e-ISSN: 2147-9844
Founded: 1995
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By 24.05.2021 articles are accepted from the link https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/kefdergi to our journal.
Ongoing articles will be completed through the DergiPark system.

The new decisions taken in Kastamonu Education Journal as of 2021 are as follows:
📌 It is mandatory to submit an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate for qualitative and quantitative researches conducted in 2020 and beyond.
📌 A total of 10-20 articles are published in each issue in our journal. Articles are put in order as of the date of acceptance for publication. However, a separate ranking is made according to the distribution of the articles in each issue. Even if it is the turn of the articles, if the quota of the relevant field is filled, an article from a different field can be published.
📌 Only one article of each author can be published in the same year.
📌 Our journal publishes only full-text English articles as of 2021.
📌 Plagiarism Report (%15-up to a maximum of 15) and (if any) Ethics Committee Approval document will be added by the author during article submission.
📌 Our language and statistics editors review the studies before the referee process. If the submitted work is not found sufficient in terms of language or method, it may be rejected before the referee process begins.

2025 - Volume: 33 Issue: 1

Points to Consider When Uploading Articles (Makale Yüklerken Dikkat Edilecek Noktalar)

The following files must be uploaded when uploading an article to our journal.
(Dergimize makale yüklenirken aşağıdaki dosyaların yüklenmesi gerekmektedir.)

1-An anonymous full text file (in word format) suitable for our journal's template and blind refereeing.
(Dergimizin şablonuna ve kör hakemliğe uygun isimsiz tam metin dosyası (word formatında.)

2-Plagiarism report (Turnitin or iThenticate must be used and must be at a maximum rate of 15%)
(İntihal raporu -Turnitin ya da iThenticate- kullanılmalı ve en fazla %15 oranında olmalıdır.)

3-Ethics committee certificate
(Etik kurul belgesi)

4-Title page (Name, surname, institution, e-mail, phone, ORCID of all authors)
(Başlık sayfası -Tüm yazarların isim soyisim, kurum, e-mail, telefon, ORCID numarası olmalıdır.)

5-Copyright transfer form
(Telif hakkı devir formu)