Research Article
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Psychological Needs and Grit Role in Predicting Career Adaptability in University Students

Year 2020, , 1130 - 1141, 20.05.2020


The aim of this research is to examine the role of psychological needs and grit of university students in predicting career adaptability. The study was designed according to the predictive correlational design. While the dependent variable of the research is career adaptability, the independent variables are love and belongingness, power, freedom and fun from the sub-dimensions of psychological needs; and perseverance of effort and consistency in interests from the sub-dimensions of grit. This research was conducted on the students studying at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Gaziantep in 2016-2017 academic year. The research group has been determined by purposive sampling method and consists of 390 students. The research data were collected by the prepared information form, Career Adaptability Scale, Basic Psychological Needs Scale and Short Grit Scale. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine the psychological needs and the role of grit in regression of career adaptability. In the first phase of the analysis, freedom, power and fun from the psychological needs significantly predicts the career adaptability. These variables are positively related to career adaptability. In the second phase of the analysis, the perseverance of effort was included in the model from the subdimensions of grit. Stimulating perseverance of effort as a means of positivity in the direction of career alignment. Varia-bles explain 49% of the total variance.


  • Akoğlan Kozak, M., & Dalkıranoğlu, T. (2013). Mezun öğrencilerin kariyer algılamaları: Anadolu Üniversitesi örneği. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 41–52. Retrieved from
  • Andreassen, C. S., Hetland, J., & Pallesen, S. (2010). The relationship between ‘workaholism’, basic needs satisfaction at work and personality. European Journal of Personality, 24(1), 3-17.
  • Arshadi, N. (2010). Basic need satisfaction, work motivation, and job performance in an industrial company in Iran. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 1267-1272. DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.273.
  • Ayaz, A., & Pişkin, M. (2017). İş dünyasında başarıya ulaşmış yöneticilerin kariyer örüntülerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası İş ve İstihdam Kongresi, 14-15 Aralık 2017. Ankara.
  • Benesová, ˇ A., Tupa, J., 2017. Requirements for education and qualification of people in industry 4.0. Procedia Manuf. 11, 2195–2202, doi: 10.1016/ j.promfg.2017.07.366
  • Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı (2018). Dijital Türkiye yol haritası. adresinden erişildi.
  • Bowker, L. (2004). What does it take to work in the translation profession in Canada in the 21st century?: Exploring a database of job advertisements. Meta: Journal des traducteurs/Meta: Translators' Journal, 49(4), 960-972. doi: 10.7202/009804
  • Broadbridge, A., & Swanson, V. (2005). Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life. Journal of Education and Work, 18(2), 235-249. doi:10.1080/13639080500086008
  • Büyükgöze‐Kavas, A. (2016). Predicting career adaptability from positive psychological traits. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(2), 114-125. DOI: 10.1002/cdq.12045
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. İstatistik, araştırma deseni SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum. ( Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2017). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem. Ankara
  • Corey, G. (2015). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. New York: Nelson Education.
  • De Vera, M. J., Gavino Jr, J. C., & Portugal, E. J. (2015). Grit and superior work performance in an Asian context. In Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference, January 2015.
  • Demir, Ö. O., & Ayaz, A. Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışma Bölümü Mezunlarının Çalışma Durumlarında Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Rolü. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 28-36.
  • Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. New York: Simon and Schuster.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Quinn, P. D. (2009). Development and validation of the Short Grit Scale (GRIT–S). Journal of personality assessment, 91(2), 166-174.
  • Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 92(6), 1087. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087
  • Duffy, R. D. (2010). Sense of control and career adaptability among undergraduate students. Journal of Career Assessment, 18(4), 420-430. doi: 10.1177/1069072710374587
  • Eryılmaz, A., & Kara, A. (2019). Öğretmenlerin Öznel İyi Oluşlarıyla Kariyer Uyumlulukları Arasında Amaçlar İçin Mücadele Etmenin Aracı Rolü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 9(52), 1-21.
  • Eskreis-Winkler, L., Shulman, E. P., Beal, S. A., & Duckworth, A. L. (2014). The grit effect: Predicting retention in the military, the workplace, school and marriage. Frontiers in psychology, 5.
  • Eşici, H. (2014). Romantik ilişki kalitesinin erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar, bağlanma ve psikolojik ihtiyaçlar açısından incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., &Wallen, N. E. (2009). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. Boston, MA: McGraw Hil
  • Franklin, R. J. (2015). What Leads To Effective Self-Regulation? Origins And Outcomes Of Entrepreneurs’grit. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 35(4), 1.
  • Glasser, W. (1998). The quality school: managing students without coercion New York: Harper Collins.
  • Glasser, W. (1999). Choice theory: A new psychology of personal freedom. Harper Perennial.
  • Glasser, W. (2000). School violence from the perspective of William Glasser. Professional School Counseling, 4(2), 77.
  • Guan, Y., Guo, Y., Bond, M. H., Cai, Z., Zhou, X., Xu, J., ... & Wang, Y. (2014). New job market entrants' future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 136-145.
  • Guo, Y., Guan, Y., Yang, X., Xu, J., Zhou, X., She, Z., ... & Pan, Z. (2014). Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 394-402.
  • Harry, N., & Coetzee, M. (2013). Sense of coherence, career adaptability and burnout of early-career Black staff in the call centre environment. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39(2), 1-10.
  • Hogan, M., & Larkin-Wong, K. (2013). Grit and Mindset. Women Law. J., 98, 11.
  • Karacan Ozdemir, N., &Ayaz, A. (2018). Okul psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programları: Kariyer uyum yetenekleri açısından bir inceleme. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Advance online publication. doi: 10.16986/HUJE.2018045437
  • Karacan-Ozdemir, N., & Yerin Guneri, O. (2017). The factors contribute to career adaptability of highschool students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 67, 183–198. ejer.2017.67.11.
  • Karacan-Özdemir, N., & Yerin Güneri, O. (2017). The Factors Contribute to Career Adaptability of High-School Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), (67).
  • Karacan-Özdemir, N.,. (2016). The factors contrıbute to career adaptabılıty of hıgh school students. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, METU, Ankara.
  • Kim, A. S., DiPlacido, M. P., Kerns, M. C., & Darnley, R. E. (2018). Industry 4.0: Digitization in Danish Industry. adresinden erişildi.
  • Koen, J., Klehe, U. C., Van Vianen, A. E., Zikic, J., & Nauta, A. (2010). Job-search strategies and reemployment quality: The impact of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(1), 126-139.
  • Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S. C., & Jonas, K. (2013). Transformational leadership and performance: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and work engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4), 543-555. DOI:10.1111/joop.12022
  • Maddi, S. R., Matthews, M. D., Kelly, D. R., Villarreal, B., & White, M. (2012). The role of hardiness and grit in predicting performance and retention of USMA cadets. Military Psychology, 24(1), 19.
  • Peterson, C. (2000). The future of optimism. American Psychologist, 55(1), 44.
  • Rudolph, C. W., Lavigne, K. N., & Zacher, H. (2017). Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 98, 17-34.
  • Sarıçam, H., Çelik, I., & Oğuz, A. (2015, October). Turkish adaptation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S): Validity and reliability study. In The 3rd International Congress on Curriculum and Instruction (pp. 22-24).
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005).The theory and practice of career construction. Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, 1, 42-70.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2011). Constructing careers: Actor, agent, and author. Journal of Employment Counseling, 48(4), 179.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2013). The 2012 Leona Tyler Award Address: Constructing Careers Actors, Agents, and Authors. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(4), 648-662.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2011). Revision of the career maturity inventory: The adaptability form. Journal of Career Assessment, 19(4), 355-374.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Siddoway, R. (2013). Grit. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group.
  • Silman, F. (2014). Work-related basic need satisfaction as a predictor of work engagement among academic staff in Turkey. South African Journal of Education, 34(3), 01-05.
  • Siyez, D. M., & Yusupu, R. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinde kariyer uyumluluğu ve kariyer iyimserliğinin cinsiyet rolü değişkenine göre incelenmesi. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 17(1), 75-88. DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2015.0270.x
  • Suzuki, Y., Tamesue, D., Asahi, K., & Ishikawa, Y. (2015). Grit and work engagement: A cross-sectional study. PloS one, 10(9), e0137501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137501
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2015). Çok değişkenli istatistiklerin kullanımı (M. Baloğlu, çev.). Ankara. Nobel
  • Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. New York, NY: John Wiley
  • TÜİK (2018). İşgücü İstatistikleri, Ağustos 2018. adresinden erişildi.
  • Van den Broeck, A., Vansteenkiste, M., De Witte, H., & Lens, W. (2008). Explaining the relationships between job characteristics, burnout, and engagement: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction. Work & Stress, 22(3), 277-294.
  • Verbruggen, M., De Cooman, R., & Vansteenkiste, S. (2015). When and why are ınternal job transitions successful? Transition challenges, hindrances, and resources influencing motivation and retention through basic needs satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 40(6), 744-775. DOI: 10.1177/1059601115595935
  • Wubbolding, R. E. (2013). Reality therapy for the 21st century. Routledge.

Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Yordanmasında Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar ve Azmin Rolü

Year 2020, , 1130 - 1141, 20.05.2020


Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinin kariyer uyumluluklarının yordanmasında psikolojik ihtiyaçlar ve azmin rölünü incelemektir. Araştırma yordayıcı korelasyonel desene göre dizayn edilmiştir. Yordayıcı korelasyonel araştırmalar değişkenler arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenip, değişkenlerin birin-den yola çıkılarak diğerinin yordanmaya çalışıldığı araştırmalardır. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkeni kariyer uyumluluğu iken bağımsız değişkenler psikolojik ihtiyaçların alt boyutlarından sevgi ve ait olma, güç, özgürlük ve eğlence ile azmin alt boyutlarından gayrette ısrar ve ilginin tutarlılığıdır. Bu araştırma 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılı güz döneminde Gaziantep’te bulunan Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi’nde eğitim gören öğrenciler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma grubunun belirlenmesinde uygun örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubunda toplam 390 öğrenci yer almaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan bilgi formu, Kariyer Uyum Yetenekleri Ölçeği, Temel Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar Ölçeği ve Kısa Azim Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Kariyer uyumluluğunun yordanmasında psikolojik ihtiyaçlar ve azmin rolünün belirlenmesi amacıyla hiyerarşik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Analizin ilk aşamasında modele psikolojik ihtiyaçların alt boyutlarından sevgi, özgürlük, güç ve eğlence dâhil edilmiştir. Analizin ikinci aşamasında ise modele azmin alt boyutlarından gayrette ısrar dâhil edilmiştir. Sevgi, özgürlük, güç ve eğlenceden oluşan model kariyer uyumluluğuna ilişkin varyansın %41’ini açıklamaktadır. Analize ikinci blok olarak gayrette ısrar değişkeni dâhil edilmiştir. Gayrette ısrar değişkeni %8’lik manidar (p<.01) bir katkı sağlamaktadır. Gayrette ısrarın modele eklenmesiyle kariyer uyumluluğuna yönelik açıklanan toplam varyans %49’a yükselmiştir.


  • Akoğlan Kozak, M., & Dalkıranoğlu, T. (2013). Mezun öğrencilerin kariyer algılamaları: Anadolu Üniversitesi örneği. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 41–52. Retrieved from
  • Andreassen, C. S., Hetland, J., & Pallesen, S. (2010). The relationship between ‘workaholism’, basic needs satisfaction at work and personality. European Journal of Personality, 24(1), 3-17.
  • Arshadi, N. (2010). Basic need satisfaction, work motivation, and job performance in an industrial company in Iran. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 1267-1272. DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.273.
  • Ayaz, A., & Pişkin, M. (2017). İş dünyasında başarıya ulaşmış yöneticilerin kariyer örüntülerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası İş ve İstihdam Kongresi, 14-15 Aralık 2017. Ankara.
  • Benesová, ˇ A., Tupa, J., 2017. Requirements for education and qualification of people in industry 4.0. Procedia Manuf. 11, 2195–2202, doi: 10.1016/ j.promfg.2017.07.366
  • Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı (2018). Dijital Türkiye yol haritası. adresinden erişildi.
  • Bowker, L. (2004). What does it take to work in the translation profession in Canada in the 21st century?: Exploring a database of job advertisements. Meta: Journal des traducteurs/Meta: Translators' Journal, 49(4), 960-972. doi: 10.7202/009804
  • Broadbridge, A., & Swanson, V. (2005). Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life. Journal of Education and Work, 18(2), 235-249. doi:10.1080/13639080500086008
  • Büyükgöze‐Kavas, A. (2016). Predicting career adaptability from positive psychological traits. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(2), 114-125. DOI: 10.1002/cdq.12045
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. İstatistik, araştırma deseni SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum. ( Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2017). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem. Ankara
  • Corey, G. (2015). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. New York: Nelson Education.
  • De Vera, M. J., Gavino Jr, J. C., & Portugal, E. J. (2015). Grit and superior work performance in an Asian context. In Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference, January 2015.
  • Demir, Ö. O., & Ayaz, A. Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışma Bölümü Mezunlarının Çalışma Durumlarında Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Rolü. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 28-36.
  • Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. New York: Simon and Schuster.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Quinn, P. D. (2009). Development and validation of the Short Grit Scale (GRIT–S). Journal of personality assessment, 91(2), 166-174.
  • Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 92(6), 1087. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087
  • Duffy, R. D. (2010). Sense of control and career adaptability among undergraduate students. Journal of Career Assessment, 18(4), 420-430. doi: 10.1177/1069072710374587
  • Eryılmaz, A., & Kara, A. (2019). Öğretmenlerin Öznel İyi Oluşlarıyla Kariyer Uyumlulukları Arasında Amaçlar İçin Mücadele Etmenin Aracı Rolü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 9(52), 1-21.
  • Eskreis-Winkler, L., Shulman, E. P., Beal, S. A., & Duckworth, A. L. (2014). The grit effect: Predicting retention in the military, the workplace, school and marriage. Frontiers in psychology, 5.
  • Eşici, H. (2014). Romantik ilişki kalitesinin erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar, bağlanma ve psikolojik ihtiyaçlar açısından incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., &Wallen, N. E. (2009). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. Boston, MA: McGraw Hil
  • Franklin, R. J. (2015). What Leads To Effective Self-Regulation? Origins And Outcomes Of Entrepreneurs’grit. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 35(4), 1.
  • Glasser, W. (1998). The quality school: managing students without coercion New York: Harper Collins.
  • Glasser, W. (1999). Choice theory: A new psychology of personal freedom. Harper Perennial.
  • Glasser, W. (2000). School violence from the perspective of William Glasser. Professional School Counseling, 4(2), 77.
  • Guan, Y., Guo, Y., Bond, M. H., Cai, Z., Zhou, X., Xu, J., ... & Wang, Y. (2014). New job market entrants' future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 136-145.
  • Guo, Y., Guan, Y., Yang, X., Xu, J., Zhou, X., She, Z., ... & Pan, Z. (2014). Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 394-402.
  • Harry, N., & Coetzee, M. (2013). Sense of coherence, career adaptability and burnout of early-career Black staff in the call centre environment. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39(2), 1-10.
  • Hogan, M., & Larkin-Wong, K. (2013). Grit and Mindset. Women Law. J., 98, 11.
  • Karacan Ozdemir, N., &Ayaz, A. (2018). Okul psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programları: Kariyer uyum yetenekleri açısından bir inceleme. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Advance online publication. doi: 10.16986/HUJE.2018045437
  • Karacan-Ozdemir, N., & Yerin Guneri, O. (2017). The factors contribute to career adaptability of highschool students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 67, 183–198. ejer.2017.67.11.
  • Karacan-Özdemir, N., & Yerin Güneri, O. (2017). The Factors Contribute to Career Adaptability of High-School Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), (67).
  • Karacan-Özdemir, N.,. (2016). The factors contrıbute to career adaptabılıty of hıgh school students. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, METU, Ankara.
  • Kim, A. S., DiPlacido, M. P., Kerns, M. C., & Darnley, R. E. (2018). Industry 4.0: Digitization in Danish Industry. adresinden erişildi.
  • Koen, J., Klehe, U. C., Van Vianen, A. E., Zikic, J., & Nauta, A. (2010). Job-search strategies and reemployment quality: The impact of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(1), 126-139.
  • Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S. C., & Jonas, K. (2013). Transformational leadership and performance: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and work engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4), 543-555. DOI:10.1111/joop.12022
  • Maddi, S. R., Matthews, M. D., Kelly, D. R., Villarreal, B., & White, M. (2012). The role of hardiness and grit in predicting performance and retention of USMA cadets. Military Psychology, 24(1), 19.
  • Peterson, C. (2000). The future of optimism. American Psychologist, 55(1), 44.
  • Rudolph, C. W., Lavigne, K. N., & Zacher, H. (2017). Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 98, 17-34.
  • Sarıçam, H., Çelik, I., & Oğuz, A. (2015, October). Turkish adaptation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S): Validity and reliability study. In The 3rd International Congress on Curriculum and Instruction (pp. 22-24).
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005).The theory and practice of career construction. Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, 1, 42-70.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2011). Constructing careers: Actor, agent, and author. Journal of Employment Counseling, 48(4), 179.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2013). The 2012 Leona Tyler Award Address: Constructing Careers Actors, Agents, and Authors. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(4), 648-662.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2011). Revision of the career maturity inventory: The adaptability form. Journal of Career Assessment, 19(4), 355-374.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Siddoway, R. (2013). Grit. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group.
  • Silman, F. (2014). Work-related basic need satisfaction as a predictor of work engagement among academic staff in Turkey. South African Journal of Education, 34(3), 01-05.
  • Siyez, D. M., & Yusupu, R. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinde kariyer uyumluluğu ve kariyer iyimserliğinin cinsiyet rolü değişkenine göre incelenmesi. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 17(1), 75-88. DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2015.0270.x
  • Suzuki, Y., Tamesue, D., Asahi, K., & Ishikawa, Y. (2015). Grit and work engagement: A cross-sectional study. PloS one, 10(9), e0137501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137501
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2015). Çok değişkenli istatistiklerin kullanımı (M. Baloğlu, çev.). Ankara. Nobel
  • Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. New York, NY: John Wiley
  • TÜİK (2018). İşgücü İstatistikleri, Ağustos 2018. adresinden erişildi.
  • Van den Broeck, A., Vansteenkiste, M., De Witte, H., & Lens, W. (2008). Explaining the relationships between job characteristics, burnout, and engagement: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction. Work & Stress, 22(3), 277-294.
  • Verbruggen, M., De Cooman, R., & Vansteenkiste, S. (2015). When and why are ınternal job transitions successful? Transition challenges, hindrances, and resources influencing motivation and retention through basic needs satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 40(6), 744-775. DOI: 10.1177/1059601115595935
  • Wubbolding, R. E. (2013). Reality therapy for the 21st century. Routledge.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Ayaz

Hasan Eşici This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2020
Acceptance Date January 23, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ayaz, A., & Eşici, H. (2020). Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Yordanmasında Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar ve Azmin Rolü. Kastamonu Education Journal, 28(3), 1130-1141.