KJES covers articles of original descriptive and experimental research that contain different approaches, applications, qualitative or quantitative methods on all areas of education and compilations. At this point, the aim of the journal is to support and improve the concept of increasing the quality of learning and education in preschool education, primary education, secondary education, higher education and adult education along with the results of research.
Since the scope of the journal cover quite a large area, the headings below can provide information about the related subjects:
Teaching Physical Education and Sports; Religion, Ethics and Values Education; Educational Sciences; Curriculum and Teaching, Educational Management, Supervision and planning, Learning to Think in Education, Educating Teachers, Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Assessment and Evaluation, Designs and Methods of Research, Validity and Reliability, Classical and Disjunctive Evaluation, Developing Scales, Education in Early Childhood; Science Education; Teaching Biology, Teaching Science and Technology, The Nature and Philosophy of Science, Teaching Physics, Teaching Chemistry, Teaching Fine Arts; Teaching Music, Teaching Art, Teaching History of Art, Teaching Mathematics; Teaching Reading and Writing; Educational Technologies; Computer-based Learning Environments, Designing Technoloy and Materials, Distant Education, Web-based Education, Special Education; Educating the Visually Impaired, Educating the Hearing Impaired, Difficulties in Learning, Educating the Mentally Impaired, Education of Social Sciences; Teaching Geography, Teaching Philosophy, Teaching Science of Life, Teaching Psychology, Teaching Social Sciences, Teaching Sociology, Teaching History, Teaching Turkish; Teaching Foreign Language