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Year 2014, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 59 - 77, 01.05.2014


Çağımızda en büyük değişim iletişim alanında yaşanmaktadır. Küresel kültürde metne dayalı iletişim yerini görselliğin hâkimiyetine bırakmıştır. Bu değişim süreci görsel sanatlar eğitiminin içeriği üzerine yeniden düşünmeyi gerektirir. Bu anlamda son yıllarda dünyada sanat eğitimcileri tarafından öne çıkarılan yaklaşımlardan biri “Görsel Kültür Kuramı”dır. Bu araştırmada amacım sanat eğitiminde değişen paradigma doğrultusunda görsel kültür kuramını tanımlama yoluna giderek, bu kuramın öğretim metodolojileri konusunda genel bir bakış sağlamaktır. Bu çerçevede araştırmada öncelikle post-modern süreçte sanat eğitimini değişime zorlayan paradigmayı inceledim. Daha sonra sanat eğitimi alanyazınında görsel kültür ve eleştirel pedagoji kavramları ile görsel kültür kuramı çerçevesinde ortaya çıkan tartışmalara odaklandım. Bu çalışma özellikle sanat öğretmeni eğitimine katkı sağlamayı hedeflediğinden son bölümünde görsel kültür öğretim metodolojileri bağlamında örnek uygulamalara yer verdim.


  • Akpınar, B., Çakmak, Z. ve Kara, C. (2010). Postmodernizmin ilköğretim 6. sınıf ve 7. sınıf sosyal bilgiler öğretim programına yansımaları, Fırat Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (20), 2, 137-160
  • Antmen, A. (2010). 20. Yüzyıl Sanatında Akımlar, (3. Baskı), İstanbul: Sel Yayıncılık
  • Amburgy, P. (2011). Diversity, pedagogy, and visual culture. Art Education, 64(5), 44-51.
  • Anderson, T. (2003). Art education for life. Journal of Art and Design Education, 22(1), 58-66.
  • Aslan, H. (2009). Medya okuryazarlığının görsel kültür ve sanat eğitimi ekseninde çözümlenmesi, Yayımlanmamamış Master Tezi, 19 Mayıs Üniversitesi
  • Balkır, N. (2009). Visual culture in the context of Turkey: Perceptions of visual culture in Turkish pre-service art teacher preparation. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Texas, USA.
  • Balkır, N. (2011). Sanat ve tasarım eğitiminde görsel kültür, Başkent Üniversitesi 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (27-29 Nisan 2011) Ankara
  • Ballengee-Morris, C. & Stuhr, P.L. (2001). Multicultural art and visual cultural education in a changing world, Art Education 54 (4), 6-13
  • Banard, M. (1998). Sanat, Tasarım ve Görsel Kültür,(Çeviri: Güliz Korkmaz) Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Barney, D.T. (2006). Visual culture in a high school advanced placement studio art classroom, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Barrett, T. (1991). Description in professional art criticism, Studies in Art Education, 32(2), 83-93.
  • Barrett, T. (2003). Interpreting visual culture. Art Education, 56(2), 6-12.
  • Barthes, R. (1977). Elements of Semiology, Hill and Wang, New York
  • Bersson, R. (1980). Atlanta papers: Caucus on social theory and art education. Proceedings of the Inaugural Session of the Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association (Atlanta: Georgia) (ERIC Document: ED339624)
  • Çağan, K. (2006). Sanat sosyolojisinin imkânına ve inşasına dair, Bilgi (13), 2, 11-31
  • Çepni, S. (2007). Araştırma ve Proje Çalışmalarına Giriş, (3. Baskı), Celepler Matbacılık: Trabzon
  • Darts, D. (2006). Head game: Engaging popular visual culture, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Dikovitskaya, M. (2005). Visual culture: the study of the visual after the cultural turn, Cambridge: Mas Mitt Press
  • Dilli, R. (2013). Görsel Kültür Kuramının İlköğretim 4. Sınıf Görsel Sanatlar Dersinde Uygulanması,Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi
  • Duncum, P. (1999). A case for an art education of everyday aesthetic experiences, Studies in Art Education, 40(4), 295-311.
  • Duncum, P. (2001). The theories and practices of visual culture in art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 105 (2) 19-25.
  • Duncum, P. (2002). Theorizing everyday aesthetic experience with contemporary visual culture, Visual Arts Research, 28(2), 4-15.
  • Duncum, P. (2003). Visual culture in the classroom, Art Education, 56(2), 25-32
  • Duncum, P. (2008). Thinking critically about critical thinking: Towards a post-critical’ dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture, International journal of Education though Art, 4(3), 247.
  • Efland, D.A. (2005). Problems confronting visual culture, Art Education, 58 (6), 35-40
  • Eisner, E. (2002). The Arts an the Creation of Mind, Yale University Press
  • Elkins, J. (2003). Visual Studies: A skeptical introduction, New York: Routledge
  • Eker, M. ve Seylan, A. (2005). Çağdaş sanat eğitiminde sanatsal ve pedagojik postmodern montajlar, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 19, 164-178
  • Eker, M. ve Aslan, H. (2010). Görsel kültür ve medya okuryazarlığı: Sanat eğitiminin kamusal açılımı, Milli Eğitim 187, 251-267
  • Erinç, S.M. (2009). Sanat Sosyolojisine Giriş, Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Featherstone, M. (2007). Consumer Culture and Postmodernsim (2nd Edition), CA, Sage Publication. Erişim:
  • Freedman, K. (1994). Interpreting gender and visual culture in art classrooms, Studies in Art Education, 35(3), 157-170.
  • Freedman, K. (1997). Visual art/virtual art: teaching technology for meaning, Art Education, 50(4), 6-12.
  • Freedman, K. (2000). Context as a part of visual culture, Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 3, 41-44.
  • Freedman, K. (2003). Teaching visual culture: Curriculum, aesthetics, and the social life of art. New York: Teacher College Press.
  • Gage, N. & Berliner, D. (1991). Humanistic psychology instructional theory, Educational Psychology (5th Edition) Erişim:
  • Giroux, H. (1992). Border crossing, cultural workers and the politics of education, New York: Routledge
  • Giroux, H. (2000). Impure acts: The practical politics of cultural studies, Routledge, New York
  • Gude, O. (2007). Principles of possibility: Considerations for a 21st century art and culture curriculum, Art Education, 60 (1), 6-15
  • Hall, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices. London: Sage Publication
  • Hermann, R. (2005). The disconnect between theory and practice in a visual culture approach to art. Art Education, 58(6), 1-6.
  • Hurwitz, A. & Day, M. (2001) Children and their art; Methods for the elementary school, Harcount linc.
  • İnal, İ. (2010). Güncel sanat için sanat eğitimi, 2. Ulusal Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, (8-10 Nisan 2010) Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale
  • Keifer-Boyd, K. (1996). Interfacing hypermedia and the Internet with critical inquiry in the arts: pre-service training. Art education, 49(6) 33-41.
  • Keifer-Boyd, K., Amburgy, P., & Knight, W. (2003). Three approaches to teaching visual culture in K-12 school contexts. Art Education, 46(2), 44-51.
  • Keifer-Boyd, K. & Maitland-Gholson (2007). Engaging Visual Culture, Massachusetts: Davis Publications
  • Keifer-Boyd, K., Emme, M., & jagodzinski, j. (2008). InCITE/InSIGHT/InSITE: Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, The First 25 Years. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
  • Kırışoğlu, O. (2009). Sanat kültür yaratıcılık, Görsel Sanatlar ve Kültür Eğitimi, Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Kirschenbaum, H. (1975). The catalogue for humanizing education Saratoga Spring (Ed). NU: National Humanistic Education Center
  • Mamur, N. (2012). Perceptions concerning visual culture dialogues of visual art pre- service teachers. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 12(3), 18-26.
  • Mc Arthur, J. (2010). Time to look a new: Critical pedegogy and disciplines within higher education, Studies in Higher Education, 35 (3), 301-315
  • Mc Laren, P. (2003). Critical pedagogy: A look at the major concepts, In A. Doder, & D. Torres (Ed) The critical Pedagogy Reader, (pp 69-96), New York: Routledge Falmer
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1998). The Visual Culture Reader, New York: Routledge
  • Mitter, G. (1994). Art in Focus, Glencoe/Mc Graw-Hill School Publishing Company
  • Musneckiene, E. (2012). Trends in art education in the international context, In H. Sederholm (Ed), Art Beat (pp.141-171). Aalto University Publication, Finland
  • Soğancı, İ. Ö. (2011). Türkiye’de görsel kültür: Uluslararası öğrenci kitlesine yönelik bir uygulama örneği, Başkent Üniversitesi 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (27-29 Nisan 2011) Ankara
  • Stocrocki, M. (2002). Shopping malls from preteen and teenage perspectives, Visual Arts Research, 28 (2), 77-85
  • Stokrocki, M. (2006). Searching for meaning: visual culture from an anthropological perspective. Art Education, 59(1), 46-52.
  • Smith, P. (2003). Visual Culture Studies versus art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 104(4) 3-8
  • Sturken, M., & Cartwright. L. (2009). Practices of looking: An introduction to visual culture, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Sullivan, G. (1996). Critical interpretive inquiry: A qualitative study of five contemporary artists’ ways of seeing. Studies in Art Education. 37(4), 210-225.
  • Tavin, K. (2000). Teaching in and through visual culture. Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 18, 37-40.
  • Tavin, K. (2002). Engaging advertisements: Looking for meaning in and through art education. Visual Arts Research, 28(2), 38-47.
  • Tavin, K. (2003). A critical pedagogy of visual culture asart education: Toward a performative inter/textual practice. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The Pennylvania State University
  • Tavin. K. & Anderson, D. (2003). Teaching (popular) visual culture: Deconstructing Disney in the elementary art classroom, Art Education, 56 (3) 21-35
  • Tavin, K. (2004). If you see something, say something: visual events at the visual culture gathering. Visual Arts Research, 32 (2), 2-6.
  • Tavin, K. & Toczydlowska, B.(2006). Construcating a (Virtual) President An Uneasy Case Study, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Taylor, P.G., & Carpenter, B. S. (2002). Inventively linking: Teaching and learning with computer hypertext. Art Education, 55(4), 6-12.
  • Taylor, P.,(2009). Madonna and hypertext: Liberatory learning in art education, Studies in Art Education, 41 (4), 347-389
  • Tekiner, D. (2006). Formalist art criticism and the politics of meaning, Social Justice, 33 (2), 31-34
  • Tillander, M. (2011). Creativity, tecnology, art and pedagogical practices, Art Education, 64 (1), 40-46
  • Türkkan, B. (2008). İlköğretim görsel sanatlar dersi bağlamında görsel kültür çalışmaları: Bir eylem araştırması. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi
  • Uysal, A. (2011). Görsel kültürün ve sosyo-kültürel olguların öğrenci resimlerindeki imgelere Akademik Bakış Dergisi. Erişim
  • Walker, S.R. (1996).Thinking strategies for interpreting artworks”, Studies in Art Education, 37 (2), 80-91
  • Wilson, B. (2002). Conflicting forms of cultural literacy: Inside school and beyond schooling. Journal of Research in Art and Education, 3, 123-151.

Implications of Postmodernism on ArtEducation: Visual Culture and Critical Pedagogy

Year 2014, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 59 - 77, 01.05.2014


The greatest changes taking place today are in the communication field. This is particularly evident in the global culture, where text-based communication has given way to the dominance of visuality. This process of change requires re-thinking in the content of visual arts education. In recent years, one of the approaches raised by art educators is visual culture theory. In this study, my goal is to provide a general view of teaching methodologies reflecting this theory by defining visual culture theory within the framework of the changing paradigm in art education. In this study, I first examine the paradigm shift which is forcing changes to art education in the post-modern process. Afterwards, I focus on the concepts of visual culture and critical pedagogy and the discussions arising under the theory of visual culture in art education literature. As this study especially focuses on teaching critical interpretation of visual culture in pre-service teacher education, in the last section I consider model practices in the context of teaching methodologies of visual culture


  • Akpınar, B., Çakmak, Z. ve Kara, C. (2010). Postmodernizmin ilköğretim 6. sınıf ve 7. sınıf sosyal bilgiler öğretim programına yansımaları, Fırat Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (20), 2, 137-160
  • Antmen, A. (2010). 20. Yüzyıl Sanatında Akımlar, (3. Baskı), İstanbul: Sel Yayıncılık
  • Amburgy, P. (2011). Diversity, pedagogy, and visual culture. Art Education, 64(5), 44-51.
  • Anderson, T. (2003). Art education for life. Journal of Art and Design Education, 22(1), 58-66.
  • Aslan, H. (2009). Medya okuryazarlığının görsel kültür ve sanat eğitimi ekseninde çözümlenmesi, Yayımlanmamamış Master Tezi, 19 Mayıs Üniversitesi
  • Balkır, N. (2009). Visual culture in the context of Turkey: Perceptions of visual culture in Turkish pre-service art teacher preparation. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Texas, USA.
  • Balkır, N. (2011). Sanat ve tasarım eğitiminde görsel kültür, Başkent Üniversitesi 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (27-29 Nisan 2011) Ankara
  • Ballengee-Morris, C. & Stuhr, P.L. (2001). Multicultural art and visual cultural education in a changing world, Art Education 54 (4), 6-13
  • Banard, M. (1998). Sanat, Tasarım ve Görsel Kültür,(Çeviri: Güliz Korkmaz) Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Barney, D.T. (2006). Visual culture in a high school advanced placement studio art classroom, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Barrett, T. (1991). Description in professional art criticism, Studies in Art Education, 32(2), 83-93.
  • Barrett, T. (2003). Interpreting visual culture. Art Education, 56(2), 6-12.
  • Barthes, R. (1977). Elements of Semiology, Hill and Wang, New York
  • Bersson, R. (1980). Atlanta papers: Caucus on social theory and art education. Proceedings of the Inaugural Session of the Annual Meeting of the National Art Education Association (Atlanta: Georgia) (ERIC Document: ED339624)
  • Çağan, K. (2006). Sanat sosyolojisinin imkânına ve inşasına dair, Bilgi (13), 2, 11-31
  • Çepni, S. (2007). Araştırma ve Proje Çalışmalarına Giriş, (3. Baskı), Celepler Matbacılık: Trabzon
  • Darts, D. (2006). Head game: Engaging popular visual culture, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Dikovitskaya, M. (2005). Visual culture: the study of the visual after the cultural turn, Cambridge: Mas Mitt Press
  • Dilli, R. (2013). Görsel Kültür Kuramının İlköğretim 4. Sınıf Görsel Sanatlar Dersinde Uygulanması,Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi
  • Duncum, P. (1999). A case for an art education of everyday aesthetic experiences, Studies in Art Education, 40(4), 295-311.
  • Duncum, P. (2001). The theories and practices of visual culture in art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 105 (2) 19-25.
  • Duncum, P. (2002). Theorizing everyday aesthetic experience with contemporary visual culture, Visual Arts Research, 28(2), 4-15.
  • Duncum, P. (2003). Visual culture in the classroom, Art Education, 56(2), 25-32
  • Duncum, P. (2008). Thinking critically about critical thinking: Towards a post-critical’ dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture, International journal of Education though Art, 4(3), 247.
  • Efland, D.A. (2005). Problems confronting visual culture, Art Education, 58 (6), 35-40
  • Eisner, E. (2002). The Arts an the Creation of Mind, Yale University Press
  • Elkins, J. (2003). Visual Studies: A skeptical introduction, New York: Routledge
  • Eker, M. ve Seylan, A. (2005). Çağdaş sanat eğitiminde sanatsal ve pedagojik postmodern montajlar, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 19, 164-178
  • Eker, M. ve Aslan, H. (2010). Görsel kültür ve medya okuryazarlığı: Sanat eğitiminin kamusal açılımı, Milli Eğitim 187, 251-267
  • Erinç, S.M. (2009). Sanat Sosyolojisine Giriş, Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Featherstone, M. (2007). Consumer Culture and Postmodernsim (2nd Edition), CA, Sage Publication. Erişim:
  • Freedman, K. (1994). Interpreting gender and visual culture in art classrooms, Studies in Art Education, 35(3), 157-170.
  • Freedman, K. (1997). Visual art/virtual art: teaching technology for meaning, Art Education, 50(4), 6-12.
  • Freedman, K. (2000). Context as a part of visual culture, Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 3, 41-44.
  • Freedman, K. (2003). Teaching visual culture: Curriculum, aesthetics, and the social life of art. New York: Teacher College Press.
  • Gage, N. & Berliner, D. (1991). Humanistic psychology instructional theory, Educational Psychology (5th Edition) Erişim:
  • Giroux, H. (1992). Border crossing, cultural workers and the politics of education, New York: Routledge
  • Giroux, H. (2000). Impure acts: The practical politics of cultural studies, Routledge, New York
  • Gude, O. (2007). Principles of possibility: Considerations for a 21st century art and culture curriculum, Art Education, 60 (1), 6-15
  • Hall, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices. London: Sage Publication
  • Hermann, R. (2005). The disconnect between theory and practice in a visual culture approach to art. Art Education, 58(6), 1-6.
  • Hurwitz, A. & Day, M. (2001) Children and their art; Methods for the elementary school, Harcount linc.
  • İnal, İ. (2010). Güncel sanat için sanat eğitimi, 2. Ulusal Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, (8-10 Nisan 2010) Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale
  • Keifer-Boyd, K. (1996). Interfacing hypermedia and the Internet with critical inquiry in the arts: pre-service training. Art education, 49(6) 33-41.
  • Keifer-Boyd, K., Amburgy, P., & Knight, W. (2003). Three approaches to teaching visual culture in K-12 school contexts. Art Education, 46(2), 44-51.
  • Keifer-Boyd, K. & Maitland-Gholson (2007). Engaging Visual Culture, Massachusetts: Davis Publications
  • Keifer-Boyd, K., Emme, M., & jagodzinski, j. (2008). InCITE/InSIGHT/InSITE: Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, The First 25 Years. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
  • Kırışoğlu, O. (2009). Sanat kültür yaratıcılık, Görsel Sanatlar ve Kültür Eğitimi, Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Kirschenbaum, H. (1975). The catalogue for humanizing education Saratoga Spring (Ed). NU: National Humanistic Education Center
  • Mamur, N. (2012). Perceptions concerning visual culture dialogues of visual art pre- service teachers. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 12(3), 18-26.
  • Mc Arthur, J. (2010). Time to look a new: Critical pedegogy and disciplines within higher education, Studies in Higher Education, 35 (3), 301-315
  • Mc Laren, P. (2003). Critical pedagogy: A look at the major concepts, In A. Doder, & D. Torres (Ed) The critical Pedagogy Reader, (pp 69-96), New York: Routledge Falmer
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1998). The Visual Culture Reader, New York: Routledge
  • Mitter, G. (1994). Art in Focus, Glencoe/Mc Graw-Hill School Publishing Company
  • Musneckiene, E. (2012). Trends in art education in the international context, In H. Sederholm (Ed), Art Beat (pp.141-171). Aalto University Publication, Finland
  • Soğancı, İ. Ö. (2011). Türkiye’de görsel kültür: Uluslararası öğrenci kitlesine yönelik bir uygulama örneği, Başkent Üniversitesi 1. Sanat ve Tasarım Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (27-29 Nisan 2011) Ankara
  • Stocrocki, M. (2002). Shopping malls from preteen and teenage perspectives, Visual Arts Research, 28 (2), 77-85
  • Stokrocki, M. (2006). Searching for meaning: visual culture from an anthropological perspective. Art Education, 59(1), 46-52.
  • Smith, P. (2003). Visual Culture Studies versus art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 104(4) 3-8
  • Sturken, M., & Cartwright. L. (2009). Practices of looking: An introduction to visual culture, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Sullivan, G. (1996). Critical interpretive inquiry: A qualitative study of five contemporary artists’ ways of seeing. Studies in Art Education. 37(4), 210-225.
  • Tavin, K. (2000). Teaching in and through visual culture. Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 18, 37-40.
  • Tavin, K. (2002). Engaging advertisements: Looking for meaning in and through art education. Visual Arts Research, 28(2), 38-47.
  • Tavin, K. (2003). A critical pedagogy of visual culture asart education: Toward a performative inter/textual practice. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The Pennylvania State University
  • Tavin. K. & Anderson, D. (2003). Teaching (popular) visual culture: Deconstructing Disney in the elementary art classroom, Art Education, 56 (3) 21-35
  • Tavin, K. (2004). If you see something, say something: visual events at the visual culture gathering. Visual Arts Research, 32 (2), 2-6.
  • Tavin, K. & Toczydlowska, B.(2006). Construcating a (Virtual) President An Uneasy Case Study, Visual Culture in the Art Class: Case Studies (Ed. Paul Duncum) VA: NAEA
  • Taylor, P.G., & Carpenter, B. S. (2002). Inventively linking: Teaching and learning with computer hypertext. Art Education, 55(4), 6-12.
  • Taylor, P.,(2009). Madonna and hypertext: Liberatory learning in art education, Studies in Art Education, 41 (4), 347-389
  • Tekiner, D. (2006). Formalist art criticism and the politics of meaning, Social Justice, 33 (2), 31-34
  • Tillander, M. (2011). Creativity, tecnology, art and pedagogical practices, Art Education, 64 (1), 40-46
  • Türkkan, B. (2008). İlköğretim görsel sanatlar dersi bağlamında görsel kültür çalışmaları: Bir eylem araştırması. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi
  • Uysal, A. (2011). Görsel kültürün ve sosyo-kültürel olguların öğrenci resimlerindeki imgelere Akademik Bakış Dergisi. Erişim
  • Walker, S.R. (1996).Thinking strategies for interpreting artworks”, Studies in Art Education, 37 (2), 80-91
  • Wilson, B. (2002). Conflicting forms of cultural literacy: Inside school and beyond schooling. Journal of Research in Art and Education, 3, 123-151.
There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nuray Mamur This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Mamur, N. (2014). POST-MODERNİZMİN SANAT EĞİTİMİNE YANSIMA BİÇİMLERİ GÖRSEL KÜLTÜR VE ELEŞTİREL PEDAGOJİ. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 59-77.

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