Research Article
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Year 2020, , 146 - 158, 20.09.2020


Развитие личности человека было очень важным вопросом для создания хорошего общества на протяжении веков. Начиная от Платона и Аристотеля до наших дней, в области педагогики и психологии обрабатывается тема морали и образования. На эту тему были написаны книги, отражающие широкий спектр мнений. Было издано много научных исследований. Кроме того, научные исследования велись в области по изучению природы человека и в нём, с точки зрения генетики, обсуждались вопросы человеческой личности. Велась работа по изучению социально-генетических и социальных или социокультурных аспектов, пытались раскрыть черты личности. Были разработаны образовательные теории с целю того, чтобы люди смогли демонстрировать желаемое поведение. Спачала были первобытные религии. Они возникли с целю объяснения неизвестных природных явлении и преодоления страхов. Как важная цель, была определена направление позитивно реализовать развитие личности до сегодняшних традиционных религий.
Британская писательница Джейн Остин принимает викторианскую эпоху в качестве основного фона в своих романах. Как представитель реалистического движения, она в своих романах описывает жизнь бедных женщин и помогает им выйти из этого положения. В одном из его ранних романов „Нортангерское аббатство“, ведущим персонажем является Кэтрин Морланд. Как дочь необразованной и бедной крестьянской семьи, она должна утвердиться в благородной и богатой среде и приобрести новую личность. Она необразованная, не знакома с новыми людьми и новой средой, испытывает недостаток в опытных людях, которые будут вести его на пути к обретению себя. Она попадает в мир, определяемый ценностями аристократов. Развитие его личности начинает проявляться в зависимости от того, как она общается с другими. В статье, исследуется развитие личности главного персонажа, прослеживается и анализируется его социальное и психологическое положение.


  • Austen, Jane. (2015). Northanger Abbey, Place of publication not specified: CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
  • Aşkaroğlu, Vedi. (2020). “Postmodern Novel and New World Design”. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, (46) , 338-353 . DOI: 10.17498/kdeniz.722794.
  • Butler, Judith. “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution.” Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004. 900-911.
  • Manago, Adriana M., and Lanen Vaughn. “Social Media, Friendship, and Happiness in the Millennial Generation.” Friendship and Happiness. Across the Life-Span and Cultures, edited by Melikşah Demir, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, 2015, pp. 187-206. Springer Link, doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9603-3.
  • Perlman, Daniel, and Beverly Fehr. “Theories of Friendship: The Analysis of Interpersonal Attraction.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 9-40.
  • Snyder, Mark, and Dave Smith. “Personality and Friendship: The Friendship Worlds of Self-Monitoring.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 63-80.
  • Wylie, Judith. “‘Do You Understand Muslins, Sir?’ Fashioning Gender in Northanger Abbey.” Styling Texts: Dress and Fashion in Literature. Youngstown, NY: Cambria, 2007. 129-148.


Year 2020, , 146 - 158, 20.09.2020


Throughout the ages, the development of human character has always been an important issue for the establishment of a good society. Since Platon and Aristoteles, who handled morality and education, up to the present educational sciences and psychology, many books with various views have been written, and many researches have been carried out. Besides, scientific studies have focused upon human nature and tried to explain it through genetic, socio-genetic, social or sociocultural approaches, according to which they developed educational systems and institutions in order to have humans act in the desired way. Since the primitive religions and beliefs, which emerged in order to explain the mysterious natural events, and get rid of the fear of the unknown, up to the present heavenly religions, it has always been an important goal to direct human behaviour into a moral and socially acceptable set of conduct.
By setting the Victorian period as the basis of her novels, Jane Austen deals particularly with the morality of the period. As a realist author, she attaches great importance to the depiction of her female characters in their struggle to overcome their depravity and achieve higher social status. In Northanger Abbey, a novel of her early period as an author, the protagonist Catherine Morland needs to construct a new existence and attain a new personality by transforming herself from the poor villager girl into an acceptable woman in an aristocratic circle. Her lack of education, ignorance of human nature and aristocratic circles, as well as loneliness with no experienced adult to guide her leave her alone in a seemingly hostile and indifferent environment, where she has to find her own path by her own means. She finds herself amid the world of aristocrats and her personality develops in line with the choices and decisions she makes. This article, which examines her character development, aims to trace personality development through social and psychological terms, and analyse the transformation in her attitudes and perceptions.


  • Austen, Jane. (2015). Northanger Abbey, Place of publication not specified: CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
  • Aşkaroğlu, Vedi. (2020). “Postmodern Novel and New World Design”. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, (46) , 338-353 . DOI: 10.17498/kdeniz.722794.
  • Butler, Judith. “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution.” Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004. 900-911.
  • Manago, Adriana M., and Lanen Vaughn. “Social Media, Friendship, and Happiness in the Millennial Generation.” Friendship and Happiness. Across the Life-Span and Cultures, edited by Melikşah Demir, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, 2015, pp. 187-206. Springer Link, doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9603-3.
  • Perlman, Daniel, and Beverly Fehr. “Theories of Friendship: The Analysis of Interpersonal Attraction.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 9-40.
  • Snyder, Mark, and Dave Smith. “Personality and Friendship: The Friendship Worlds of Self-Monitoring.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 63-80.
  • Wylie, Judith. “‘Do You Understand Muslins, Sir?’ Fashioning Gender in Northanger Abbey.” Styling Texts: Dress and Fashion in Literature. Youngstown, NY: Cambria, 2007. 129-148.


Year 2020, , 146 - 158, 20.09.2020


İnsanın kişilik gelişimi çağlar boyunca iyi bir toplumun kurulması açısından çok önemli bir konu olagelmiştir. Ahlak ve eğitim konusuna eğilen Platon ve Aristoteles’ten günümüz eğitim bilimleri ve psikoloji alanına gelene kadar, çok çeşitli görüşleri yansıtan kitaplar yazılmış ve bilimsel birçok araştırma yapılmıştır. Üstelik, bilimsel çalışmalar insan doğasına yönelerek genetik, sosyo-genetik ve sosyal ya da sosyo-kültürel açılardan insan kişiliğinin bileşenlerini ortaya koymaya çalışmış ve insanın istenen davranışları sergilemesini sağlamaya yönelik eğitim kuramları geliştirmişlerdir. İlk başta bilinmeyen doğa olaylarını açıklamak ve bilinmeyenin yarattığı korkuları aşabilmek adına ortaya çıkan ilkel dinlerden günümüz semavi dinlere kadar insanın kişilik gelişimini olumlu biçimde gerçekleştirmek önemli bir hedef olarak belirlenmiştir.
Viktorya dönemini temel arkaplan olarak benimseyerek, özellikle ahlak konusu etrafında kişilerini kurgulayan İngiliz yazar Jane Austen, realist akımın bir temsilcisi olarak, kadın kişilerinin bulunduları yoksunluk durumunu aşmalarını romanlarında önemli bir sorunsal olarak işler. Onun ilk dönem romanlarından birisi olan Northanger Abbey’de romanın baş kişisi olan Catherine Morland, eğitimsiz ve yoksul bir köylü ailenin kızı olarak kendini soylu ve zengin bir çevrenin içinde kurmak ve yeni bir kimlik kazanmak zorundadır. Eğitimsizliği, insanları ve yeni çevreyi tanımaması, kendini bulma yolunda kendisine yol gösterecek deneyimli birilerinin eksikliği ile kendini aristokratların değerleri ile belirlenmiş bir dünyada bulur ve kişiliğinin gelişimi diğer insanlarla nasıl iletişim kurduğuna bağlı biçimde belirmeye başlar. Onun kişilik gelişimini inceleyen bu makale, sosyal ve psikolojik açılardan kişilik gelişiminin izlerini sürmeyi ve değişimi çözümlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • Austen, Jane. (2015). Northanger Abbey, Place of publication not specified: CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
  • Aşkaroğlu, Vedi. (2020). “Postmodern Novel and New World Design”. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, (46) , 338-353 . DOI: 10.17498/kdeniz.722794.
  • Butler, Judith. “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution.” Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004. 900-911.
  • Manago, Adriana M., and Lanen Vaughn. “Social Media, Friendship, and Happiness in the Millennial Generation.” Friendship and Happiness. Across the Life-Span and Cultures, edited by Melikşah Demir, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, 2015, pp. 187-206. Springer Link, doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9603-3.
  • Perlman, Daniel, and Beverly Fehr. “Theories of Friendship: The Analysis of Interpersonal Attraction.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 9-40.
  • Snyder, Mark, and Dave Smith. “Personality and Friendship: The Friendship Worlds of Self-Monitoring.” Friendship and Social Interaction, edited by Valerian J. Derlega and Barbara A. Winstead, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1986, pp. 63-80.
  • Wylie, Judith. “‘Do You Understand Muslins, Sir?’ Fashioning Gender in Northanger Abbey.” Styling Texts: Dress and Fashion in Literature. Youngstown, NY: Cambria, 2007. 129-148.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Mediha Aşkaroğlu 0000-0002-3895-7452

Publication Date September 20, 2020
Submission Date June 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Aşkaroğlu, M. (2020). CATHERINE MORLAND’S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN JANE AUSTEN’S NORTHANGER ABBEY. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, 1(47), 146-158.