Research Article
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Psychological Effects of The COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigation of the Postgraduate Theses Performed in Turkey

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 276 - 284, 23.12.2021


The new type of coronavirus, COVID-19, which has affected the whole world and turned into a pandemic in a short time, affects people in many different areas, especially health, economy, education and psychology. The aim of this study was to investigate the postgraduate theses made in Turkey on the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, in which the document analysis method was used, the postgraduate theses archived by the YÖK Publication Documentation Department were included in the analysis. In this context, a total of 37 postgraduate theses were examined. According to the findings obtained as a result of the study; It was observed that most of the theses were prepared at the master's level and mostly adults were chosen as the study group. When the subjects studied in the theses were examined, it was determined that the majority of the studies focused on psychological symptoms (depression, anxiety, stress levels, etc.) and positive psychology (psychological resilience, compassion, hope, etc.). It was also found that the most examined psychological concept in the theses was anxiety. The findings obtained as a result of the study were discussed in the light of the existing literature and suggestions were made.


  • Akalın, S., Özgüner, İ., & Şakiroğlu, M. (2020). Covid-19 salgınının ve karantinanın psikolojik etkileri. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(4).
  • Alzueta, E., Perrin, P., Baker, F. C., Caffarra, S., Ramos‐Usuga, D., Yuksel, D., & Arango‐Lasprilla, J. C. (2021). How the COVID‐19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. Journal of clinical psychology, 77(3), 556-570.
  • Bailey, L., Ward, M., DiCosimo, A., Baunta, S., Cunningham, C., Romero-Ortuno, R., ... & Briggs, R. (2021). Physical and mental health of older people while cocooning during the COVID-19 pandemic. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine.
  • Bernabe-Valero, G., Melero-Fuentes, D., De Lima Argimon, I. I., & Gerbino, M. (2021). Individual Differences Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Age, Gender, Personality, and Positive Psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 595.
  • Carriedo, A., Cecchini, J. A., Fernandez-Rio, J., & Méndez-Giménez, A. (2020). COVID-19, psychological well-being and physical activity levels in older adults during the nationwide lockdown in Spain. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry, 28(11), 1146-1155.
  • Chan, J. F. W., Yuan, S., Kok, K. H., To, K. K. W., Chu, H., Yang, J., Xing, F., Liu, J., Yip, C. C. Y., C. Y., Poon, R. W. S., Tsoi, H. W., Lo, S. K. F., Chan, K. H., Poon, V. K. M., Chan, W. M., Ip, J. D., Cai, J. P., … Yuen, K. Y. (2020). A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. The Lancet, 395(10223), 514– 523.
  • Cullen, W., Gulati, G., & Kelly, B. D. (2020). Mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 113(5), 311-312.
  • Da Silva Neto, R. M., Benjamim, C. J. R., de Medeiros Carvalho, P. M., & Neto, M. L. R. (2021). Psychological effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in health professionals: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 104, 110062.
  • Davico, C., Ghiggia, A., Marcotulli, D., Ricci, F., Amianto, F., & Vitiello, B. (2021). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults and their children in Italy. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 239.
  • Dawson, D. L., & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2020). COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic. Journal of contextual behavioral science, 17, 126-134.
  • De Figueiredo, C. S., Sandre, P. C., Portugal, L. C. L., Mázala-de-Oliveira, T., da Silva Chagas, L., Raony, Í., ... & Bomfim, P. O. S. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic impact on children and adolescents' mental health: biological, environmental, and social factors. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 106, 110171.
  • Dong, H., Yang, F., Lu, X., & Hao, W. (2020). Internet addiction and related psychological factors among children and adolescents in China during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 751.
  • El-Zoghby, S. M., Soltan, E. M., & Salama, H. M. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and social support among adult Egyptians. Journal of community health, 45, 689-695.
  • Francisco, R., Pedro, M., Delvecchio, E., Espada, J. P., Morales, A., Mazzeschi, C., & Orgilés, M. (2020). Psychological symptoms and behavioral changes in children and adolescents during the early phase of COVID-19 quarantine in three European countries. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1329.
  • Gill, P. K., Du, C., Khan, F., Karimi, N., Sabharwal, K., & Agarwal, M. (2021). The psychological effects of COVID-19 spread in young Canadian adults. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764020988878.
  • Glowacz, F., & Schmits, E. (2020). Psychological distress during the COVID-19 lockdown: the young adults most at risk. Psychiatry research, 293, 113486.
  • Guessoum, S. B., Lachal, J., Radjack, R., Carretier, E., Minassian, S., Benoit, L., & Moro, M. R. (2020). Adolescent psychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Psychiatry research, 113264.
  • Haider, I. I., Tiwana, F., & Tahir, S. M. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult mental health. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S90.
  • Horesh, D., & Brown, A. D. (2020). Covid-19 response: Traumatic stress in the age of Covid-19: A call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(4), 331– 335.
  • Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Karatzias, T., Bentall, R. P., ... & Vallières, F. (2020). Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 142(3), 249-256.
  • Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S67.
  • Karadağ, E. (2009). Eğitim bilimleri alanında yapılmış doktora tezlerinin tematik açıdan incelemesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 75-87.
  • Kasapoğlu, F. (2020). COVID-19 salgını sürecinde kaygı ile maneviyat, psikolojik sağlamlık ve belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(4).
  • Kımter, N. (2020). Covid-19 günlerinde bireylerin psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Milli Mücadele'nin 100. Yılı Özel Sayısı, 574-605.
  • Li, Y. Y., Sun, Y., Meng, S. Q., Bao, Y. P., Cheng, J. L., Chang, X. W., ... & Shi, J. (2021). Internet addiction ıncreases in the general population during COVID‐19: Evidence from China. The American Journal on Addictions.
  • Linhares, M. B. M., & Enumo, S. R. F. (2020). Reflections based on Psychology about the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on child development. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 37.
  • Mukhtar, S. (2020). Psychological impact of COVID-19 on older adults. Current medicine research and practice, 10(4), 201.
  • Orgilés, M., Morales, A., Delvecchio, E., Mazzeschi, C., & Espada, J. P. (2020). Immediate psychological effects of the COVID-19 quarantine in youth from Italy and Spain. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2986.
  • Peteet, J. R. (2020). COVID-19 anxiety. Journal of religion and health, 59, 2203-2204.
  • Prati, G., & Mancini, A. D. (2021). The psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns: a review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies and natural experiments. Psychological medicine, 1-11.
  • Ripon, R. K., Mim, S. S., Puente, A. E., Hossain, S., Babor, M. M. H., Sohan, S. A., & Islam, N. (2020). COVID-19: psychological effects on a COVID-19 quarantined population in Bangladesh. Heliyon, 6(11), e05481.
  • Rogier, G., Zobel, S. B., & Velotti, P. (2021). COVID-19, loneliness and technological addiction: Longitudinal data. Journal of Gambling Issues, (47).
  • Saputri, R. A. M., & Yumarni, T. (2021). Social media addiction and mental health among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-15.
  • Taylor, S. (2019). The psychology of pandemics: preparing for the next global outbreak of infectious disease. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Tso, W. W., Wong, R. S., Tung, K. T., Rao, N., Fu, K. W., Yam, J. C., ... & Wong, I. C. (2020). Vulnerability and resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 1-16.
  • Yamaguchi, K., Takebayashi, Y., Miyamae, M., Komazawa, A., Yokoyama, C., & Ito, M. (2020). Role of focusing on the positive side during COVID-19 outbreak: Mental health perspective from positive psychology. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(S1), S49.
  • Zeybek, Z. , Bozkurt, Y. & Aşkın, R. (2020). Covid-19 pandemisi: Psikolojik etkileri ve terapötik müdahaleler . İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , Bahar (Covid19-Özel Ek) , 304-318.
  • Zhou, S. J., Zhang, L. G., Wang, L. L., Guo, Z. C., Wang, J. Q., Chen, J. C., ... & Chen, J. X. (2020). Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of psychological health problems in Chinese adolescents during the outbreak of COVID-19. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 29(6), 749-758.

COVİD-19 Pandemisinin Psikolojik Etkileri: Türkiye’de Yapılan Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 276 - 284, 23.12.2021


Tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alarak kısa sürede pandemiye dönüşen yeni koronavirüs türü COVİD-19, başta sağlık, ekonomi, eğitim, psikoloji olmak üzere çok farklı alanlarda insanları etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı COVİD-19 pandemisinin psikolojik etkileri ile ilgili Türkiye’de yapılmış lisansüstü tezlerin incelenmesidir. Doküman incelemesi yönteminin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, YÖK Yayın Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı tarafından arşivlenen lisansüstü tezler incelemeye dâhil edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda toplam 37 lisansüstü tezi incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; tezlerin çoğunluğunun yüksek lisans düzeyinde hazırlandığı ve çalışma grubu olarak çoğunlukla yetişkinlerin seçildiği görülmüştür. Tezlerde çalışılan konular incelendiğinde ise çalışmaların büyük bir çoğunluğunun psikolojik belirtiler (depresyon, anksiyete, stres düzeyleri vb.) ve pozitif psikoloji (psikolojik sağlamlık, şefkat, umut vb.) konularında yoğunlaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Tezlerde en çok incelenen psikolojik kavramın ise anksiyete (kaygı) olduğu bulunmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular mevcut literatür ışığında tartışılmış ve öneriler getirilmiştir.


  • Akalın, S., Özgüner, İ., & Şakiroğlu, M. (2020). Covid-19 salgınının ve karantinanın psikolojik etkileri. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(4).
  • Alzueta, E., Perrin, P., Baker, F. C., Caffarra, S., Ramos‐Usuga, D., Yuksel, D., & Arango‐Lasprilla, J. C. (2021). How the COVID‐19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. Journal of clinical psychology, 77(3), 556-570.
  • Bailey, L., Ward, M., DiCosimo, A., Baunta, S., Cunningham, C., Romero-Ortuno, R., ... & Briggs, R. (2021). Physical and mental health of older people while cocooning during the COVID-19 pandemic. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine.
  • Bernabe-Valero, G., Melero-Fuentes, D., De Lima Argimon, I. I., & Gerbino, M. (2021). Individual Differences Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Age, Gender, Personality, and Positive Psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 595.
  • Carriedo, A., Cecchini, J. A., Fernandez-Rio, J., & Méndez-Giménez, A. (2020). COVID-19, psychological well-being and physical activity levels in older adults during the nationwide lockdown in Spain. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry, 28(11), 1146-1155.
  • Chan, J. F. W., Yuan, S., Kok, K. H., To, K. K. W., Chu, H., Yang, J., Xing, F., Liu, J., Yip, C. C. Y., C. Y., Poon, R. W. S., Tsoi, H. W., Lo, S. K. F., Chan, K. H., Poon, V. K. M., Chan, W. M., Ip, J. D., Cai, J. P., … Yuen, K. Y. (2020). A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. The Lancet, 395(10223), 514– 523.
  • Cullen, W., Gulati, G., & Kelly, B. D. (2020). Mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 113(5), 311-312.
  • Da Silva Neto, R. M., Benjamim, C. J. R., de Medeiros Carvalho, P. M., & Neto, M. L. R. (2021). Psychological effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in health professionals: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 104, 110062.
  • Davico, C., Ghiggia, A., Marcotulli, D., Ricci, F., Amianto, F., & Vitiello, B. (2021). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults and their children in Italy. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 239.
  • Dawson, D. L., & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2020). COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic. Journal of contextual behavioral science, 17, 126-134.
  • De Figueiredo, C. S., Sandre, P. C., Portugal, L. C. L., Mázala-de-Oliveira, T., da Silva Chagas, L., Raony, Í., ... & Bomfim, P. O. S. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic impact on children and adolescents' mental health: biological, environmental, and social factors. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 106, 110171.
  • Dong, H., Yang, F., Lu, X., & Hao, W. (2020). Internet addiction and related psychological factors among children and adolescents in China during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 751.
  • El-Zoghby, S. M., Soltan, E. M., & Salama, H. M. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and social support among adult Egyptians. Journal of community health, 45, 689-695.
  • Francisco, R., Pedro, M., Delvecchio, E., Espada, J. P., Morales, A., Mazzeschi, C., & Orgilés, M. (2020). Psychological symptoms and behavioral changes in children and adolescents during the early phase of COVID-19 quarantine in three European countries. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1329.
  • Gill, P. K., Du, C., Khan, F., Karimi, N., Sabharwal, K., & Agarwal, M. (2021). The psychological effects of COVID-19 spread in young Canadian adults. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764020988878.
  • Glowacz, F., & Schmits, E. (2020). Psychological distress during the COVID-19 lockdown: the young adults most at risk. Psychiatry research, 293, 113486.
  • Guessoum, S. B., Lachal, J., Radjack, R., Carretier, E., Minassian, S., Benoit, L., & Moro, M. R. (2020). Adolescent psychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Psychiatry research, 113264.
  • Haider, I. I., Tiwana, F., & Tahir, S. M. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult mental health. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S90.
  • Horesh, D., & Brown, A. D. (2020). Covid-19 response: Traumatic stress in the age of Covid-19: A call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(4), 331– 335.
  • Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Karatzias, T., Bentall, R. P., ... & Vallières, F. (2020). Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 142(3), 249-256.
  • Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4), S67.
  • Karadağ, E. (2009). Eğitim bilimleri alanında yapılmış doktora tezlerinin tematik açıdan incelemesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 75-87.
  • Kasapoğlu, F. (2020). COVID-19 salgını sürecinde kaygı ile maneviyat, psikolojik sağlamlık ve belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(4).
  • Kımter, N. (2020). Covid-19 günlerinde bireylerin psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Milli Mücadele'nin 100. Yılı Özel Sayısı, 574-605.
  • Li, Y. Y., Sun, Y., Meng, S. Q., Bao, Y. P., Cheng, J. L., Chang, X. W., ... & Shi, J. (2021). Internet addiction ıncreases in the general population during COVID‐19: Evidence from China. The American Journal on Addictions.
  • Linhares, M. B. M., & Enumo, S. R. F. (2020). Reflections based on Psychology about the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on child development. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 37.
  • Mukhtar, S. (2020). Psychological impact of COVID-19 on older adults. Current medicine research and practice, 10(4), 201.
  • Orgilés, M., Morales, A., Delvecchio, E., Mazzeschi, C., & Espada, J. P. (2020). Immediate psychological effects of the COVID-19 quarantine in youth from Italy and Spain. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2986.
  • Peteet, J. R. (2020). COVID-19 anxiety. Journal of religion and health, 59, 2203-2204.
  • Prati, G., & Mancini, A. D. (2021). The psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns: a review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies and natural experiments. Psychological medicine, 1-11.
  • Ripon, R. K., Mim, S. S., Puente, A. E., Hossain, S., Babor, M. M. H., Sohan, S. A., & Islam, N. (2020). COVID-19: psychological effects on a COVID-19 quarantined population in Bangladesh. Heliyon, 6(11), e05481.
  • Rogier, G., Zobel, S. B., & Velotti, P. (2021). COVID-19, loneliness and technological addiction: Longitudinal data. Journal of Gambling Issues, (47).
  • Saputri, R. A. M., & Yumarni, T. (2021). Social media addiction and mental health among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-15.
  • Taylor, S. (2019). The psychology of pandemics: preparing for the next global outbreak of infectious disease. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Tso, W. W., Wong, R. S., Tung, K. T., Rao, N., Fu, K. W., Yam, J. C., ... & Wong, I. C. (2020). Vulnerability and resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 1-16.
  • Yamaguchi, K., Takebayashi, Y., Miyamae, M., Komazawa, A., Yokoyama, C., & Ito, M. (2020). Role of focusing on the positive side during COVID-19 outbreak: Mental health perspective from positive psychology. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(S1), S49.
  • Zeybek, Z. , Bozkurt, Y. & Aşkın, R. (2020). Covid-19 pandemisi: Psikolojik etkileri ve terapötik müdahaleler . İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , Bahar (Covid19-Özel Ek) , 304-318.
  • Zhou, S. J., Zhang, L. G., Wang, L. L., Guo, Z. C., Wang, J. Q., Chen, J. C., ... & Chen, J. X. (2020). Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of psychological health problems in Chinese adolescents during the outbreak of COVID-19. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 29(6), 749-758.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Educational Psychology
Journal Section Research Articles

Okan Bilgin 0000-0001-6233-4290

Publication Date December 23, 2021
Submission Date November 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Bilgin, O. (2021). COVİD-19 Pandemisinin Psikolojik Etkileri: Türkiye’de Yapılan Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmesi. Karaelmas Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 276-284.