsible for scanning articles to be published in the journal in plagiarism programs.
Editors are responsible for starting the processes of the articles sent to the journal as soon as possible and following the process.
Editors should not involve any person boards who did not contribute to the publication of the journal.

Publication Principles
Kocatepe Journal of Humanities aims to contribute to the knowledge in the field of social sciences by publishing internationally scientific studies.
Kocatepe Journal of Humanities is an international peer-reviewed journal published biannually (June and December).
Articles in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities can be published in Turkish, English, German, French, Arabic, Russian and contemporary Turkish dialects.
The articles to be published in the journal should primarily be original and academic studies prepared using research methods suitable for their field. Studies submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
The ethical, legal and scientific responsibilities of the articles sent and published in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities belong to the author(s). This situation does not impose any responsibility on the board of the journal.
The 'number and date' of the relevant documents of the articles sent to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities and requiring ethics committee approval should be stated in the footnote.
Evaluation of Publications
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities are taken into the refereeing process after passing the editor's control. Manuscripts that do not pass the editorial control are not sent to the referee and the process is terminated. Manuscripts are not returned to the author, but the author is informed about the result.
Submitted articles are first examined in terms of form. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication and writing principles are returned to the author for necessary corrections without being subjected to content review.
Unpublished articles are kept in the journal archive.
Manuscripts included in the refereeing process in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities are sent to two referees who are experts in the subject after preliminary examination, and the articles that receive a positive report from both referees are put in the order of publication. When there are positive and negative referee reports for the same article, the article is either rejected by the editor or supported by another referee report, and an acceptance or rejection decision is made. Referee reports are kept for five years.
Since the articles uploaded to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities through the system are directed to the referee without intervention, there should be no information that would reveal the identity of the author(s) both in the article and in the file name.
The names of the number referees are included in the relevant issue of the journal.
The author(s) who submit an article to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities are deemed to have accepted the principles listed above.
Copyright is not paid for the articles published in Kocatepe Journal of Humanities.
All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to Kocatepe Journal of Humanities.
The decision authority on matters not mentioned here belongs to the editors.

According to the TR Index 2020 criteria, while studies that require ethics committee approval should be submitted to our journal, the relevant committee decision should be uploaded in pdf format. Ethical responsibility statement will be included in the articles sent in 2019 and previous years and in all articles that do not require an ethics committee decision. As of 2020, the authors are expected to upload this statement in pdf format while uploading the article to the system. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about signing the consent form should be included in the article. The article to be sent is a survey and interview-interview with any person/group/community, observation, applying a test in the computer environment, video/film recording, sound recording, making the participants use alcohol, drugs or any other chemical substance, high-level stimulation (light , sound) exposure, exposure to radioactive material, etc. “Ethics Committee Decision” must be taken. Otherwise, the articles will not be accepted.

Kocatepe Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, Berlin Deklarasyonu uyarınca açık erişimli bir dergidir. Tüm makaleler kişisel, eğitimle ilgili ve bilimsel amaçlarla ücretsiz olarak indirilebilir.

Makale kabulü ve yayını için yazarlardan herhangi bir ücret talep edilmemektedir.