Research Article
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Year 2013, Issue: 18, 123 - 135, 01.03.2013


In this qualitative study, it is aimed to describe preservice teachers’ ideas and assesments about their konwledge and education related to constructivism. The study group of the study was formed 24 students taking education in Cumhuriyet University Educational Faculty. These senior students were getting their education in the program of Turkish Teaching (10 students) and Elementary Education (14students). Reflections written by the students in the study group, related to constructivism, their education and assessment of themselves and information forms to determine the context were analyzed by the method of discourse analysis. According to the results of the study pre-service teachers found themselves are adequate in terms of theoretical knowledge but are lacking in practical knowledge. Students believe that deficiency originates from lack of education including enough training with constructivist application. More practical course, giving courses in line with constructivism, the more written, visual, and more usage of resources involving the approach are proposed. 


  • BRİSCOE, Carol., STOUT, David. (1996). Integrating math and science through problem centered learning in methods courses: Effects on prospective teachers’ under- standing problem solving. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 8, 66–87.
  • CONNOR, J.R., SCHARMANN, Lawrence .C. (1996). Influence of cooperative early field experience on preservice elementary teachers’ science self-efficacy. Science Education, 80, 419-436.
  • CROTTY, Michael. 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
  • DUFFY, Thomas. M. & CUNNİNGHAM, Daniel. J. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the design and delivery of instruction. In Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.) Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • EREN, Altay. (2010) Consonance and dissonance between Turkish prospective teachers’ values
  • and practices: Conceptions about teaching, learning, and assessment Australian Journal of Teacher Education Vol 35, 3, May 2010
  • FOSNOT, Catherine. T. 1996. “Constructivism: A Psychological Theory of Learning.” In Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice, ed. C. T. Fosnot, 8–33. NewYork: Teachers College Press
  • GEE, James. P. (2005). An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method(2nded.). New York: Routledge
  • GÜR, Tahir.(2011). Türkçe öğretmen adaylarının dil tutumları ve kullanımlarının söylem çözümlemesi yöntemi ile betimlenmesi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • HAMAT, Afendi. ve EMBİ, Mohammad. A. (2010) Constructivism in The Design Of Online Learning Tools. European Journal of Educational Studies 2(3)
  • HARRIS, Zellig.S. (1952) Discourse Analysis. Language 28: 1-30
  • HENDRY, D. Graham. Frommer, M., ve Walker, R. A.. 1999. “Constructivism and Problem-based Learning.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 23 (3): 359–371
  • HEROD, Le-K. 2003. Promoting Reflective Discourse In Canadian Adult Literacy Community: Asynchronous Discussion Forums. New Horizons In Adult Education 17(1).
  • MACLELLAN, Effie., ve SODEN. Rebecca. 2004. “The Importance of Epistemic Cognition in Student-centered Learning.” Instructional Science 32: 253–268
  • OGAN-BEKİROGLU, Feral. ve AKKOÇ, Hatice. Preservice Teachers ’ Instructional Beliefs
  • And Examinatıon Of Consistency Between Beliefs And Practices. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 7: 1173 Y 1199
  • PHİLLİPS, Nelson ve HARDY, Cynthia.(2002).Discourse Analysis Londra: Sage Publications
  • Rorty, R. (1967) The Linguistic Turn Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • VAN DİJK, Teun. (1997) Discourse as Structure and Process Londra Sage
  • VON GLASERFELD, Ernst. 1984. An Introduction to Radical Constructivism” In P. Watzlawick (Ed.) The Invented Reality. pp. 17-40. New York: Norton.
  • VYGOTSKY, Lev. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • WELLS, Gordon. 1995. Language and the Inquiry-oriented Curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry 25(3): 233-248.
  • WITTROCK, Merlin.C. 1990. Generative processes of comprehension. Educational Psychologist 24 (4): 345-376.
  • WODAK, Ruth. and MEYER, Michael. (eds.) (2001) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications


Year 2013, Issue: 18, 123 - 135, 01.03.2013


Цель статьи изучить мнения и оценки студентов, будущих кандидатов в педагоги турецкого языка и начальных классов к творческим методам преподавания. Целевой группой были наугад избраны 10 студентов последнего курса Турецкого языка и 14 начального образования педагогического факультета университета Джумхуриет.  При проведении исследовании студенты написали о своих мнениях к творческим подходам исследований и о полученном образований в этом направлений. Совместно с этим они заполнили специальную форму по методу анализа речи. В результате исследования было установлено, что кандидаты в педагоги, с точки зрения теоретического образования, способные, а для применения его в практике, неспособные. По мнению студентов, они не получают достаточное образование по методам внедрения творческих подходов в практике.  В связи с этим рекомендуется увеличить количество лекции по творческим методам преподавания, письменной речи, наглядностям и практические занятия. 


  • BRİSCOE, Carol., STOUT, David. (1996). Integrating math and science through problem centered learning in methods courses: Effects on prospective teachers’ under- standing problem solving. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 8, 66–87.
  • CONNOR, J.R., SCHARMANN, Lawrence .C. (1996). Influence of cooperative early field experience on preservice elementary teachers’ science self-efficacy. Science Education, 80, 419-436.
  • CROTTY, Michael. 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
  • DUFFY, Thomas. M. & CUNNİNGHAM, Daniel. J. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the design and delivery of instruction. In Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.) Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • EREN, Altay. (2010) Consonance and dissonance between Turkish prospective teachers’ values
  • and practices: Conceptions about teaching, learning, and assessment Australian Journal of Teacher Education Vol 35, 3, May 2010
  • FOSNOT, Catherine. T. 1996. “Constructivism: A Psychological Theory of Learning.” In Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice, ed. C. T. Fosnot, 8–33. NewYork: Teachers College Press
  • GEE, James. P. (2005). An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method(2nded.). New York: Routledge
  • GÜR, Tahir.(2011). Türkçe öğretmen adaylarının dil tutumları ve kullanımlarının söylem çözümlemesi yöntemi ile betimlenmesi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • HAMAT, Afendi. ve EMBİ, Mohammad. A. (2010) Constructivism in The Design Of Online Learning Tools. European Journal of Educational Studies 2(3)
  • HARRIS, Zellig.S. (1952) Discourse Analysis. Language 28: 1-30
  • HENDRY, D. Graham. Frommer, M., ve Walker, R. A.. 1999. “Constructivism and Problem-based Learning.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 23 (3): 359–371
  • HEROD, Le-K. 2003. Promoting Reflective Discourse In Canadian Adult Literacy Community: Asynchronous Discussion Forums. New Horizons In Adult Education 17(1).
  • MACLELLAN, Effie., ve SODEN. Rebecca. 2004. “The Importance of Epistemic Cognition in Student-centered Learning.” Instructional Science 32: 253–268
  • OGAN-BEKİROGLU, Feral. ve AKKOÇ, Hatice. Preservice Teachers ’ Instructional Beliefs
  • And Examinatıon Of Consistency Between Beliefs And Practices. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 7: 1173 Y 1199
  • PHİLLİPS, Nelson ve HARDY, Cynthia.(2002).Discourse Analysis Londra: Sage Publications
  • Rorty, R. (1967) The Linguistic Turn Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • VAN DİJK, Teun. (1997) Discourse as Structure and Process Londra Sage
  • VON GLASERFELD, Ernst. 1984. An Introduction to Radical Constructivism” In P. Watzlawick (Ed.) The Invented Reality. pp. 17-40. New York: Norton.
  • VYGOTSKY, Lev. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • WELLS, Gordon. 1995. Language and the Inquiry-oriented Curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry 25(3): 233-248.
  • WITTROCK, Merlin.C. 1990. Generative processes of comprehension. Educational Psychologist 24 (4): 345-376.
  • WODAK, Ruth. and MEYER, Michael. (eds.) (2001) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications


Year 2013, Issue: 18, 123 - 135, 01.03.2013


Bu nitel çalışmada Türkçe Eğitimi ve Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programlarında eğitim alan öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin yapılandırmacı yaklaşımla ilgili olarak aldıkları e ğitim ve yeterliklerine ilişkin görüş ve değerlendirmelerinin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi son sınıfta okuyan ve rastgele seçilen 10 Türkçe Öğretmenliği 14 Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programı ö ğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubundaki öğrencilerin yazdıkları, yapılandırmacılık yaklaşımı, eğitimleri ve bilgilerinin değerlendirmelerini içeren yazılar, öğrencilerin doldurduğu -bağlamın belirlendiği- bilgi formları e şliğinde söylem çözümlemesi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre öğretmen adayları kendilerini kuramsal bilgi açısından yeterli ama uygulama yönünden yetersiz bulmuşlardır. Öğrenciler bu yetersizliklerini yeterince yapılandırmacı yaklaşıma uygun uygulama ile eğitim almamalarından kaynaklandığını belirtmişlerdir. Daha fazla uygulama dersi, derslerin yapılandırmacılığa uygun olarak verilmesi, daha fazla yazılı, görsel ve uygulama içeren kaynakların kullanımı öneriler arasında yer almaktadır. 


  • BRİSCOE, Carol., STOUT, David. (1996). Integrating math and science through problem centered learning in methods courses: Effects on prospective teachers’ under- standing problem solving. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 8, 66–87.
  • CONNOR, J.R., SCHARMANN, Lawrence .C. (1996). Influence of cooperative early field experience on preservice elementary teachers’ science self-efficacy. Science Education, 80, 419-436.
  • CROTTY, Michael. 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
  • DUFFY, Thomas. M. & CUNNİNGHAM, Daniel. J. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the design and delivery of instruction. In Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.) Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • EREN, Altay. (2010) Consonance and dissonance between Turkish prospective teachers’ values
  • and practices: Conceptions about teaching, learning, and assessment Australian Journal of Teacher Education Vol 35, 3, May 2010
  • FOSNOT, Catherine. T. 1996. “Constructivism: A Psychological Theory of Learning.” In Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice, ed. C. T. Fosnot, 8–33. NewYork: Teachers College Press
  • GEE, James. P. (2005). An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method(2nded.). New York: Routledge
  • GÜR, Tahir.(2011). Türkçe öğretmen adaylarının dil tutumları ve kullanımlarının söylem çözümlemesi yöntemi ile betimlenmesi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • HAMAT, Afendi. ve EMBİ, Mohammad. A. (2010) Constructivism in The Design Of Online Learning Tools. European Journal of Educational Studies 2(3)
  • HARRIS, Zellig.S. (1952) Discourse Analysis. Language 28: 1-30
  • HENDRY, D. Graham. Frommer, M., ve Walker, R. A.. 1999. “Constructivism and Problem-based Learning.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 23 (3): 359–371
  • HEROD, Le-K. 2003. Promoting Reflective Discourse In Canadian Adult Literacy Community: Asynchronous Discussion Forums. New Horizons In Adult Education 17(1).
  • MACLELLAN, Effie., ve SODEN. Rebecca. 2004. “The Importance of Epistemic Cognition in Student-centered Learning.” Instructional Science 32: 253–268
  • OGAN-BEKİROGLU, Feral. ve AKKOÇ, Hatice. Preservice Teachers ’ Instructional Beliefs
  • And Examinatıon Of Consistency Between Beliefs And Practices. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 7: 1173 Y 1199
  • PHİLLİPS, Nelson ve HARDY, Cynthia.(2002).Discourse Analysis Londra: Sage Publications
  • Rorty, R. (1967) The Linguistic Turn Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • VAN DİJK, Teun. (1997) Discourse as Structure and Process Londra Sage
  • VON GLASERFELD, Ernst. 1984. An Introduction to Radical Constructivism” In P. Watzlawick (Ed.) The Invented Reality. pp. 17-40. New York: Norton.
  • VYGOTSKY, Lev. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • WELLS, Gordon. 1995. Language and the Inquiry-oriented Curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry 25(3): 233-248.
  • WITTROCK, Merlin.C. 1990. Generative processes of comprehension. Educational Psychologist 24 (4): 345-376.
  • WODAK, Ruth. and MEYER, Michael. (eds.) (2001) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tahir Gür This is me

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tuncay Dilci This is me

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayla Arseven This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Submission Date July 21, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 18
