Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 59, 112 - 133, 30.09.2023


Влияние различных факторов на человеческое поведение неизбежно. В этом контексте воздействие географических факторов давно является объектом исследования философами, социокультурными и социальными психологами. Условия жизни, окружающая среда, природа и другие элементы не только влияют на человеческие действия, но и лежат в основе многих тенденций. В данном контексте климатические условия и различия в природной среде могут влиять на поведение человека и вызывать определенные реакции. Начиная с древних времен, философы, мыслители, политики и социальные ученые, такие как Геродот и Аристотель, а также более поздние ученые, такие как Ибн Сина, Монтескье и Ибн Хальдун, исследовали связь между климатом и человеческим поведением и выражали свои мнения на этот счет.
Гиппократ и его последователи в V веке до н. э. подчеркивали влияние климатических и географических условий на привычки, мораль и физиологию человека. Иран, являющийся страной с четырьмя сезонами и населенный множеством этнических групп, заслуживает особого внимания. В течение примерно двух веков политические события, революционные тенденции и протесты, происходившие в Иране, привлекли внимание к важности климата и географических факторов. Воздействие климата на человеческое поведение, в сочетании с наличием благоприятных и мотивирующих географических основ, играет важную роль в возникновении движений и восстаний.
Географическая структура Ирана делает его перекрестком. Поэтому Иран стал центром атак, военных конфликтов и культурных встреч, и многие годы подвергался воздействию различных внешних факторов, что привело к этническим и религиозным изменениям. Из-за этого Иран считается страной с разнообразным населением, состоящим из множества национальностей. Следовательно, биологическое и географическое разнообразие, которое вызывает социокультурное разнообразие, придают различным общинам в различных географических регионах уникальную и индивидуальную идентичность. В такой ситуации ведущими актерами легитимных движений стали представители различных географических регионов и этнических групп, мотивированные улучшением статуса Ирана и участием в политических процессах.


  • Aein Dost, S. (2012). Investigating the effects of unequal opportunities on the ethnic groups of Iran. Thesis, 57. Mashhad, Iran: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
  • Andalib, Z., & Asarian Nejad, H. (2010). Security and Ethnicity in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranology (s. 149- 201). içinde Tehran: Ministry of Foreign Affaires Publications.
  • Aristotle. (1985). Politics Geography. (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Aristotle. (2016). Politics (5 b.). (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Armand, F., & Sourah, F. (2015). Studying the Interaction and Solidarity of Iranian Ethnic Groups in the Discourse of National Unity. Journal of Nations Research- Monthly, 1(4), s. 24-41.
  • Asarian Nejad, H. (2014). Security and Ethnicity in Iran. National Defense Monthly Jouranl, s. 48-59.
  • Bates, D. &. (1996). Cultural Anthropology. R. Hoseinzadeh içinde, The Cultural - Social Reviews (M. Salesi, Çev., s. 419-426). Tehran: Scientific Publications of Trhran.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Edward, S. R. (1986). Human Ecology and Health. (S. Dr. Aghaz, Çev.) Tehran: Institute of Social Studies and Researches.
  • Giddens, A. (2010). Sociology. (P. W. Sutton, Dü.) s. 263.
  • Golkarian, G. (2019). Iran's Strategy and Perspectives in Lobbying. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2), pp. 283-399. Retrieved 09 26, 2021, from
  • Golkarian, G., & IŞIKSAL, H. (2019). The Unresolved Problem of the Middle East: Iran’s Nuclear Energy Policy from Khatami to Rouhani. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(2), s. 416-432. doi:
  • Golvardi, I. (2010). Borders, Damages and Functions. Journal of Guide to Political, Defense and Security Policy Studies, 1(2), s. 42-61.
  • Guglan, E. (2013). Religious Customs and Traditions of Turkmens. Habal al-Matyn Journal, 1(2), s. 87- 113. 3 18, 2021 tarihinde alındı
  • Güldiken, K. (1998). İran'daki 33 Milyon Türkü Düşününüz. Azerbaycan Dergisi(322), s. 27-35.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Ahmadipour, Z., & Qadiri, H. (2010). Politics and Space. Tehran: Yazdi Publications.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Qasri, M., Ahmadi, H., & Hosseini, H. (2005). Racial and Organizing Atmosphere Political: Case Study West and North-west of Iran. Geopolities Quarterly, 1(2), s. 4-27.
  • Hamid, H. (1978). The Science of Society Changes. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Information, D. o. (2019). Statistical Yearbook of Khuzestan Province. Ahwaz: Management and Planning Organization of Khuzestan Province.
  • Kaviani Rad, M. (2007). Political Regionalism In Iran (A Case Study of Baluchistan). 10(1), s. 25-39. 11 04, 2022 tarihinde alındı
  • Khodrizadeh, A. A. (2007). A Study on Some New Intellectual Phenomenouns Effective In Constituational Revolution. 4(12), s. 83-94.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Mayel Afshar, F. (2012). Investigating the role of Ethnic/religious Minorities in Providing Security: Recognizing threats and opportunities. The Quarterly Journal of Police Protection and Scurity Studies, 4(2), s. 5-21.
  • Mir Heidar, D. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Mir Heidar, H. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Publication of Simorgh Books.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Nikitin, B. (1987). Kurds and Kurdistan. (M. Qazi, Çev.) Tehran: Niloofar Publications.
  • Porteous, J. D. (1986). Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life. Boston: Addison- Wesley.
  • Qavam, A. (2007). Principles of Foreign and International Policy. Tehran: Tehran Semat Publications.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Safari, M., Lotfi, H., & Atashpanjeh, B. (2008). The Role of Geography Factors on Human Behavior: Territory Analysing (2 b.). Tehran: Rasa Books.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Sina, A. A. (1991). Law. (A. Sharafkandi, Çev.) Tehran: Soroush.
  • Tahbaz, M., & Jalilian, S. (2013). Compatibility Indicators With Climate in Rural Housing of Gilan Province. 30(135), s. 26-52.
  • Yagoubi Fazl, S. (2007). About Tabriz City. Tabriz commerce: adresinden alındı
  • Zarghani, S. H. (2016). An Introduction to the Recognition of International Borders with an Emphasis on the Security. Tehran: Publicaions of The University of Police Sciences.
  • Zendehdel, H., Tarakemeh, Y. S., & Masoumi, A. &. (1997). East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz City. Tehran: Irangardi Publication.


Year 2023, Issue: 59, 112 - 133, 30.09.2023


The influence of some factors on human behavior is inevitable. In this context, the effect of geographical factors has been the research area of thinkers, sociocultural and socio-psychological researchers since ancient times. Living conditions, environment, nature, and other factors have influenced human actions and become the main source of many trends.
In the 5th century BC, Hippocrates and his followers postulated the influence of duality and geographical conditions on human habits, morals, and physiology. Iran, where four seasons are experienced, is also a multi-ethnic country. Therefore, the impact of climatic and geographical factors on the realization of political events, revolutionary tendencies and protests that have manifested themselves in Iran's political arena for about 2 centuries is remarkable.
Considering its geographical structure, Iran is a complete crossroads. For this reason, it has become the center of attacks, military wars, and cultural encounters, has undergone both ethnic and religious changes over the years, and has been exposed to many external influences. Therefore, Iran is considered a multi-ethnic country with different demographics. Thus, the biological and geographical diversity that gave rise to social diversity gave different and unique identities to the communities in different geographical regions.


  • Aein Dost, S. (2012). Investigating the effects of unequal opportunities on the ethnic groups of Iran. Thesis, 57. Mashhad, Iran: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
  • Andalib, Z., & Asarian Nejad, H. (2010). Security and Ethnicity in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranology (s. 149- 201). içinde Tehran: Ministry of Foreign Affaires Publications.
  • Aristotle. (1985). Politics Geography. (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Aristotle. (2016). Politics (5 b.). (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Armand, F., & Sourah, F. (2015). Studying the Interaction and Solidarity of Iranian Ethnic Groups in the Discourse of National Unity. Journal of Nations Research- Monthly, 1(4), s. 24-41.
  • Asarian Nejad, H. (2014). Security and Ethnicity in Iran. National Defense Monthly Jouranl, s. 48-59.
  • Bates, D. &. (1996). Cultural Anthropology. R. Hoseinzadeh içinde, The Cultural - Social Reviews (M. Salesi, Çev., s. 419-426). Tehran: Scientific Publications of Trhran.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Edward, S. R. (1986). Human Ecology and Health. (S. Dr. Aghaz, Çev.) Tehran: Institute of Social Studies and Researches.
  • Giddens, A. (2010). Sociology. (P. W. Sutton, Dü.) s. 263.
  • Golkarian, G. (2019). Iran's Strategy and Perspectives in Lobbying. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2), pp. 283-399. Retrieved 09 26, 2021, from
  • Golkarian, G., & IŞIKSAL, H. (2019). The Unresolved Problem of the Middle East: Iran’s Nuclear Energy Policy from Khatami to Rouhani. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(2), s. 416-432. doi:
  • Golvardi, I. (2010). Borders, Damages and Functions. Journal of Guide to Political, Defense and Security Policy Studies, 1(2), s. 42-61.
  • Guglan, E. (2013). Religious Customs and Traditions of Turkmens. Habal al-Matyn Journal, 1(2), s. 87- 113. 3 18, 2021 tarihinde alındı
  • Güldiken, K. (1998). İran'daki 33 Milyon Türkü Düşününüz. Azerbaycan Dergisi(322), s. 27-35.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Ahmadipour, Z., & Qadiri, H. (2010). Politics and Space. Tehran: Yazdi Publications.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Qasri, M., Ahmadi, H., & Hosseini, H. (2005). Racial and Organizing Atmosphere Political: Case Study West and North-west of Iran. Geopolities Quarterly, 1(2), s. 4-27.
  • Hamid, H. (1978). The Science of Society Changes. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Information, D. o. (2019). Statistical Yearbook of Khuzestan Province. Ahwaz: Management and Planning Organization of Khuzestan Province.
  • Kaviani Rad, M. (2007). Political Regionalism In Iran (A Case Study of Baluchistan). 10(1), s. 25-39. 11 04, 2022 tarihinde alındı
  • Khodrizadeh, A. A. (2007). A Study on Some New Intellectual Phenomenouns Effective In Constituational Revolution. 4(12), s. 83-94.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Mayel Afshar, F. (2012). Investigating the role of Ethnic/religious Minorities in Providing Security: Recognizing threats and opportunities. The Quarterly Journal of Police Protection and Scurity Studies, 4(2), s. 5-21.
  • Mir Heidar, D. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Mir Heidar, H. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Publication of Simorgh Books.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Nikitin, B. (1987). Kurds and Kurdistan. (M. Qazi, Çev.) Tehran: Niloofar Publications.
  • Porteous, J. D. (1986). Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life. Boston: Addison- Wesley.
  • Qavam, A. (2007). Principles of Foreign and International Policy. Tehran: Tehran Semat Publications.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Safari, M., Lotfi, H., & Atashpanjeh, B. (2008). The Role of Geography Factors on Human Behavior: Territory Analysing (2 b.). Tehran: Rasa Books.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Sina, A. A. (1991). Law. (A. Sharafkandi, Çev.) Tehran: Soroush.
  • Tahbaz, M., & Jalilian, S. (2013). Compatibility Indicators With Climate in Rural Housing of Gilan Province. 30(135), s. 26-52.
  • Yagoubi Fazl, S. (2007). About Tabriz City. Tabriz commerce: adresinden alındı
  • Zarghani, S. H. (2016). An Introduction to the Recognition of International Borders with an Emphasis on the Security. Tehran: Publicaions of The University of Police Sciences.
  • Zendehdel, H., Tarakemeh, Y. S., & Masoumi, A. &. (1997). East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz City. Tehran: Irangardi Publication.


Year 2023, Issue: 59, 112 - 133, 30.09.2023


İnsan davranışları üzerinde bazı faktörlerin etkisi kaçınılmazdır. Bu bağlamda coğrafi faktörlerin etkisi de çok eskilerden beri düşünürler ve Sosyo- kültürel ve Sosyo- psikolog araştırmacıların araştırma alanı olmuştur. Yaşam koşulları, çevre, doğa ve diğer unsurlar insani eylemlerine etki bıraktığı gibi birçok eğilimlerin de ana kaynağı haline gelmiştir. Konu itibariyle, iklimsel koşulların ve doğal çevredeki farklılıkların insan üzerinde olan etkileri ve insanın davranışını belirli reaksiyonlar olarak ortaya koymasına neden olabilmektedir. Herodot ve Aristoteles'ten İbn Sina, Montesquieu ve İbn Haldun'a kadar düşünürler, filozoflar, politikacılar, büyük liderler ve sosyal bilimciler bile, iklim ile insan davranışları arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmışlar ve üzerinde kanaatlerini ileri sürmüşlerdir.
Hipokrat ve onun takipçileri, MÖ 5. yüzyılda, ikilimin ve coğrafi koşulların insan alışkanlıkları, ahlakı ve fizyolojisi üzerindeki etkisini öne sürmüşlerdir. İran, dört mevsimli bir ülke olarak aynı zamanda çok etnikten oluşan bir ülkedir. Dolayısıyla İran’da yaklaşık 2 asırdan beri siyasi alanda kendini göstermiş olan politik olaylar, devrimsel eğilimler ve protestoların gerçekleşmesinde işte iklimin ve coğrafi faktörlerin etki oranı dikkat çekicidir. İklimin insanla bağlı olarak davranış özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi ile elverişli ve motive edici coğrafi temellerin varlığı da hareketlerin ve isyanların oluşmasında rol oynamıştır.
İran'ın coğrafi yapısına bakılınca, tam bir kavşak niteliğine sahiptir. Bundan dolayı saldırıların, askeri savaşların ve kültürel karşılaşmaların merkezi haline gelmiş ve yıllarca birçok dış etkenlerin etkisine maruz kalarak gerek etniksel gerekse de dinsel değişimleri tecrübe etmiştir ve etmektedir. Bu yüzden İran’ın demografisi farklı ve çok milletlerden oluşan bir ülke sayılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla toplumsal çeşitliliğe neden olan biyolojik ve coğrafi çeşitlilik, farklı coğrafi bölgelerdeki topluluklara özel ve benzersiz bir kimlik kazandırmıştır. Böyle bir durumda meşru hareketin ana aktörleri, diğer coğrafi bölgelerin ve etnik grupların İran'ın statüsünü iyileştirme ve iktidara katılma motivasyonunu oluşturmuştur.


  • Aein Dost, S. (2012). Investigating the effects of unequal opportunities on the ethnic groups of Iran. Thesis, 57. Mashhad, Iran: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
  • Andalib, Z., & Asarian Nejad, H. (2010). Security and Ethnicity in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranology (s. 149- 201). içinde Tehran: Ministry of Foreign Affaires Publications.
  • Aristotle. (1985). Politics Geography. (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Aristotle. (2016). Politics (5 b.). (H. Enayat, Çev.) Tehran: Kharazmi Publications.
  • Armand, F., & Sourah, F. (2015). Studying the Interaction and Solidarity of Iranian Ethnic Groups in the Discourse of National Unity. Journal of Nations Research- Monthly, 1(4), s. 24-41.
  • Asarian Nejad, H. (2014). Security and Ethnicity in Iran. National Defense Monthly Jouranl, s. 48-59.
  • Bates, D. &. (1996). Cultural Anthropology. R. Hoseinzadeh içinde, The Cultural - Social Reviews (M. Salesi, Çev., s. 419-426). Tehran: Scientific Publications of Trhran.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Duverge, M. (1988). Political Sociology. (A. Shariat Panahi, Çev.) Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  • Edward, S. R. (1986). Human Ecology and Health. (S. Dr. Aghaz, Çev.) Tehran: Institute of Social Studies and Researches.
  • Giddens, A. (2010). Sociology. (P. W. Sutton, Dü.) s. 263.
  • Golkarian, G. (2019). Iran's Strategy and Perspectives in Lobbying. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(2), pp. 283-399. Retrieved 09 26, 2021, from
  • Golkarian, G., & IŞIKSAL, H. (2019). The Unresolved Problem of the Middle East: Iran’s Nuclear Energy Policy from Khatami to Rouhani. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 8(2), s. 416-432. doi:
  • Golvardi, I. (2010). Borders, Damages and Functions. Journal of Guide to Political, Defense and Security Policy Studies, 1(2), s. 42-61.
  • Guglan, E. (2013). Religious Customs and Traditions of Turkmens. Habal al-Matyn Journal, 1(2), s. 87- 113. 3 18, 2021 tarihinde alındı
  • Güldiken, K. (1998). İran'daki 33 Milyon Türkü Düşününüz. Azerbaycan Dergisi(322), s. 27-35.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Ahmadipour, Z., & Qadiri, H. (2010). Politics and Space. Tehran: Yazdi Publications.
  • Hafeznia, M. R., Qasri, M., Ahmadi, H., & Hosseini, H. (2005). Racial and Organizing Atmosphere Political: Case Study West and North-west of Iran. Geopolities Quarterly, 1(2), s. 4-27.
  • Hamid, H. (1978). The Science of Society Changes. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Information, D. o. (2019). Statistical Yearbook of Khuzestan Province. Ahwaz: Management and Planning Organization of Khuzestan Province.
  • Kaviani Rad, M. (2007). Political Regionalism In Iran (A Case Study of Baluchistan). 10(1), s. 25-39. 11 04, 2022 tarihinde alındı
  • Khodrizadeh, A. A. (2007). A Study on Some New Intellectual Phenomenouns Effective In Constituational Revolution. 4(12), s. 83-94.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Manouchehr, M., & Moshiri, B. (1997). General Socialogy. Tehran: Tahuri Library.
  • Mayel Afshar, F. (2012). Investigating the role of Ethnic/religious Minorities in Providing Security: Recognizing threats and opportunities. The Quarterly Journal of Police Protection and Scurity Studies, 4(2), s. 5-21.
  • Mir Heidar, D. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Simorgh Books.
  • Mir Heidar, H. (1977). Principles and Basics of Political Geography. Tehran: Publication of Simorgh Books.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Montesqieu, B. D. (1991). The Spirit of Laws (Cilt 1). (A. A. Mehtadi, Çev.) Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.
  • Nikitin, B. (1987). Kurds and Kurdistan. (M. Qazi, Çev.) Tehran: Niloofar Publications.
  • Porteous, J. D. (1986). Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life. Boston: Addison- Wesley.
  • Qavam, A. (2007). Principles of Foreign and International Policy. Tehran: Tehran Semat Publications.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Rogers, R. C. (1977). Carl Rogers on Personal Power: Inner Strength and Its Revolutionary Impact. New York: Delacorte.
  • Safari, M., Lotfi, H., & Atashpanjeh, B. (2008). The Role of Geography Factors on Human Behavior: Territory Analysing (2 b.). Tehran: Rasa Books.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Salimi Sobhan, M. R., Heydari, J., & Nikjou, I. (2016). Historical Examination and Analysis of Factors Affecting Iranian Ethnicities. Journal of Policing History Studies, 3(8), s. 118-129.
  • Sina, A. A. (1991). Law. (A. Sharafkandi, Çev.) Tehran: Soroush.
  • Tahbaz, M., & Jalilian, S. (2013). Compatibility Indicators With Climate in Rural Housing of Gilan Province. 30(135), s. 26-52.
  • Yagoubi Fazl, S. (2007). About Tabriz City. Tabriz commerce: adresinden alındı
  • Zarghani, S. H. (2016). An Introduction to the Recognition of International Borders with an Emphasis on the Security. Tehran: Publicaions of The University of Police Sciences.
  • Zendehdel, H., Tarakemeh, Y. S., & Masoumi, A. &. (1997). East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz City. Tehran: Irangardi Publication.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Articles

Ghadir Golkarıan 0000-0003-3801-7089

Zohreh Heıdarıbenı 0000-0002-6429-8614

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date September 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 59


APA Golkarıan, G., & Heıdarıbenı, Z. (2023). İRAN’DAKİ SİYASİ AYAKLANMALARIN COĞRAFİ YÖNLER BAĞLAMINDA İNCELENMESİ. Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi(59), 112-133.