Ortaokul Öğrencilerine Verilen Matematik Ev Ödevleri Hakkında Öğrenci ve Öğretmen Görüşleri
Year 2022,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 863 - 922, 29.04.2022
Gözde Kaplan Can
Selahattin Gelbal
Çalışmada ortaokullarda öğrencilere verilen matematik ev ödevlerinin özellikleri, ödevlere verilen geri bildirim türleri ve ev ödevlerine aile katılımının nasıl sağlandığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırma bir tarama yöntem çalışmasıdır. Araştırmaya 563 ortaokul öğrencisi ve 116 ortaokul matematik öğretmeni katılmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri öğretmen ve öğrenciler için hazırlanan anketler aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistik yöntemleri ve ki—kare testi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma bulguları matematik öğretmenlerinin haftada en az bir kez ödev verdiklerini ve öğrencilerin yarıdan fazlasının ödevlerine tavsiye edilen zamandan daha fazla zaman ayırdığını göstermektedir. Öğretmenlerin daha çok öğrenilen konunun pekişmesi gibi öğretimsel amaçlı ödevler verdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca kavramsal öğrenmeyi sağlayan ilişkisel anlama yerine, işlemsel anlamayı destekleyen alıştırma sorusuları ve çoktan seçmeli sorular türünde ödev verdikleri görülmüştür. Öğretmenlerin verdikleri ödevlerin yapılıp yapılmadığını kontrol ettikleri fakat ödevlerin sınıf içinde tartışmaya açma veya yazılı bildirim verme gibi uyguları tercih etmedikleri belirlenmiştir. Aileler ve öğretmenlerin çoğunlukla veli toplantıları aracılığla iletişim kurduğu görülmüş, ailelerin ev ödevlerine destek türünde katılım sağladığı belirlenmiştir.
- Akyüz, G. (2013). Öğrencilerin okul dışı etkinliklere ayırdıkları süreler ve matematik başarısı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 46, 112-130.
- An, S. & Wu, Z. (2012). Enhancing mathematics teachers’ knowledge of students’ thinking from assessing and analyzing misconceptions in homework. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10, 717–753. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s10763‐011‐9324‐x
- Arıkan, S. (2017). TIMSS 2011 verilerine göre Türkiye’deki ev ödevi ve matematik başarısı arasındaki ilişki. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 8(26), 256-276.
- Bang, H. J., Suárez-Orozco C., Pakes J. & O'Connor E. (2009). The importance of homework in determining immigrant students' grades in schools in the USA context. Educational Research, 51(1), 1-25
- Butler, R. (1987). Task-involving and ego-involving properties of evaluation: Effects of different feedback conditions on motivational perceptions, interest and performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(4), 474-482.
- Cheema, J. R. & Sheridan, K. (2015). Time spent on homework, mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement: Evidence from a US sample. Issues in Educational Research, 25, 246-259.
- Cooper, H. (1989). Synthesis of research on homework. Educational Leadership, November, 85–91.
- Cooper, H. (2001). The battle over homework: Common ground for administrators, teacher, and parents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
- Cooper, H., Robinson, J. & Patall, E. (2006). Does homework improve academic achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003. Review of Educational Research, 76, 1–62.
- Cunha, J., Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Núñez, A. R, Moreira, T. & Núñez, T. (2018). “Homework feedback is…”: Elementary and middle school teachers’ conceptions of homework feedback. Front. Psychol. 9(32).
- de Jong, R., Westerhof, K. J. & Creemers, B. P. M. (2000). Homework and student math achievement in junior high schools. Educational Research and Evaluation, 6, 130–157.
- Demirbaş, A. (2011). İlköğretim Okullarındaki (1-5. Sınıf) Ödev Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi Araştırması. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Eğitimi Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dairesi Başkanlığı. Ankara. https://www.meb.gov.tr/earged/earged/ilk_ok_odev_uyg_deg.pdf adresinden erişilmiştir.
- Dettmers, S., Trautwein, U., Ludtke, O., Kunter, M. & Baumert, J. (2010). Homework works if quality is high: Using multilevel modeling to predict the development of achievement in mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(2), 467–482.
- Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Ludtke, O., Neumann, M., Niggli, A. & Schnyder, I. (2012). Does parental homework involvement mediate the relationship between family background and educational outcomes? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37, 55–69.
- Duru, S. & Çöğmen, S. (2017). İlkokul ve ortaokul öğrencileri ile velilerin ev ödevlerine yönelik görüşleri. İlköğretim Online, 16(1), 354-365
- Elawar, M. C. & Corno, L. (1985). A factorial experiment in teachers’ written feedback on student homework: Changing teacher behavior a little rather than a lot. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 162–173.
- Ersoy, A. & Anagün, S. Ş. (2009). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin fen ve teknoloji dersi ödev sürecine ilişkin görüşleri. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1), 58-79.
- Epstein, J. L. & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2001), More Than Minutes: Teachers' Roles in Designing Homework, Educational Psychologist, 36, 181–93.
- Fan, H., Xu, J., Cai, Z., He, J. & Fan, X. (2017). Homework and students' achievement in math and science: A 30-year meta-analysis, 1986–2015. Educational Research Review, 20, 35-54.
- Fernandez-Alonso, R., Suarez-Alvarez, J. & Muniz, J. (2015). Adolescents' homework performance in mathematics and science: Personal factors and teaching practices. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 1075-1085.
- Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2006), How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (6th Ed.), New York, NY: McGrawhill.
- Gravetter, F. J. & Wallnau, L. B. (2013). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
- Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Rev. Educ. Res. 77, 81–112.
- Kaur, B. (2011). Mathematics homework: A study of three grade eight classrooms in Singapore. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9, 187–206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763‐010‐9237‐0
- Kouzma, N. M. & Kennedy, G. A. (2002). Homework, stress, and mood disturbance in senior high school students. Psychological Reports, 91, 193
- Núñez, J. C., Suárez, N., Rosário, P., Vallejo, G., Cerezo, R. & Valle, A. (2015). Teachers’ feedback on homework, homework-related behaviors and academic achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 108(3), 204-2016.
- Öğrencilerimize Yönelik Uygulamalar (2016, 18 Ocak). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (Sayı: 595420). Mayıs 2019 tarihinde http://eruh.meb.gov.tr/www/milli-egitim-bakanligindan-odev-genelgesi/icerik/123 adresinden erişilmiştir.
- Öğrencilerimize Yönelik Uygulamalar (2017, 12 Ocak). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (Sayı: 486758). Mayıs 2018 tarihinde http://www.kamudanhaber.net/meb/meb-den-okullara-odev-genelgesi-h345244.html adresinden erişildi.
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Cunha, J., Nunes, T. & Mourão, R. (2015a). Does homework design matter? The role of homework’s purpose in student mathematics achievement. Contemporary. Education. Psychology. 43, 10–24.
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Cunha, J., Nunes, T., Suárez, N., ... Moreira, T. (2015b). The effects of teachers’ homework follow-up practices on students’ EFL performance: a randomized-group design. Front. Psychol. 6, 1528. doi: 10.3389/ fpsyg.2015.01528
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Nunes, T., Cunha, J., Fuentes, S. & Valle, A. (2018). Homework purposes, homework behaviors, and academic achievement. Examining the mediating role of students’ perceived homework quality. Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 53, 168–180. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.04.001
- Rosário, P., Cunha, J., Nunes, A. R., Moreira, T., Núñez, C. & Xu, J. (2019). “Did you do your homework?” Mathematics teachers’ perspectives of homework follow-up practices at middle school. Psychol. Sch. 56, 92–108. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22198
- Sidhu, G. K. & Fook, C. Y. (2010). Organization of Homework: Malaysian teachers' Practices and Perspective. Research Journal of International Studies, 13, 63-78.
- Silinskas, G. & Kikas, E. (2019). Math homework: Parental help and children’s academic outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59
- Singh, K., Bickley, P. G., Keith, T. Z., Keith, P. B., Trivette, P. & Anderson, E. (1995). The effects of four components of parental involvement on eighth grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data. School Psychology Review, 24, 299–317.
- Singh, P., Sidhu, G. K. & Fook, C. Y. (2013). Malaysian parents' practices and perspectives on the organization of school homework. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21(3), 1019-1037.
- Taş, (2013). An investigation of students' homework self-regulation and teachers' homework practices. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara.
- Taş, Y. Sungur-Vural, S. & Öztekin C. (2014). A study of science teachers’ homework practices. Research in Education, 91, 45-64.
- Trautwein, U., Köller, O., Schmitz, B. & Baumert, J. (2002). Do homework assignments enhance achievement? a multilevel analysis in 7th-grade mathematics. Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 27, 26–50. https://doi.org/10.1006/ceps.2001.1084
- Trautwein, U. (2007). The homework-achievement relation reconsidered: Differentiating homework time, homework frequency, and homework effort. Learning and Instruction, 17, 372–388.
- Trautwein, U., Schnyder, I., Niggli, A., Neumann, M. & Lüdtke, O. (2009). Chameleon effects in homework research: the homework–achievement association depends on the measures used and the level of analysis chosen. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34, 77–88.
- Walberg, H.J. (1984). Improving the productivity of America’s schools. Educational Leadership, 8, 19–30.
- Warton, P. M. (2001). The Forgotten Voices in Homework: Views of Students. Educational Psychologist, 36(3), 155-165.
- Wiliam, D. (2007). Keeping learning on track: classroom assessment and the regulation of learning. In F. K. Lester Jr (Ed.), Second handbook of mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 1053-1098). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- Wingard, L. & Forsberg, L. (2009). Parent involvement in children’s homework in American and Swedish dual-earner families. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1576–1595.
- Xu, J. (2008). Models of secondary school students’ interest in homework: A multilevel analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1180–1205.
- Xu, J. (2011). Homework completion at the secondary school level: A multilevel analysis. The Journal of Educational Research, 104, 171–182.
- Yapıcı, N. (1995), İlkokullarda öğretmen, öğrenci ve velilerin ev ödevi konusundaki görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Opinions of Students and Teachers about Mathematics Homework Assigned to Middle School Students
Year 2022,
Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 863 - 922, 29.04.2022
Gözde Kaplan Can
Selahattin Gelbal
In this study, mathematics homework implementations in middle schools, feedback types given to homework and how parents involve in homework process were investigated. Survey research method was employed in this study. A total of 563 middle school students and 116 middle school mathematics teachers participated in the study. Data of the study were collected through questionnaires prepared for both students and teachers. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used in data analysis process. Findings showed that teachers assigned mathematics homework at least once a week and many students spent more hours than recommended for their homework. Most of the time, teachers assigned homework with instructional purposes like practicing knowledge and skills learned in the class. Moreover, teachers mostly assigned homework in the type of drill or multiple choice questions which supports students’ procedural knowledge rather than conceptual knowledge They checked whether students do homework regularly; however, they did not prefer to disscuss homework in class and give written feedback to homework frequently. Study also showed that teachers communicated with parents generally in parent meetings and parents involved in homework process through supporting their children to do homework.
- Akyüz, G. (2013). Öğrencilerin okul dışı etkinliklere ayırdıkları süreler ve matematik başarısı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 46, 112-130.
- An, S. & Wu, Z. (2012). Enhancing mathematics teachers’ knowledge of students’ thinking from assessing and analyzing misconceptions in homework. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10, 717–753. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s10763‐011‐9324‐x
- Arıkan, S. (2017). TIMSS 2011 verilerine göre Türkiye’deki ev ödevi ve matematik başarısı arasındaki ilişki. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 8(26), 256-276.
- Bang, H. J., Suárez-Orozco C., Pakes J. & O'Connor E. (2009). The importance of homework in determining immigrant students' grades in schools in the USA context. Educational Research, 51(1), 1-25
- Butler, R. (1987). Task-involving and ego-involving properties of evaluation: Effects of different feedback conditions on motivational perceptions, interest and performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(4), 474-482.
- Cheema, J. R. & Sheridan, K. (2015). Time spent on homework, mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement: Evidence from a US sample. Issues in Educational Research, 25, 246-259.
- Cooper, H. (1989). Synthesis of research on homework. Educational Leadership, November, 85–91.
- Cooper, H. (2001). The battle over homework: Common ground for administrators, teacher, and parents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
- Cooper, H., Robinson, J. & Patall, E. (2006). Does homework improve academic achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003. Review of Educational Research, 76, 1–62.
- Cunha, J., Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Núñez, A. R, Moreira, T. & Núñez, T. (2018). “Homework feedback is…”: Elementary and middle school teachers’ conceptions of homework feedback. Front. Psychol. 9(32).
- de Jong, R., Westerhof, K. J. & Creemers, B. P. M. (2000). Homework and student math achievement in junior high schools. Educational Research and Evaluation, 6, 130–157.
- Demirbaş, A. (2011). İlköğretim Okullarındaki (1-5. Sınıf) Ödev Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi Araştırması. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Eğitimi Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dairesi Başkanlığı. Ankara. https://www.meb.gov.tr/earged/earged/ilk_ok_odev_uyg_deg.pdf adresinden erişilmiştir.
- Dettmers, S., Trautwein, U., Ludtke, O., Kunter, M. & Baumert, J. (2010). Homework works if quality is high: Using multilevel modeling to predict the development of achievement in mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(2), 467–482.
- Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Ludtke, O., Neumann, M., Niggli, A. & Schnyder, I. (2012). Does parental homework involvement mediate the relationship between family background and educational outcomes? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37, 55–69.
- Duru, S. & Çöğmen, S. (2017). İlkokul ve ortaokul öğrencileri ile velilerin ev ödevlerine yönelik görüşleri. İlköğretim Online, 16(1), 354-365
- Elawar, M. C. & Corno, L. (1985). A factorial experiment in teachers’ written feedback on student homework: Changing teacher behavior a little rather than a lot. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 162–173.
- Ersoy, A. & Anagün, S. Ş. (2009). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin fen ve teknoloji dersi ödev sürecine ilişkin görüşleri. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1), 58-79.
- Epstein, J. L. & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2001), More Than Minutes: Teachers' Roles in Designing Homework, Educational Psychologist, 36, 181–93.
- Fan, H., Xu, J., Cai, Z., He, J. & Fan, X. (2017). Homework and students' achievement in math and science: A 30-year meta-analysis, 1986–2015. Educational Research Review, 20, 35-54.
- Fernandez-Alonso, R., Suarez-Alvarez, J. & Muniz, J. (2015). Adolescents' homework performance in mathematics and science: Personal factors and teaching practices. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 1075-1085.
- Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2006), How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (6th Ed.), New York, NY: McGrawhill.
- Gravetter, F. J. & Wallnau, L. B. (2013). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
- Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Rev. Educ. Res. 77, 81–112.
- Kaur, B. (2011). Mathematics homework: A study of three grade eight classrooms in Singapore. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9, 187–206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763‐010‐9237‐0
- Kouzma, N. M. & Kennedy, G. A. (2002). Homework, stress, and mood disturbance in senior high school students. Psychological Reports, 91, 193
- Núñez, J. C., Suárez, N., Rosário, P., Vallejo, G., Cerezo, R. & Valle, A. (2015). Teachers’ feedback on homework, homework-related behaviors and academic achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 108(3), 204-2016.
- Öğrencilerimize Yönelik Uygulamalar (2016, 18 Ocak). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (Sayı: 595420). Mayıs 2019 tarihinde http://eruh.meb.gov.tr/www/milli-egitim-bakanligindan-odev-genelgesi/icerik/123 adresinden erişilmiştir.
- Öğrencilerimize Yönelik Uygulamalar (2017, 12 Ocak). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (Sayı: 486758). Mayıs 2018 tarihinde http://www.kamudanhaber.net/meb/meb-den-okullara-odev-genelgesi-h345244.html adresinden erişildi.
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Cunha, J., Nunes, T. & Mourão, R. (2015a). Does homework design matter? The role of homework’s purpose in student mathematics achievement. Contemporary. Education. Psychology. 43, 10–24.
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Cunha, J., Nunes, T., Suárez, N., ... Moreira, T. (2015b). The effects of teachers’ homework follow-up practices on students’ EFL performance: a randomized-group design. Front. Psychol. 6, 1528. doi: 10.3389/ fpsyg.2015.01528
- Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., Nunes, T., Cunha, J., Fuentes, S. & Valle, A. (2018). Homework purposes, homework behaviors, and academic achievement. Examining the mediating role of students’ perceived homework quality. Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 53, 168–180. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.04.001
- Rosário, P., Cunha, J., Nunes, A. R., Moreira, T., Núñez, C. & Xu, J. (2019). “Did you do your homework?” Mathematics teachers’ perspectives of homework follow-up practices at middle school. Psychol. Sch. 56, 92–108. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22198
- Sidhu, G. K. & Fook, C. Y. (2010). Organization of Homework: Malaysian teachers' Practices and Perspective. Research Journal of International Studies, 13, 63-78.
- Silinskas, G. & Kikas, E. (2019). Math homework: Parental help and children’s academic outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59
- Singh, K., Bickley, P. G., Keith, T. Z., Keith, P. B., Trivette, P. & Anderson, E. (1995). The effects of four components of parental involvement on eighth grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data. School Psychology Review, 24, 299–317.
- Singh, P., Sidhu, G. K. & Fook, C. Y. (2013). Malaysian parents' practices and perspectives on the organization of school homework. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21(3), 1019-1037.
- Taş, (2013). An investigation of students' homework self-regulation and teachers' homework practices. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara.
- Taş, Y. Sungur-Vural, S. & Öztekin C. (2014). A study of science teachers’ homework practices. Research in Education, 91, 45-64.
- Trautwein, U., Köller, O., Schmitz, B. & Baumert, J. (2002). Do homework assignments enhance achievement? a multilevel analysis in 7th-grade mathematics. Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 27, 26–50. https://doi.org/10.1006/ceps.2001.1084
- Trautwein, U. (2007). The homework-achievement relation reconsidered: Differentiating homework time, homework frequency, and homework effort. Learning and Instruction, 17, 372–388.
- Trautwein, U., Schnyder, I., Niggli, A., Neumann, M. & Lüdtke, O. (2009). Chameleon effects in homework research: the homework–achievement association depends on the measures used and the level of analysis chosen. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34, 77–88.
- Walberg, H.J. (1984). Improving the productivity of America’s schools. Educational Leadership, 8, 19–30.
- Warton, P. M. (2001). The Forgotten Voices in Homework: Views of Students. Educational Psychologist, 36(3), 155-165.
- Wiliam, D. (2007). Keeping learning on track: classroom assessment and the regulation of learning. In F. K. Lester Jr (Ed.), Second handbook of mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 1053-1098). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- Wingard, L. & Forsberg, L. (2009). Parent involvement in children’s homework in American and Swedish dual-earner families. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1576–1595.
- Xu, J. (2008). Models of secondary school students’ interest in homework: A multilevel analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1180–1205.
- Xu, J. (2011). Homework completion at the secondary school level: A multilevel analysis. The Journal of Educational Research, 104, 171–182.
- Yapıcı, N. (1995), İlkokullarda öğretmen, öğrenci ve velilerin ev ödevi konusundaki görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.