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Year 2016, , 92 - 102, 23.06.2016


Çağrışım ve düzanlam anlam bilimin önemli iki ana başlıklarıdır. Sözcüklerin çağrışımsal manaları sözde farklandırma teknikleri uygulayarak incelenebilirler. Bu da bize sözcüklerin duygusal manalarının yanısıra metaforik manalarını da tanımlamamızı ve onlar hakkında fikir yürütmemizi sağlar. Bu araştırmada, ''mum'', ''mother'', ''home'', ''house'', ''man'', ve ''person'' sözcüklerinin bu türden manaları çalışıldı. Zıt manalı sıfatlardan oluşan yedili likert ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Anket Saraybosna Üniversitesinde 21'inin erkek, 55'inin de kızların olduğu 76 öğrenci üzerinde uygulanmıştır. ''mum'' sözcüğü ''mother'' ile karşılaştırıldığında kulağa ''daha genç, güçlü, güzel ve samimi'' gelmektedir. ''Home''sözcüğü ''house'' ile karşılaştırıldığında ''daha sıcak, yumuşak, aktif, güzel, yakın ve belirgin anlaşılmaktadır. Çağrışımsal manalar göztergebilim ve anlambilimin ilginç konularıdır.


  • BARTHES, R., LAVERS, A., SMITH, C. (1967). Elements of Semiology. New York: Hill and Wang, 111 pp.
  • CRYSTAL, D. (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 480 pp.
  • GARGANTE, A. B., MENESES, J., MONEREO, C. (2013). Affective dimension of university professors about their teaching: An exploration through the semantic differential technique. Univ. Psychol., 13(1), pp. 161-173.
  • GARLAND, R. (1990). A comparison of three forms of the semantic differential. Marketing Bulletin, 1, pp. 19-24.
  • HAVELKA, N., KUZMANOVIC, B., POPADIC, D. (2008). Metode i tehnike socijalnopsiholoških istraživanja [Methods and techniques of the sociopsychological studies]. Beograd: CPP, 256 pp.
  • KELLER, B., KLEIN, C., SWHAJOR, A., SILVER, C.F., HOOD, R.W., STREIB, H. (2013). The semantics of "spirituality" and related self-identifications: A comparative study in Germany and the USA. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 35(1), pp. 71–100.
  • LARSON, M. L. (1984). Meaning-Based Translation. Landham, Maryland: University Press of America, 537 pp.
  • NORBERGH, K. G., HELIN, Y., DAHL, A., HELLZEN, O., ASPLUND, K. (2006). Nurses' attitudes towards people with dementia: The semantic differential technique. Nursing Ethics, 13(3), pp. 264-274.
  • OSGOOD, C. E., SUCI, G. J., TANNENBAUM, P. H. (1957). The measurement of meaning. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 342 pp.
  • SNIDER, J. G., OSGOOD, C. E. (1969). S emantic differential technique: A sourcebook. Chicago: Aldine, 681 pp.
  • STERNBERG, R. (2012). Cognitive psychology (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 640 pp.
  • WEED, K., NICHOLSON, J. S. (2014). Differential social evaluation of pregnant teens, teen mothers and teen fathers by university students. Int J Adolesc Youth, 20, pp. 1-16.


Year 2016, , 92 - 102, 23.06.2016


Connotation and denotation are two important topics in semantics. Connotation of words can be examined by applying so-called semantic differential technique. It can help us to describe and estimate metaphorical as well as emotional meanings of words. In this study, we estimated the meaning of the following words: ''mum'', ''mother'', ''home'', ''house'', ''man'', and ''person''. We used a seven-point Likert scale, with ten pairs of opposites (adjectives). This scale was distributed among 76 students at the University of Sarajevo, where 21 of them were males and 55 were females. Our results pointed out the three following things. First, the word ''mum'' compared to the word ''mother'' sounds ''younger'', more ''active'', ''stronger'', more ''beautiful'', and ''closer''. The word ''home'' compared to the word ''house'' was somehow ''hotter'', ''softer'', more ''active'', more 'beautiful'', ''closer'', and more ''clear''. Connotative meanings seem to be a very interesting subject of semiotics/semantics. 


  • BARTHES, R., LAVERS, A., SMITH, C. (1967). Elements of Semiology. New York: Hill and Wang, 111 pp.
  • CRYSTAL, D. (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 480 pp.
  • GARGANTE, A. B., MENESES, J., MONEREO, C. (2013). Affective dimension of university professors about their teaching: An exploration through the semantic differential technique. Univ. Psychol., 13(1), pp. 161-173.
  • GARLAND, R. (1990). A comparison of three forms of the semantic differential. Marketing Bulletin, 1, pp. 19-24.
  • HAVELKA, N., KUZMANOVIC, B., POPADIC, D. (2008). Metode i tehnike socijalnopsiholoških istraživanja [Methods and techniques of the sociopsychological studies]. Beograd: CPP, 256 pp.
  • KELLER, B., KLEIN, C., SWHAJOR, A., SILVER, C.F., HOOD, R.W., STREIB, H. (2013). The semantics of "spirituality" and related self-identifications: A comparative study in Germany and the USA. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 35(1), pp. 71–100.
  • LARSON, M. L. (1984). Meaning-Based Translation. Landham, Maryland: University Press of America, 537 pp.
  • NORBERGH, K. G., HELIN, Y., DAHL, A., HELLZEN, O., ASPLUND, K. (2006). Nurses' attitudes towards people with dementia: The semantic differential technique. Nursing Ethics, 13(3), pp. 264-274.
  • OSGOOD, C. E., SUCI, G. J., TANNENBAUM, P. H. (1957). The measurement of meaning. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 342 pp.
  • SNIDER, J. G., OSGOOD, C. E. (1969). S emantic differential technique: A sourcebook. Chicago: Aldine, 681 pp.
  • STERNBERG, R. (2012). Cognitive psychology (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 640 pp.
  • WEED, K., NICHOLSON, J. S. (2014). Differential social evaluation of pregnant teens, teen mothers and teen fathers by university students. Int J Adolesc Youth, 20, pp. 1-16.


Year 2016, , 92 - 102, 23.06.2016


Ассоциативное  прямое значение являються двумя важными понятиями в языкознании. Ассоциативные значения слов в словарях когут исследоваться при помощи методов, способствующих различению слов. Это дает возможность нам размышлять об эмоциональных смысловых наряду с метафорическими значениями слова, даннями в соварных статьях. В этом исследовании рассмотрены и раскрыты значений слов «mum», «mother», «home», «house», «man», «person», данных в разных словарях. Использована  шкала Лайкерта из семи прилагательных  с антонимичными парами. Анкетирование проводилось  в Сарайбосна университете. В нем приняли участие 21 респондентов-мужчин, 55 респондентов-женщин, всего – 76 студентов.  

Анализ анкет показал различное понимание и объяснение смыслов сравниваемых слов. В итоге мы убедились в том, что ассоциативные значения слов в контексте внешних и внутренних пониманий являются очень интересной темой. 


  • BARTHES, R., LAVERS, A., SMITH, C. (1967). Elements of Semiology. New York: Hill and Wang, 111 pp.
  • CRYSTAL, D. (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 480 pp.
  • GARGANTE, A. B., MENESES, J., MONEREO, C. (2013). Affective dimension of university professors about their teaching: An exploration through the semantic differential technique. Univ. Psychol., 13(1), pp. 161-173.
  • GARLAND, R. (1990). A comparison of three forms of the semantic differential. Marketing Bulletin, 1, pp. 19-24.
  • HAVELKA, N., KUZMANOVIC, B., POPADIC, D. (2008). Metode i tehnike socijalnopsiholoških istraživanja [Methods and techniques of the sociopsychological studies]. Beograd: CPP, 256 pp.
  • KELLER, B., KLEIN, C., SWHAJOR, A., SILVER, C.F., HOOD, R.W., STREIB, H. (2013). The semantics of "spirituality" and related self-identifications: A comparative study in Germany and the USA. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 35(1), pp. 71–100.
  • LARSON, M. L. (1984). Meaning-Based Translation. Landham, Maryland: University Press of America, 537 pp.
  • NORBERGH, K. G., HELIN, Y., DAHL, A., HELLZEN, O., ASPLUND, K. (2006). Nurses' attitudes towards people with dementia: The semantic differential technique. Nursing Ethics, 13(3), pp. 264-274.
  • OSGOOD, C. E., SUCI, G. J., TANNENBAUM, P. H. (1957). The measurement of meaning. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 342 pp.
  • SNIDER, J. G., OSGOOD, C. E. (1969). S emantic differential technique: A sourcebook. Chicago: Aldine, 681 pp.
  • STERNBERG, R. (2012). Cognitive psychology (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 640 pp.
  • WEED, K., NICHOLSON, J. S. (2014). Differential social evaluation of pregnant teens, teen mothers and teen fathers by university students. Int J Adolesc Youth, 20, pp. 1-16.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Aydoğan This is me

Mustafa Şenel This is me

Publication Date June 23, 2016
Submission Date June 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Aydoğan, H., & Şenel, M. (2016). CONNOTATIVE MEANINGS OF SOME SIMILAR WORDS: AN APPLICATION OF SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 30(30), 92-102.